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First Contact (2009)

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First Contact (2009)

CSETI 3-Day Conference on Contact and Disclosure, October 24-26, 2009

"A SPECIAL CONFERENCE UNDER THE STARS TO CELEBRATE AND MAKE ET CONTACT!" Rio Rico, Arizona. With the Center For the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, directed by Dr Greer - director also for the Disclosure Project.

Conference details:

"we will share the amazing 18-year history of CSETI Contact with videos, photographs, and audiotapes of actual contact during CSETI expeditions around the world!"

"Each night, we will all gather under the stars to MAKE ET CONTACT together using light, lasers, electronic tones from Crop Circles and other ET manifestations and Cosmic Awareness."

Attendees "will learn and experience the CSETI contact protocols that have resulted in unprecedented open contact around the world between CSETI research teams and ET civilizations, and what is next in Worldwide Disclosure."

"Dispositive proof of contact with interstellar civilizations will be presented, including updates on recent major CSETI contact events along with supporting electromagnetic, audio, and video confirmation. Mr. Andrews will provide the latest information on the crop circle evidence and recent disclosures regarding British government involvement in the matter. Dr. Greer will also be presenting the latest updates on Disclosure and ongoing briefings with members of Congress, those close to the Obama Administration, and recent initiatives with a G7 country to make peaceful, open contact with the extraterrestrial visitors."

"The unveiling of the detailed briefing provided to the new Obama Administration and senior government officials in Washington, DC "

Disclosure Project. Dr. Carol Rosin's Testimony

(Dr Werner von Braun is the correct spelling of who she was refering to in the video. I searched his name before posting the video, yet it was common to see it incorrectly spelt how it sounded. )