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Suppressed Science / No Ice Age / Tesla / Air-powered Cars

From: Thomas Brown

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research foundation 1985-1995 (after being palace-couped out & swindled out of royalties I never had anything to do with them again, but that is another story). During this period I was able to interact with thousands of researchers, from hollow earthers, to those who believed they talking to the Pleidians, and those folks who were doing serious real research in the midst of it all.

We produced amateur videos showing how Tesla's concepts of electricity really worked, we produced faster than light waves right on the lab bench. It was not hard electrically, but still is impossible intellectually for most. Tesla's broadcasting of electricity globally was perfected a hundred years ago. The Niagra Falls power plant was built, not to power New York, but to power the WORLD! There was to be a backup station in South Africa. What Tesla was going to broadcast was not electromagnetism, rather magneto-dielectricity. This was not theory, it was a perfected working system that was being put into place until sabotaged by Rothschild agent JP Morgan. For if Tesla's system was implemented there would have been free power available worldwide, radio would have been static free globally (Tesla's and Marconi's "wireless" were not modern hertzian-wave radio, but were ground transmission systems, just as Tesla's impulse electricity was). Just think of the horror to the controllers, can't meter the power, have to give everyone the same news so you can't foment troubles for profit, etc.

If you are interested in the difference between electromagnetism and magneto-dielectricy you may check out my paper on the relationships between light and electricity at:

The thesis we worked with, formed by Eric Dollard who knew all this intimately and was the working scientist on our projects, RCA was formed by Naval Intelligence to take over the Marconi system. RCA prevented the introduction of certain technologies to keep its control, Farnsworth fought for years to introduce television but was heavily opposed by RCA because he wouldn't sell them his patents. TV finally came out when the patents were just about to run out. Farnsworth later developed working electronic fusion in the early 1960's. Do some searching for "Farnsworth" and "fusion" and learn of another incredible technology disposed of. One good site is . Farnsworth believed that we would be able to travel to other star systems in his lifetime with this tech, his understanding of universal structure did not suffer from the concept that a tin can had to be hurled through Cartesian-conceptualized space, but rather that the transfer would be near in stantaneous, as were the particle flows in his multi-pactor tubes, precursors to the fusion tubes.

As for ethanol cars, ethanol is a perfect transitional technology considering all the infernal combustion engines we have now, but all we need to run automobiles is compressed air. This has been done on numerous occasions. Do some searching for Air Cars and see what is out there. Another real technology that has been heavily suppressed. Check out

And I doubt that the world is running out of oil, rather the oil fields are being refilled from below as they are not "fossil fuels", that is another canard from the hallowed halls of corporate science. Do some searching for the abiogenic origins of oil. Here are a few of my thoughts on that subject:

On the ice ages. I read through the Hammaker-Weaver work on this, an outgrowth of the earlier work of Julius Hensel (Bread from Stones, Health Research publications). The soil remineralization theories are sound. What is not sound is the theories of the ice ages themselves. Thermodynamically as soon as things start cooling off there is not enough heat to keep the water evaporating to keep the snow piling up. I fancy the Canopy Theory of planetary development, that the oceans were once rotating at a higher level in the atmosphere, and the evidence for the "ice age" is really the effects of the final collapse of these waters (the flood of Noah to Biblical creationists). No doubt great catastrophes have hit the planet in the past, just check out Velikovsky's work. But the ice ages are most likely a myth. A good but rare book is "Those Astounding Ice Ages" by Dolph Earl Hooker, may still be a photocopy reprint available from borderlands link above.

And for the second "law" of thermodynamics, the living human body is a direct violation of that law. In fact all living things violate that law, but follow the fundamental principle of etheric energy, that of flowing from low to high. If you doubt the existence of the ether please check out a site I'm webmaster for

What properties are accepted for physical matter are only the properties of dead inert matter. The greatest medical schools of the West can't tell you the intrinsic difference between a corpse and a living person... they tell you that food is fuel, but stuff a corpse with fuel and nothing happens! Yet even the street sweepers in Shanghai know about the living energy known as chi.

What one will discover is that the modern edifice of science is as false as the modern edifice of the legal world. Common sense should rule both fields, but is rare in both. I came to the legal side once I woke to the scientific. I was fortunate to come across an early copy of The Federal Zone and to cross paths with Paul while in Bolinas California doing research on the old Marconi / RCA station there, as well as ground radio experiments along the San Andreas fault.

Anyway, just a couple thoughts and leads for those interested. These days I'm more interested in keeping up on Paul's work on straightening out the federal mess that has enslaved America and is contributing to the ruination of the planet. But the misdirection of science and its adherents is certainly a key piece of the puzzle as well, as the conspirators who control the laws, courts and money, also control the flow of scientific information and technology.

Regards, Tom

Supreme Law Library:



Ice Age anyone? 16 Feb 2004

There have been some interesting tidbits of alternative science popping onto this list recently. Paul's theory of Prohibition being secretly funded by the petroleum cartel fits right into the general scheme of things. My background in all this is that I was director of an alternative scientific research foundation 1985-1995 (after being palace-couped out & swindled out of royalties I never had anything to do with them again, but that is another story). During this period I was able to interact with thousands of researchers, from hollow earthers, to those who believed they talking to the Pleidians, and those folks who were doing serious real research in the midst of it all.

We produced amateur videos showing how Tesla's concepts of electricity really worked, we produced faster than light waves right on the lab bench. It was not hard electrically, but still is impossible intellectually for most. Tesla's broadcasting of electricity globally was perfected a hundred years ago. The Niagra Falls power plant was built, not to power New York, but to power the WORLD! There was to be a backup station in South Africa. What Tesla was going to broadcast was not electromagnetism, rather magneto-dielectricity. This was not theory, it was a perfected working system that was being put into place until sabotaged by Rothschild agent JP Morgan. For if Tesla's system was implemented there would have been free power available worldwide, radio would have been static free globally (Tesla's and Marconi's "wireless" were not modern hertzian-wave radio, but were ground transmission systems, just as Tesla's impulse electricity was). Just think of the horror to the controllers, can't meter the power, have to give everyone the same news so you can't foment troubles for profit, etc.

If you are interested in the difference between electromagnetism and magneto-dielectricy you may check out my paper on the relationships between light and electricity at:

The thesis we worked with, formed by Eric Dollard who knew all this intimately and was the working scientist on our projects, RCA was formed by Naval Intelligence to take over the Marconi system. RCA prevented the introduction of certain technologies to keep its control, Farnsworth fought for years to introduce television but was heavily opposed by RCA because he wouldn't sell them his patents. TV finally came out when the patents were just about to run out. Farnsworth later developed working electronic fusion in the early 1960's. Do some searching for "Farnsworth" and "fusion" and learn of another incredible technology disposed of. One good site is . Farnsworth believed that we would be able to travel to other star systems in his lifetime with this tech, his understanding of universal structure did not suffer from the concept that a tin can had to be hurled through Cartesian-conceptualized space, but rather that the transfer would be near in stantaneous, as were the particle flows in his multi-pactor tubes, precursors to the fusion tubes.

As for ethanol cars, ethanol is a perfect transitional technology considering all the infernal combustion engines we have now, but all we need to run automobiles is compressed air. This has been done on numerous occasions. Do some searching for Air Cars and see what is out there. Another real technology that has been heavily suppressed. Check out

And I doubt that the world is running out of oil, rather the oil fields are being refilled from below as they are not "fossil fuels", that is another canard from the hallowed halls of corporate science. Do some searching for the abiogenic origins of oil. Here are a few of my thoughts on that subject:

On the ice ages. I read through the Hammaker-Weaver work on this, an outgrowth of the earlier work of Julius Hensel (Bread from Stones, Health Research publications). The soil remineralization theories are sound. What is not sound is the theories of the ice ages themselves. Thermodynamically as soon as things start cooling off there is not enough heat to keep the water evaporating to keep the snow piling up. I fancy the Canopy Theory of planetary development, that the oceans were once rotating at a higher level in the atmosphere, and the evidence for the "ice age" is really the effects of the final collapse of these waters (the flood of Noah to Biblical creationists). No doubt great catastrophes have hit the planet in the past, just check out Velikovsky's work. But the ice ages are most likely a myth. A good but rare book is "Those Astounding Ice Ages" by Dolph Earl Hooker, may still be a photocopy reprint available from borderlands link above.

And for the second "law" of thermodynamics, the living human body is a direct violation of that law. In fact all living things violate that law, but follow the fundamental principle of etheric energy, that of flowing from low to high. If you doubt the existence of the ether please check out a site I'm webmaster for

What properties are accepted for physical matter are only the properties of dead inert matter. The greatest medical schools of the West can't tell you the intrinsic difference between a corpse and a living person... they tell you that food is fuel, but stuff a corpse with fuel and nothing happens! Yet even the street sweepers in Shanghai know about the living energy known as chi.

What one will discover is that the modern edifice of science is as false as the modern edifice of the legal world. Common sense should rule both fields, but is rare in both. I came to the legal side once I woke to the scientific. I was fortunate to come across an early copy of The Federal Zone and to cross paths with Paul while in Bolinas California doing research on the old Marconi / RCA station there, as well as ground radio experiments along the San Andreas fault.

Anyway, just a couple thoughts and leads for those interested. These days I'm more interested in keeping up on Paul's work on straightening out the federal mess that has enslaved America and is contributing to the ruination of the planet. But the misdirection of science and its adherents is certainly a key piece of the puzzle as well, as the conspirators who control the laws, courts and money, also control the flow of scientific information and technology.

Regards, Tom

Supreme Law Library:

