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THE DULCE BOOK - Cahpter 2--High Strangeness On The Archuleta Plateau

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In the Spring of 1990 researcher 'Jason Bishop' sent copies of the following report to a select few investigators, and later gave permission for the report to be distributed among a wider readership. Is the object described within the report the product of secret technology being developed by the Military-Industrial Complex as part of some covert or deep-cover space project? Or does it involve something a bit more 'alien' than mere top secret black-project research and top-of-the-line vanguard aircraft designs -- the Stealth series, the Aurora, etc. -- which are being developed at the Nevada Test Site? Or, could it be a combination of both?

The transcript, titled: 'RECOLLECTIONS AND IMPRESSIONS OF VISIT TO DULCE, NEW MEXICO - OCTOBER 23, 24, 1988', is reproduced in its entirety below.

"Upon arrival I was introduced to Dr. John F. Gille, a French National. Dr. Gille has a PhD in Math/Physics from the University of Paris. He had worked very closely with the French Government on the UFO phenomena in that country.

(Side Note: Dr. Gille had also released a report on another "Dulce-like" base near Pine Gap - Alice Springs, Australia. This base is a massive multi-levelled facility run by the "Club of Rome" which, like the 'Bildeberger' organization, is reputedly a cover for the Bavarian Illuminati. The article spoke of antigravity disk research, and plans to make Pine Gap a major "control center" for a "New World Order". Pine Gap is equipped with whole levels of computer terminals tied-in to the major computer mainframes of the world which contain the intimate details of most of the inhabitants of industrialized nations. The article also spoke of the infiltration of several major religious denominations, the media, international governments, the economy, education, and other levels of society by the Bavarian Illuminati, in order to prepare the way for a New World Order dictatorship. The report also stated that the workers at Pine Gap are highly indoctrinated and programmed so that they do not threaten or sabotage the security of the Illuminati projects being carried out there. - Branton).

"He told me," Bishop continues, "that he has not worked in his chosen field for fifteen years, having devoted all of his time to research on UFOs. Dr. Gille is an amiable, forthright man. He has no reservations about expressing his own views on the subject. He does hold several beliefs that border on the paranormal. Dr. Gille had his wife, Elaine, with him. My personal view of him is one of caution. Until I get to know him better, I feel that I should be very careful.

"Edmound Gomez is a rancher. His ranch is 13 miles west of Dulce. (Note: Accounts given by others state that the ranch is 13 miles east of Dulce, however whatever the case may be it's safe to say that the ranch is 13 miles FROM Dulce. - Branton).

"From 1975 until 1983 the Gomez ranch was the scene [epicenter] of most of the cattle mutilations that took place in the northern New Mexico / southern Colorado area. He told me that his family homesteaded the Dulce area 111 years ago and that as a result of these mutilations, they lost $100,000 in cattle over an eight year period. One of these cases occurred only 200 yards behind his home. He showed me the area.

"Edmound was very open and discussed with me the various mutilation cases that had occurred on his ranch and on those of others. Upon our return from the mountain trip, he invited me to his home where he shared with me various photographs, clippings, letters etc. relating to the cases. He loaned me several overhead photographs of the Mt. Archuleta area. I hope to be able to have them examined through image intensification techniques.

"Edmound also told me about the many times that combat ready troops had been spotted in the area. Some of these troops were found in areas that are only gotten to through four-wheel drive trucks or on foot. [This is VERY rugged country]. The troops were also spotted in areas that only the Apache has permission to go. When the reported 'experimental aircraft' went down in 1983, there were 'hundreds of troops, armed to the teeth' reported in the area. When approached, the troops would run and disappear.

"Participants in the Mt. Archuleta expedition were: Gabe Valdez, Edmound Gomez, Dr. John Gille, [name deleted], Manuel Gomez [Edmound's brother], Jeff and Matt Valdez [Gabe's sons]. Because of Gabe's position as head of the State Police in Dulce and Edmound being a part of the community, we were given permission to go onto the mountain. It is located on the Apache Reservation.

"We left about 1430 hrs, Sunday, 23 October 1988. We used Gabe's four wheel drive pickup truck to get up the mountain. The road was incredibly difficult. At one time we had to dig out the side of the mountain in order to allow the truck to pass. At about 1730 hrs we arrived at the proposed campsite. It was on a relatively flat area about 300 yards from the peak of Mt. Archuleta.

"Gabe and Edmound both told me that in 1978 there was an agreement between the Ute Indians [Colorado] and the Federal Government. This agreement consisted of the Ute Nation receiving all the territory now occupied along the New Mexico/Colorado border with the explicit agreement that they would strictly enforce a 'NO TRESPASSING' regulation along the border of their territory. Therefore, it is not possible to even cross the Ute Reservation without special permission from the Tribal Headquarters. If caught without this permission you are liable for a fine and/or jail and expulsion. There is now a road leading to the Archuleta area through the reservation. It is patrolled by the Indian Forest Service (Note: the Colorado border is only a relatively few miles away from and to the north of the Archuleta plateau. - Branton)

"At 1951 hrs. all seven of us spotted a very bright light coming from the northwest at a very high rate of speed. The object appeared to be boomerang shaped with a very bright light just below its center (Some have alleged that these 'boomerang' shaped vehicles may have some connection with a super-secret black budget space operation called Alternative-3. - Branton). The light was a bright white, blue and green. As it approached, it slowed down [obviously under intelligent control], seemed to reverse direction, finally stopping. When it stopped, a shower of what appeared to be sparks were emitted from each end of the boomerang, and then it began moving forward again and disappeared from sight at a very high rate of speed. All this took place in approximately 10 to 15 seconds. We attempted to take a picture of the object but were unsuccessful.

"About 2200 hours we climbed to the summit of Mt. Archuleta and watched for about an hour and a half. We could see across the canyon in the moonlight. This canyon wall is where Paul Bennewitz [prominent and well known physicist and UFO investigator] claimed an 'alien' base is located and that during the night their ships are seen entering and leaving cave openings in the cliff wall. During our stay on the peak, we saw two very bright lights on the cliff walls in the exact location where Paul said the base openings were. There are no roads on this cliff. The lights would appear suddenly and then fade over a period of time until you could not see them. At this time we also heard voices that sounded like radio transmissions. The voices were not understandable but they were there none the less. The same light pattern was seen by myself and Edmound Gomez as we sat on the about 0100 hours. We also heard voices. At one time we thought we could hear trucks moving but we could not be sure about this. After 0200 hours there were no more sightings or sounds.

"On Monday, 24 October 1988 the entire party climbed to the peak once again. We were looking for evidence that there had been a crash of an 'experimental aircraft' flown by an Air Force General in 1983. This crash was reported in the newspapers for two days as a small plane and then hushed up. The craft was rumored to be a captured UFO, flown by Americans. We were hoping to prove that there indeed had been a crash but also to find some physical evidence.

"Dr. Bennewitz reported that the craft had clipped off a large tree in it's descent, had hit another tree, regained altitude, skimmed over the peak of Archuleta, [and] hit a third tree in the valley north of the peak. It was then reported to have hit the ground, flipped over twice and came to rest. We found the trees as reported by Bennewitz. They were all in line with each other and the final resting place. The first tree was about 40 inches in diameter. It was hit about 30 feet off the ground. There was no fire. I have taken samples of this tree for analysis. The other two trees were smaller [approximately 12 to 20 inches in diameter]. There was evidence of fire with these. Samples of [these] trees were also taken. Between the second tree and the third tree we found large pieces of what appeared to be part of the first tree. One piece was burnt while next to it was one that had not been burned. Samples were taken. While searching for physical evidence, a standard issue style ball-point pen was found. This is of the same type used by the U.S. Government but can also be purchased by the general public. Strange to have been found in such a remote place as this canyon. The alleged crash area showed a large SEMI-CIRCULAR area with new vegetation. The area above the semi-circular area was covered with new vegetation also. Samples of the soil of this area were taken.

"My overall impressions of this trip are mixed. I believe that there is definitely something going on in the area. What it is, I do not know. Perhaps there is a base there. Perhaps it is jointly operated by 'aliens' and the government, as claimed by John Lear. Then again, it could be a US base so super secret that there are no fences around to arouse any suspicion... then again I cannot say for sure. I do know that the evidence that we found and saw definitely points to the fact that something is going on in this area."

In apparent confirmation of the above, Gabe Valdez -- the former State Police officer in Dulce, New Mexico who was a part of the expedition described above -- was contacted by researcher Alan deWalton in 1990, in an attempt to confirm some of the information concerning his involvement in the UFO-mutilation investigations. During a telephone conversation with Valdez, the following was learned:

"-- He and others HAD seen strange flying objects in the area, however he himself was unsure whether these were 'UFO's' of alien origin, or some type of top secret aircraft being tested by some secret faction of the government.

"-- Something DID crash near Mt. Archuleta several years ago, but again, he did not find any evidence conclusively proving whether it was an object of human OR alien origin.

"-- There is another road leading to the Mt. Archuleta area [and mesa] aside from the one which goes through the Ute Indian reservation. As for the Ute Reservation road, much of it is in good condition [paved?]. Only the area around the Archuleta region itself requires four-wheel drive vehicles.

"-- He did investigate cattle mutilations, and at least in SOME cases a known nerve agent was discovered in the carcasses, and other indications suggesting that the cattle were being used for research in 'D.N.A.' experiments."

Quite by accident, while scanning the Internet, I was surprised to discover yet another confirmation of the events described earlier by Jason Bishop. This THIRD confirmation of UFO activity near Dulce, New Mexico by members of the expedition team was given by none other than John Gilli, one of the Mt. Archuleta expedition team members mentioned earlier. Gilli's own report follows:


SUMMARY: -- Report of UFO sighting over Mt. Archuleta, NM on October 23, 1988 by John F. Gille et. al.


-- Southern slopes of Mt. Archuleta, 5 miles NW of Dulce, NM.

-- Location of the phenomenon: South to North trajectory for about two miles stopping very close to Mt. Archuleta summit.

-- Estimated closest observers distance: 480 yards.

-- Distance from observers to spot where the UFO stopped: 510 yards.

-- Time: 7:51 pm Mountain time.

-- Duration: est. 5-6 seconds


-- Eliane Allegre, RN

-- Gabe Valdez

-- Edmund, friend of Valdez

-- "Jack" [pseudonym], PhD

-- Manuel, local kid

-- Greg, son of Valdez

-- Jeff, another son of Valdez

-- John Gille, PhD

(Note: "Jack" would probably be Jason Bishop, which is itself a pseudonym used by a researcher and a friend of mine who uses this pseudonym because of his deep-level research into some very dangerous areas of investigation. That is, IF one considers the revelations such as those contained within this volume to be 'dangerous' information under certain circumstances. - Branton)


I [John Gille] was interested in the Dulce area because of rumors related to a jointly [CIA-Alien] occupied underground facility under Mt. Archuleta, and to numerous UFO sightings, as reported by local residents.

A night of observation in the mountains had been planned under the leadership of Valdez.

Since about 7:30pm, we had been playing OUIJA at the instigation of Valdez. Just as we were processing the last person, one of Valdez's sons shouted: "Look! Here it comes!"

[NOTE: I {Gille} DO NOT make the statement that there was a causal correlation between what we had just been doing and what we saw next. I merely report two consecutive events which may or may not have been correlated.]


The object came from the south at great speed on a flat, straight, rectilinear, horizontal trajectory resulting in a perfectly straight luminous yellowish line. It was definitely not a plane or a shooting star.

There was no sound coming from the object.

The object stopped dead in its tracks near the top of the mountain.

At the same time, it became extremely luminous, lighting at least half the sky. There was a display of various colors: yellow, pink, green, and a shower of sparks.

Then the object folded on itself and disappeared.


-- New Mexico maps

-- US Geological Survey maps [Wirt Canyon]


-- Group photo of witnesses

-- Campsite

-- Mt. Archuleta

The trajectory was about 2000 ft. above the lowest point under the estimated path of the object, which is the Navajo River, elevation 6600 ft.


* THE U.F.O. BBS - *


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