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sent:  January 21, 2009







"Billy" Eduard Albert Meier was born on February 3, 1937 in Bülach, Switzerland. He was the second of seven children. His father was a shoemaker.

Eduard Meier had his first "UFO" sighting - a very big silvery "disc" - on June 2, 1942, together with his father. In the fall of 1942 he received his first telepathic contact by an extraterrestrial - a very frightening experience for the young child. On November of the same year young Eduard had his first ride in a extraterrestrial spacecraft, together with a very old man, SFATH. He taught Eduard vast spiritual and material knowledge.

Starting February 3, 1953, ASKET, an extraterrestrial woman from the DAL Universe, took over from Sfath. For 11 years, under her guidance, Eduard made many long trips through Europe and Asia, in order to learn and study many abilities and professions, and to prepare himself for his future mission of being a prophet, mediator and teacher. By way of time travel, they visited the past and even met and spoke with Jmmanuel, who lived two thousand years ago.

For another 11 years Eduard had to find his way without personal guidance from extraterrestrials.

On August 3, 1965, in Iskenderun, Turkey, Eduard Meier lost his left arm in a car accident.

On December 25, 1965, Eduard Meier met K.M. in Saloniki, Greece. Two months later they married. They traveled and lived in Turkey, Pakistan and India, to name but a few locations. On September 9, 1967, their daughter GILGAMESHA was born in Quetta. Later, after returning to Switzerland, two sons were born: ATLANTIS-SOKRATES (August 9, 1970) and METHUSALEM (October 31, 1973).

January 28, 1975 was the official start of Billy's mission, when he first met Semjase (see: Who is Semjase?), a woman from the Pleiades/Plejaren system (see: The Pleiades/Plejaren).

Between January 1975 and summer 1996 Billy Meier had - besides a lot of unofficial - about 250 official (= with information for the public) contacts with Extraterrestrials SEMJASE, PTAAH, QUETZAL, ASKET, NERA, TALJDA, MENARA, PLEIJA, FLORENA and others. Most of those talks were written down and published in the Contact Notes (German only).


By Eva Bieri, Switzerland

Much has been written about Eduard Albert Meier, who is called Billy, and much of it has been far from being flattering or objective. It seems that every human has his own subjective concept of what, or rather who, Billy Meier is. The fewest know him personally, and when they do, they know him not well enough to form an unbiased opinion about him.

Most people connect him with UFOs, what is most likely, since his "UFO" (spacecraft) photos are known all over the world. However, this UFO thing is pushed into the background more and more, and his main occupation comes forth ever distinctly: He is a penman, a writer who has already written thousands of pages, indeed not just novels--although he has written some--but writings whose content stimulates thinking and gives each person the initiative to ask ever more questions and, through this, to grasp ever more answers. He is the author of umpteen books that are written in a wonderful and understandable language. His (book) lines lead into worlds of which we have not dreamed yet. He gives nourishment to our dreams and lets our fantasy turn head over heals by touching strings within ourselves and letting them vibrate, something we possibly would have never discovered.

Billy is the author of many readable and interesting books. Why do most people not realize this? They define Billy through his "UFO" (spacecraft) photos only, whether these are genuine or not. They do not realize or know that Billy's task and main occupation is to write and teach. He does this so masterly and with a fluency that every sentence fits and is correct in its meaning. And all of this is achieved in one go, without additional correcting of sentences or content. That will not be imitated too easily by the so-called authors, who polish and potter around their books for years, until, ultimately, they publish it. All the while Billy, as a rule, writes a book in a few weeks or in two or three months (with only one hand), that is with a worthy content.

Billy has worked in a great variety of activities in many different professions, in order to ultimately being literally left sitting with a most difficult and ambitious work--to the luck of all people who read and study his books, and who are grateful that all of those tremendously big treasures have been written down by him and are recorded in writing.



The core of the Meier material is the spiritual teaching, the clearest, most insightful and penetrating spiritual teaching to be found. There are no hierarchies, beliefs, superstitions, rituals, etc. such as are found in virtually all terrestrial religions, and which serve only to enslave humanity in fear, guilt, war, etc. The real meaning of life is consciousness related evolution. So it is through the study of the spiritual teaching that one can learn how to evolve their consciousness, as well as learn how to live in true love, peace, freedom and harmony.

Michael Horn


As you read (and research) the following, please consider the possibility that the extraterrestrials and Meier are attempting to offer us assistance in solving the very serious problems we face.

• 7th Contact, February 25, 1975, and 35th Contact, September 16, 1975:

Connection of A-bomb testing, explosions to ozone damage; high-frequency "elementary radiations" unknown to terrestrial scientists; damage to Earth's rotation, magnetic disturbances, polar displacement; contribution of bromine gases to ozone damage; penetration of UV through holes, killing micro-organisms and leading to disruptions in food chain, genetic mutations and other long-term negative effects for humans and the planet.

Corroborated: November 29, 1988, with report published by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories announced this "new discovery": "Atom Bomb Testing Tied to Ozone Depletion".

Corroborated: 1991, when National Public Radio confirmed the connection between bromine gases and ozone layer damage.

Corroborated: February 24, 1992, Los Angeles Times, "Ozone Hole Damages Food Chain".

• 29th Contact, July 7, 1975, and 31st Contact, July 17, 1975:

Contact involved specific information about Venus, unknown at the time, including composition of atmospheric gases, surface temperatures, depth of clouds, wind speeds, atmospheric pressure, colouration, variation in terrain, etc.

Corroborated: October 1975 and August 1976, confirmed by probes from the USSR and USA respectively.

Corroborated: February 1981; USGS [US Geological Survey] was producing a topographical map of Venus which, as discovered by the investigative team, further confirmed the details Meier had published five years earlier.

• 31st Contact, July 17, 1975:

Semjase informed Meier that Mt Chimborazo, Ecuador, is the highest mountain on Earth (when measured from the center of the earth), contrary to Meier's belief that it was Mt Everest. Corroborated: June 1996 in Earth magazine, 21 years later.

• 45th Contact, February 25, 1976:

Semjase (Meier's extraterrestrial female contactor) warned him that our extraction of petroleum and natural gas from the Earth, the damming of waters and construction of huge cities are major factors contributing to increased earthquake/volcanic activity.

Corroborated: June 27, 1990, in The Good Life newspaper (now defunct), Los Angeles: "Earthquakes, Oil Interact".

• 115th Contact, October 19, 1978:

Meier described existence of Jupiter's rings, saying they are composed mainly of dust, particles, sulphur ions flung off by volcanoes on Io; described Io as the most volcanically active body in the solar system, and smooth, level-surfaced with no water; described Europa as ice-encrusted; Jupiter said to have 17 "actual" moons (Plejaren don't consider that all of Jupiter's satellites meet their standards for moons); described nature of Jupiter's huge funnel-shaped storm.

Corroborated: March 5, 1979, NASA's Voyager 1 probe discovered the rings of Jupiter, that Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system and that Europa is covered in ice—five months after Meier published this information.

Corroborated: September 15, 1998, Cornell University scientists confirmed particulate composition of rings from Jupiter's moons (first theorized by astronomers on August 2, 1995). Meier's information is 20 years ahead of Cornell's. (While scientists believe that the source of the particulate matter is explosions caused by meteorite strikes on the moons' surfaces, Meier's information seems more accurate, i.e., matter being explosively propelled from volcanoes at speeds up to 2,300 km/hour to heights of 180 km is more likely the true source of most particulate-forming rings.)

Additional information from the 115th Contact was accidentally given to lead investigator Col. Wendelle Stevens, USAF (Ret.), and shown by him to Maj. Rudolph Pestalozzi, USAF (Ret.) and Mr. O. Richard Norton, former director of the Flandreau Planetarium, Tucson, Arizona.

Witnessed by the three men, the information was secured until after the following specific, predicted events occurred:

• Jonestown massacre (Nov 18, 1978)

• Overthrow of the Shah of Iran (Jan 1979)

• Chinese invasion of North Vietnam (Feb–Mar 1979)

• Iran Hostage Crisis (Nov 1979–Jan 1981)

• Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (Dec 1979)

• Terrorist attack on Iranian Embassy, London (Apr–May 1980)

• Abdication of Queen Juliana of The Netherlands (Apr 1980)

• Death of Tito of Yugoslavia (May 4, 1980)

• Mount St Helens eruption (May 18, 1980)

• Assassination of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi (Oct 31, 1984).

• 1978:

In a Wasserman publication, Meier foretold the launch of a telescope at end of the 1980s that would make unfathomable discoveries in space, and wrote that a comet would be discovered in the late 1980s to early 1990s; it would be named Toutatis, and may threaten Earth in September 2004..

Corroborated: April 1990, Hubble telescope was launched.

Corroborated: 1989, French astronomers discovered a comet [asteroid], named it Toutatis, and predicted it would come closest to Earth on September 29, 2004.

• 1978, 1992:

In his book, Existing Life in the Universe, Meier stated that there are two small planetary bodies outside Pluto's orbit; he called them Trans-Pluto and Uni, and said scientists will discover them in the not-too-distant future.

Corroborated: July 3, 2001 and October 7, 2002, the BBC reported that scientists have discovered a new planet beyond Pluto.

• 150th Contact, October 10, 1981:

Meier discussed information concerning the 29 actual moons of Saturn, and the origins of moons from asteroids.

Corroborated: November 2000, scientists announced the discovery of 12 additional moons orbiting Saturn, bringing the "official" total to 28, just one shy of what Meier reported almost 20 years earlier; scientist corroborates the likelihood that moons originate from asteroids.

• 215th Contact, February 28, 1987:

Known as the Henoch (or Enoch) Prophecies, this contact contained a forewarning of the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) by terrorism, the series of worldwide wars that the US would subsequently launch, and military actions involving Russia, China, France, Germany, Spain, England, Scandinavia and many Third World and other countries.

Corroborated: September 11, 2001, the WTC was destroyed; the United States has already attacked Afghanistan and Iraq as of the time of this writing.

• 235th Contact, February 3, 1990:

Warned of earthquake in California and eruption of the Redoubt volcano in Alaska for February 28, 1992.

Corroborated: The Upland quake occurred on that precise date; and the Redoubt volcanic activity began on February 21 and continued through February 28, with more activity following in March.

• 241st Contact, February 3, 1992:

This contact contained specific corroborated warnings about:

• Landslide in Brazil, March 1992: occurred March 18, 1992;

• Nuclear accident in Russia during the third week of March: occurred March 27, 1992;

• Landers earthquake in Los Angeles for April 23 or 24, 1992: occurred April 22, 1992;

• Eruption of Mt Etna, Italy, in April 1992: reported April 15, 1992;

• Eruption of Cerro Negro, Nicaragua, in April 1992: occurred April 9–12, 1992;

• Earthquakes in Germany–Holland–Belgium area for April 1992: occurred April 13, 1992;

• Earthquakes in China–Burma (Myanmar) April 1992: occurred China–Burma border April 23, 1992.

• 249th Contact, June 13, 1994:

Still speculative: In response to a question Meier asked regarding "mad cow disease", Ptaah stated that "BSE pathogens cannot be destroyed by simply cooking the meat and other items, or by producing meat meal", and that the temperatures necessary for killing the disease-causing prions would need to be "as high as 700°C [1292°F], and possibly even up to 1000°C [1832°F], for previously mutated pathogens that have existed for some time now". Our scientists have been raising their own estimates as to the temperatures necessary to destroy the disease-causing prions and are now more closely approaching the temperatures that the Plejaren, Ptaah, stated.

• 251st Contact, February 3, 1995:

This contact contains startling information regarding technological developments such as hybrid warriors created by mixing human and pig DNA. People will have biochips attached to their nerve endings, and Meier warned of ominous biochipping with links to Deep Space Platform satellites and supercomputer.

Corroborated: Human–pig DNA experiments have begun in the last several years; people are starting to get "chipped".

Still speculative: Creation of half-human/half-machine beings, clones and androids; discoveries that conclusively confirm existence of previous human life on Mars; rectification of the "ageing" and "aggression" genes; Plejaren warnings of deep-impact scenario, and need for a defense system for incoming objects.

Excerpt of a talk between Billy Meier and Semjase (24th contact of Saturday, June 7, 1975).

Semjase: "... For the last time I trouble myself to explain that any contacts with other persons except you are totally impossible. The reasons are as follows:

1. We get in contact with an individual from Earth only on condition that the person has executed studies in all spheres for decades.

2. We can contact individuals from Earth only if the necessary spiritual prerequisites are present.

3. We can get in contact with an individual from Earth only if that person has progressed so far in his development that he is able to work out and recognize the basic truth in the truth without assistance, and without considering any statements by other people or any writings.

4. If we get in contact with an individual from Earth, and if those prerequisites are not fulfilled, such a contact is only a preliminary undertaking for a special purpose. After the achievement of the objective, the person's memory of us etc., is eliminated, as e.g. happened with the person whom we let find the Talmud (Jmmanuel). Any duties that require that the individual goes public may not be imposed on such persons, since the memory within them is constantly eliminated; they are neither cognizant of the connections nor the actual facts. However, such persons must be highly developed in certain fields of knowledge, as e.g. was the case with the finder of the Talmud who was an expert in languages, but whom we burdened too much, unfortunately.

5. If we get in contact with individuals from Earth we do this according to certain higher orders and according to the exact number of determined persons. One of the reasons for this lies in the fact that too many people standing in the first position would upset everything. I remember a saying that you use very frequently and that is very adequate in this respect: "Too many cooks spoil the stew." This is a fact that is also true within the laws and directives of Creation. Creation alone is the determining factor.

6. We are not allowed to make ourselves visible to more individuals from Earth than lies within our responsibility. This precaution responds special concerns of private, military and governmental desires aimed at taking possession of our ships and all the other things. To be in contact with several persons would be dangerous for ourselves. That's why we can only cultivate contacts with Earth humans who are known to us as absolutely trustworthy and reliable in every respect. This is of far-reaching importance for our special mission with you and your group. We must be certain in every respect that - if the need arises - the contact person prevents bad consequences with all conceivable means.

7. To show ourselves to certain selected earth humans only and taking up communication with them, secretly and at remote locations, has yet another reason: Countless people are craving for sensation and selfishness only. That's the reason why they want to get in contact with us. In addition there are those countless ones who - upon seeing us - would panic; something that could produce very dangerous effects.

These are but seven reasons why we cannot agree to the desire of H.J. Many more reasons could be presented, but the ones given should be enough. ..."

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