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Something Strange Going On: Lights, Craft, Aircraft

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WGFT Note: This isn't an isolated event. All through the summer of 2009, right across the UK, all manner of mind-boggling 'aerial' things have been happening. The UK isn't the only country it's happening in, but a lot seems to be concentrated here. Check back through thousands of reports at UK UFO Sightings: ~ I tidy up some sighting reports so they read easier. Reports are often posted quickly, perhaps on text phones, etc. I always link to the original report. ~ Michael Irving


Location of Sighting: South Leicester, England

Date of Sighting: 19/20th November, 2009

Time: 1 am / afternoon / evening ~ Witness: Sam V


I have only just decided to submit this siting after weird activity in the sky today. I checked the sky last night before going to bed. I saw an intense bright yellow light that appeared to have a tail of light. At first I thought it was a firework but it kept rising.

It then turned in the sky, and went across for a short distance before doing what I can only describe as a sudden 'U' TURN, and I could then see 2 intense yellow lights, and 2 red ones, in a square shape.

The two red ones flashed, and the yellow ones blinked on and off separately. There was a faint low engine like sound... and the object flew again in a line, until it went out of my view.

I couldn't work out what it was because it moved and had lights that I've never seen before, and concluded it must of been some kind of strange plane.

Then today while waiting for my children to finish school, I noticed lots of planes in the sky; way more than usual ... (I) had been checking the sky at regular intervals.

I saw two small planes, with white lights, appearing to be chasing something that had one constant red light.

Then when my son and I went to the chip shop the sky was very busy with small planes that were circling the area.

As we walked home down the path that leads to our house we saw a plane that seemed to be moving and then stopping. My nine year-old said planes don’t do that. It was very strange to see.


I can’t believe I’ve seen all of this since last night.

There's something strange going on.


The above report is at:


WGFT coverage of the 2009 Big UFO Wave:

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