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arts" by generating a critical mass situation whereby one's consciousness Ascends to a higher dimensional level of our Universe. It is this multi-dimensional experience of "Walking Between Worlds" that gives us the ability to access sacred alchemical formulas. All sacred formulas use prana, God's Unconditional Love, to alchemically transform metals, water and/or a person's health. Teachers of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques use the physical and tangible substance of God's Unconditional Love to expand their awareness to levels of consciousness where they are able to heal themselves and others. These unique techniques give everyone the incredible opportunity to be the "Philosopher's Stone" and use spiritual energies to transform at the molecular level, ordinary water into "Healing Waters".

Expansions of consciousness are a natural by product of a spiritual life. However, amazing expansions of consciousness occur for any individual who daily activates their Merkabas using the pure Sacred Merkaba Techniques. Articles on our website describe how one's consciousness exceeds the size of one's physical body, and how by activating one's consciousness, one creates a Merkaba. There are 12 dimensional levels in this Universe. There are 12 levels of consciousness to be activated into Merkabas. The Star Tetrahedron and Octahedron are but 2 of the 12 levels of consciousness a person can activate into a Merkaba.

The spiritual energies created in our daily activations generate such huge and rapid expansions of consciousness that people's physical bodies need to be in good condition. When a person is healthy, they are open for many spiritual adventures. However, pain and illness have a tendency to cause people to focus their attention on those areas of their physical body which are in dis-comfort and dis-ease, rather than focusing on the techniques which expand their consciousness. In addition, a person in optimum health can more easily receive the immensely powerful spiritual energies from God which enable one to make a Physical Body Ascension into Light during this lifetime. It was to assist practitioners of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques strengthen and heal their bodies for Physical Body Ascensions in this lifetime that Gary Smith, founder of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques cognized the ancient alchemical formulas for creating "Healing Waters".

We are pleased to give this wondrous healing information to people for free, if all 8 pages of this document are kept together as one document. We in the Sacred Merkaba Techniques request recognition for our gift to all humanity so that individuals scattered throughout the world who are searching for us and their return "home", may find us. Time is now short and we request your assistance to tell others about us so those who came to help and "those who are ready" may find us and receive the techniques which will bring them "home".

Teachers and practitioners of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques Golden Flower of Life Spherical Healing Techniques receive extremely advanced spiritual techniques to use in their emotional, mental and physical healings of people. These wondrous techniques include, among others, the teachers' level Alchemical Formula for Healing Waters. A condensed version of "The Sacred Merkaba Techniques' Alchemical Formula for Healing Waters" is contained in this document as a gift to all people, if all 8 pages are kept together as a single document.

Materials Required for Activation of Healing Waters:

Highly Recommended:

12 - 3 foot (3') pieces of copper pipe, 24 copper pipe adapters and 8 plastic connectors*

A variety of tumbled stones/crystals, clear quartz, rose quartz, chevron amethyst, etc.

9 glass water containers

1 water purifier (Water from plastic containers will not be nearly as effective)

* A plumbing supply or hardware store will have the necessary hardware. We used Home Depot in the US for all the materials to build our copper cube.

Minimum Recommendation:

4 pieces of copper pipe

5 clear quartz tumbled stones/crystals or crystals of your choice

1 glass canning jar or used glass juice bottle

1 water purifier (Do not use water from plastic containers due to petrochemical leakage)

Background Information for Activation of Healing Waters:

People have known for millenniums that crystals have many powers contained within them. Some individuals have even understood the consciousness level of crystals and the attributes that crystals can bring into the healing process. A few skilled individuals in the Great Mystery Schools have always been taught all the techniques and procedures of crystals. They learned the ancient information on how to properly use and activate crystals, so that this information would always be available to "those who are ready". The crystal consciousness information can be accessed by those with expanded consciousnesses. This and all other information, such as all the actions and deeds done by anyone in a human body is stored and can be located within the human consciousness grids, ( also know as the Akasic records).

The healing powers contained in prayer are also well known. The effects of prayer have been studied extensively. Prayer has been scientifically verified as being extremely helpful in the healing of people. However, the knowledge about the healing powers and consciousness expanding abilities which are created by the presence of prayer within the "Cubic Energies" were only given to the most advanced teachers in the Great Mystery Schools. However, the true knowledge of how to bring all three of these wonderful but diverse techniques together to create the proper activation of "Cubic Energies" has been missing for 700 years, until now.

Ancient techniques, new information and certain previously hidden "outer" mysteries from the Great Mystery Schools, including those on how to create multidimensional expansions of consciousness, are now being released to "those who are ready". These wondrous new and ancient techniques are now being released in the 2 day workshops and 8 day intensives of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques of Gary Smith. Gary is the founder of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques and he Co-Teaches 8 day Intensives with Master Teachers of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques. At these special 8 day gatherings they discuss the ancient mystery school information and demonstrate new techniques which rapidly expand the size of each participant's consciousness, heal the participant's physical bodies and satisfy their inner need to receive the true knowledge of God, Creation, chakras, prana, Ascension, etc.

In each millennium, a portion of the true knowledge and mysteries of "Cubic Energies" are given to "those who are ready". In the last 700 years this knowledge was only given to one or two individuals a century. Certain pieces of information and bits of true knowledge about the "Cubic Energies" have historically been given to a few specially selected and trained advanced teachers who live their lives in sacred harmony within the walls of the Great Mystery Schools.

Multidimensional "Cubic Energies" are created by building and "energizing" a cube made out of gold or copper. A copper cube is inexpensive and can be constructed from any length or size of copper pipe. Build your copper cube to a size that is comfortable for you. (There is a large 7' x 7' x 7' meditation copper cube filled with thousands of crystals in my home. My second copper cube is a smaller counter top version used for energizing food and water, which is energized by only a few crystals).

Select those crystals which "feel" right to your "inner feelings" to create your Healing Waters. Wash each crystal in cool, clear water . Melody's book "Love Is In The Earth" can assist you in selecting crystals for specific types of healings. (Remember to use discernment when reading any book, because one part of Melody's book is incorrect. Do not use salt to clean or cleanse crystals. Salt dehydrates the moisture from crystals and that moisture contains the crystal's living consciousness. Dehydration will reduce and can even destroy a crystal's consciousness). One should use their "inner feelings", or their own personal intuitions, in determining which crystals to use in creating in their own Healing Waters. When in doubt of what crystal to use in a healing, we recommend clear quartz tumbled stones or crystals. By the way, as you probably already know in one's daily meditation and/or prayers there are times when one can receive this type of healing information from their "inner feelings". In reality the information a person receives from their "inner feelings" can be information from their own total consciousness. (As discussed in our 8 day intensives, one's total consciousness exceeds the size of a person's physical body. An individual's full consciousness communicates to a person's physical body through a densified portion of that individual's total consciousness. This densified portion of a person's total consciousness is placed in the Higher Heart Chakra of the person's "subtle body" nervous system. This placement occurs when an individual incarnates into a human body. The densified portion of one's total consciousness is called different names by people around the world, including "Soul", "Atman", "Seed Adam", etc. Consciousness enters a physical body at the time of a baby's first breath.)

Pure water is extremely important in any alchemical formula. Pure water infuses the optimum of healing energies into the Healing Waters. Petrochemicals used in plastic will leak into the "fresh water" they contain. Therefore, one should not use water from any type of plastic container in creating Healing Waters. Always use glass containers. We use glass containers, including glass canning jars and old glass juice bottles, to create, energize and store our personal Healing Waters in our 7' by 7' by 7' copper cube. A good water filter for your tap water is an excellent investment in you and your family's personal health and is necessary to create the optimum in Healing Waters.

A 3' x 3' x 3' copper cube is built using the 12 - 3 foot sections of copper pipe and the connectors, etc. The copper cube can be any size, ( or one can lay out 1' pieces of copper pipe with copper connectors in a square). Position selected crystals (or a clear quartz crystal) in each corner of the cube. Place the containers full of water, each containing 3 to 18 crystals, (or 1 crystal), inside your copper cube (or square).

The Creation of "Cubic Energies" for Healing Waters requires that a person be either standing within the copper cube, or leaning over it, (or the copper square). The full and complete energization from using this technique will fill the cube with God's Unconditional Love which spiritually energizes everything within the copper cube (or square), water, crystals, yourself and friends. By the way, for those unfamiliar with my book, "The Answers ….", prana is a name that has been used by eastern philosophies to describe the energies of God's Unconditional Love. In reality, prana or the spiritual energies of God's Unconditional Love consist of sub atomic Golden Spheres. These Golden Spheres/prana are the basic building blocks of all matter, energy and light in this Universe. They are the unifying substance of all Creation. Prana, or God's Golden Spheres of Unconditional Love, is what Albert Einstein discovered to be the basic substance of all Creation and this discovery formed his "Unified Field Theory". (For a free article which summarizes this process, email Eric at and ask him for a free copy of "Ascending Beyond Enlightenment").

Practitioners of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques use meditation and prayer in a special way that infuses tremendous amounts of Unconditional Love into their consciousness. This pranic infusion of God's Unconditional Love accelerates their personal expansions of consciousness to the level where practitioners find their awareness to be on many different dimensional levels of reality at once, while at the same time they are living in a 3rd dimensional physical body. This real life adventure of "Walking Between Worlds" and the accompanying rapid expansions of consciousness require that one's physical and subtle bodies be healthy. One's physical and subtle bodies need to be strong enough to withstand the powerful spiritual energies of large amounts of prana which enter a person's subtle body nervous system when they activate their spiritual energy fields of consciousness into Merkabas. It is by increasing this wondrous flow of Unconditional Love through prayer and/or meditation that expands one's consciousness. However, huge expansions in one's spiritual, emotional and mental awareness will begin to focus one's attention on any part of their physical body that is in dis-comfort and/or dis-ease which can hold one back from permanent expansions of consciousness. It was for this reason that Gary cognized the Sacred Merkaba Techniques' Golden Flower of Life Spherical Healing Techniques and the Healing Waters.

Prana, or God's Unconditional Love, is the quickest way to heal specific ailments, especially when used in conjunction with the Healing Waters. The Sacred Merkaba Techniques Golden Flower of Life Spherical Healing Techniques 2 day workshops actually show people how to direct the Golden Spheres of God's Unconditional Love to heal oneself and others. These wonderful healing techniques empower anyone to become a healer by expanding their consciousness. These sacred healing techniques utilize the pranic energies of God's Unconditional Love to heal areas of dis-comfort and/or dis-ease in physical bodies. This process of directing sub atomic healing energies in essence rearranges the molecules in areas of dis-comfort and/or disease, for complete healings of both people and animals. A simplified version of these new and ancient healing methods creates the Healing Waters. Additional information about the new Spherical Healing Techniques may be found in the Introductory section of our website at

Gary Smith, founder of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques is a former CPA who began teaching meditation and other spiritual techniques in 1972. Gary learned the lowest 3D level Merkaba activation by watching a video tape in 1995. Lord Melchizedeks and Suns of God directed him to rent the tape. They also immediately told him to cleanse all 12 chakras in his 3D body, instead of only cleansing 6 of the lowest level 3D chakras. In 1997, Gary was requested to drop everything in his life and to leave his CPA position as Chief Financial Officer of a corporation in order to travel and properly teach his unique Sacred Merkaba Techniques to others. Gary now only Co-teaches 8 day Adept and Masters level intensives with Master Teachers of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques as we have found this is the most rapid and effective method to expand people's consciousnesses to multi-dimensional levels of awareness. Gary in his younger days worked as a technical engineer on rocket propulsion systems in California during the 1950's before returning to college for a business degree. However he also continued his studies of Quantum Physics during the last 50 years. In this manner Gary was able to use his genius IQ level mental abilities and his enhanced levels of expanded spiritual consciousness from daily activating Merkabas for 6 years to solve Einstein's Unified Field Theory. He was then able to use Unified Field Theory principles and his own personal spiritual techniques to create Healing Waters. This exciting culmination, of all his combined years of study and research experiences, is now being released to people as "The Sacred Merkaba Techniques' Alchemical Formula for Creating Healing Waters".

Scientific proof supporting the power of prayer in the healing of people abounds in scientific journals. The effects of meditation on health and healing are also well documented from studies performed at the Harvard Medical School, Cambridge England Medical and other major research facilities elsewhere in the world. Recently, a Japanese researcher did some profound studies on the vibrational effects to water of various sounds while using a dark field microscope. His pictorial work shows the effects a spoken prayer has in transforming polluted water. However, we found even more amazing results are created by combining prayer, crystals, water and "Cubic Energies".

While everyone has heard that prayer is powerful and has healing powers, not everyone has heard about the modern devices which are now being used to measure the spiritual energies of God's Unconditional Love which are possible with sincere prayer. One of our Master Teachers, a French scientist, reports "However, it is the first time I have this experience of scientifically measuring the Healing Waters. On this energy scale a healthy person has a reading around 6,000. We measured the energy of a bottle containing filtered water and crystals being placed into the copper cube before the prayer. The value was 7,500. Right After the prayer the level went to 23,000. A few seconds after that it was climbing to 40,000. Maybe 10 minutes after we performed another measurement it was over 60,000."


You are able to create an immense flow of God's Unconditional Love sufficient to "energize" the copper cube, the water, the crystals and yourself by saying a special prayer to God. After exhaustive research we have found the most effective way to communicate with God is by using a very ancient prayer. This ancient pre-Sumerian prayer to Mother Father Creator God of All That Is contains amazing energizing properties. Special energizing vibrations are activated when this prayer is said aloud. This repetition of certain vibratory tones in this prayer creates the opportunity for one to have direct communication with God.

However, please understand that any form of prayer may be used, because all prayers are answered by God in time, (so be careful about what you ask for, as you will receive it - grin). Please use the prayer which is most comfortable for you. Below are 5 spiritual possibilities for the first portion of the prayer:

Ancient - Ayah Asher Ayah

Christian - Lord Jesus Christ Have Mercy on Me

Hindu - Lord Shiva, ( or Krishna, etc.), I Feel Your Love

Islamic - God is Great

Jewish - Ehyer Asher Ehyer

(Repeating Ayah Asher Ayah 7 times along with your name 4 times creates a special vibration or "Dance of the (Golden) Spheres". This sublime repetition calls to God using special Human vibratory sounds. These sounds contain special vibrations which allow one to communicate directly with God. The actual translation of this prayer varies according to repetitions but in its simplest version it states, "That who I was, I am no longer. That who I am, I am becoming." Realize that you descended to the 3rd dimension level of creation from a 4th dimensional Angelic Group Consciousness to gain your individuality. Your individuality consists of all of your experiences in the 3rd dimension. When one decides they have experienced enough of the 3rd dimension and wish to experience life as an individual and Planetary Ascended Master within the 4th dimensional Angelic Kingdom of Heaven and Paradise, then one enters the "state of being" and works toward their Ascension. This prayer contains a unique series of vibrations which creates a state of spiritual excitation and generates a tremendous flow of Unconditional Love between yourself and God in order to assist you in your Ascensions.)

The words in one's prayer are less important than whether you pray to God with all sincerity. Prayer is a method for one to establish a personal connection with God. It is in answer to a sincere prayer that God's Blessings of Unconditional Love, the prana of Creation, flows forth to fill and energize everyone and everything within the copper cube. This enormous flow of prana, or God's Unconditional Love quickly reaches critical mass thereby generating the necessary state of excitation to create "The Ancient Cubic Energies".

In the Sacred Merkaba Techniques we use the following prayer which creates the optimum set of conditions for us to personally contact God. We have found in using this prayer, one immediately receives the pranic energies of God's Unconditional Love.

"Ayah Asher Ayah,

Ayah Asher Ayah,

Ayah Asher Ayah,

State your Name 4 times

Ayah Asher Ayah,

Ayah Asher Ayah,

Ayah Asher Ayah,

Ayah Asher Ayah,

Oh Mother, Father Creator God of All That Is, I Give Thanks for All My Blessons. I Ask to be a Pure Conduit of Your Love and Your Light. I ask that Your Energies of Love and Light energize everyone and everything within this copper cube. Please fill this cube, all these crystals, myself and all the water within the cube with Your Energies of Love and Light. Please create the excitation of "Cubic Energies" so that all water within this cube is immediately transformed into Healing Waters. And so it is said and so it is done."

(Note: If possible leave your Healing Waters within the cube for 9 hours or longer. This longer time period allows the maximum amount of "Cubic Energies" to be infused into the "Healing Waters". A longer period of time allows tap water to be alchemically transformed into some of the sweetest water one has ever tasted. Understand it is the sincerity of your prayer to God that brings forth the tremendous amounts of God's Unconditional Love which are necessary for the creation of "Cubic Energies". It is God who energizes the cube, crystals, yourself and the water. So understand that it is not the size of the copper cube, nor is it the size or number of crystals within your cube which will energize the water. The energy of Healing Waters is created by the Love generated between yourself and God through the power of prayer.).

Gloria Smith's Crystal Healing Recommendations:

Please use intuition when choosing crystals as the causes of dis-ease can be on many levels, chakric, mental, emotional and karmic.

Heart Ruby, Red jasper

Diabetes Pink Opal, Rhodachrosite,

Cancer Amethyst, Quartz, Red Tigers Eye, Hematite

Parkinson's Aventurine, Jade, Green Quartz, Dioptase

Alzheimer's Amethyst, Red Jasper, Tigers Eye

Arthritis Amethyst, Blue Agate

Cerebral Palsy Green Quartz, Aventurine

Broken Bones Blue Lace Agate, Turquoise, Sapphire, Hematite

MS Smoky Quartz, Quartz

Lupus and other

Skin Diseases Leopardskin Jasper, Leopardskin Agate, Amazonite, Turquoise

Depression Smoky Quartz

Abundance Citrine, Ruby

Protection Black Tourmaline, Tourmaline, Turquoise, Chevron Amethyst

(Note: When buying Smoky Quartz make sure it is not clear quartz that has been

Radiated to make it a darker color. Radiated Smoky Quartz looks very dark and

unnatural looking.)

In addition, Gary received information that using Zambia clear quartz tumbled stones and malachite tumbled stones creates a special type of "Healing Waters" which will be capable of generating remission in AIDS. One such AIDS healing has been reported. You should be able to find crystals locally if you are in a large city, those in remote locations can use the Internet. All the above tumbled stones can be purchased on the Internet.


There will soon be a wonderful window of opportunity for the mass Physical Body Ascensions of all those who are ready. (A Physical Body Ascension is what the Bible means when it says that during the End Times "there will be two standing in the field and then there will be one.")

We have previously released to people our Karma Cleansing, Healing and Consciousness Expanding Guided Meditation. This wide ranging, all encompassing cleansing, healing and consciousness expanding meditation is now being given throughout the world by Sacred Merkaba Techniques teachers. This guided meditation was created to help all of Humanity. Those who are open to God's Unconditional Love in the meditation can quickly expand their consciousness, cut their karmic ties and heal themselves of physical, mental and/or spiritual problems.

In our Unconditional Love toward Humanity, we have created and give to people, our very precious gift, The Sacred Merkaba Techniques' Alchemical Formula for Creating Healing Waters. This very special gift is free if all 8 pages of this document are kept together as one document. This wondrous alchemical formula is able to easily transform ordinary tap water into "Healing Waters".

My Love Always, in All Ways

Gary Smith
