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Free Energy / Quantum Energy

By Sterling D. Allan

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alt Lake City on June 26, 2003.

We witnessed two "quantum energy" prototypes in operation: Angelina IV and Angelina V (named after his wife).

While I do not have the engineering background to vouch for whether or not the "quantum energy" devices are what Kiril is saying they are, I will say this.

My Testimonial

(1) TECHNOLOGY: In each of the two prototypes we viewed, we witnessed a hollow ball made of a glass substance, that he said was quartz, approximately 5 inches in diameter. Upon pulsed excitation, the glass balls were filled first with a purple-white light that danced and flowed about, which he called "plasma." Then, when he triggered another switch, the light turned to a bright white, and seemed too bright to look at for very long, though he didn't seem to be concerned about looking at it. He had us stand back about eight feet to protect ourselves from radiation and then triggered another switch that made the light even brighter. He called this "ball lightning," which is an adequate description.

Several times, as Angelina IV was running, the bulb put out a very loud "crack" sound, like a sharp spark, and the light went out. He reset the device, and repeated the process. I don't think this was an intended phenomenon, but was a timing bug that needs to be resolved.

(2) TECHNOLOGY: We also saw in his shop Angelina III, which was no longer functional as it had been stripped of some parts to make Angelina IV and V. We also saw Angelina VI, which he said will put out even more power, and which he said nominally functions now, but has some adjustments that need to be made on it.

(3) CLAIM: Kiril said that these two prototypes that we saw operating (Angelina IV and V) use 2.1 kW in the excitation, and generate approximately 20% more than that in energy; but that a larger unit will be far more efficient, putting out 10 to 100 times more energy then it uses for excitation. He said the efficiency grows exponentially with more energy output. The output energy, at this point, is in the form of photons, heat, and radiation (not radioactive). Besides just tapping that power in typical fashion to drive generators, or collecting the photons in a photovoltaic cell, he said the charge differential across the surface could be tapped similar to a capacitor.

(4) QUALITY: Kiril has obviously put a large amount of thought, time, money, and talent into these devices. Their presentation is very clean and professional. (Photos pending) The devices stand approximately 6 feet high, and are approximately 3' by 3' in width and depth. They have numerous meters, switches, lights, tubes, and other electronic apparatus -- so much so that it would take a far more trained eye than mine to determine that his claim of more energy out than in is actually taking place.

(5) DOCUMENTATION: I witnessed hard copies of two relevant patents awarded Kiril:

a) US Patent #5537009 issued July 16, 1996

(hard copy from Patent Office)

b) US-2003-0094911-A1 issued May 22, 2003

(Letter from the law firm Kirton & McConkie stating that the patent had been awarded [official document arrival pending]; and original documentation that had been submitted to the law firm.)

(6) DOCUMENTATION: Kiril gave us a copy of a book he has written, along with a recent update to the book (General Quantum Mechanics: The Great Reform of Science). Its approximate 300 pages (8.5" x 11") are filled with descriptions, formulas, diagrams, photographs, photocopies of newspaper article coverage. The book was written with substantial help of his wife, who has a strong grasp of his technology, and edited by professionals. It is a mixture of science as well as some of his religious perspectives; and seems to be written such that the lay person can understand it.

(7) DOCUMENTATION: Kiril presented us with his business plan that projects expenses for the next phase of development. He calculates $1 million USD will be required to produce his first 100 kW generator prototype, taking approximately one year. He estimates that once mass produced, a finished unit will retail at approximately $15,000 USD. He estimates another year after that to gear up for mass production. With his 100 kW generator, he wants to first target a home generator market, with a unit that will have some left over to give to the neighbors. But other sizes and markets are intended as well.

(8) THE PERSON: I found Kiril Chukanov to be a very cordial and decent person, not filled with himself. He is a bit hard of hearing, and his command of the English language is not yet fluent, so communication is at times awkward. He prefers email communication, but he was a gracious host to our visit. Despite two or three children at home, his house is kept very clean by his mother-in-law, who was an exceptionally congenial hostess. She was very polite and accommodating with my two children that came along with my wife. Kiril's shop is likewise unusually clean and well organized. He takes miscellaneous jobs around town to support his family, not wanting to get tied down to one job so that he is free to pursue his science at any time. When he gets extra money, rather than spend it on a hearing aid, he spends it on his invention.

(9) TENTATIVE AGREEMENT: We offered to do what we can to help secure for him the funding and supportive team he needs to proceed with his research. He has pretty well exhausted what he can do by himself and with his own trickle of funds.

What's next?

We have some pretty good connections with engineers and physicists as well as people who have expressed an interest in funding projects such as this, as well as people who would like to help in administrative capacities. So we think we can probably give him what he needs. Still, the world is filled with people of great talent, and so we welcome inquiries from others who might have a suitable match to this project.

Whether or not this unit is a 'free energy' device that can help solve the world's energy needs, whatever the means it taps into some heretofore not understood or untapped energy source, I am convinced that Dr. Kiril Chukanov has, at least, a very fascinating scientific process that is worth funding for further investigation and development.

His two priorities at present are to (1) get funding for the 100 kW prototype; (2) secure a technician who can help him build the prototype.

*DISCLAIMER: Please forgive what may seem like a contradictory role here, or even conflict in interest. Typically my role at "Greater Things News Service -- Free Energy" is to report on various free energy technologies and developments -- most of the time as an outsider looking in. However, in this case, I happen to be courting an inside position, so the reporting is going to tend to be biased, no matter how much I try to be objective. I intend for my reputation as a fair and objective reporter to work in Kiril's favor, as I honestly believe he is very deserving of a hearty endorsement, from what I have been able to observe thus far. Can a person who is involved in various specific free energy projects be objective about other free energy projects in which he is not involved, and which could be construed as 'competition'? I believe that up to this point I have, and I intend to continue in that tradition I have set for myself; and to not violate that positive and somewhat unique reputation.

See also

Chukanov Quantum Energy LLC coverage index

