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Connecticut Man Uses iPhone to Photograph 3 Discs Over Stamford

Linda Moulton Howe

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and got those three discs not moving.”

- Kersten S., Limousine Driver, Stamford, CT


Stamford, Connecticut, is on Long Island Sound northeast of New York City.


September 30, 2009  Stamford, Connecticut - Kersten S. from Norwalk, Connecticut, was working as a driver for a limousine company between 1 and 2 PM on Wednesday, September 30, 2009, in Stamford, Connecticut, northeast of New York City. He parked to complete paper work in the town car he was driving. His car faced east toward Long Island Sound.

Kersten told me today that he looked up from his work through the tinted front window and there in the cloudy sky were three discs in a triangle formation completely stationary. “I was so shocked that I sat there for a few moments just staring. Then I grabbed my iPhone, clicked once and got those three discs not moving. I was trying to change to a tighter focus, took my eyes off the discs for only a moment, but when I aimed the camera back at the sky, the discs were gone. The whole thing was maybe thirty seconds, but I never saw those things move once. What are they?

“It's eerie because ten years ago when I was also in Stamford walking at night, I heard a low volume humming sound and there were three discs in the sky moving very slowly, sort of like the triangle formation today. But that night, the shapes were round, not flat discs. I don't know if they were three circles on one large craft or three separate, round aerial craft. Nothing glowed with light. I could barely see them as lighter shapes in the night sky, almost like they were being stealthy and did not want to be seen. I didn't have anything to photograph with and was so shocked I just stared until the three circles moved and disappeared behind some buildings.”

Apple iPhone Image Through Tinted Town Car Window

September 30, 2009, between 1 - 2 PM Eastern

Stamford, Connecticut, facing east toward Long Island Sound

© 2009 by Kersten S.


If anyone else in Connecticut, along the East Coast or elsewhere has seen and/or photographed one or more similar discs in the sky, day or night, please email:  All requests for confidentiality are honored.