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NASA Just Confirmed That Earth [Might Have] A New Moon (with Comment by PHB)

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June 27, 2016

NOTE:  This is probably a Mothership!  ---PHB

One is the loneliest number, especially when you are a single moon circling the planet full of humans. But let’s not lose hope here because NASA just announced that there might be a second moon come to keep you company. This newly discovered moon is smaller than our moon and goes around the Earth astonishingly irregularly, but still, two is quite better than one. This second “moon,” is actually an asteroid called 2016 HO3 and it is currently locked into “a little dance” with Earth. It's being called as "Quasi-Moon".












This new moon has been dancing around for over a century now. Its orbit is extremely elliptical, affecting it to go a wee bit off tangent—between 38 and 100 times the distance of Earth’s primary moon—and bob up and down across Earth’s orbital plane. This new moon is tilted by about 8° and it orbits the Sun for 365.93 days, which is a little longer than Earth’s 365.24 day-long year.