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Cosmic Lattice II - DNA

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r us to tell you about it.

We're going to finally reveal the crystalline structure, which is around the coded structure that you call DNA. Remember that we define DNA differently than you do. Your word DNA actually got its name from the two strands, which are chemical, and which you can physically see. Our definition refers to the 12-stranded coding for the Human body, only two strands of which are chemical. The DNA-all the strands of it- are an encoding tool. The strands are instruction sets, and we have previously told you that some of them are magnetic. Some of them are also what you would call "spiritual." (But to us, they also have a physical property.) These strands contain all of the coding for your whole life, even those carried over from the life before this one. But there's more. The memory part of your life's system is separate from the encoding. It is the "stem," and is the crystalline structure. Many of you might say, "why would it be called crystalline? Will we find something that is crystal in there?"

The naming is metaphoric, yet there is real physics involved that is crystalline-like. In your crystal work, even at the basic level, you have realized that crystals do something special. Do you remember what that is? They hold energy. Therefore they retain energy-pattern memory. Now you're beginning to see how the computer of the Human body works. For the crystalline structure, which we would call the sheath around the encoding DNA, is the memory of your life force. It's the memory of every past life you've ever had. It's the Akashic record for you. It is the record of past and present contracts. It represents all of the things you have been through. That crystalline structure, therefore, is also spiritual. It is all that you are, memory-wise. There isn't one instruction-set there, however. The instructions are within the 12 DNA strands, and the crystalline information is "wrapped" around the DNA package as the memory core-the stem-ready to pass needed information to the instruction sets. The crystalline structure also contains the perfect blueprint of a Human Being...also in memory.

We told you many times during the "family" series of channelings that you were created equal, and perfect, and eternal. The only thing that keeps you from these things is the duality, and the poor efficiency of your current biology. All of it can be changed with better communication between the crystalline structure, and the DNA. As the memory transmission is increased to the instruction sets, the body reacts, and by "the body," we mean the whole Human.

We want to tell you where that better communication is coming from. It's from the new position of the grid system of Earth. That is why we've moved it, and that is why our group came in 1989. Now you understand. Remember when we told you that no Human Being can exist outside of the magnetic grid of this Earth? The magnetic grid of this Earth is what makes the communication possible that postures your duality, and your very enlightenment. Without the magnetic grid there is no communication. Some day, your experiments in space will show this. The Human must have a magnetic complement to live in. Without it, over a period of months and years, the Human Being will die.

Elements on Earth come together for life, you know. Just look at your planet. Do you think you can just walk on it, live on it, and hope it behaves itself while you're here? It knows who you are, just as I do-Just as the grid does. There is intelligence there. Therefore the Earth is in cooperation with your very enlightenment. Just ask the indigenous people who came before you. At the core level of their spiritual beliefs lays the honor of the "dirt of the Earth." They knew.

There is more about the communication of the grids, and it involves still another crystalline structure. This will be given at a later communication.

Your DNA (the twelve strands) contains instruction sets for a nine hundred and fifty-year life span of your body. Currently, much of this encoding isn't working. The encoding isn't working since it has no information from the memory core (crystalline structure). Within the core memory, is information that will help the DNA chemistry "remember" how everything works.

Right now, your science is finally beginning to poke and prod your biology and to stimulate artificially, the DNA. They are doing it with magnetics! This approach to health is a very real return to the mechanical processes within the "Temple of Rejuvenation," which we told you about some years ago. Magnetics, and the energy of the Cosmic Lattice, helps to posture your duality and your enlightenment. It also helps keep the balance of your crystalline memory which is currently in an inefficient mode, just as you designed it for your test on the planet.

Now things are changing.

There are those in this room (speaking of both Todd Ovokaitys and Peggy Dubro), who are slowly discovering the Lattice "tie in" to cellular biology. One is discovering it through physics, and one is discovering it through the power of knowledge and intent. Both are working with magnetics at some level!

In both cases, what is changing is that the DNA is starting to remember! The efficiency of the communications is being enhanced and here-to-for hidden parts and pieces of the biological and spiritual DNA are awakening. Remember what awakening is? It means that the knowledge is there - just asleep. The mechanics are there - just waiting for more efficient instructions.

Let me give you an example: Every cell of your body is designed for self-diagnostics. Every cell is designed to know whether it is correct or incorrectly in balance with the whole. Every cell is supposed to know that, but much of this information is hidden from it. The disease you call cancer easily fools this poorly functioning part of your cellular structure. If this part was working properly, cancer would not exist.

Part of the reawakening is the marriage, through magnetics, of the core memory and the encoding. When the rest of the instructions are known, which will allow for the cell's full intelligent knowledge using self diagnostics, it will "recognize" itself to be out of balance and not reproduce. Only the healthy ones around it will be allowed to. In addition, it may actually commit "cell suicide" by itself! That's the full design. Look for it, for this is a well known biological trait. Now it's time to enhance it. Think of it as a tremendous enhancement of your immune systems and that's just one attribute of the "whole Human" imprint.

Some of you remember the story of Michael Thomas, and the channeling of the story, The Journey Home (Kryon Book Five). You might remember that Michael was told that he would meet the finest and grandest angel of them all, in the final house of his journey - and he did. In that Seventh House the grand angel was revealed to him, and it was gold, and it had his face! As Michael Thomas sat with that angel, he could barely breathe because of the divinity that was around him. Realizing that the biology and divinity don't mix, he was having a hard time on his knees. Michael was granted, at that time, a physical dispensation around him so that he could exist while he looked at the grand one that was his Higher Self.

When the great golden one was finished giving Michael Thomas information, he told Michael that there was to be no more teaching. They both had reached a time similar to what we have reached together right now. There's no more teaching in this message. Instead, all there is right now is love.

In The Journey Home story, the great gold angel asked Michael Thomas to turn around and sit upon the staircase, which the angel had just descended. Michael Thomas did so, and the angel said, "Michael Thomas, this has nothing to do with teaching. The learning is over. What I'm about to do is just to love you." As you might recall, the great grand one-the sacred family member-the higher self of the Human, took Michael Thomas' feet one at a time, and washed them. Michael wept.

You see, this is the partnership between a Human Being and his sacred family. This is the partnership between Spirit and Human Being. This is the message of Kryon. All the physics that was discussed today can be given to science. The love is the real teaching! The family is here-a family who knows you. Messages are given to enhance your life. Processes and procedures are given all over the planet for you, because you're going to have to live a lot longer to accomplish your work. And what is your work, you might ask? It is to hold your light!

Let this time of preciousness go on record as being a time a great reunion-a time when Humans and angels got together and recognized themselves as family, and loved one another for it. There will be a time when I see you again in the Hall of Honor.

When that time comes, I will refer to this day, and I will say, "remember that time in the place you called New Hampshire? It was precious ... precious."

And so it is.

Our World is changing ONE HEART AT A TIME.


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