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Pogue Carburetor, 'Gasoline Vapor Maker' Increase Mileage

Sepp Hasslberger

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specialized knowledge and tools to do so.

Pogue Carburetor - patent illustration.(see photo at right)

A press report from that time reads as follows:

Double-Mixing Carburetor Increases Power and Mileage

A NEW carburetor that makes mileage of 200 miles per gallon a possibility has been invented by a Winnipeg, Can., engineer. It has been tested and examined by several automotive engineers who claim it is entirely feasible in its action.

C.N. Pogue, the inventor, supplies his carburetor with two mixing chambers instead of one. The gasoline is vaporized in the primary chamber and before being used is sent through another mixing chamber. Here, since it is vapor that burns and not liquid gasoline, the gasoline is further vaporized into a still finer mixture. This insures more power and mileage from usual quantity of liquid gasoline.

It sounds strange that such an invention could be kept off the market and that our cars still guzzle as much gasoline by the mile as they did back then. Pogue developed his carburetors in the 1930s. He took out three patents between 1930 and 1936. All three of these can be found on the excellent site of Rex Research as part of an article titled "Oil Industry Suppressed Plans for 200-mpg Car".

I reported in 2003, that the original blueprints for such a 200 mpg carburetor had been found in England. The story attracted much attention and a huge number of comments - both in favor and against. A lot of people seem to experiment with the idea, so I decided to come back to it.

The fact that carburetors that vaporize gasoline bring more mileage than the old kind and may even be better than direct injection has been confirmed by Frank, who contacted me and offered his own take on Pogue, as well as his plans for a Gasoline Vapor Maker. Frank - it's not his real name - does not want to put his neck out too far, but he does have interesting things to add to the story of the suppressed supercarburetor.

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Pogue Carburetor Plans

(by Frank E.)

Approximately 1970, my dad sent me a copy of the patent for the Pogue carburetor, and asked me to make one. I studied it over very carefully, and after consulting with a mechanist friend, decided that with the current labor and material costs, it would be way too expensive, impractical, and probably not useable for today’s engines.

As I studied the plans, I realized that there were several principles involved. The first was that gasoline in the liquid form does not burn. Nor does it explode. Only the vapor that comes from the gasoline will burn. Therefore, to mix raw gasoline with air, and attempt to explode it in an internal combustion engine is a very wasteful, costly, and polluting practice. It also shortens the life of the engine and exhaust system.

The carburetor systems on most, if not all the gasoline powered motor vehicles sold in North America, mix raw gasoline with air shortly before entering the combustion chamber. Enough raw gasoline must be used to insure that enough vapor is produced by the time the spark ignites the mixture so that the oxygen / fuel balance is proper. Too much oxygen will burn the valves. However, most of the raw gasoline is vaporized after the explosion is completely over with and what’s left is on the way out through the exhaust system. To appease the EPA, the auto makers put on catalatic converters to burn up all the extra unburned gasoline vapor. Some of the raw gasoline also washes down the cylinder walls, and into the oil to be vaporized by the heat of the oil. The “smog valve” then returns it to the carburetor.

From what I’ve heard and witnessed over the years, I would estimate that there is enough potential in a gallon of gasoline to propel any full sized car or pickup, with the engines in common use, at least 100 miles, and some as much as 200 miles, all while driving normally. Why then only 8 to 30 miles per gallon? Simply because the auto manufacturers choose to use as much gasoline to power the nation’s autos as the public lets them get away with. After all, why endanger the enormous economics wrapped around the petroleum industry.

If you want to get all the power out of your gasoline that you paid so dearly for, then you have to completely vaporize it before it is injected into the carburetor. All devices, if they do not completely vaporize the gasoline, are only swatting half heartedly at the problem.

Note: The preceding account, except for the first paragraph, was rewritten from literature I had written in 1970, or thereabouts. I simply made it more up to date. I must tell you that today’s gasoline is much harder to totally vaporize before the combustion. The purpose of that is to thwart carburetors such as Pogue’s or mine.

Charles Nelson Pogue - Image credit: Vapor Systems

After my dad had sent me that copy of the Pogue Carburetor patent, and while I was working on my plans, an old retired gentleman with whom I was acquainted, came into my shop, and began to tell me of his experiences. He had been a mechanist somewhere in Minnesota I think, when a French Canadian came to the shop. The Canadian had invented a carburetor, but was having trouble with it vapor locking. The mechanist designed a valve for him that solved the problem. While the mechanist was talking, he kept saying, “Oh, what was his name? Oh, what was his name?” I finally ask him, “Was that valve shaped like a rod split in half?” He looked at me in amazement, “Why, yes! How did you know?” I asked another question, “Was his name Pogue?” Then the old man was really amazed that I knew. I showed him the copy of the patent that I had, and he was really excited. He went over the papers like an excited child.

The old machinist went on to tell me how several months or was it years later he had to take some paperwork up to the main office. He had to go through the conference room where he saw Mr. Pogue in the midst of a bunch of oil company big wigs. He named the wigs, but I forget the names. They were heads of Texaco, Shell, Esso, etc. Some of them had red faces, and Mr. Pogue looked like a trapped rabbit. Of course the machinist was very interested as to what was going on, but he knew he wasn’t supposed to be there, so he went on his way.

Later, one of the office boys came down to the shop, and told the machinist, “Hey, you know that Pogue guy that you made that valve for? Well, he sold that carburetor, and plans, lock stock and barrel to the oil company guys. They had a black man carry the whole thing down and put it into the trunk of a Pierce Arrow, and he drove off. That had been the last he had heard or seen of it until I showed him those patent papers.

After I had made my own plans, I confided in George Swartzendruber, an elderly friend of mine. One day he brought over an out of state friend of his who had been visiting. I was a little upset, because George had promised secrecy. However, when this friend had told me his story, I warmed up a bit, and showed him the plans – Pogue’s, and also mine. The experience he had told me about was this: His uncle, who had lived in a northern, midwestern state, had been a good friend of Pogue. One day while he was visiting his uncle, Mr. Pogue drove up the farm lane, jumped very excitedly out of his car. “I have it! I have it!” He drained all the gas from his car’s tank into a can, then poured 1 gallon back in. Then they drove all over the countryside for 60 miles on that one gallon of gas! The friend said, “Then Pogue went back up to Canada, and we never heard from him again.”

I gave the out of state friend a copy of my plans, and he went on back home with it. Later, I heard through George that he had made it, but had been too scared to use exhaust to heat the evaporator, so instead he used water from the radiator. Well, it wasn’t quite hot enough to do the vaporizing job completely. Periodically, he had to drain and waste the build up of liquid gasoline from the system. However, in spite of all the waste, he still netted 60 miles to the Gallon! Someone else up that way got about that much mileage until his truck caught on fire and burned up! Anyone else who does anything with these plans are totally on their own! I’ll tell you my plans, but first, I’ll scan in the Pogue Carburetor patent.

Let’s all take our hats off to Mr. Charles Nelson Pogue. There’s been a lot of high mileage carburetors, but I think he may have done it first. If you want to know what others have to say about the Pogue carburetor, just ask Google for “2026798 mileage” (without the “quote” marks) and take your pick of web sites.

Sepp's Note: Frank sent a copy of Pogue’s patent, a scan of an old photocopy, not the clearest. But you can find the patents on other sites. One good link is on Rex Research. Should that link go bad, don't despair, there is a PDF copy here


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The Gasoline Vapor Maker

as described by Frank

Here are the plans which I drew up in about 1970. George’s buddy from the midwest made one, and others have been made. So I advertised “The Gasoline Vapor Maker” in a national magazine. I sold a few. Then I got a nasty, threatening letter, and got cold feet. So I wrote to all the buyers and offered them their money back if they returned the plans. Two or three came back for refunds, the rest were kept by the buyers, who I never heard from again.

However, from that time on, everybody and his brother started advertizing my plans. Of course they were changed in an attempt to make it unrecognizable so that they wouldn’t look like copies my plans. Now the cat was really out of the bag, and the petroleum industry couldn’t threaten and scare that many people. Now what would the biggest industry in the world do to protect their money cow? Change the formula, that’s what! Now, the additives in gasoline make it nearly impossible to vaporize until after the combustion. Just enough will vaporize for a correct mixture in the combustion chamber. The rest goes out the exhaust system to evaporate on the way out. Of course, by now, the EPA has stepped in in an attempt to cut down on pollution. They require most vehicles to have catalytic converters. However, if the gasoline was completely vaporized before the combustion, and burned in the combustion, the catalytic converter wouldn’t have much to do. Not only that, catalytic converters don’t prevent pollution, they only change it to a different form – for better or for worse!

Whatever you do with implementing these plans is totally at your own risk! I’m sure that someone else can come up with better plans. However, if you use my plans, someone else’s, or come up with your own plans, know that there are dangers involved – from explosions, big money interests, or errors (as in “trial and error”) As far as I am concerned, you are on your own. Have fun, but be very careful.


The raw gasoline leaves the vehicle’s gasoline tank (1) and goes through the first electric gasoline pump (2) and on to the atomizing chamber (11) where it is forced through the atomizers (4) and strikes the first baffle (10). What is not vaporized, then falls to the bottom of the chamber.

The three baffles (10) are slanted so that any droplets that form due to condensation will also run down to the bottom of the chamber (11). It should be possible to open and clean the chamber (11) periodically.

The raw (or liquid) gasoline level (7) in the chamber (11) is maintained slightly above the top of the standpipe (6) by the float and stopper(9) arrangement. When the liquid level (7) rises too high, the float raises the stopper (9) and the raw gasoline is allowed to go down the return pipe (3) to be recirculated through the first electric gasoline pump (2).Since it is easier for the pump (2) to draw raw gasoline from the return pipe (3) than from the gasoline tank (1), only that portion of raw gasoline that is actually vaporized will be drawn from the tank. A low pressure restriction valve (not pictured) may, in certain applications, be necessary in the line coming from the gasoline tank (1).

Air can, either freely or slightly forced (perhaps by the engine’s radiator fan), enter the air inlet (8) to bubble up through the finely perforated screen (5) into the atomizing chamber (11) to mix with the raw gasoline droplets, helping them to form vapor.

The vapor then goes back and forth between the baffles (10) and finally enters heater (12) through the vapor pipes (13).The vapor heater (12) consists of large diameter pipe (like perhaps a four inch truck exhaust pipe two or three feet long) in which hot exhaust fumes from the vehicle’s exhaust system flow through to keep it heated. The size and length of it is dependent upon the size and need of the engine. The exhaust fumes are then returned to the exhaust system. In this large pipe (12) is a series of small pipes (13) which carry the vapors back and forth many times through the vapor heater (12). These vapor pipes (13) may be anywhere from one half inch to perhaps one inch in diameter, whatever is necessary to carry sufficient vapor for the size of the engine. It might be helpful to use a spiral type of pipe such as is used for connecting heaters and stoves to natural gas outlets.

After going back and forth for a number of times, the vapor is then piped directly into the second electric gasoline pump (15) which can pump the vapor up to perhaps 20 pounds per square inch. It then returns directly to the vapor heater (12) to be piped back and forth some more.

The pressure of the vapor between the second pump (15) and the vapor valve (18) is maintained at a constant level regardless of how much or how little is actually allowed to enter the carburetor (24). This accomplished by the adjustable pressure relief valve (14). The higher you adjust the valve (14), the richer the air / vapor mixture in the carburetor (24), likewise, the lower you adjust the valve (14), the leaner the mixture.

The excess vapor that is forced through adjustable pressure relief valve (14), and is continually recirculated through the second electric gasoline pump (15) until it is actually used by the vehicle’s engine.

After the vapor leaves the vapor heater (12) for the second time, it goes directly to the vapor valve (18) and then on to the carburetor (24).

Linked with it, the vapor valve (18) opens enough to let pass enough vapor to have a proper air / vapor mixture regardless of the position of the throttle valve (22). The linkage (26) should go between the throttle valve (22), and the vapor valve (18) to make them work in conjunction with each other. It should be adjustable.

Bypassing the vapor valve (18), is the idle mixture channel (17), which allows to pass enough of the vapor to maintain the proper vapor / air mixture while the engine is idling.. On the channel is the adjustable idle orifice (19) which can be adjusted for proper idle mixture. Between this channel and the vapor heater (12), is an electromagnetic valve (16) which remains in a closed position unless the ignition is turned on. The turning on of the ignition switch activates the valve (16) so that it is held on, allowing free flow of the vapor. Note: in some of the modern vehicles, the ignition can be turned on for auxiliary use even when the engine is not running. In these, a separate switch will have to be added. This switch could be hidden to prevent unauthorized use of the vehicle.

In the closed position, the electromagnetic valve (16) is so well closed, that absolutely NO vapor can escape through to cause a dangerous situation while the engine is not running.

The vapor enters the carburetor (24) through the specially drilled port (20) in the ventura below the throttle valve (22). A flash screen (23) is provided over the port (20) to prevent a backfire by the engine from igniting the vapor in the lines.

The choke valve (21) will operate in the same manner as in the original arrangement, except that automatic chokes may need a little adjustment. However, I doubt if a choke would actually be needed because the gasoline is completely vaporized.

The original float chamber (25) on the carburetor (24) is left intact except that the old gasoline line (27) that brings the raw gasoline from the tank (1) is disconnected. Both the line (27) and the float chamber (25) entrance are plugged.

If the Gasoline Vapor Maker should ever be removed from the vehicle, the port (20) may be closed over and the gasoline line (27) reconnected to put it back to the original operation, thus allowing the owner to install the Gasoline Vapor Maker on his next vehicle.

Early numbered drawing of Gasoline Vapor Maker (click on "Visit Author's Website" )

Later drawing of Gasoline Vapor Maker (not to scale)(click on "Visit Author's Website")

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In addition to these plans for his version of a Gasoline Vapor Maker, Frank sent a later version, which however was never made or tried. It is a variation of the first one, and is reproduced here for any experimenter out there who would like to try a different design.

As always, be careful. You alone are responsible for what you are doing.

The Gasoline Vapor Maker #2

This is a later version I had made, but it was never tried or proven. However, it might be a lot easier to make. Again, all the cautions and disclaimers apply. If you make this, you are on your own. Make sure your insurance is paid up. Remember that this is totally in the experimental stage, and you assume any and all the risk. View these drawings as a starter that can be redrawn by you into something better. This is not copyrighted or patented, so that big money interests can’t buy it out of our hands. Let’s keep it that way.

1. Gasoline Tank

2. Electric Gasoline Pump

3. Gasoline Line

4. Gasoline Line

5. Lock-off Valve

6. Check Valve (for Gasoline)

7. Gasoline Line

8. Vaporizing Tank

9. Lower Chamber of #8.

10. Upper Chamber of #8

11. Valve

11a. Standpipe

12. Float

13. Inlet Valve

14. Tube

15. Upper Gasoline Level

16. Lower Gasoline Level

17. Heating Coil

18. Check Valve (for Vapor)

19. Vapor Line

20. Vapor Pump

21. Vapor Line

22. Pressurized Tank

23. Pressure Relief Valve

24. Vapor Line

25. Atomizer Jet

25a. Alternate Location for Atomizer Jet

26. Pressure Relief Valve

27. Whistle

28. Emergency Relief Line

29. Vapor Line

30. High Pressure Regulator

31. Low Pressure Regulator

32. Lock-off Valve

33. Vapor Line to Carburetor

See drawing for Gasoline Vapor Maker #2 (see photo at right)


Note: All temperatures given are in Fahrenheit. All inches, etc. mentioned are in USA measurements. PSI is pounds per square inche as in USA pressure measures.

The liquid gasoline leaves the vehicle’s gasoline tank (1) and goes to the electric gasoline pump (2) through line (3), then through line (4) to lock-off valve (5) and check valve (6) then through line (7) to inlet valve and float assembly (12 & 13) and into the vaporizing tank (8).

The vaporizing tank (8) is divided into two chambers, the upper chamber (10) and the lower chamber (9). The liquid gasoline sets in the bottom of the lower chamber (9) and is filled to upper gasoline level (15). It is then cut off from further filling by the float and valve assembly (12 & 13). It is heated by coils (17) until vaporized.

There is a valve (11) mounted on a hole on the sloping divider between upper chamber (10) and lower chamber (9). This valve (11) remains open for pressure equalization between the chambers (9& 10), but closes when pressure reaches 50 psi, (?) At which time the liquid gasoline remaining in the bottom of the lower chamber (9) is forced up tube (14) by the pressure in lower chamber (9) continuing to rise, thus bringing the liquid gasoline level down to the lower level (16). This insures that too much vapor is not made, thus bringing the pressure too high.

Vapor is then pumped through check valve (18) and vapor line (19) by the electric vapor pump (20), on through vapor line (21) into the pressure tank (22). PLEASE NOTE: It may be better to install check valve (18) in vapor line (21) between vapor pump (20) and pressure tank (22), rather then in the vapor line (19) as shown in the drawing.

When the vapor pressure in pressurized tank (22) reaches 80 or 90 PSI, some pressure escapes through the pressure relief valve (23) and line (24) and is broken up into many small streams of vapor by the atomizing jet (25) further vaporizing the liquid gasoline in bottom of chamber (9). An alternate location (25a) for the atomizing jet (25) can continue to vaporize the liquid gasoline after enough has already been vaporized.

Another purpose for the pressure relief valve (23) is to remove from pressure tank (22) liquid gasoline that has condensed. This is why valve (23) is located in the bottom of tank (22).

In the event of a malfunction of pressure relief valve (23) or any other malfunction that would cause the pressure in the pressurized tank (22) to rise near a dangerous level, pressure relief valve (26), at 120 PSI, will release and vapor would travel along emergency escape line (28) and into the exhaust pipe near the muffler for a safe disposal of fumes. (Or is the vehicle has a catalytic converter, just ahead of it.) At that same time, a whistle (27) installed in vapor line (28) would sound, thus alerting the operator to the malfunction.

When vapor is being used, it travels through the line (29), high pressure regulator (31). These pressure regulators are mounted in series and drop the pressure to the proper level for the entire carburetor. The lock-off valve (32) holds back all vapor when the ignition switch is off. When the ignition switch is on, lock-off valve (32) is open, allowing low pressure vapor in high volume to go through vapor line (33) to the carburetor.

The carburetor may be of the type used for LP gas operation. But it would be better to use the existing carburetor already mounted on the engine (for use with liquid gasoline), using a dual fuel application such as is used with LP gas, thus allowing operator to switch from using the vapor system to liquid gasoline or vice versa. If engine has remained idle or unused for a long period of time, it may be necessary to use the liquid gasoline system already on the engine until pressure in tank (22) is built up. A switch on control panel allows the operator or driver to change from one system to the other at will. Also, a pressure gauge mounted on the panel can tell the operator or driver when pressure in tank (22) has reached sufficient level for operation – approximately 50 PSI or higher.


2. Gasoline Pump: 12 volt or the voltage of the system it is used in. The type used normally in autos.

5. Lock-off Valve: 12 volt. Remains in closed position when ignition switch is off; when ignition switch is on, it remains in open position. It is an added safety feature to prevent seepage of vapor into the into the gasoline tank (1) when engine is not in use. It is the type used for liquid gasoline.

6. Check Valve: A one way valve which allows liquid to be pumped toward the vapor maker, but not permitting vapor to be pushed toward gasoline tank (1) while system is in operation.

8. Vaporizing Tank: Anywhere from 8 to 16 inches in diameter and 14 to 24 inches high, depending on the size of the engine it is used on. The upper chamber (10) occupies the top 1/3 of the vaporizing tank (8) and is strictly for holding liquid gasoline when enough of it has been vaporized to raise pressure sufficiently. The bottom of the upper chamber slopes at approximately 20 or 30 degrees toward the center tube (14) so that liquid gasoline can drain back down completely, even when the vehicle is operating on a hillside or slope. The lower chamber (9) also has a sloping bottom at approximately 20 or 30 degrees toward the center where a cup like pocket, about 2 inches deep and 3 or 4 inches in diameter is located for the tube (14) to protrude about halfway into. This is necessary to keep the lower level of the liquid gasoline below the coil (17) no matter how steep the hill the vehicle is climbing or descending. The vaporizing tank (8) is mounted in an upright position and should be built to withstand internal pressures up to 200 PSI.

11. Valve: A specially made valve which normally remains open to vapor travel both ways between upper chamber (10) and lower chamber (9). It has a standpipe (11a) which reaches to within 1 inch of the top of upper chamber (10). This valve (11) closes to traffic both ways when the pressure in the chambers (9 & 10) reaches 50 PSI. It does not need to be a high volume valve and can be controlled by a bellows type unit which is sensitive to change in pressure.

12. Float: and 13. Inlet Valve: This assembly should be made of material that can withstand high heat and high pressure and still remain in operation.

14. Tube: Is permanently open into the very bottom of the upper chamber (10) and at the other end near bottom of the lower chamber (9) at the lower liquid gasoline level (16) – about half way between the top and bottom of the cup like pocket located in the very bottom of the vaporizing tank (8). This tube is 1/4 inch inside diameter.

15. Upper Liquid Gasoline Level: Should be at least 2 inches above the coil (17). It is controlled by float and valve assembly (12 & 13).

16. Lower Liquid Gasoline Level: Should be at least 2 inches below the coil (17) and is determined by the location of the bottom end of the tube (14).

17. Heater Coil: Is mounted at least 1 inch above bottom of chamber (9) – at least 1 ˝ inches cup like pocket of chamber (9). It remains totally submersed in liquid gasoline except when the liquid gasoline has been forced up the tube (14), lowering the liquid gasoline down to level (16) which would be at least 2 inches below the coil. This coil (17) can be 12 volt electric, controlled by a thermostat at 200 degrees. Ore it can be a pipe through which hot exhaust is gases from the engine exhaust manifold. The exhaust is then returned to the exhaust pipe somewhere between the exhaust manifold and the muffler, preferably nearer the muffler, at a point where a slight ventura is built into the exhaust pipe to insure suction, or the flow of exhaust gases through the heater coil (17). It may be necessary to use a thermostat control to cut or even stop flow of exhaust gases through the heater coil (17) when the temperature reaches 200 degrees. PLEASE NOTE: It may also be necessary to use a pressure switch located in tank chamber (9) to shut off all heat if pressure should rise above 90 PSI – regardless of which heat system is used.

18. Check Valve: Is a one way valve similar to valve (6) except that it is a type used for vapor. It is to prevent the vapor from the pressure tank from seeping back through lines (19 & 21), but allows the pump (20) to pump vapor into the tank (22).

20. Vapor Pump: 12 volt electric and can pump hot vapor up to 110 PSI. It runs at continuous operation while ignition switch is on.

22. Pressurized Tank: Is pressurized by the vapor pump and should be strong enough to withstand pressure exceeding 200 PSI. It could be anywhere from 10 inches to 24 inches in diameter and from 17 inches to 36 inches long depending on the size of the engine or the volume of vapor needed.

23. Pressure Relief Valves: Remains closed until pressure in pressurized tank (22) is 90 PSI at which time it opens, allowing the excess pressure or vapor to go through the line (24) and jet (25) into the lower chamber (10) of tank (8).

25. Atomizing Jet: Sucks liquid gasoline in through the bottom of the unit and mixes it with the vapor going through line (24) and jet (25) and forces the mixture out through several small holes.

26. Pressure Relief Valve: Is like valve (23) but it is set for 120 PSI. It is for emergency, in case of any malfunction causing too high pressure in tank (22) and should be mounted on the top of tank (22).

27. Whistle: Can withstand high heat and make a loud, shrill sound when vapor is blown through.

30. High Pressure Regulator: and 31. Low Pressure Regulator: Such as are used in LP gas operations. Both are adjustable and are mounted in series.

32. Lock-off Valve: Similar to, and has the same function as valve (5), except that it is a type used for vapor.

33. Vapor Line: From Regulator (31) to the carburetor should be large enough in diameter to allow high enough volume of low pressure vapor through it to maintain engine speed. Depending on the size of the engine, it should be anywhere from 1 inch to3 inches in diameter.

Parting shot:

I had uncovered this set of plans which I had forgotten about due to a stroke, they are unproven, and have been setting in my files for something like 35 years. However, if this one works, it would be most likely to overcome the modern gasoline configuration. I don't know until it is tried. I no longer have what it takes to test these things. If you want to try it, you would have to do it totally at your own risk. Over the years, I spent many, many weeks' effort on them, but am charging nothing for them. Whatever you do, be very careful! Gasoline vapors are very explosive! Make sure all your insurance is paid up. One last request: Please leave a message here of any reports of your successes or failures.

Gasoline reformulated

In the US and probably elsewhere, gasoline was reformulated to no longer allow Pogue type carbs to work properly.

Phil Ratte explains how:

Catalytic cracking started to be used by oil refineries in the late 1930's. Just in time to defeat Pogue's carburetor and any others that used a vaporization principle. The use of catalytic cracking increased the amount of gasoline that could be produced from a barrel of crude. It also allowed heavy ends to make up a portion of the gasoline. Heavy ends are long chain hydrocarbons that have a high vaporization temperature. In fact, the spontaneous ignition temperature of the light ends is higher than this vaporization temperature so if you heat the gasoline high enough to vaporize the heavy ends you explode the light ends.

A friend of mine used to go up to Winnepeg, Canada in the 1980's to visit Pogue who was living in a Nursing Home at the time. One of the stories that Pogue told him was about the Battle of El Alamein that was the turning point of WW II. Previous to this battle, Rommel's Tank Corps would chase the British tanks till they ran out of gas. Rommel's tanks would then retire and allow the artillery to destroy the British tanks. They could do this because they had more efficient engines with a longer range.

Pogue had been hired to design a combustion system for our tanks that gave them a greater range than Rommel's tanks. At the battle of El Alamein, our tanks ran Rommel's tanks out of gas and our artillery picked them off like ducks in a shooting gallery. Whenever one of our tanks with Pogue's combustion system was disabled or destroyed, there was a crew who would dismantle and remove the combustion system in these tanks that were sealed in a black steel box.

There is a website and a CD that have 604 carburetor patents that have been assigned to various companies and never developed. There were 53 inventors who wouldn't sell out. Each of them had fatal "accidents" two to three weeks after refusing to sell their patent(s). I knew four of these inventors personally. The website is

Phil Ratte is a retired mechanical engineer, who graduated from the University of Minnesota with a BME (Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering) degree in 1961. A few years later he got his license as a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Minnesota and later in the State of Wisconsin.

In 1978, Phil ran for the U.S. Senate on a platform of new energy related ideas that included ethanol blended fuels.

From 1979 to the present, Mr. Ratte has tested over 90 devices and additives that promised to save fuel and reduce pollution.

In the 1980's, Phil designed 4 buildings using SolarCrete. Three commercial buildings and one home which use 75 to 80% less energy than similar buildings of other designs. These buildings should last over 500 years. They are earthquake proof and will withstand 300 mph


From 1981 to 1989, Phil worked with a wealthy inventor, Herb Hansen, to develop two prototypes vehicles that ran on 1/3 ethanol and 2/3 water. Herb died of a major stroke at a very convenient time for the Oil Cartel. Two months after Herb died the U.S. Secret Service entered Phil's home with a warrant and copied his files on their ethanol project. When he tried to find out what the Probable Cause was to issue the warrant, he found that the Federal Judge had sealed the file. Phil has known 4 men including Herb who died after refusing big money for their very promising energy saving devices.

53 inventors with revolutionary energy saving inventions have met untimely "accidental" deaths just after refusing large sums of money for their patents. Other inventors have received millions of dollars for their patents that were then left undeveloped. Phil says he has a CD that has 920 energy saving patents in it that were assigned (sold) to various automobile, oil, and other companies and then buried.

In the 1990's, Phil was hired to do testing for two companies that were selling magnetic fuel saving devices. He appeared as an expert witness in a criminal trial in Missouri. His success there caused the 29 states that were prosecuting the second magnet company to quietly drop their cases. It also caused the Minnesota Attorney General to try to attack Phil's Minnesota Professional Engineering license. That Attorney General was Hubert H. Humphrey III who Phil helped Jesse Ventura defeat for Governor in 1998.

It is very strange, says Phil, that after 1994 magnets could no longer improve fuel efficiency. Apparently the computer chips in cars after that time were programmed to defeat any device like the magnets that provided more complete burning of the fuel and potential fuel savings. (Any underground programmers out there who can re-program these chips to take advantage of novel fuels?)