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Healing Through Space Therapy

By Dr. Ma of Taiwan

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ok this worldveiw at it very core.

The Theory of Relativity and the quantum theory, according to physicist Paul Davis demanded a radical reformulation of the most fundamental aspects of reality.¨

Physicists approached their subject in ways that seemed to turn commonsense on its head and found closer accord with mysticism than materialism.

Einstein told us that past, present and future exist simultaneously. If one could exceed the speed of light, one could travel into an endless spacetime continuum, accessing every then and there, every when and where.

This model of the cosmos, though over three-quarters of a century old, has finally begun to take root in the mental framework of the common man. The new physics is beginning to give man a new appreciation of himself and the universe he inhabits. We can now imagine that the many dimensions of space may hold vast, untapped resources.

The stories of many sci-fi movies and novels have made us familiar with the idea of a time machine that surpasses the speed of light and transports our physical bodies through different timespaces.

Space Therapy maintains that all human beings travel through different dimensions of space on a regular basis. Whenever we dream, daydream or become deeply immersed in a task, our non-physical faculties enter different spaces.

During our dreams, our ethereal space travel sometimes takes us to realms far removed from our material existence.

Everyone has experienced this and by now everyone knows that our dreams have a curative effect. Countless books and studies from a variety of fields have described the mind, body, and spirit benefits of dreams.

In ST terms, in dreams we enter different ethereal spaces that contain different healing space factors.

The landmark discovery of ST is that these ethereal spaces contain healing factors that can cure nearly any physical or psychological condition.

The implications of this finding cannot be overestimated.

The cosmos, ST tells us, possesses literally an infinite supply of healing resources.

With the natural resources of the Earth rapidly depleting, man has entertained the thought of using high technology to live in or otherwise utilize outer space.

ST informs us that the real riches of space can be accessed without space stations and rockets.

Accessing ethereal multi-dimensional space is the innate ability of man: he does it whenever he surpasses the conscious mind in dreams and daydreams.

No one goes a night without dreaming, but the average dreamer has no control over which space he/she will enter. The average man can only enter ethereal space unconsciously and passively.

Space Therapy practitioners have been trained to enter these spaces consciously and actively. They can locate and enter the space containing the healing factors they require to heal illness and injury.

Practitioners can also help patients heal themselves by facilitating their entry into spaces that contain healing factors.

Lastly, ST healers can teach patients how to enter different spaces at will so they can heal and help themselves without assistance. The resources of the physical world are limited, those of the non-physical world are unlimited. The momentous news ST wishes to share with the world is that there are methods of accessing this non-physical plenum of healing and helping resources.

ST represents the birth of a new form of technology non-physical technology.

VIA mjeanne..
