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Stem Cell Therapy (Non-Embryonic) To Regenerate Organs

Lax Beleney

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ical disorders such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis (MS), muscular dystrophy, cerebellar ataxia and others. Kidneys, liver, heart, pancreas, lungs, skin and nerves are regenerated and made healthy again.

No more organ transplants are needed. Congestive heart failure (CHF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are treated with excellent results. Stem cells created from patients' own blood are of perfect DNA match because patients are their own blood donors. Rejuvenating all organs including brain and skin is at your fingertips. No more Alzheimer's disease. No need for botulism toxin injections to paralyze nerves in the face and neck. RetroStem therapy without pain, will give you smooth, peachy skin all over the body, not just on the face.

Psoriasis disappears. Cleansing the circulation will help hair regrowth on scalp and will enhance one's love life. Men and women can be rejuvenated by 15 to 20 years, both in looks and energy. Post menopausal women can regain their menstrual period as in younger age and can become pregnant again if they want to. Men's sperm production will increase. Most spinal cord injury patients who are confined to a wheel chair today could get up and walk again in about a year. Patients with Hepatitis C and HIV infections can also be cured. Tooth regrowth and missing limb regeneration will become a distinct possibility in the near term.

Prepared by Laz Belenyessy, M.D. Founder Sabaria Medial, Research & Educational Foundation, Inc.

In Regeneration/Rejuvenation Therapy Utilizing Retro-differentiated Stem Cells, Created from the Patient's own Blood, is More Advantageous than Using Embryonic Stem Cells

Embryonic stem cells have different DNA's from the patients' receiving them, while stem cells created from patients' own blood are DNA and HLA matched. Furthermore, the retrodifferentiation technique will create billions of stem cells in a few hours and physicians can infuse them into the patient's vein immediately. The whole procedure lasts less than 10 hours and other than an i.v. line it is non-invasive. No embryos are used in the RetroStem therapy.

Those researchers who are in the camp of the pro choice believe system advocate embryonic stem cell research and will conduct them. These researchers will be able to achieve cloning of both animals and humans if they wish to go in that direction. Sabaria Medical, Research & Educational Foundation, Inc. is only interested in curing patients or substantially improving their conditions. For these endeavors no embryos are necessary and the RetroStem therapy uses no embryos. Patients are donors of their own blood.

Those patients who are at the low end of the list waiting for an organ transplant, would do well to receive retrodifferentiated stem cell infusion to regenerate their organs. In diabetics the pancreas can be regenerated by RetroStem therapy. In addition to that if you had a spinal cord injury and are confined to a wheel chair, this is the only therapy today that has the potential to get you better sooner with the hope that you will be able to walk again.

Our mainstream scientific teaching used to say that once the cells have differentiated (specialized), they will not go backwards to a more primitive stage thus, they do not de-differentiate. This teaching is now being reevaluated. In nature there are circumstances when specialized cells do go backward and become less specialized and even become pluripotent stem cells. There are examples of this both in animal and in human bodies.

Observing this phenomenon in nature, one learns that there is no need for embryonic stem cell therapy treatment because the retro-differentiation or de-differentiation of specialized cells into primitive cell lines occur naturally if there is trauma to the human or animal body. The same process can be recreated without trauma by chemical means. Pluripotent stem cell can be obtained without utilizing embryos.

Example One: In his research work Robert O. Becker, M.D. in the Republic of the uSA created stem cells by delivering silver ions via iontophoresis to the wound area. He obtained a patent for this procedure.

Example Two: The Ph.D. immunologist from King's College of University of London, Dr. Ilham Salh Abuljadayel created stem cells by the retrodifferentiation technique using murrain antibodies and also patented her process.

As you will see below the retrodifferentiation method has been tested in hospital settings and have been approved in one country already. European approval is expected in a two to three years. In our Republic of the uSA it will take longer, maybe 6 years. In the retro-differentiated method, stem cells are obtained from the patients' own blood, therefore the stem cells are DNA and HLA matched. Embryonic stem cells cannot claim that. At best they can only be HLA matched.

When you catch a lizard and holding its tale, it breaks off, so the lizard can escape. Later on the animal will regrow the tale. As you know several animals such as salamanders and zebra fish can regenerate severed limbs. These animals can also repair severed spinal cord, damaged retinas or even damaged heart. Researchers say that adult cells, which are already in place (are at the site of injury) revert back to an earlier stage of cells and form the blastema. Apparently the shock of injury/trauma will cause adult cells in the animal body to become undifferentiated (non-specialized) again and begin the repair process. Blastema is defined according to the English Dictionary as "a mass of undifferentiated cells from which an organ or body part develops." Blastema in Greek means offspring or sprout and the Greek word blastos, means bud. The process of repairing damage to the body is quite natural in animals and also in young humans. When animals are injured, in their bodies adult cells go through their natural de-differentiation or retrodifferentiation to become the progenitor cell line that is needed to repair the damage. It is interesting that the blastema cells are not totipotent stem cells. The process does not go all the way back to totipotent stem cell formation but stops at the pluripotent stem cell formation or even one or two steps earlier at a progenitor cell-line stage. Why? - you may ask. The reason I can think of is that it is not necessary. Nature knows best. When the animal needs to regrow a hind leg, it needs progenitor hind leg cells. When the animal needs to repair a damaged heart, it will need progenitor heart cells and so on. The efficiency of the body (nature) is such that it will go backwards, it will dedifferentiate/retrodifferentiate only as far back as necessary to repair the damage and not any further. This saves time and energy and allows the body to expand its full power/energy to repair the damage, rebuild the missing limb or regenerate an organ, such as heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, ovaries, skin, etc.

Humans also have the capability to renew lost or damaged tissue. It is observed that skeletal muscles, skin and components of blood can renew themselves. Liver can regenerate even if half of it is removed in an accident or the person donated half of his or her liver for organ transplant. Cornea of the eye regenerates and tips of fingers also can regenerate completely especially if the person is 5 years of age or younger. To achieve this, surgeons do not suture the tip of finger shut but keep it open in a clean bandage to allow the regeneration process to take place.

These constant renewal processes in humans are believed to be mediated by the action of resident stem cells that are further differentiated into progenitor cells of a specific lineage. For the body to be in good health the renewal process must continue 24/7. We renew blood components by the billions every day. Our skin sloughs off (human dander) and we replace the epithelial skin cells continuously. These are called homeostatic renewals, which maintain the body in a steady healthful state.

Research by Robert O. Becker, M.D.

Robert O. Becker, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon, patented a process (U.S. patent 5,814,094), whereby adult cells can become stem cells due to chemical effects. You can obtain a copy of the patent from the US Patent Office and read the whole thing. To create stem cells from specialized cells, Dr. Becker's process uses silver ions delivered to the body via iontophoresis: As you know the legal language of the patent is hard to follow, it is written by lawyers. Here I am quoting only a few paragraphs:

"The invention is an iontophoretic system for promoting tissue healing processes and inducing regeneration. The system includes a device and a method, a composition, and methods for making the composition in vitro and in vivo. A flexible, silver-containing anode is placed in contact with the wound, a cathode is placed on intact skin near the anode, and a wound-specific DC voltage is applied between the anode and the cathode. Electrically-generated silver ions from the anode penetrate into the adjacent tissues and undergo a series of three reactions."

First, "the silver ions combine with proteins, peptides and various other chemical species normally present in solution in the tissues. The silver ions also combine with any bacteria, fungi or viruses present in the treatment area."

Second, "if treatment is continued after all or most available sites for this type of reaction have been exhausted, the newly-generated silver ions associate with cells in the region, particularly fibroblast cells and epithelial cells, resulting in de-differentiation of these cells into embryonic cell types."

Third, "if treatment is continued after this second reaction is substantially complete, the free silver ions form a complex with collagen fibers present in the wound. This silver-collagen complex is believed to act as a biological inducer to activate the previously-produced de-differentiated fibroblast or epidermal cells to multiply and produce an adequate blastema."

The advantages of this technique, says Dr. Becker, "are the ease of use, use of the patient's own cells, no immune reaction, no need to use human fetuses as a source of stem cells, no need for anti-rejection drugs and it is economic." Dr. Becker has retired, but hopefully his disciples will continue to work on his stem cell therapy.

Dr. Becker's patent is an example of generating stem cells from specialized (differentiated) cells from the patients' tissues by chemical means, by chemical stimulation. If the patients are adults, stem cells are created from their specialized (adult) cells. If the patients are children, stem cells are created from the children's specialized cells. Because this patented process utilizes the patients' tissues, the newly created stem cells, by definition, are DNA and HLA matched. Dr. Becker was an orthopedic surgeon and was very much interested in saving limbs or regenerating accidentally lost or amputated limbs. I believe that continuing his research, limb regeneration will become a distinct possibility in the near future.

Those of you who can afford to support research, perhaps should organize a group made up of some of the followers of Dr. Becker. I am certain that he would be interested in a consulting position in this new research organization. If you are in the entertainment industry and have diabetes or Parkinson's disease or a professional athlete who would want to recover faster from injuries, should get together and organize such research. By establishing a Foundation and giving the leadership over the mainstream medicine, you will never find a cure. Promoters and leaches will take over these organizations and all they are interested in is receiving money. Finding a cure will become very low on the rung of the promotional ladder. When they find a cure the donations will drop off and the bureaucrats in the foundations will lose their jobs. Consequently they will not want to find a cure. By having at the medical research helm, professionals such as Dr. Becker and his followers, will assure that research will go in the correct direction and at an accelerated rate.

Being open minded is very important. Other healing modalities should also be investigated. I believe that applying sound vibrations with specific frequencies to the tissues would also stimulate regeneration and rejuvenation. There should be a whole new department of research investigating this type of therapy. I have some ideas in this arena of activity.

Magnetic energy application would also be helpful. Those who are seriously researching limb regeneration could check into using magnetic energy to stimulate tissue growth. The equipment, called Molecular Magnetic Energizer (MME) might be a good one to start with. David L. Stokesbary, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon in Southern California, is an expert in this magnetic therapy. He designs and builds his own equipment. His new office address is 31142 Flying Cloud Drive, Laguna Niguel, Calif. 92677.

RetroStem Therapy

This therapy is available today to treat people. It is based on a patented method (US Patent 6,090,625; UK Patent GB-B-2297558 and others). It is creating stem cells from specialized cells both in adults and children, based on a biochemical reaction. The inventor of this technology is Dr. Ilham Salh Abuljadayel. She obtained her Ph.D. in immunology from King's College, University of London, England. She and her husband Mr. Ghazi Ghoot, who obtained a BS degree in Mathematical Physics and Astrophysics from King's College (1984) established the company TriStem Technology, that holds the patents worldwide for both human and animal applications. There is a lot of information on the company's extensive web site. You may review it at:

While a lot of research is being conducted to obtain stem cells by various means, these activities are still in the research phase only and treatment may be many years away. Harvesting existing stem cells from the bone marrow is invasive, painful and expensive. Even if stem cells are obtained by this method, they have to be grown in laboratory culture to increase their numbers, that may take two to three weeks and the number of stem cells are still only in the millions, which is very low to do appreciable good. If you are a patient sitting in a wheel chair, paralyzed from the waist down or have diabetes or Parkinson's disease or MS, you want help now, not 10 years from now. If you are waiting for an organ transplant, you want help now to regenerate your diseased organ with the benefit of avoiding a rather complicated and life threatening, heroic organ transplant surgery. Another benefit is that using the patients' own blood to obtain stem cells, there is no need for immuno-suppressive medications. Using TriStem's retro-differentiation technique, (RetroStem therapy) physicians can create billions of stem cells from the patient's own blood within hours and reinfuse them into the patient. No other procedure can do the same today.

The beauty of the retrodifferentiation procedure is that it is available today as we speak to treat patients for various ailments. The results of 50+ patients treated up to date in the Park Lane Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, with retrodifferentiated stem cells were phenomenal. Diabetics, both type 1 and type 2 have been cured, wheel chair bound patients improved and they were able to stand up. In all cases the skin of patients became younger. Psoriasis completely resolved, etc. This is just one indication that rejuvenation by retrodifferentiated stem cell therapy will work better that any other method known today. To find out where this treatment is available right now, with little or no waiting, you may go to the hospital's web site:

At the end of this report before the Question and Answer section, a complete list af physical address, fax, phone of the managing director of the hospital is listed.

What is Retrodifferentiation?

It is a biochemical process during which mature, specialized cells can revert back to a more primitive, immature cell stage, the pluripotent stem cell stage. Before we go deeper into this technique, let's examine what stem cells are.

Stem cells are undifferentiated immature cells, capable of self-renewal (divide without limit) and differentiation (specialization). In culture stem cells have the ability to divide for indefinite periods and give rise to specialized cells. Human development begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg and creates a single cell that has the potential to form an entire organism once it has imbedded into the lining of the uterus. Our very first stem cell was created when our father's sperm fertilized our mother's egg. This fertilized egg is totipotent, meaning that it can develop into any kind of cell of the human body, its potential is total. In the first hours after fertilization, this cell begins to divide into identical totipotent stem cells. This identical reproduction proceeds for about four days. This glob of identical cells is called the blastocyst. After this four day period, specialization begins. Another name for specialization is differentiation. Part of the totipotent stem cells will specialize/differentiate to form the placenta, amniotic sac and the amniotic fluid. The other totipotent cells will form a group of cells that will become the baby. These cells can form any part of the baby but cannot become placenta, amniotic sac or amniotic fluid. Thus they are not totipotent anymore, thus became pluripotent stem cells. We are in the embryonic stage of human development and talk about pluripotent stem cells. Embryo is defined as the product of conception from implantation through the eighth week of development. After 8 weeks of age, the product of conception is referred to as fetus. In the first four days, the clump of identical cells are referred to as the blastocyst consisting of totipotent stem cells.

To understand these important steps, it is worth repeating that after fertilization the totipotent cell will divide into identical cells for about four days. Next, the differentiation (specialization) begins. The totipotent stem cells specialize into two groups. One group forms a tiny sac and the other group of cells form a cluster on the upper part of this sac. These are the first steps of specialization or differentiation. The cluster of cells on the upper part of the sac will become the baby and the cells of the sac forming the wall structures will become the placenta, amniotic sac and amniotic fluid. The clusters of cells on the upper part of this little sac are called pluripotent stem cells, which can form any part of the human physical body and that is precisely what we want.

Going backwards starting from adult cells, it is enough to go back to the pluripotent stem cell stage to repair or rebuild any part of the body. There is no need to go back all the way to the totipotent stem cell phase.

Purists in academic research are criticizing the retrodifferentiation method that it does not produce totipotent stem cell. I say, so what. We do not need totipotent embryonic stem cells to heal patients. Retrodifferentiation will produce pluripotent stem cells and these are exactly the type of the cells we want. Many researchers make a comfortable living by researching the hell out of everything but never finding the cure. This is so true for cancer research and chronic disease research. The reason is that not curing but only maintaining the patients is good business for the pharmaceutical cartel. Patients in pain due to arthritis will have to buy pain medication for the rest of their lives, diabetics will have to buy insulin or oral hypoglycemic medications for the rest of their lives. This is good business for big pharma but it is certainly lousy medicine in my opinion.

Now let's get back to pluripotent stem cells. These juvenile cells (pluripotent stem cells) are abundant in a developing embryo, their numbers decrease however as development progresses. By the time people become adults, their bodies contain limited numbers of stem cells, which are confined to remote body compartments, such as bone marrow, difficult to get to and may be painful to harvest. Once pluripotent stem cells are produced from the patients' own blood, by retrodifferentiation (going backward), they will go to various parts of the body and differentiate again (or re-differentiate) just enough to become specialized cells so that they can perform a specific function in various body organs or tissues. The stem cells that differentiate enough to become cells of various tissues or organ are called progenitor cells. Knowing how to direct the pluripotent stem cells to become progenitor pancreas cells or progenitor kidney cells or progenitor liver cells or progenitor nerve cells or any other progenitor cells of the body is part of the patented process of retrodifferentiation by TriStem Corp. With this method any tissue or organ can be repaired and revitalized, therefore there is a tremendous potential to rejuvenate the whole body. I can see that in he near future there will be progenitor hair, tooth and gum cells created to regrow hair and teeth. That will be awesome. Those of you who have money to invest, this is the time to acquire a position in the private firm, TriStem Corp., Ltd. In my opinion you'll do very well.

When you hear the word "retro," you could think of fashion. Designers going back to the 30's or 60's type clothe design call their creations "retro" fashion. Retro means that you are going in the reverse direction. Almost like time-traveling, going back in time to a more youthful stage in the world of your cells. Remember that going back in time in the world of your cells means rejuvenation. This is absolutely Great! The retrodifferentiation process has a great potential to reconstitute and repair an entire human body including blood, neurons, muscles, bones and organs such as kidneys, pancreas, liver, heart, lungs, skin, and regrow hair, gums and even teeth. Because the patients are their own donors of blood, the so obtained stem cells have the same DNA and the patients' cells.

RetroStem therapy has a great advantage over the technology utilizing embryonic stem cells because cells of an embryo have different DNA's from that of the recipient patient. Embryonic stem cells, obtained from aborted fetuses, are being used today in the Caribbean islands and in other locations around the world to rejuvenate patients. These centers claim that their patients become 10 years younger in a few months after the injections. The embryonic stem cells will stimulate the endocrine and other systems to offer rejuvenation even though their DNA's are different.

Retrodifferentiated stem cells will rejuvenate the person better than embryonic stem cells. Having the same DNA and HLA as the cells of the patients, and the technology of adding a vial of appropriate antibodies to the apheresed white cells, pluripotent stem cells are produced. My personal opinion is that using this technique the various progenitor cell lines will create a more specific stimulus in the various organs and patients will look and feel 15 to 20 years younger after a few months of receiving the intravenous retro differentiated stem cell infusions.

With the RetroStem therapy it is a distinct possibility that women, who have all their reproductive organs intact, but went through their menopause due to advancing age, will start menstruating again and definitely will become younger not only in looks but in function as well. Hot flashes will become a distant memory. Their stem cells obtained by retrodifferentiation and infused into their vein, could stimulate the pituitary, the ovaries and the endometrium of the uterus. By stimulating the ovaries, eggs may mature again and will be extruded by the ovaries and could be fertilized by sperm. The uterus will go through its monthly cycle as in younger age. If women who are in their fifties and are in good health otherwise, do want to get pregnant, perhaps rejuvenation by RetroStem therapy should be tried first before the couple would fly all over the planet to find clinics who would accept them to try in vitro fertilization at great expense, inconvenience and substantial pain to the future mother.

Another advantage of retrodifferentiation is that it can generate cells of a specific arm of the immune system, such as B and T lymphocytes that can help to fight viral infections and cancer. Moreover, research to date has shown that retrodifferentiation is also a method by which diseases such as cancer, the many auto immune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, just to name a few), hepatitis C, HIV and other virus infections might be better understood, treated and possibly cured. The latest result (see last page) is that patients with hepatitis C have been cured. Similar results were obtained with HIV infection.

TriStem has retrodifferentiated 'leukemia' B cells into an unmutated (thereby normal) stem cell stage, in particular, in the condition of B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL). Thus, this technology has the potential to erase or rectify acquired genetic mutations, which is the hallmark of returning to a nonmalignant stage. Moreover, not only does this technology produce pluripotent stem cells, but also the micro environment that maintains and proliferates these stem cells, such as various stromal cell types. Mesenchymal cells are able to produce a variety of growth factors that can be utilized in expanding current populations of stem cells, whether retrodifferentiated or not.

Creating Billions of Your Own Stem Cells in a Few Hours

The actual procedure consists of starting an iv (intravenous) line in one arm and a return line in the opposite arm. This is done by qualified physicians-anesthesiologists in a medical office setting. The iv line is then hooked into an apheresis machine (GAMBRO COBE Spectra) which separates a volume of the patient's blood into 3 parts: Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells and Platelets. The Red Blood Cells and Platelets are returned to the patient immediately via the iv line. A small volume of the White Blood Cells depending on the patient's age, weight, height, size and condition are taken and the murrain antibodies are added to them. Next, they are placed in a tissue culture incubator for several hours. During this time the white cells go backward (hence the name, retrodifferentiation). They become pluripotent stem cells. These cells have the habit of going to the area of problems to repair the damage. Arriving there, the cells start to differentiate (specialize) again to becomes the cells that are needed.

Progenitor cells may be described as relatively undifferentiated cells that retain the ability to divide throughout postnatal life (after birth) to provide cells that can be specialized and take the place of those that have died or were lost. Progenitor cells are committed stem cells. If the lineage is pancreas, the progenitor cells will create pancreatic cells, which is good for diabetics. If the lineage is kidneys, the progenitor cells will create kidney cells, if the lineage is brain and its various parts, the progenitors will create nerve cells. If the lineage is the pituitary gland of the brain, the progenitors stem cells will create pituitary cells, which are important in rejuvenation, and so on. TriStem's patented technology using special antibodies and incubation, determines the lineage and retrodifferentiate the white cells in that direction. After incubation, the cells are washed in a GAMBRO COBE 2991 Cell Processor to remove the antibodies and the washed stem cells are reinfused into the patient. The whole treatment takes between 6 to 10 hours. An hour later the iv line is removed and the patient is monitored for a period of 24 to 48 hours, then discharged. The simple 18-gauge needle iv line is more comfortable to patients than the previously used CVP line.

The whole process is non-invasive (except for the iv line insertion) and the discomfort is about the same as getting and intravenous infusion in a doctor's office. After the initial prick by the needle, there is no further pain. As the cells are derived from the patient (i.e. patients are their own donors), there is no need for conditioning regimen, growth factors or immuno-suppression of any kind in this process.

This simple and elegant treatment can regenerate the various organs of the body and has a great advantage over organ replacement surgical procedures.

Web site: E-mail: Park Lane Hospital located at 56 Old Clifton, Karachi. Tel: 111-222-911 Ext 244.

To date physicians treated 50+ cases at the Park Lane Hospital and all of them discussed on hsipl's web site. Below only a few of them are mentioned. In diabetes they have obtained cure and in spinal cord injuries and other neurological problems they have improved the patients' condition considerably.

Type 1 Diabetes: We have completed treating 2 patients. The results have been spectacular. The patients in this disease require regular use of insulin as their pancreas are not synthesizing insulin. The patients were on very high dosages of insulin every day. Within 4 weeks the patients were synthesizing their own insulin!!!!!! This was thought to be medically impossible. Their Glycemic control as measured by HbA1C (glycohemoglobin) is now at normal levels in a period of 8 weeks. Once again, this is not possible in this time frame according to mainstream medicine.

Type 2 Diabetes: We have treated 3 patients. One of them was a male, age: 54, diabetic for the past 18 years. The results have been even more spectacular. This patient required regular use of glucofage tablets and eventually insulin as his pancreas no longer synthesized it. This patient was on 40 units of insulin every day. Despite this level of insulin intake, the patient had fasting sugar levels of 180-210 and random sugar levels of 280-380. C-peptide was negligible (<0.5%) and HbA1C (hemoglobin AC1) was 10.4 (normal: 4.5 - 5.7 %). Within 2 weeks the patient started synthesizing his own insulin! Once again, this was impossible according to mainstream medicine. C-peptide measurements showed a range from 1.7 - 3.2 ng/ml. The Glycemic control as measured by HbA1C was also approaching normal levels.

Speaking of diabetes, one of my medical colleagues, a diabetic himself, said that "I am producing sufficient quantities of insulin but I make antibodies against insulin and that is the reason I am diabetic. How can stem cell therapy help me?" -- The quick answer to this question is that some of the stem cells will go to the bone marrow to be engrafted there. Once they are in there the stem cells will repair the damaged bone marrow, so that only healthy B lymphocytes are made and these will produce healthy antibodies that do not attack the body's tissues, cells or the secretions, such as insulin. Healthy antibodies are made to protect the body from foreign invaders, etc. This is an example of how stem cells go to the needed location repair the damage.

Spinal Cord Injury: The managing director of Park Lane Hospital said: We have treated 2 patients. The first one was a gun shot wound victim completely paralyzed from the neck down. Within 3 days, the patient could sit on his own and had strength/feeling in his upper body/arms. Eight weeks later he could move his toes voluntarily whereas no motion was possible before. He claims now that he is getting some feeling in his bowels where there was none before. The second patient was a motor cycle accident victim who had no feeling/motion below his navel. He now has partial feeling in his lower limbs compared to none before. He can actually stand when assisted or against a wall for much longer than before.

Parkinson's Disease: We have treated 3 patients. They have advised us that their symptoms have greatly reduced (shaking and tension in the limbs). The patients could only walk assisted on both sides prior to the stem cell infusion. Post procedure, the patients have improved balance and unassisted walking abilities. Their stamina had also improved.

Psoriasis: One of the patients treated for Severe Aplastic Anemia suffered from extensive psoriasis. Following the treatment, within 7 days the psoriasis disappeared completely. The infusion was performed 21 months ago and the skin is still clear.

Hepatitis C: Two patients who tested positive for Hepatitis C and had viral loads ranging from 17,500 IU/ml to 395,000 IU/ml as tested via PCR had their viral loads decreased to zero IU/ml and 96,900 IU/ml respectively in a period of 6.5 weeks after one stem cell infusion treatment. These patients also suffered from Beta Thalassaemia major. Apparently they had contracted the virus infection from transfused blood.

To Obtain Stem Cell Therapy, you may contact Mr. Tariq Mumtaz, Managing Director Healthcare Solutions International (Pvt) Limited 82-C, 11th Commercial Street, 3rd Floor Defense Authority Phase II Ext. Karachi 75500, Pakistan Tel: (9221) 539-1561/4; Cell: (92300) 8221179 Fax: (9221) 539-1565 Web site: E-mail:

Questions & Answers Re: Autologous Retrodifferentiated Stem Cell Therapy

Below are question and answer E-mail exchanges between Laz Belenyessy, M.D., Founder of Sabaria Medical, Research & Educational Foundation, Inc. and Mr. Tariq Mumtaz, Managing Director of Health Care Solutions International (Pvt) Limited:

1.) Dr. B: If I understand it correctly, your technology could be used to regenerate and rejuvenate any tissue or organ in the body by creating various committed stem cell types. If a diabetic patient is overweight, in addition to repair his or her pancreas, physicians at Park Lane Hospital could also balance the endocrine system to normalize weight. The committed stem cells or progenitor cells could rebuild the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland, the ovaries in women and the testes in men to work as they did at a younger age. This would mean rejuvenation. Could all these be achieved with one infusion?

Mr. M: This technology has been very successful in creating various types of cells, i.e. heart, kidney, liver, islet, neuronal, haematopoietic, etc. Whether a particular patient will only require one infusion of cells depends entirely on the patient's condition. If treated immediately after diagnosis, the patient may only require one infusion. However, if treated several years after the onset of the disease, the patient may require more than one infusion of stem cells over a period of time, typically within a 3-month cycle. Todate, all patients treated have only required one infusion. As shared earlier, diabetic patients have had very beneficial results after receiving only one stem cell infusion.

2.) Dr. B: A former patient of mine, a 92 year old lady had a stroke 2 1/2 years ago. Her speech is slow, it is difficult her to articulate and it is difficult to understand her. Otherwise she is alert and fine, now even taking piano lessons as therapy. Would stem cell infusion help her?

Mr. M: Stroke patients are also likely to improve as the stem cells will move into the area of damage and so long as there is a signal of damage (i.e. secreted enzymes indicating tissue damage), they go on location to repair the damage by rejuvenating the cells in that particular area. The directing of stem cells to re-differentiate into the needed progenitor cells can be accomplished.

3.) Dr. B: As far as kidneys go, if someone is on dialysis three times a week, would stem cell therapy regenerate the kidneys and how long would it take for the kidneys to function and produce urine? Do you have dialysis facilities to take care of patients until the therapy kicks in? A friend of mine in Arizona had a coronary bypass surgery. Cardiac surgeons told him that after the procedure, his kidneys would be shot and it did happen. Now he is on dialysis three times a week. Would stem cell therapy repair his kidneys and perhaps his blood vessels as well?

Mr. M: These cells will rejuvenate the kidneys. Depending on the condition of the kidneys, the rejuvenation may take between 2-5 weeks. Pancreatic rejuvenation has taken as little as 4 days. Patients are likely to be weaned off dialysis over a period of time to ensure that the new cells are given a chance to develop into healthy kidney cells. Reliable dialysis facilities are available in Karachi for any of your patients to use. As you might imagine, these facilities are available at a fraction of the cost that is applicable in the US. These cells will have a very positive impact on his blood vessels and address any damage that has resulted from his condition.

4.) Dr. B: Regarding the general circulation my question is: would stem cell infusion clear the plugged up arteries, veins, capillaries and lymph channels? Stimulate enzyme production to digest fatty tissues, blood clots and would it chelate mineral deposits. If stem cell infusions could do this in the scalp as well, this would be a tremendous boon for hair growth regeneration, etc. Cleansing the general circulation would also help in erectile disfunction (ED). Any comments?

Mr. M: Stem Cells have been observed to chelate very significant amounts of iron deposits from Thalassaemia patient's bodies (up to 85%). Macrophages are likely to remove arterial build ups. In a patients suffering from Parkinson's disease, we noticed hair growth after a single infusion treatment, while a spinal cord injury patient (T11/T12 injury) reported erectile function on day 2 post infusion.

5.) Dr. B: Rejuvenation of the skin is also possible. A number of my female patients complained that they have ugly stretch marks after child birth. Since they are young adults, in their thirties, do not want more children and wonder if the skin on their abdomen, thighs and breasts could be regenerated. Presently available laser surgical procedures will help somewhat but the whitish skin and the scalelike appearance are still present. There are some expensive creams on the market, which when applied on the skin for six weeks will fade the stretch marks, but they are still there.

I know that a dermatologist colleague of mine in Germany takes skin specimens from his patients, grows the skin cells in culture and when enough had grown (in about six weeks), he injects the cells into the skin just under the striae. He says that new skin will grow underneath and the old skin on the surface will slough off, stretch marks and all. With stem cell therapy patients would not have to wait 6 weeks and come back again, etc. Would this be possible? Also would this method work with tattoos as well? Would local injections be necessary in addition to the infusion?

Mr. M: We have not applied the therapy explicitly for skin rejuvenation todate. However, all patients who have undergone this treatment have shown signs of significantly improved facial skin, reduction or removal of cuts and skin rashes (in diabetic patients) within 4-6 days after the procedure. To date we have only reinfused the cells into the blood stream and not applied them locally. Local application/injections of the re-differentiated stem cells, with the right expertise is entirely possible. As these are perfectly HLA matched cells, no reaction is expected. We have not - 15 -

seen any untoward reactions in any of our patients todate. The skin rejuvenation patients would not need to wait for more than 5-6 hours after the white blood cells have been apheresed (takes 3-4 hours depending on the blood cell counts). The procedure can be completed in one day.

6.) Dr. B: Today there is a Botox injection craze in Beverly Hills and New York City. I believe that if you paralyze nerves with botulism toxin, they cannot stimulate muscles, thus you create dead tissue. The toxin has to be re-injected every few months to keeps wrinkles at bay. I am totally against this madness and wonder if you could regenerate/rejuvenate skin on the face and neck and other parts of the body via stem cell infusion in the vein. It would be important to know how long this result would last. Would you also need to inject the skin locally to achieve better results?

Mr. M: As mentioned before, we have only infused stem cells through patients' veins todate. For specific application local injections can be applied. Expected results, over a 3-6 week period (for the new/rejuvenated skin to take over) are likely to be very positive and longer lasting than botox. It would be difficult to estimate how long this new skin would last.

7.) Dr. B: Knowing the good results you have obtained with psoriasis, I believe that stem cell therapy targeting the skin would be successful not only to maintain young, healthy skin but also to eliminate red discoloration of the skin such as in port wine stain (Nevus Flammeus), a vascular birth mark. Would you agree? This also makes me ask: how about treating vitiligo?

I asked this before but I am asking it again: In the foregoing dermatologic cases would it be advantageous to inject stem cells into skin tissue in addition to infusing them?

Mr. M: Although we have seen remarkable results in psoriasis, an autoimmune disease, we have not tried this therapy in other skin diseases. This therapy/treatment, either through direct infusion or local application/injection is likely to have a very positive impact on the patient's condition. These autologously derived stem cells can be injected locally as well as infused directly into the veins.

8.) Dr. B: Regarding arthritis, now there is an FDA approved method to grow cartilage, taken from the good articulation, in laboratory and when enough had grown, inject the chondrocytes into little pockets the orthopedic surgeon had prepared on the bad knee or hip joint. I believe that stem cell infusion with specialized cells would induce the regeneration of healthy cartilage just by infusing them in the vein and no injection into the joints would be necessary. Is this correct?

Mr. M: Your understanding is correct. The stem cell infusion into the vein with specialized cells is likely to avoid the need of injecting the cells locally in the joint. At times depending on the particular condition of the patient, local injections can also be used to supplement the infusion of the specialized cells into the veins.

9.) Dr. B: In Arizona I have a friend, a glassblower and inventor. He has had asthma since childhood. He is in his seventies now. He could be classified as having COPD. Would stem cell infusion help him to breath well?

Mr. M: We have just treated our first patient suffering from COPD. He was a tough case because he was on cortisone for the past 4 years, which is rather unfortunate. The patient also had a bacterial infection requiring the use of antibiotics. In this case we had to do the stem cell infusion while he was on medication. The immediate result was a significant improvement of his lung function as defined by pulmonary function test (PFT) conducted by the same physician on the same equipment on Days -1, Day +1, Day 7. We expect further improvement within the next 2-3 weeks as the patient is taken off antibiotics and has his dosage of cortisone reduced.

10.) Dr. B: A friend of mine also in Arizona had prostate cancer a few years ago and opted for radium implant therapy. (My opinion: it is the worst thing he could have done to himself). Now in addition to that, his memory is gone. Would stem cell therapy help his Alzheimer's condition? He was the CEO of a large bank before his retirement and his friend is a physicist (who suggested the radium implant therapy much to my consternation). The physicist is hard of hearing. In fact he is just about deaf. Would stem cell therapy help his hearing? In the affirmative, I could convince him to go to your hospital and drag his banker friend along because he would not remember to go. Incidentally, I have a colleague in Southern California who wears a hearing aid. Would stem cell therapy improve his hearing so that he would not need to wear this cumbersome contraption? I also have another friend who is in excellent physical condition. He is in his seventies, runs his own vitamin company, he is divorced and has a new girl friend now, etc. He became suddenly deaf in one ear a few years ago. Would stem cell therapy return his hearing in the affected ear?

Mr. M: Alzheimer's patients are likely to have their condition improved substantially based on the results we have obtained in Parkinson's disease. We have not applied this therapy to patients with hearing problems todate. Regeneration of the appropriate cells, as done with other cells, is entirely possible to address specific issues in the inner, middle and outer ear. Infusion of stem cells are likely to improve the patients' condition significantly.

11.) Dr. B: Regarding enlarged prostate: BPH is benign prostatic hyperplasia. From biopsies you know in hypertrophy the cell size increases while the number of cells stays about the same but the gland enlarges. In hyperplasia the cell size remains about the same but the number of cells increases and the prostate gland enlarges again. The latter is considered a precancerous condition. I wonder if stem cell infusion would help to reduce the size of the prostate back to normal both in benign and in malignant conditions and increase the inside diameter of the prostatic urethra?

Mr. M: We have not tried stem cell therapy explicitly to treat BPH. Theoretically, stem cell therapy may reduce the size of the prostate or at least stop further growth. It is likely to have a positive impact on the condition of the patients. - 17 -

12.) Dr. B: A man of 64 years of age was shot 28 years ago when he was only 36. He has been paraplegic ever since and is confined to a wheel chair. Would stem cell therapy help and how many infusions do you think he would need to get out of his wheel chair and eventually walk again.

Mr. M: Stem Cell infusion for the 64 year old patient will definitely help. The actual reinfusion methodology will depend on where the patient was shot, is there cord only damage or is there a complete trans-section of the cord/column and how the injury has actually healed over this long period of time. We may have to deliver the cells both locally as well as systemically. This will probably take 3-5 stem cell treatments over a period of 3-9 months followed by rigorous physiotherapy.

13.) Dr. B: The other day I was watching a health channel (Time Warner Cable # 123), where the program was on morbid obesity, women weighing 500 lb. or more and after weight loss, they were having plastic surgery. One patient had a car accident and after that she practically stopped producing growth hormone (HGH) and her weight ballooned up. I believe her pituitary gland was damaged in the accident. When women have excessive bleeding during delivery, and if blood is not transfused soon and fast enough, they could suffer pituitary necrosis. In these unfortunate cases they will stop producing thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and will have to take thyroid medication for the rest of their lives. Would stem cell therapy repair the organs and would it be helpful to have a more successful surgery?

Mr. M: Rejuvenation/repair of the pituitary gland/cells is likely to take place in the types of patients that you have suggested. Stem Cell infusions before or immediately after any type of surgery, especially plastic surgery will have tremendous advantages in the healing/rejuvenation process. As I have recently met some of the study patients, I observed that the quality of their skin improved significantly as well as their overall well being. We have often discussed Retrodifferentiated Stem Cell Infusion as a rescue procedure after chemo or radiation therapy is used to eradicate cancerous tumors or obliterate a leukaemic patient's bone marrow. Stem cell infusion therapy has been observed to achieve the same effects on the neutrophils and total WBC counts in 3-7 days what other medications such as growth factors have needed 90 days to achieve.


Latest Results

Mr. M: We have successfully treated additional patients with Hepatitis C. The viral load has come down significantly and we are confident that these figures will go to zero very shortly.

We have just treated an end stage liver cirrhosis patient, a 47 year old woman, who was coming in and out of coma. On the fifth day following treatment she is awake and walking around in the hospital room feeling hungry. She has not eaten for 3 to 6 month prior to treatment. Her LFTs results proved that the infused stem cells (made from her own blood) improved her condition and are regenerating her liver.

We have also treated HIV patients. One patient had viral load 3.68 via the ELISA method and it went down to 0.42. The cut off value that separates HIV positive patients from HIV negative ones is 1.0 by the ELISA method. This is very significant because HIV and also Hepatitis C are considered retro virus caused diseases. If we can treat Aplastic Anemia successfully, which we have, then HIV and AIDS can also be treated successfully, as all end stage AIDS patients enter an Aplastic Crisis just before their demise.

Recently Dr. Ilham Abuljadayel using the RetroStem therapy has succeeded in rejuvenating menopausal women. Their menstrual cycle returned, breasts are filling up and skin is improving. Patients appear and feel 15 to 20 years younger.

She has also successfully treated azoospermia in men. Their skin improved and they also felt rejuvenated.

MS patients who were confined to their wheel chairs for several years, have started walking on their own, unassisted.