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News About Star*School University Complexes...

By Paul LeBreton

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lieu of the ship schools, though, we've been working on a more practical and pragmatic scenario here on earth, called Spectrum Academy. The link is [ I have absorbed & enjoyed your Business Plan for Spectrum Academy... Collaboration of ideas & efforts is called for ! United We Stand...And BOTH Operations can work together...We have a planet & it's children to heal & educate; and the concepts to accomplish this...As you say: "Be The Dream" and I'll add: "Let's Manifest Our Collective Dreams" - Paul LeBreton ]

There is still a bit of work to do on it, within the pricing of services and products, although research is proving to be productive. So now, with two master's degrees from the University of Phoenix conferred, I can see why it is necessary to have legitimate paper for the process. This is the beginning of concretizing solutions for socio-economic constraints that are obvious to nearly everyone now. Please offer your criticisms and suggestions... it makes us better stewards. [ My Suggestion: "Carry The Torch...And Pass It On To The Children...You're Doing Great Work !" - Paul LeBreton ]

Namaste, Zendor

ps. I just posted a gift from a dear old friend that I found going through files... Its author was written up in Time, March '71, as being a prophet of his own time... with waterbeds no less. Share water. [ Very Insightful ...Paul LeBreton ]

Paul LeBreton wrote:

Dearest Friends & Commanders... [ Post to Star*Net ]

I have been working "in consciousness" with my ET advisors regards Star*School Complexes: It's really got me excited; Flying Star*School University Cities ( like the magic carpets of mythos ) These would be constructed aboard mother- ships; which would also be docking stations for dozens of the Star*School Cities - each circular and about 3 square miles in area... These complexes could be transported from planet to planet, docked aboard the motherships ...the complexes would each have a large two-tiered domed Star*School University at their centers, surrounded by rings of commercial, residential, and agricultural zones... Smaller flying saucers in ( approximate ) sizes of 18' diameter, and 78' diameter, some capable of independent operation in deep space, would be the primary transportation in these cities; although some clean energy automotive type vehicles could also be utilized...

This information has been literally flooding my consciousness of late; each step building upon previously gleaned information from diverse sources ! This ends the problem of finding suitable land to build upon; and once "ET First Contact" Scenerios have manifested; will be quite practical and attainable ! We have pledges from various ET contacts that "it can be done if we really desire it"...

We can still build a Ground-Based University Complex as our Test Bed to Demonstrate Architectures, Technologies, etc. whilst awaiting ET assistance on the Flying Cities...

Robert "Paul" LeBreton, PhD

Star*School Technological University

2901 State Hwy 6, HC 77 Box 42

Laguna, New Mexico 87026 USA

Phone: (505)-836-7534


Students of The Future...

Welcome to Star*School Technological Universities of Gaia / Earth: We hope that you enjoy your sojourn with us, and we look forward to many years of mutual enjoyment, which is exactly what an educational system is supposed to provide it's students & staff !

We are a Holistic ( 'integrating all-that-is' ) campus; catering to any able student who wishes to 'get it all together' - with a comprehensive educa- tion in The Humanities, Philosophy, Agriculture, Spirituality, Sciences, Art, and Engineering...

As with most Universities, we shall charge a tuition to cover the expenses of your Professors & Support Staff ...But we will issue all students debit cards, which will be credited for any and all public service work you do & more than pay your tuition will provide you a steady income !

Many of the Teaching Faculty of Star*School will be of extra-terrestrial origin, though you might never visually experience, other than on rare & special occasions ...other than their humanoid physical forms ! You will learn that every person on earth is originally a star*seed ...incarnating on Gaia / Earth from homes in many differing galaxies, universes, planets, and dimensions !

The 'sparks' of your life & spirit are eternal & very adventurous !

Star*School is structured as a meritocracy, where each student advances at his / her own speed ...and similar to the Montessori School Concepts; In his / her own areas & fields of interest ! Study begins in Kindergarten, and progresses through Post-Doctoral Studies ! Education is truly to be A Life-Long Pursuit !

Welcome Aboard !
