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Time...Genesis, Inventions, Harmny And Freedom

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(A) TIME, an Advanced Thermal Interferential Molecular Energy Device & Technology comprising a novel Invention, i.e., Generation VIII "Star Wars" Technology analogous to the Alien Beam Weapon System allegorically portrayed in the movie, "Independence Day":

Commercial, Industrial and Humanitarian Development Program:

To: Dr. Yury N. Ivanov, Esq.,

The Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Cc. President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, The Russian Federation

Mr. Alexander Nagorny, Deputy Editor,

General Leonid Ivashov, Strategic Analyst,

Mr. Mikhael Khazin, Financial Expert,

Mr. Mikhail Leontyev, Russian Television Commentator,

& Mr. Leonid Shebarshin, Russian Intelligence Official,

ZAVTRA, The Russian Intelligence Weekly

Mr. Hao Chen Yang, Esq., Beijing, P. R. China,

(The Chinese Army & Ministry of State Security of the P. R. of


Mr. Jack Aiken Lancaster, Esq., American Patriot

From: James W. Black, Hai Long (Dragon in The Eternal Sea)

"The Heart of The Dragon"

63 Bellevue Avenue,

Toronto, Ontario,

Canada M5T 2N6

Tel: (416) 216-1617


Dear Dr. Ivanov,

I am enclosing some further background information with regard to my novel invention of "TIME", an advanced Thermal Interferential Molecular Energy Device and Technology for your interest and review. "TIME" is a novel and very unique "Generation 8 Star Wars" Technology analogous to the Alien Beam Weapon System which was allegorically portrayed in the movie, "Independence Day". TIME is eternal or infinite, i.e., "8". I am herein proposing that you, your colleagues with the Russian Academy of Sciences and I, along with any of our Chinese and American friends who may be interested in participating, enter herein into a new Commercial Development Program to develop the "TIME" technology for peaceful, commercial and humanitarian implementations. This can initially comprise a scientific Research and Development Program in Moscow, Riga and Minsk. Commercial derivative products can be placed onto the marketplaces worldwide as the program progresses. I am enclosing copies of letters that I sent out describing TIME in comparison to other older and soon-to-be-obsolete technologies, e.g., the Particle Beam Laser (MARS Weapon System or Mass Amplifier) invented and developed by my previous partner and a very good friend of mine, Richard Bruce MacFarlane, at the U.S. China Lake Naval Weapons Laboratory and at the U.S. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. This was first presented by Bruce and his wife, Blanche, to the U.S. Department of Defense back in 1966 and yet no commercial derivative products have appeared since on the marketplace, e.g., for mining and medical applications. Therefore, I have concluded that the Commercial Markets for TIME are wide open, very financially lucrative and, essentially, virgin.

Thank you for your message of earlier this evening. I am looking forward to hearing from you at your earlier convenience and once you've had TIME to study and review all of the technical and descriptive materials that I have already forwarded to you.

With best wishes,


James W. Black

TIME, an Advanced Thermal Interferential Molecular Energy Device & Technology comprising a novel Invention

Historical Perspective:

Years ago, in California, my partner, Mr. Richard Bruce MacFarlane, invented and developed the Particle Beam Laser or MASS AMPLIFIER (MARS Weapon) at the U.S. China Lake Naval Weapons Laboratory. We were close friends and partners. Since that time, I have designed and invented industrial and commercial technology comprising a "THERMAL LASER" based on infrared techniques to generate EM (Electromagnetic) Waves and Radiation. This past year, I invented and designed "TIME", an Advanced Thermal Interferential Molecular Energy Device comprising two Beams at a Differential in Frequencies that coincide on a target and then generate a third interferential wave pattern or frequency (based upon the differential in frequencies of the two incoming EM Waves/Beams), achieving a standing wave pattern which amplifies and permeates throughout a target achieving internal molecular resonance and target disintegration. Unlike a "Laser" or "Particle Beam Weapon" that "punches" a hole through a target in the precise location that it contacts a "target" or mass, the 3rd Interferential Wave Pattern generated by "TIME" internally within a target, e.g., an aircraft carrier or jet aircraft, etc., or even an asteroid (for peaceful applications which will protect the Earth), permeates throughout the complete mass of the target from its point or area of initial contact and beam intersection. This technology is more advanced in some areas than the Russian Intersecting Interference Beam Weapon System that was used in the downing of a number of Commercial Airline Flights (as tests) and, according to two U.N. (United Nations) Advisors I've previously spoken with, in the downing of the U.S. Space Shuttle a number of years ago. Also, according to the two U.N. Advisors, it has already been accessed and acquired by an alliance of the Japanese and Russian Mafias. Regardless, I am only interested in the commercial, industrial and humanitarian technology developments, markets, applications and implementations of the "TIME" Devices and Technology, e.g., for mining and medical applications, etc.. I like to mention a bit about the new invention and technology of "TIME" or otherwise, some people will not pay attention if one only talks about humanitarian and environmental products, new inventions and technologies alone! This is the simple Truth!


To: President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

The Russian Federation,

Moscow, Russia

From: James W. Black

63 Bellevue Avenue,

Toronto, Ontario,

Canada M5T 2N6

Tel: (416) 216-1617

Dear President Putin,

I am enclosing some additional information including descriptions of my new Inventions, Technologies and Commercial Projects for your interest and review. I have also enclosed a brief description of my new invention of "TIME", the Advanced Thermal Interferential Molecular Energy Device, that replaces the Particle Beam Laser (Mass Amplifier or MARS Weapon, invented and developed by my close friend and previous partner, Richard Bruce MacFarlane, at the U.S. China Lake Naval Weapons Laboratory, China Lake, California, United States of America), a fundamental component of the U.S."Star Wars" Program and of the U.S. Space Defense Command with a far superior technology that Eldon A. Byrd, former Director, Office of Electromagnetic Warfare, U.S. Marines Naval Office of Surface Weaponry, stated was "theoretically correct", i.e., in comparison with the Russian Intersecting Interference Beam Weapon System described in the treatise by Dr. Andrew Michrowski, Ph.D., and U.S. Colonel Tom Bearden (U.S. Military Intelligence) and published by P.A.C.E., the Planetary Association for Clean Energy in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Editor and Publisher, Dr. Andrew Michrowski, Ph.D.). Both Dr. Michrowski and Colonel Bearden are friends and colleagues of U.S. Colonel John Alexander, U.S. Pentagon-C.I.A. Non-Lethal Weapons Program who has also been closely involved with the U.S. Los Alamos National Laboratory with regard to their theft, research and development of Anti-Gravity Technology which was announced in a newspaper article that appeared in the Sacramento Bee newpaper in California, United States of America in January, 2001. As I previously wrote, I am interested in the peaceful, commercial, industrial and humanitarian applications of the "TIME" Invention and Technology. I am also interested in co-operative, peaceful development programs that contribute to global harmony, understanding and friendships between all of the nations, peoples, races and cultures on Earth.

Thank you for your kind consideration and review of the enclosed materials and I look forward to your reply.

With Best Wishes,


James W. Black


Ottawa, Canada

His Excellency Vitaly Churkin, Ambassador

Embassy of The Russian Federation, Ottawa, Canada

Mr. Oleg Boiko, Counsellor

Consular Section of the Embassy of The Russian Federation,

Ottawa, Canada

Captain (Navy) Sergei A. Shergin, Military, Naval and Air


Office of the Defence Attache,

Embassy of The Russian Federation, Ottawa, Canada

Mr. Valery Makharadze, Councellor, Trade Commissioner

Trade Mission of The Russian Federation, Ottawa, Canada

TO: The Russian Academy of Sciences

FROM: James W. Black

Toronto, Canada

Tel: (416) 216-1617

Dear Sir or Madam,

"The Genesis Technologies" comprise an invention of mine that converts the wave energy and motion of our seas and oceans into electrical energy to electrically power and drive marine vessels, e.g., ships and submarines, which can remain at sea virtually indefinitely without the need for refueling or even for fuel! Another invention is an electric generator and hybrid "engine" that replaces internal combustion engines, diesel engines and electric power generating stations and devices with only one moving part, a wheel, with up to twice the energy efficiency and which produces zero pollution. I also have created some advanced propulsion systems for marine vessels and aerospace applications which can replace conventional jet and rocket engines and which can compete with the advanced aerospace programs of Russia, the United States, Europe and China.

I believe in harmony and that we should look forward to a bright and economically stable future on Earth with co-operation between all of the nations.

One of my earlier partners received his doctorate through the Russian Academy of Sciences and I have also worked with scientists in the United States, Canada and in China. Years ago, one of my good friends and partners invented and developed the Particle Beam Laser or Mass Amplifier (MARS Weapon) at the U.S. China Lake Naval Weapons Laboratory. Last year I invented a new technology that I call "TIME". "TIME" is an Advanced Thermal Interferential Molecular Energy Device comprising two coherent beams (Microwave, Laser, etc.) of different frequencies which, when contacting a target or mass, generate a third interferential wave pattern or frequency which permeates radially throughout all of the target or mass from its point of initial contact in a fashion similar to the interferential wave generated by the medical device known as an Interferential Sine Wave Neuromuscular Stimular used for the treatments of pain and injuries, etc., which is based upon the differential in frequencies of the two primary wavelengths. A standing wave pattern results which amplifies and achieves internal molecular resonance yielding complete target disintegration, e.g., of an aircraft or aircraft carrier, from only one small area of initial contact of the two incoming beams! A friend of mine who was the Director, Office of Electromagnetic Warfare, U.S. Marines Naval Surface Weaponry Center, said that the "TIME" technology is theoretically correct but that it will cost millions of dollars to develop. I have enclosed this brief, further description of my invention of the "TIME" device for your interest and review in order to give you an idea of my diverse interests. "TIME" has a number of technical advancements compared with the Russian Intersecting Interference Beam Weapon System. "TIME" can be developed for commercial, industrial and peaceful applications of the technology, which is my goal, e.g., for mining and medical applications, etc..

I look forward to hearing from you and I welcome your involvement with me.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

With Best Wishes,


James W. Black


Another invention of mine for which a U.S. Patent has already been issued is an Internal Momentum Engine or Impulse Drive which may even be competitive with technologies developed at and for the Saucer Program at Area 51/S-4 in Nevada by E.G. & G. and the U.S. Department of Energy, et al.. Testing has been done on behalf of the Canadian Space Agency which was paid for, in part, by the National Research Council of Canada. This new invention has been endorsed by Dr. Harold Aspden of the University in Southampton, U.K., one of the world's foremost experts in Advanced Energy and Propulsion Systems and the former head of patenting for I.B.M. in Europe for nineteen years. When a presentation was made at a technical symposium and conference in Texas about the Internal Momentum Engine a number of years ago, it was the only new invention and technology that truly inspired the interest and attention of U.S. Admiral Warren Aut, Chief of the Allied Forces in Europe, i.e., of N.A.T.O., the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Countries. This is one way to get to work a little faster!

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From: GENESIS8888 12:22 am






To: Mr. F. Wesley Moffett, Jr.

21 Cliffside Drive,

Bristol Harbour,

Canandaigua, NY 14424,


Tel: (716) 394-3353

From: James W. Black, (Hai Long)

(Inventor & Designer)

63 Bellevue Avenue,

Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5T 2N6

Tel/Fax: (416) 216-1617

Dear Wes,

I am enclosing some further information about my new Inventions, Technologies and Commercial Projects and Products for your review. I will highly appreciate your help in locating machine shops, financial partners who can help fund the prototyping and commercial development of various projects, those who would be interested in participating in the commercial projects and anyone you know who may be interested in Licensing one or more of my new Inventions, Technologies and Products. Thank you for your kind help, interest and participation! I am also open to and thank you for your suggestions on how we may proceed.

As I previously wrote, two U.S. Air Force Bases previously expressed interest in my new designs and inventions of Advanced RAM Air Turbines, i.e., Wright-Patterson AFB and Edwards AFB. I was in contact with them when I was working with my previous partners, the physicist and engineer who worked at the Hughes Aircraft Company and Delco Electronics Company who also designed the hardware and software for the U.S. Tomahawk Cruise Missile, etc.. However, I am interested in developing products and technologies for the market for commercial success and not simply in advanced research projects for the Air Force or "Advanced Weapons Programs".

The Advanced RAM Air Turbines have many commercial and consumer product and market applications, e.g., to Air Compressors that are quiet and only have one moving part, compared with piston-types of compressors. They also have applications to Advanced and Novel Heating and Cooling Systems with specialized commercial and industrial applications, e.g., consumer products for heating and cooling, advanced technologies to replace radiation-emitting "nuclear rockets", i.e., the propulsion systems of the rockets, and to replace the radioactive core rods at nuclear power generation stations with clean energy technology. The market for the heating, cooling and power generation applications is a multi-million dollar market according to a study done on behalf of my previous partners at Hughes and Delco by a Swiss Bank. I received a cost estimate from BODYCOTE Materials Testing Canada Inc. in Mississauga for the cost of fabrication of a prototype of an "Advanced Wheel System". They estimated that a very high tech model can be engineered and fabricated for around Cdn. $30,000.00. However, I prefer to find a partner or a company that I can work with as a partner. My friend, Mr. Hao Chen Yang, is already involved in China through our Partnership Agreement and I look forward to your help, support and participation in this project as well. As with a number of my other new Inventions and Technologies, there are a number of commercial and industrial market applications and consumer product derivatives to choose from.

My research, inventions and technologies have been focused on providing educational benefits and benefits to our world's environment and living ecology through their commercial viability and through commercial success, e.g., (1) "The Genesis Technologies" convert the wave motion and energy of our world's seas and oceans through turbines, wings or pontoons that surround and comprise the hulls of marine vessels and via a transmission into stored rotational energy in flywheel-generators which can be downloaded to power a vessel's electrical systems and to provide propulsion via an electric motor(s) which drive the vessel's props, etc.. The Genesis Technologies ("Genesis") can reduce fuel costs and consumption by up to and prospectively over fifty percent (almost like "perpetual motion" and perpetually free energy supplies, i.e., when also implemented as floating power generating stations or as auxiliary and emergency electrical energy generation systems for yachts and recreational vehicles, etc.). I have also designed and invented an Advanced Silent Drive that does not have an "acoustic signature pattern" and which is very effective as an Advanced Marine Drive/Propulsion System. Related to this and also recommended to the Pentagon and to the U.S. Office of Naval Research in Arlington, Virginia by my previous partners at the Hughes Aircraft Company and Delco Electronics Company (California, U.S.A.), is an Advanced Centrifugal Thrust Turbine Drive which replaces conventional propellers and which will never cavitate yet increases its performance at higher r.p.m. (revolutions per minute). (2) "Resurrection" is a new hybrid electric generator and hybrid rotary jet/rocket"engine" which is configured as, "... a wheel in the middle of a wheel.", Ezekiel !:16 (The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel), and that has only one moving part, a wheel surrounded by a stationary ring-boiler which recovers and converts the additional heat (thermal energy) produced during combustion into electrical energy via an additional turbine-generator or via a feedback loop into the intake of the wheel itself. The hollow wheel is rotated by jet/rocket nozzles on the wheel's rim. Mechanical energy is provided by the wheel's rotation in a fashion similar to the motion of a reciprocating piston within its cylinder of an internal combustion or diesel engine. The products produced during the combustion of the preferred fuels of Hydrogen or Hydrogen Peroxide (which is stable and not volatile or dangerous compared to hydrogen) are steam (which is condensed into pure water) and oxygen. With an energy efficiency of up to twice or more the efficiencies of conventional internal combustion and diesel engines, "Resurrection", comprising an electric motor-generator attached to the rotating wheel, etc., is also designed to replace conventional electric power generating stations and technologies at a fraction of their costs, e.g., nuclear, coal and gas burning, and co-generation electrical generating stations as well as effectively compete with the smaller, portable generators on the markets today. "Resurrection" provides both ROTATIONAL (MECHANICAL) ENERGY and THERMAL ENERGY (HEAT) which is normally wasted in conventional engines, etc.! "Resurrection" is also designed to re-generate our world's living ecology and environment for current and future generations. The manufacturing cost is projected to be significantly lower compared with conventional electric generators. The technology for "Resurrection" can also be implemented within all conventional burners, hot water heaters and boilers, etc., to significantly improve their energy efficiencies and their respective commercial and industrial values and markets.

Briefly, a few of my other new Inventions and Technologies for which I am seeking development opportunities, partners and funding include:

(1) Novel and Advanced Rotary Pumps for Water and Oil, etc..

(2) A Novel Rotary Valve and Valve System which can be used in the mixing

of Chemicals, etc..

(3) A Novel Design of Wind Turbine-Generator

(4) A Novel Design and Invention for Hydro-Electric Power Generation

which does not require dams, e.g., which does not require a "Niagara

Falls", and which does not destroy the actual or visual beauty of our

world's environments.

(5) A Novel Invention and Technology to Generate Electrical Energy from

Solar Energy.

(6) An Advanced Resonance Drive System which implements two or more

small electric motors (e.g., 2 X 10 hp, horsepower) and which can

generate more torque than a motor or engine with 100 hp output

capabilities. This was recommended to the U.S. Navy by the engineer

and physicist at Hughes and Delco. A very small "engine" can drive a

transport truck or a train, etc.. It can also be implemented in new High

Performance Marine Vessels, Ships and Submarines, etc..

(7) A Novel Energy-Saving Device for some Water Purification Systems, e.g.,

Hydrocyclones, etc..

(8) Novel Designs of Smaller Electric Generators for Consumer Markets.

(9) A Novel Design for Fluid Filters to improve the effluent results by up to 5

to 10 percent or prospectively more.

(10) Revolutionary Designs of Advanced Propulsion Systems which have no

moving parts and which replace conventional and advanced (current)

designs of both Jet and Rocket Engines.

Years ago, in California, my partner, Mr. Richard Bruce MacFarlane, invented and developed the Particle Beam Laser or MASS AMPLIFIER (MARS Weapon) at the U.S. China Lake Naval Weapons Laboratory. We were close friends and partners. Since that time, I have designed and invented industrial and commercial technology comprising a "THERMAL LASER" based on infrared techniques to generate EM (Electromagnetic) Waves and Radiation. This past year, I invented and designed "TIME", an Advanced Thermal Interferential Molecular Energy Device comprising two Beams at a Differential in Frequencies that coincide on a target and then generate a third interferential wave pattern or frequency (based upon the differential in frequencies of the two incoming EM Waves/Beams), achieving a standing wave pattern which amplifies and permeates throughout a target achieving internal molecular resonance and target disintegration. Unlike a "Laser" or "Particle Beam Weapon" that "punches" a hole through a target in the precise location that it contacts a "target" or mass, the 3rd Interferential Wave Pattern generated by "TIME" internally within a target, e.g., an aircraft carrier or jet aircraft, etc., or even an asteroid (for peaceful applications which will protect the Earth), permeates throughout the complete mass of the target from its point or area of initial contact and beam intersection. This technology is more advanced in some areas than the Russian Intersecting Interference Beam Weapon System that was used in the downing of a number of Commercial Airline Flights (as tests) and, according to two U.N. (United Nations) Advisors I've previously spoken with, in the downing of the U.S. Space Shuttle a number of years ago. Also, according to the two U.N. Advisors, it has already been accessed and acquired by an alliance of the Japanese and Russian Mafias. Regardless, I am only interested in the commercial, industrial and humanitarian technology developments, markets, applications and implementations of the "TIME" Devices and Technology, e.g., for mining and medical applications, etc..

I have also invented a new Personal Security Device that emits an electric charge up to 20 feet to over 200 feet away without the use of wires. This is a relatively low-cost new invention to be used by women to protect themselves from attackers, by police, military services and by peace-keeping forces (e.g., the United Nations), for example, as an alternative to the potentially lethal use of guns. I have a number of novel and advanced marine propulsion systems and I have earlier received a letter of interest in these a few years ago from the Director, White House Liaison Office, U.S. Pentagon, Office of the Secretary of the U.S. Navy. However, my goals are commercial, environmental and humanitarian. I have a number of small commercial products which can be developed and licensed to various corporations and industries in the United States and worldwide, each requiring development capital of around U.S. $20,000. I have completed the market research on these. One of these comprises new products and designs of fish-hooks, etc., for the Sports Fishing Industry and a company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. has expressed interest in their commercial development and licensing yet this requires the development capital, as I've outlined above.

With the help of my very good friend and partner, Mr. Hao Chen Yang, in the future, once prototypes and commercial products are developed, we can gain access to and influence in the market throughout all of China. As I mentioned, Chen Yang's father is the Chief Commander, Cannon Force (Field Artillery), of the Chinese Army in Beijing. His brother is the Personal Chief of Security for Chinese President Jiang Zemin. He is involved with commercial and humanitarian programs and projects between China, Canada and the United States of America. Chen Yang is of the younger generation in China with a very positive vision for our world's future. He is very kind, decent and honorable and my father and younger sister also know him. My father has invited him to play pool (billiards, snooker) with him at the Canadian Army Legion for Veterans in London, Ontario, Canada the next time he visits Canada, most likely in June or July of this year. As you know, his very lovely wife runs the operations of their company in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and she is also a very special, kind and decent friend of mine.

I have mentioned your background to both Chen Yang and his wife and your previous work, thirty-five years ago, in the development of "Flying Saucers" (Advanced Novel Vehicle Designs) on behalf of the U.S. Government and U.S. Pentagon and I also mentioned to him that you also flew in them! I described their advanced flight capabilities and their ability to "swoop" down from around 30,000 feet and hover outside the window of an apartment building or office tower!

Wes, you mentioned when I last spoke with you about a week or so ago, that new and advanced flying vehicles (without wings or rotors like airplanes or helicopters), i.e., advanced designs and vehicles that will transport six people, were to be Test Flown (on behalf of the U.S. Military Services) towards the end of this past week. When will the Commercial Models become available? I have some friends who will also probably be interested in the historic evolution of this unique technology. The father of one of my partners has worked at Area 51/S-4 and a friend and associate of mine was in charge of the Installation of the Transmitters at Area 51/S-4. A lot of information comes from my friends, previous partners and mentors who I knew after their retirements, years ago, who were previously with the top levels of the U.S. National Intelligence Authority (N.I.A.), a super-secret U.S. Agency which specializes in Advanced Energy Systems, Flying Saucers, Alien Technology and "Extraterrestrials", e.g., the "real hardware", and interdimensional and multidimensional beings, truths and realities. Actually, a friend of one of my friends and mentors co-founded E.G. & G. which was in charge of the original oversight and establishment of the previously classified facility in the State of Nevada, U.S.A., i.e., of Area 51/S-4. I spoke with another very close friend and previous Advisor and partner of mine who specializes in the research and development of Hyperspace and related technologies and Advanced Vehicle Designs at N.A.S.A. Headquarters in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. (the U.S. Space Agency and Program) and he confirmed that the U.S. Government had already made "Direct Contact". I always say and write that ALL souls and persons are a part of and comprise The Greater, Eternal Realms of The Great Soul which includes The Living, Eternal Realms of The Dragons of my close and very special Chinese friends! We only perceive and "see" a very narrow band of wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum comprising the frequencies that we describe or interpret as visible light, as you know! The rest of our "worlds" and the true universes of our souls, minds and of the Universal Consciousness that we truly live in and WITHIN forever, as "... a wheel in the middle of a wheel.", are "hyperspatial" and "infinite" as you would understand and know as well!

Thank you for your involvement, help, support and participation Wes! It is very much and forever appreciated! A lot of the ultimate goals of our projects and programs are to establish Co-operatvie, Peaceful, Environmental, Humanitarian and Commercially Successful Ventures between China and North America, and expand this to include all of the nations, cultures, peoples, races, religions, economic levels, educational levels and socio-political structures of our combined world, The Earth!

With Best Wishes,


James W. Black (Hai Long, Sea Dragon, my name in Mandarin Chinese)

"The Heart of The Dragon"

cc. Mr. Hao Chen Yang, Esq.


(The following quote has been copied directly from the U.S. C.I.A.'s web site, who also adopted this quote, and pasted onto this page. The comma has been added to concur with the original, Authorized (King James) Version of The Holy Bible. If only we all could learn to practice what we preach!)

""And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.""

