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A Tesla Dome For Baghdad

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ording to scalar scientist Lt. Col. Tom Bearden 10 nations now have the scalar electromagnetic weapons called "Tesla howitzers," or "Longitudinal Wave Interferometers." This article discusses the possible use of these weapons by any possessor of them to create a protective electromagnetic dome over Bagdad to ward off the missiles and bombs and airplanes of the terrible planned atrocities they are calling "Shock and Awe."

A reader kindly sent me two articles, from, a kind of Christian site, on the topic of Tesla Domes and the possible use of these phenomena in the coming Gulf War II. I would like to give the URL for these articles, but it is by subscription only. I'll give a brief review of this article, part one. The articles are called:


The first deals partly with the Tesla howitzers and their implications in the coming war. There were a number of clips that I thought were very interesting, including the two main humane means to stop a conventional war immediately using scalar interferometers. And the author has chosen some good statements from Bearden (and someone named Col. Byron Weeks). The overall idea is, I guess, that scalar weapons are the weapons of the prophsied war, "Armageddon."

"Subtitle: Smoking Gun Proof That God's Prophecies Control World Events!

"As Bush leads the U.S. into war in the Middle East, the shocking reality is that our military forces do not possess the most powerful weapons on earth. The Russians do, and the Chinese, and maybe the Israelis do -- Col. Weeks was right: We do not have the weapons to back up our global bravado! This war could turn into unmitigated disaster."

There follows a long telling of the story of The Emperor's New Clothes, but I skipped over that, since I just wanted to see the part about the scalar weapons. Then I found this:

"In this article, we shall speak of one such weapons system: Scalar weapons technology. We shall take much of our information from Lt. Colonel Thomas E. Bearden, writing in his book, "Fer De Lance", updated for 2002. "But, first, we want to quote Colonel Byron Weeks, MD, USAF, MC, Retired Reserve, in a warning he issued October 5, 2002, remarks we carried in Daily News Updates, not once, but several times. Listen to Col. Weeks: "So-called Imperial America very probably does not have the means to back up it´s various attempts to control the world. We are weaker now than we have ever been. Bush´s bravado is empty, and even if we do have the Tesla howitzer, so do Russia and China, and Russia has had scalar EM weapons longer--long enough to have tried and tested various forms of them many times. But although we evidently do have some HAARP powered weapons, physicist LTC Thomas Beardon says we don´t have much, if any, and our scalar weaponry is not yet ready to deploy effectively ...."

"If attacked, our ground forces will be as vulnerable as sitting ducks, out on the hot sandy desert with no place to hide. America´s cities and outmoded ABM systems will not protect us. If we attack Iraq, which now seems inevitable, we can expect to be attacked on all sides, with nuclear bombs, neutron bombs, EMPs, and the longitudinal electromagnetic interferometer waves that will come down upon us as fire from heaven. America will burn ..." Later, after some words about the Illuminati there is this quote from Tom Bearden which I liked very much. Consider this as U.S. goes into an aggressive illegal conventional war:

(Tom Bearden:) "For some time, Russia and several other nations have possessed highly advanced 'extended-electromagnetics' (energetics weapons of a very novel kind, using a dramatically extended electrodynamics theory ... Most of these energetics weapons are more advanced than what has previously been known to the U.S. military, intelligence and scientific communities ... A major contributing factor holding back U.S. catch-up is that the flawed foundations of Maxwell's 1865 theory have not been changed by the Western scientific community."

"With the U.S. substantially behind in these 'new' strategic superweapons, a new Manhattan Project would appear to be advisable and warranted ... A sobering development that occurred early this year (2002) was China's deployment of both quantum potential (QP) weapons and negative energy electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons (a type we originally called the MindSnapper to disguise its true nature. The QP weapons are the dominant weapons on Earth today, followed closely by negative energy EMP weapons ... We have not been able to ascertain exactly how many nations have the negative energy EMP weapons, but it is at least five ... The U.S. is still well behind ..."

[Fer De Lance, p. 4-5] The author of the article comments on this:

(Author:) "This information is staggering, and completely backs up the desperate warning of Colonel Byron Weeks last October 5. "America will burn", he says, because we do not have the most powerful weaponry on earth; we do not have the weaponry to back up the bravado of President Bush, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, and Deputy Defense Secretary Wolfowitz."

Then we are into the main topic of this article, the "Tesla dome," an electromagnetic hemisphere of energy that can be created with the Tesla howitzer.


Picture of Tesla Dome The Tesla howitzers can be used in a nearly impregnable defensive mode whereby they throw up a dome (Tesla Dome) or a sphere (Tesla Globe) of highly powerful electromagnetic energy, enough to "dud" or destroy missiles which try to penetrate them. Once again, this energy is not going through space from the howitzer, but being made to emerge from the local vacuum at the location of the shell. KGB tests of these domes have been witnessed by airline pilots around the world. Bearden gives many examples of the Tesla domes being sighted around the world in his briefing paper "Fer-de-Lance" (Russian dome testP)> (another globe incident) (yet another globe test )

(Bearden:) "These giant electromagnetic domes can be hundreds of miles across, or narrowed down more to total impermeability.

"Such a shell may be several hundred miles in diameter at the base. The enormous energy required to form such a defense shell is obtained by a "scalar power tap" into the molten core of the earth itself, as previously explained. In late April/early May of 1985, 27 such "power taps" were placed n the earth by the Soviets. If each tap is capable of powering four to six large scalar EM weapons, then the Soviet strategic scalar EM arsenal contains over 100 monstrous superweapons capable of generating exothermic explosions, endothermic explosions, engineering the weather, locating and destroying underwater submarines, detecting and destroying ballistic missiles shortly after launch, detecting and destroying long range strategic bombers as soon as they are airborne, etc." (the above from Scalar Wars) The author gives another quote from Bearden and comments on it :

(Bearden:) "On 12 November 1986, the Soviets even placed a giant 'dummy shield' (practice) over Atlanta, Georgia. If the shield had been real and not just practice, any aircraft and missiles flying into it would have been instantly exploded and destroyed. That mode -- 'bottling up' a strategic weapons area -- is useful to nullify an entire strategic ICBM launch complex or a large bomber base, etc. It can also 'bottle up' a large carrier task force at sea, including the aircraft and the Tomahawk missiles, the shells from the naval guns, etc. With a real shield, aircraft or missiles flying into it (from inside or from outside) explode and are destroyed." [Bearden, Fe De Lance, p. 135]

(Author's comment:) "This Tesla Dome is absolutely the most powerful weaponry of which I have ever heard! If Bush deploys our naval ships, our aircraft, and our armies without a workable Tesla Dome, all our our forces could be 'bottled up' defensively so they could not attack the enemy as we think they are going to do! If any aircraft, for example, were to attempt to fly out of the Tesla Dome, they would explode and be destroyed.

"Further, if Russia were to erect a Tesla Dome over Baghdad, for example, none of our weapons could touch the city! We cannot discount this possibility, except for reasons we shall discuss in our Part 2 article." "You can see that any weapons system today must move under the protection of a Tesla Dome. In other words, the Dome must always march overhead and around the naval ships, the aircraft, and the armies moving toward their destination. As you can imagine from this artist's recreation, a Dome can be made to continuously move with the aircraft, at the speed of the aircraft, so it will always surround the plane. This recreation was seen by pilots of another commercial aircraft and reported to the Ashai Evening News, Tokyo, 6/22/1982. Notice how old this technology is to the Russians!

"Once again, we can see how this weapon can be used defensively or offensively. If a Tesla Dome is placed around aircraft and moves with them, no enemy force can destroy them; conversely, if a Tesla Dome is erected around a target, none of our weapons will work against it. In this day and age, no armed force can move in the ground, on the ocean, or in the air unless protected continuously by a powerful Tesla Dome." Once again turning to "Fer de Lance" Tom Bearden's own description of a Tesla dome is cited.

(Bearden:) "As shown ... two scalar hemispherical surfaces are created, using multiple frequency transmitters and truncated Fourier series expansions. Interference of the two scalar hemispheres creates a great, glowing hemispherical shell of ordinary electro-magnetic energy. In the shell, the energy density is sufficient to lift Dirac matter from the Direac Sea of vacuum. The shell is thus filled with a glowing plasma."

"Such a shell may be several hundred miles in diameter at the base. The enormous energy required to form such a defense shell is obtained by a 'scalar power tap' into the molten core of the earth itself, as previously explained. In late April/early May of 1985, 27 such 'power taps' were placed in the earth by the Soviets. Each tap is capable of generating exothermic explosions, endothermic explosions, engineering the weather, locating and destroying underwater submarines, detecting and destroying ballistic missiles shortly after launch, detecting and destroying long range strategic bombers as soon as they are airborne, etc.

"At any rate, the giant Tesla shield is useful against any penetrating attack ... There is no need to discriminate true warhead-bearing re-entry vehicles from decoys, chaff, etc. The entire 'mess' entering the shield is simply 'cleaned up', and 'sterilized', or destroyed. The shield can take care of ICBMs/IRBMs and their nuclear warheads, strategic bombers and their nuclear bombs, cruise missiles and their nuclear warheads, re-entry vehicles and their warheads, decoys, chaff, etc." {Fer De Lance, p. 258-9]

The idea that one or more possessers of the scalar weapons might decide to let the cat-out-of-the-bag and put up a protective electromagnetic shield over Baghdad gets more intriguing as we now come very close to this aggressive pre-emptive attack on that city. The Russians could do it, so could any of the ten nations that now have these weapons held in secret. If Putin, for example, put up such a dome as the attack started he would probably be hailed by the world as a great hero, saving the lives of tens of thousands of people.

Or consider that if a Tesla dome were placed over each aircraft carrier of the U.S., no planes would be able to fly off that carrier because it would fly into the dome and be destroyed! The carrier would be box-in and out of commission! I had not really thought about that until the author mentioned it.

The amazing thing that would happen if one of these 10 parties did all this would that the war be stopped short, in a heartbeat, aborted and brought to a standstill. Hardly anyone would have been hurt except perhap a pilot or two who might fly into one of the domes unwittingly. The U.S. could send all the cruise missiles it wanted to, they would simply blow up when they hit the huge dome over the city. What a wonder that would be!

And what better way to introduce the new weapons to the unknowing world than to demonstrate their purely defensive function? Show how they can stop a war short. That would really be "Shock and Awe."

I can imagine the fireworks as all the missiles are exploding against the dome while the people in the city remain safe and sound, and no blood is shed, and the voracious blood lust and oil lust of the attackers meets its match. The U.S. believes itself to be the supreme military power on earth, and so far as old-style conventional wars go, that is true. But in terms of scalar weaponry I don't think it is the supreme power yet. A consortium of several possessors of scalar weapons could probably stop the war short and reduce the U.S. to dust. Those are most probably the unsettling facts. In any case, we will soon pass a point in history when the scalar weapons could have been introduced to the world in a defensive non-violent way, saving perhaps hundreds of thousands of lives. I feel like drinking a toast to that moment. It probably won't happen, but it is just as important to realize that it COULD happen, if not now, someday soon. But it just strikes me that the moment of the coming attack would be a great chance to test this technology in a harmless, defensive way.
