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Former NASA Astronomer Suspects Extraterrestrial Travel

by Mitch Battros (ECTV

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Tom VanFlandren hit us with an unexpected surprise.

While discussing the inter-planetary play of asteroid's, comets, and minor planets, Dr. VanFlandren disclosed his ground breaking research with regard to the 'speed of gravity'. Dr. Tom Van Flandren - NASA Astronomer and author of "Dark Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets". He has worked steady for NASA for a least two decades. Dr. VanFlandren spent 20 years at the U.S. Naval Observatory, where he became the Chief of the Celestial Mechanics Branch. In 1991, he formed a Washington, DC-based organization, Meta Research, to foster research into ideas not otherwise supported solely because they conflict with mainstream theories in Astronomy.

We had been discussing the collision or near collision of the two comets which were caught on the SOHO satellite May 23rd. I had asked Dr. VanFlandren to give his professional views if the comets could have in fact played a major role in the 'unexpected' series of X-Class flares which occurred shortly after the fly-by's. His answer was that "only if the comets had a direct impact, could they have affected the Sun to erupt in X-Class flares." Upon his viewing of photos he was able to access from NASA, he could not see a direct impact. However, VanFlandren did state "the ones I could view looked as though they did come into the Sun's corona, but did not impact the Sun. However, I have reason to believe there was a good chance there was a cluster of comets at this time, and the one's we did not see, may very well have collided with the Sun.

Soon the conversation turned to his research on the 'speed of gravity'. We were all in awe just acclimating to this new concept of something faster than light. Then he dropped the bomb.

Dr. VanFlandren stated unambiguously that due to his (and several colleagues) findings of the speed of gravity, "that it is highly possible there has been, and currently is extraterrestrial travel". In that moment while 'live on the air' after disclosing what appears to be confirmation to the millions of UFO believers, silence never sounded so loud. The air went to a dead silence. I had trouble finding my voice. I could hear thousands of people in that very moment grasping for affirmation of what they just heard. Could this be the beginning of the formerly mainstream scientist condoning the real possibility of galactic travel?

The stopping point of many heated discussions of space travel had always been the speed at which one could travel. With new evidence which shows the 'speed of gravity' can be over a thousand times faster than the speed of light has opened a whole new perspective of extraterrestrial travel. I for one, have 're-opened' my mind to new possibilities. This show is a must. Go to our 'audio/video' page to listen to this ground breaking interview. It is well worth your time. Audio/Video: _______________________________________________

Tonight on ECTV 'Radio Hour' "Sacred Geometry" with Daniel Shaw: Go to the following link at the time of show. 7 PM - 8 PM (Pacific) Tonight's Show: Thought For The Day "What are you willing to do to get what you say you want? Are you willing to discipline your mind and mouth? Are you willing to get up early, stay up late, and work hard all the hours between? What are you willing to give up? Are you willing to give up bad habits, negative thinking, negative people? Are you willing to stand up for yourself? As long as you can find one excuse not to answer these questions affirmatively, you will never have what you say you want." Iyanla Vanzant Subscribe To ECTV For Full Access: Receive Your "Free" ECTV Newsletter: About Mitch: Survival Tips: Mitch Battros Producer - Earth Changes TV
