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The Lakhovsky Multi Wave Oscillator

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e Wave Oscillator (MWO) in the mid-1920s. He applied for a U.S. patent (#1,962,565) and received it in 1934.

Lakhovsky (second from right) with Multiple Wave Oscillator in French Clinic

Lakhovsky, unfortunately, died in 1942 at the age of 72. His patent expired in 1951 and is now readily available in the public domain. The MWO and other similar devices continued to be used in clinics throughout Europe after his death, but the technology seems to have been almost forgotten in America. After achieving a 98% success rate over an 11 year period, it's more than a bit curious as to why his work was suddenly withdrawn from use and patients told treatments were no longer available. MWOs' have been documented to be of value in treating cancer, arthritis, and other illnesses.

Lakhovsky's goal when designing the Multiple Wave Oscillator was to produce and transmit a full spectrum of harmonic frequencies within the body, allowing each cell to resonate with the appropriate frequency. Cells that were sick would be entrained by the correct harmonics, bringing them into a normal state so they could heal themselves through natural processes. With the proper resonant frequencies, normal mechanisms of detoxification could work to bring about greater health and well being.

Lakhovsky recognized the nucleus of each cell in the body as an oscillator in resonance with (controlled by) the cosmic rays that Nikola Tesla often spoke about. The continuous bombardment of cosmic radiation from space is very different from conventional radio frequencies commonly used today. The basic thought is that the cell structures in the body are blocked, impeding the flow of cosmic radiation, allowing poor eating habits, toxic items, stress, etc., to cause improper functioning. The MWO acts as an entrainment device that allows cosmic radiation to flow without interruption through the cells, allowing (and stimulating) proper function and health. Lakhovsky recognized the fact that the universe is basically energetic in nature, i.e., everything is energy, vibrating at its own particular frequency. If you produce enough harmonics at a high enough level, they will affect the cells in the body. And, there will never be a shortage of cosmic energy flow from the universe, so our only real problem is reversing blockages and removing the high levels of toxemia that tend to exist in most of us, causing poor health.

Nikola Tesla and Lakhovsky, in collaboration, both produced high frequency coil systems, which resulted in the MWO. Both were building devices which emitted unique oscillations, which Tesla called non-Hertzian waves. Lakhovsky used a resonant, bi-polar Tesla coil as a power supply, which means one tuned, primary coil was used to place two distinctive secondary coils into resonance at the same time. A double spark gap (similar to using two spark plugs from an automobile) was used to produce the harmonics. The double gap was used to spread the discharge over two simultaneously sparking gaps to more precisely adjust the timing and consistency of the energy discharge. This is important because the spark gap is the point where the flow of energy is blocked while the discharge from the second spark gap is hitting the coils and antennas.

The spark gap is also an important component in Tesla technology because the specific character of the discharge across the gap may hold the key to producing the proper non-Hertzian component for optimum performance.

The oscillations of the resonant coils in Lakhovsky's MWO are coupled to a unique antenna, which consists of concentric rings of nearly complete circles. Lakhovsky's original antenna used hollow, tubular, metallic elements. Each ring is tuned to a specific musical note. The outer ring starting with a "C", where the combined set of concentric rings produces a full harmonic scale. Each outer ring is harmonically coupled to one of the bipolar secondary coils, causing the entire set of rings on the antenna to oscillate. Their are two antennas, placed a few feet apart to spread the harmonic energy between them. They produce a full scale of harmonics, generally above 500,000 Hz and reaching into the billions of Hz (Gigahertz). This huge amount of harmonic energy allows cells to regain their proper oscillation with incoming cosmic energy.

The person being treated sits in a wooden (non-metallic) chair between the antennas. Lakhovsky stated that approximately 15 minutes would produce roughly 90% of the benefit for an entire day. Another 15 minutes would add a bit more, but more time simply wasn't needed. Eight hours of use wouldn't produce an significant difference in results.




Our Multi-Wave Oscillator is hand-built using special, custom-made components. It's as close to the original MWO built by Lakhovsky as possible using current, modern components. There are other MWO's on the market at various prices and many of them are small, light-weight units that fit into a small briefcase. I've even seen one that runs off a heavy-duty battery. I have no comment on the effectiveness of these products, good or bad. The unit we have weighs 55 pounds. Half that weight is from the power transformer alone - this is a very high-powered device. It's "luggable", meaning you can carry it around in its hard-shell industrial case, but I wouldn't recommend long walks with it. It's powered by standard 110 volt power (batteries are nowhere near strong enough) and comes with everything needed to use it. No more than 15 - 30 minutes per day is necessary. Click here to read what our manufacturer has to say about the MWO.

We have virtually no extra units so all of our MWO's are sold by special order only. We presently have a waiting period of 1 - 2 weeks, but are working to reduce that. If you are interested we recommend you give us a call. The MWO is a wonderful device but we want to make sure you are comfortable with it before you make your purchase. Click here to read the instruction manual for our MWO.

We also offer discounts for medical professionals. If you are willing to share your results in clinical use higher discounts may be offered. Please let us know if you are a health-care professional with an interest in our products. Wholesale pricing is available for a limited number of distributors.


Our manufacturer is now offering a buy-back return policy for the first 60 days of use.

We understand that personal research into various forms of healing can at times be an adventure into the unknown. Based upon past experience with existing customers we have the greatest confidence that you will see positive results from your research with the MWO. However, not all people respond in the same way, and some respond slower than others.

However, if for any reason you feel that the MWO is not living up to your expectations and you return it to us in its original packaging in good condition within the first 30 days, we will refund to you 80% of your purchase price. If you elect to return your machine between 30 and 60 days, we will refund 60% of your purchase price.

After 60 days we only accept returns for repairs or upgrades. The customer is responsible for packaging and shipping back to the manufacturer.

Refunds will not be made for damaged machines either through shipping damage, abuse, or improper set up and operation.

If you have further questions about our Guarantee please feel free to contact us. We want your confidence in the MWO before you purchase it, not problems afterwards.



Our unit comes with a one year warranty. All parts and labor are covered for the first 90 days. If it breaks from normal use we'll fix it free (except for any shipping costs). For the remainder of the one year warranty, all parts are warranted, but there will be a labor charge (plus shipping) for repairs. Because of the weight, you can understand our reluctance to pay for shipping charges. If a unit needs repairs, you are responsible for getting it to us.
