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Star*School News of Sept 29th...

By Robert Paul LeBreton

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he circular city concepts of ; an archtype for floating airborn star*schools of the same size; to be constructed aboard a mothership; which will be constructed as a home base & docking station for about a dozen of these 2 mile diameter villages = which can then travel anywhere on earth, and will be antigrav platforms, with force-field domes -which can be activated or turned off make these villages 'convertibles' ...when these floating villages are docked in their mothership; they can be transported from planet to planet...

We will utilize the technology used in Liquid Air Plants for our drinking water: from the atmosphere, 2 parts Hydrogen & 1 part Oxygen ! Liquid Light Power Modules will provide free electricity ...These villages will be pretty much self-sufficient: each with agriculture, and light industries ...with replicators zapping out clones of any menu or material goods items called for... Teleportation platforms & flying saucers will be the primary means of transportation, although clean energy vehicles can be utilized...

We anticipate NESARA's announcement by Christmas; funding & blueprinting & land development in 2004; with the Village built in 2005...

With NESARA's announcement will come the First Contact Events planned by many ET Races; and then will the ACTION really begin !

Robert "Paul" LeBreton, PhD

Star*School Technological University

2901 State Hwy 6, HC 77 Box 42

Laguna, New Mexico 87026 USA

Phone: (505)-836-7534

