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Walter Russell's Quantum Physics

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s I have to remove these individual people every time I send CCL mail and then replace them back into the list. This recipient remove/add exercise gets very tedious. Its far easier for me if these individuals just delete the email.

Also I cannot make excuses for any recipients who are not up to speed with real world events. The purpose of the Con Citiz List is to give people an opportunity to see the real world as it is, warts and all. If they wish to carry on like kids while they source self confidence from peer support groups then that's their business.

19+ years now I have been following the dark players work with their One World Govt. crap, long before the internet was ever around. I'm one of many millions of people who are very familiar with the shadow players; the topics discussed, and how they are implemented. I don't write most of the messages send out on CCL. I have my own opinion on particular topics. It is not up to me to judge what people should or should not read, although I have sugar coated the topics at times.

I personally have particular interest in the Energy topics because "Free Energy" to the people is a very real "Declaration Of Independence". If every person had free energy, it wouldn't matter jack what the Gov't did now or in the future. The alt-energy field is not a decrease in industry or jobs, its a massive exponential increase in industries and jobs,and the Govt's (secret or otherwise) know this full well. I hope most can now appreciate my motivation and where I'm coming from. The energy topic is my small contribution to fixing the social problems that we all face, tuff-titty to those that don't agree, lets hear about your contributions for a better society ????

Regards Grant


Hi All at JLNLabs , Sweet VTA

The below email has more information on Walter Russell. All I can say is WOW!.

I have never seen Walter Russells work before until a few days ago. I am amazed at how my own Matrix and Wave Interference research mimics Walter Russells work very closely.

Although I have not read all of Walter Russell web pages below, I believe there is a key point missing. I believe Russells research is missing the unique wave "aetheric signature" created when two or more fluctuating waves field interact. You cannot see this because it is in the negative field of the wave,ie like a negative photo. You can only see this if your generator or detection equipment is set up for it. These aetheric signatures create beautiful stars and flower patterns. These easy to reproduce patterns are very real quantum wave fluctuations.

The aetheric signature is what gives matter is individual uniqueness; from atoms to universes.

In a nutshell : To understand how nature uses energy to create matter is to " master perfect over unity". Isn't O/U energy what this list is all about ? I'm no expert, but I'm sharing what I know so that others can follow on.

Regards Grant

Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 23:03:09 -0800

From: Ben Groseclose

Subject: Re: Walter Russell

To: pgmstr

I like your site.

I will have to take a closer look when I have more time.

Meanwhile, have a look at some of Russells work...

(4 pages of photos. be sure you look at them all)

Several articles: (two of these are linked below)

On transmutation:

On light: is the website based on Russell.

Let me know if you enjoy these links.


--- pgmstr wrote:

You can send me any info you have on Walter Russell
