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UFO Snapped Over Thames


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A STUDENT was left shocked when she checked her tourist snaps of the London skyline - and spotted what looks like a flying saucer.

University Of Exeter academic Karolina-Slavka Mueller was in London for the weekend, when she took some shots with her camera phone of the sights.

UFO in London

Eye-ful ... UFO appears to fly by London Eye

But when she looked back at the January 19 night time pictures of Tower Bridge and the London Eye, she was shocked to see an apparent UFO.

And experts claim it is the real thing.

Karolina said in an email: "What's very strange about this is the fact that we didn't actually see this object in the sky while I was taking the photos.

A bridge too far ... UFO on right

A bridge too far ... UFO on right

"I only discovered it once I loaded the photos onto my computer as I didn't even look at the photos until then."

The images - taken around 3.50am - were taken eight minutes apart as Karolina and two pals drove through Central London.

The apparent UFO is at an angle and appears to emit a mysterious blue light.

Karolina added: "None of us can come up with a reasonable answer to what this might have been.

"One of my friends, the driver, has grown up in London and he can't find a reasonable answer.

"He says he's never seen anything like it and that there definitely isn't any building in this area that could look like this."

UFO experts have been left scratching their heads over the sighting.

Editor, cameraman and UFO researcher Chris Martin said: "I was looking for evidence that these have been fabricated.

"I couldn't find any evidence. It's unprecedented because she produced three pictures, which seems to show it's flying.

"My own evaluation is that these photographs are genuine and have not been digitally manipulated or hoaxed."

He added: "These photos are, in my opinion as a UFO researcher, absolutely astounding and show a real object seemingly under intelligent control.

"This is a classic flying saucer-shaped UFO."

A Ministry of Defence spokesperson did not comment on the sighting, saying: "The MoD examines reports solely to establish whether UK airspace may have been compromisedby hostile or unauthorised military activity.

"Unless there is evidence of a potential threat, there is no attempt to identify the nature of each sighting reported."