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UFO Traffic Report: Silver disc UFO hovers over Georgia Highway 23

Roger Marsh

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The UFO Traffic Report for Monday, June 8, 2009, includes 13 selected sightings over eight states, according to witness statements filed in the past 72 hours with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database.

UFO traffic reports have picked up again after about a five-day decrease, with the more unusual cases coming in again now from across the country.

Today's stories include: a silver disc that hovers over a Georgia highway; another disc-shaped UFO that shows up in an Arizona's man's photo taken outside of Phoenix; another disc-shaped craft over Colorado caught on film; a disc seen over Illinois near an odd-shaped cloud; a glowing ball of lights seen near Florida's Highway 71; more than a dozen V-shaped objects spotted in the skies over Illinois; two Arizona witnesses watched two Bright Lights after seeing a bright flash of light in the sky; an Arizona witness claims a meteor may have hit ground near Mohave County; a triangle UFO over Texas; a cigar-shaped object with an illustration over Texas; and odd Bright Light testimony from California, Georgia, and Indiana.

In other news: Please check out our MUFON state web site index - another way of tracking down UFOs near you.

Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If MUFON investigates and reports back on any of these cases, I will update this page.

You can read my selected cases by type of UFO report at the UFO Traffic Report index page.

The following reports and their headlines are unedited.

First up today is a a Georgia witness and his mother who were traveling along Highway 23 through Baldwin County when they saw a silver disc floating across the highway. The object had no wings and hovered above the highway for about 30 seconds. The witness and a vehicle in front of him slowed down to watch the event. The object then lifted straight up into the sky and disappeared.

GA, May 30, 2009 - Silver disk traveling over hwy and then traveling straight up.

I was traveling on hwy 23 going through Baldwin County Georgia. I was taking a trip to the Georgia mountains with my mother. About 1.5 miles before we reached the 441 Bypass to go to Mt. Airy, Ga, I saw a silver disk floating across the hwy. It was coming from over the trees from my right and going to the left. At first I said, mom, there is an airport here. I had driven about 3 hours and thought it was cool they had an airport because I rather fly next time. But as I looked, it had no airplane wings or anything. It then hovered over the hwy for about 30 seconds and looked like it was tilting a bit, like wobbling. I looked at the van infront of me and slowed down so I wouldnt hit him. I slowed down because I wanted to see the object. The van stepped on his brakes too, so I guess he saw it. I still don't know for sure if they saw it, but they slammed on their brakes too. Anyways, I looked up after 5 seconds of watching the traffic and it was still wobbling or something . It was so siler and shiny I couldnt see if it was spinning or wobbling. It made a sharp turn and you could see it travel straight up in the sky.. There were white clouds behind me , but not infront of me, so it didn't disapear in the clouds. It went straight out in space, in the blue atmosphere. This spooked me! As I traveled on to the 441 bypass, I saw a white private jet going towards Mt. Airy. I wonder if this pilot saw it because he was about 20 miles out and coming in the opposite direction. After I saw the disk that day, I did not see it again. Later that day I got very sick, and am still feeling like I have the flu. My mother says she felt kind of sick as well. I think the whole thing just freaked us out that it made us sick to our stomachs. This is the 4th time in 20 years that I have seen an unidentified object, all in Georgia.

Another case where nothing is seen while the photo was taken – but a UFO shows up when viewed later. This photo was taken on the Apache Trail outside of Phoenix, Arizona.

AZ, May 16, 2009 - Photo was taken and saw nothing at the time, untill later when downloaded pictures.

I was on a trip to phoenix and while taking some pictures with a friend

on the apache trail outside of phoenix.

Image: witness photo. MUFON image.

No one was around for miles and either of us saw anything. It was a clear hot day not sure what direction I was facing but, it was mid day on the 16th of MAY.

When I came home I heard on the news that many people in phoenix called in UFO sightings that same Saturday.

When I downloaded the pictures we found the one I am submitting for analysis.

Image: Cropped and enlarged witness photo. MUFON image.

I have never been a believer (yet) but I would love to have this photo professionaly analysed. Can you help?

A Colorado witness who sees UFOs on a regular basis, spotted one on the morning of June 5 that was above the cloud level – and decided to grab camera and tripod to capture it. The object appeared to be dropping in elevation. After taking 45 images, the witness says the shape of the pulsating object appeared to be circular. This is the sixth time the witness has photographed a UFO in the same general direction in the early morning hours. For those of you near the Front Range area around Denver, the witness says you should be able to see these objects. The witness previously reported and photographed a triangle-shaped UFO on May 16, 2009.

CO, June 5, 2009 - Bright slowly moving Pulsating Light in Southern Sky, Early AM

I looked out the window at 4:45am and noticed it was cloudy and overcast. I did not expect to see a UFO like I do almost every morning at this time but there it was.

Image: Witness photo. MUFON image.

It was not below the cloud level like the day before but still easy to see. I just watched it for a few minutes trying to decide if I really wanted to go take photographs or go back to bed since I was off work today.

As I watched the UFO it moved and slowly dropped in elevation. The UFO became brighter the more I watched indicating it was moving closer to me. That was all I needed. I rushed downstairs, grabbed camera and tripod and by the time I took the first photo the time was 4:55:32am.

The time on the last photo was 5:05:10 and the UFO was rapidly moving away from me and becoming fainter. From the last photograph until I could no longer see it was about 10 seconds.

Image: Cropped and enlarged witness photo. MUFON image.

I took 45 photographs total and kept 26 of the best. Many of these pictures are identical looking but some pictures show a pattern or shape on this circular UFO. I assume the camera is capturing the bottom of the UFO or object in the sky.

This object is almost due south of me and just very slightly to the East. This is the 6th time I have taken photos of objects (UFO�s) in this approximate location in the early morning hours.

Like the day before this object also pulsated but not as fast. Each cycle of pulse was 4-5 seconds in between unlike the day before.

Actual sunrise is 5:32am MDT and weather conditions about the time of this sighting is as follows:

Temperature: 56.6 degrees F

Humidity: 84%

Dew Point: 52 degrees F

Wind: 0.0

Wind Gust: 0.0

Pressure: 24.51 steady

Visibility: 15.0 miles

UV: 1 out of 16

Clouds: Scattered clouds 8000 ft, mostly cloudy 12000 ft.

Elevation 5462 ft.

It appears objects appear in the early morning sky almost every night. I have no idea what time they might show up since I�m asleep but I see and photograph them often in the very early hours. The very first time I took a photograph of an object in the sky in this approximate location it turned out to be a triangle, also reported to MUFON on May 16, 2009.

Anyone living in the Front Range around Denver should be able to see these objects as easily as I can. It�s very likely these objects are in the sky most of the night but I have no way of knowing that, it�s only a guess. [cms/tg/pid]

A woman standing by a bike trail called Paupers Farm Crossing near Harrisburg, Illinois, first saw an unusual looking cloud in the sky – shaped like the number 3. Then she saw a light near the cloud the size of a pin. This light dimmed to an off-white color – where she was able to see that it was a disc-shaped object. Then it moved diagonally toward the ground, then made a loop, and went straight back up into the sky and disappeared. Then 10 minutes later, she saw the disc again, but this time it was larger, about the size of a pea – making a zig sagging motion across the sky toward the odd-shaped cloud.

IL, May 29, 2009 - UFO spotted by a cloud shaped like the number 3.

I was waiting for my boyfriend on my motorcycle, waited about a half an hour by the bike trail by paupers farm crossing to those of you who know Harrisburg. Just observing the clouds against a brilliant blue sky, I noticed one cloud that didn't move like the others did. This cloud was shaped just like the number 3. I wish I had had my camera. As I looked a little longer, a bright light about the size of pin from my distance, appeared just to the left of the cloud, then the light dimmed to an off white...and I realized it was a disc that started to move at a diagonal going downward...then all of a sudden almost as quickly it appeared, it made a loop and went straight up and dissapeared in a flash. It startled me for sure, I had never seen anything quite like that before. Still watching the sky after that, about ten minutes later I just happened to look overhead when I saw the disk shaped object appear again, this time a bit larger...about the size of a pea in the sky, but still that off white color...darted in a zig zag motion across the sky toward the number 3 shaped cloud that was still in the same spot in the sky, it was faster than anything I had ever seen before. I felt my heart jump in my throat and my pulse started racing. It was a phenomonal experience. Nothing like it ever.

A Florida witness was driving along a rather desolate piece of Highway 71 at 4:30 a.m. when she noticed bright lights. She said it seemed like “two rows of lights very wide in width hovering way up in the sky.” Getting closer, she now sees a “bright, sparkling silver ball with closed flaps all over it.” She described the ball as spinning, but staying still at the same time.

FL, June 2, 2009 - Round shaped like a ball with closed flaps all over it.

I was on my way to my daughter's house from Georgia, driving down Hwy. 71 South that dead-ends into Hwy. 98 towards Port. St. Joe, Fl. Before that, I was on another part of Hwy. 71 that dead ends and then I had to turn right and make an immediate left at a caution light that was still part of Hwy. 71. The last part of my drive. It is about a 10 to 12 min. drive from that caution light on Hwy. 71 to Hwy. 98. going south. It was about 4:30 a.m. Just a minute or so later I saw these bright lights up in the sky. It seemed like 2 rows of lights very wide in width hovering way up in the sky. At this time it seemed a long ways off and I thought it was maybe a road block way up ahead of me, so I slowed down. This particular road for most of its distance has no houses, only trees on both sides of the road. It was very dark except for the bright lights in the distance. As I got closer, I kept looking over to my right to see if I could tell what it was. All of a sudden I saw this very bright sparkling silver ball with closed flaps all over it. I could see the flaps very clearly because it was so bright and shinny, sparkling like a diamond ring and the ball was spinning around very fast and staying still at the same time. The lights were coming off of the ball hovering back and forth in a slow rocking motion. The two rows of lights had no colors to it, only the color of light you would see from a big flashlight. When I saw this 'ball' it was only for a few brief seconds and it didn't come back up above the trees again. But, the whole 10 minutes I could see the light from it and when I past by and looked into my rear view mirror, I could still see the lights in the sky. Well, I was really afraid at this point, and I drove real fast to get into Port. St. Joe thinking it was going to come and swoop me up. Now, I am a very sane person, worked for 30 yrs before I retired from state government five yrs. ago and I am 58 yrs. old. I have never seen anything like this before and I do believe it was a UFO. I was too afraid to stop and try to figure out how to take pictures with my son's cell phone that I had borrowed for the trip. I did have my little Jack Russell Terrier in the back seat and he barked at the object. I stopped at the Exxon gas station on Hwy. 98 for a few minutes and when I arrived at my daughter's house it was 5:02 a.m. I told her and my son-in-law about my experience and they both believed me. My son-in-law said there is a lake there behind the trees. That morning he heard on the radio about someone else claiming to have seen the same bright lights that I saw. The End!

An Illinois witness was outside grilling with three young children when she noticed between 12 and 18 V-shaped objects flying overhead and heading east. At first she thought they were a flock of birds, but noted that they were flying too fast and at too high an altitude to be birds. While the group moved, some of the moved side-to-side.

IL, June 3, 2009 - Overflight of several orange colored V shaped objects.

On Wednesday night June 3rd Around 9 or 9:15pm I was at home grilling dinner outdoors. I had both my 3 year old and my 5 year old with me. Both children remarked that they could see stars. I looked up and said yes you can seeing just a few stars. I turned to check the grill and my 5 year old said "whats that" I looked up and I saw 12 to 18 V shaped objects flying over heading east.

At first I thought they were a flock of birds back lighted by the sodium vapor lighting in a shopping center near by but they were moving way too fast and were at an altitude that I don't belive birds can fly. They were flying in a straight line across they sky. Some moved position from side to side.

I have never seen anything like this and I was wondering if anyone else has reported anything like this?

Two Arizona witnesses saw a bright flash in the sky, which caused them to step outside and investigate. Outside, they saw two floating objects. The first object stayed in the same spot, and then disappeared. The second object moved closer to them, got bright, and also disappeared.

AZ, June 5, 2009 - Huge flash of light outside of window, two floating objects.

My friend and I were sitting in bed talking in a dark room, all of a sudden a very bright flash lit up outside and the room. We opened the curtain, wasn't raining nor did a car pass by. We ran outside, looked to the north and there were two objects floating. Not near or anything, but in plain view. One stayed in the same spot and disappeared. The other came closer. As it came near us it got brighter and disappeared. It's been awhile since we've seen anything and its a bit unsettling.

An Arizona witness outside and star gazing, noticed a yellow fire ball in the sky getting larger and larger. He said it turned green, then orange with a blue-ish color – then it blinked a few times before fizzing out. He estimates that it might have hit the earth at Mohave. Five minutes later he said he felt a shock wave.

AZ, June 6, 2009 - Huge meteor hits ground.


A Texas witness saw an unusual light in the sky he first thought might be a blimp. On a closer look, he said it was triangle-shaped with three white lights, and one red light on the center of the craft. He described the sound that the craft made as a low, steady rumble of a jet engine at high altitude.

TX, June 2, 2009 - Triangular craft traveling across the western sky of East Texas.

On June 2nd, 2009 at or about 22:31 Hrs I stepped outside to the back of my house to continue a call on my cell phone with a friend when I witnessed traveling what I had originally believed was a blimp flying across the western sky from North to South. However, within moments I realized something unusual about the crafts overall shaped. I quickly excused myself off the phone and ran inside my house to call my girlfriend to the back of the house to also observe and further confirm what I was witnessing.

Upon our arrival to the back of the house, just moments later, the craft was still in the sky and still traveling across the western sky moving from North to South through the Constellation of Leo, from above the 40 degree azimuthal grid line to below it.

The craft can best be described as a Triangular shaped craft with three white lights appearing to be located on the vertices of the crafts underbelly and one red flashing light appearing to be located upon the center of the crafts underbelly (ventral). In addition I was also able to hear what I believe to be engine noise emanating from the craft. The sound was similar to that of a low steady rumble of a jet engine at high altitude traveling at cruising speed.

The craft was also not traveling at any unusual speed or pattern and appeared to be moving across the sky at, would appear to be, a comparatively reasonable speed for any aircraft. In fact, if it was not for it's close proximity to my location I might have not took notice of it.

I am a soon to be forty year old male (June 8th) who served honorably as a Security Police Officer in the United States Air Force from 1987 to 1993 and I am currently a Federal Corrections Officer with the Dept. of Justice/Federal Bureau of Prisons and have been for the last fourteen years. I currently have an Associate of Science Degree in Mathematics.

My Girlfriend is a bank teller at local bank.

A Texas witness watched at first what looked like a strange air plane coming in for a landing, then noticed its cigar shape and the fact that it had no wings. The object was slowing moving for a few moments, and then it disappeared. The witness says the sky was clear and there were no clouds. The object did not just blink out in a second – but just seemed to fade away.

TX, June 4, 2009 - Cigar shaped craft over the airport.

I was driving South on Jones Maltsburger at the intersection of Nakoma at aprox. 10:12 am CDT.

Image: Witness illustration of the event. MUFON image.

I noticed what I thought was a strange looking plane as it was over the airport and it was following the normal trajectory for a plane on aproach,(heading south east comming over 281) however it was not decending. It appeared to be about the size of a small private plane, kind of cigar shaped but i could not discern any wings. The object then turned away at a 90 deg angle and traveled south away from me...I could then tell it had no wings, and it then appeared more spherical.

The object was slow moving for a few moments and then disapeared. It did not vanish in an instant, rather it almost faded away. The sky was as clear as I have seen it in a while, no haze, nor any clouds at all. After it vanished I couldnt stop blinking thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me, I searched for it for about 5-10 more minnutes while on my commute but was never able to see it again. when I aproched the intersection of 281 and 410 I looked at the downtown skyline, to see if there was any sort of haze that may have hidden the object, there was none.

A California witness has been seeing similar lights in the sky between 8 and 10 p.m. The lights can be yellow-orange or white or a pale blue – and they eventually fade out into nothing. They seem to be fast moving lights with no blinking lights on them.

CA, June 6, 2009 - High speed objects in the sky

I have been seeing these lights between the hours of 8pm and 10pm. I have seen them flying from North to South West to East they come in a yellow orange or a white to pale blue color but all of them fade out into nothing I have seen them with the naked eye and with a pair of 7x50 Fujinon Binoculars compared to a plane these things look like they need to be somewhere fast with no blinking lights they look like a ball of light way high up in the sky, for example tonight 06/06/09 my wife and I witnessed two of them between 9:30 PM and 9:45 PM the first one came from the North and headed South this one was orange yellow and I observed it for about 30 seconds with my binoculars going at high speeds before fading out to nothing, the second one came about 20 seconds later from the North and headed South pretty much in the same direction except this one was a pale blue and I observed with my binoculars for about one minute before fading out also.

Here's a Georgia witness with a comment on recent sphere reports with smaller objects around them.

GA, June 6, 2009 - Multiple moving lights in sky--northeast to southeast

We saw something similar in NH starting in 2007. Large star-like spheres surrounded by smaller scouts that move quickly and often disappear. Tonight was a full moon and we should not have been able to see "stars" so clearly. How did we feel? Something made us look up tonight and for the first time in a year we saw them again. There is a certain atmosphere that comes with them.

I am a pilot and amateur astronomer since childhood. I know the sky.

An Indiana witness was lying in bed and saw five yellow lights rotating in a circle no more than 10 feet from the window. After a few seconds, the lights moved away at high speed.

IN, June 6, 2009 - 5 yellow lights rototed in a circle than they combined into one and flew away

I was laying in bed when i saw 5 yellow lights rotating in a cricle appear in front of my window. It just hovered there and emmitted no noise at all. They were no more than 10 feet away from my bed seperated from me by only the window. The object was very close to me so i just sat there staring in absolute disbelief, until it flew away at very high speeds, speeds that can not be reached in any man made aircraft, after 3-5 seconds.