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The Power Plate

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n grocery bills.

Guardian Power Plate

8" diameter polished marble plate

Just a few of the benefits of you may enjoy from The Guardian Power Plate

Re-energizes the food you buy from the grocery store – enjoy richer, better tasting meals.

Stop spending money on expensive certified organic foods – just set your groceries on The Power Plate and the vitality is restored in just seconds.

Works to nullify trace pesticide and insecticide residue from your groceries – less potential toxicity to worry about.

Helps to purify your municipal tap water or well water – eliminates the need for expensive filtration systems and bottled water.

Addresses potential chlorine and fluoride contamination in your water supply – in recent tests, The Power Plate actually eliminated trace levels of these two highly toxic chemicals.

Improves the taste of wine, coffee and other popular beverages – just put them on The Power Plate for 30 seconds or more!Caution: The Power Plate may actually worsen the taste of highly toxic carbonated drinks such as Coke or Pepsi.

Put The Power Plate on the bottom shelf of your refrigerator – keeps fruits, vegetables, meats and beverages fresher longer.

Some of our clients sleep with The Power Plate under their beds – customers report improved sleep patterns and more vivid dreams. Try it yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does The Guardian Power Plate work?

The Guardian Power Plate utilizes the newly re-discovered and intensely researched science of zero-point energy. Modern physics has identified this energy field to be complementary to the human body as it is regenerative and curative in nature.

Exposure to zero-point energy promotes the creation of subtle organizing energy fields (SOEF’s) inside the human body. This accounts for The Guardian Power Plate’s ability to aid in the body’s natural healing processes. When exposed to the zero-point field, your food and water (as well as other beverages) are ‘cleared’ or neutralized in terms of their subtle toxic potential.

How do you "charge" The Guardian Power Plate with the zero-point energy field?

Our manufacturing partner in the development of The Power Plate has worked with zero-point energy and other cutting edge technologies for over ten years. The Guardian Power Plate represents the next evolution in the commercial application of zero-point energy. Each Power Plate is individually charged by way of a proprietary and highly complex procedure. Once charged, The Power Plate maintains the zero point energy field for a lifetime – no clearing or re-charging is required.

I want to learn more about zero point energy. What books would you recommend?

There are several great books validating the science behind and the quest to fully understand zero point energy. Visit your local bookstore or go online for the best selection. However, we have listed a few favorites for your consideration:

The God Particle by Leon Lederman

The Field by Lynne McTaggart

The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot

Power vs. Force by David Hawkins

Recommended Usage: Place The Power Plate on a smooth, flat surface (i.e. your kitchen countertop). Put any items you wish to "clear" on top of The Power Plate for a minimum of 30 seconds, no maximum. The Power Plate does not need to be cleared or recharged as it has lifetime effectiveness.
