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The Template Universe

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e to be the space, time and physical objects that occupy it. Therefore recognize that the methodology that you have created in order to create a multitude of universes, is to exist within a particular vibration that interlocks in between all the other vibrations, so that you can experience your own uniqueness without overlapping into another universe.

Q: Because earlier you said that it was a difference in frequency. Now, if there's a difference in frequency they would have to overlap at the same time. You really mean a difference in phase -- same frequency out of phase.

B: In a sense, yes. Although there are also differences in frequencies, which are alternate dimensions of experience.

Q: Mhmm. Another question about physics that we talked about on this planet a while back. You know that we (-- --?) the four basic forces in nature on this planet that Einstein, for one person, spent the last 30 years of his life trying to find a unified field theory for. Is there such...?

B: All right. Now you already know, as you will discover on your planet, that even your physicists have gotten it down to two. They recognize that they have what is called quantum chromo dynamics. And this reflects a unification of the electromagnetic force, the strong force and the weak force. The only one they have yet to understand is gravity. When they allow themselves to begin to include consciousness into the equation, they will have their unified field. And they are on the very doorstep of understanding that.

Q: They just discovered the fifth ( -- ?) or something.

B: The idea of consciousness and what we call the template universe.

Q: It was just in the paper the other day. It's kind of an anti-gravitational force... is that what you're talking about -- very weak? They're calling it a fifth force (--?).

B: They're simply beginning to understand that what they have long considered to be gravity is not a force. It is a reflection of the interaction of the vibrational matrix taking the pattern of the template, which is non-physical. When they understand there exists a template upon which the foundation of your physical reality is constructed, they will know how to read the maps.

Q: I have another question.

B: Yes.

Q: I like this planet; I like my life here, and I...

B: Well, very good!

Q: ... (--?) nuclear war, and I'm just wondering whether I will be able to live out my stay on this planet?

B: Our perception of your civilization at this time is that you have already chosen to not have that idea.

Q: Yay! Ahh! Very good!

B: Now understand that one of the reasons for why you are seeing an escalation of personal violence is because you now know it is safe to experience all these ideas because they will not lead to nuclear annihilation. That is why they have increased -- so that you can live them all out -- so that by the time you all consciously agree to go into the fourth-density idea, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have done it all -- in regard to negativity.

Q: The template (--?) is that related to the machine or device that Steve is building?

B: It is reflective to some degree of what I will call the crystalline structure of the template, since the crystalline structure of the template is two three-sided pyramids base-to-base, point up and point down. This one figure with six faces and five points will be the eleven-dimensioned universe, and contain within it all aspects that your physicists are beginning to understand about the fundamentals of how your physical reality is created from non-physicality. That one symbol is the equation that bridges your physical universe with the non-physical universe.

Q: Could you explain the symbol?

B: Two three-sided pyramids, base to base, sharing a common equilateral triangle. Therefore one apex is up; one apex is down. There are three points around the middle and there is a central point, from top to bottom point that passes through the plane in the middle. Now, understand that the three points round the middle are what you may refer to as the X, Y and Z ideas of your volumetric third density reality, and the negative X, negative Y, negative Z of the anti-universe in that way. The polarity expressed: the top apex is positive time, the bottom apex, negative time. Therefore, in this one structure you have both positive and negative time and positive and negative space. Now recognize that the nature of this structure is why your scientists... are you familiar with what is called in your civilization the uncertainty principle?

Q: No, I'm not.

B: Understand that when your scientists discovered that they could begin to look into the "nuclear reality," there were movements that did not act in what they considered to be natural or normal ways any longer. Below a certain threshold things do not have to act in the way that you think they have to act to follow certain laws that you have always thought to be very strict.

One of the things they discovered because of this random activity is that you cannot know both the position and the momentum of something simultaneously. For to take a measurement of something that small is to cause a change in the interaction. And if you are measuring its position, you can get its position precisely, but you will not understand its momentum. Because the position of the momentum changes the momentum -- the addition of the energy of the measurement. If you wish to know its momentum precisely, you can never know its position, for if you try to fixate on it, you will stop the momentum and have nothing to measure.

Q: Right.

B: Therefore, this is a result also that can be defined by this particular equation or this template crystalline structure. Understand if you will just regard for a moment one particular three-sided pyramid. You have X, Y, Z on the base that represents the idea of the coordinates of physical space, yes?

Q: Yes.

B: You have the apex which represents the time in which all the physical coordinates are subject to, and are related to and inseparable from.

Q: Yes.

B: Now understand that the nature of your dimensionality makes it such that you can only take a measurement off of what you consider to be any one face of this pyramid, base or three sides at any one time. If you take a measurement off of the base, well then you will include the X, Y, and Z, and you will have the total measurement of the space. But you will have no measurement of the time or momentum. If you take the measurement off of any one side, you will have total time and any two coordinates, but no complete sense of position.

Q: Hum.

B: You follow me?

Q: Yes.

B: Therefore, this is what the result is and why you have discovered this idea you call the uncertainty principle. You cannot allow yourself to know in the physical universe both space -- that is, position -- and time -- that is, momentum -- simultaneously with regard to what any particular aspect is liable to do. This was, in your terms, the qualm with your Einstein, in that your modern quantum physicists were saying that there is no predictability on the quantum level -- whereas Einstein believed that there was.

Now, in a sense both are correct. For what Einstein sensed was the template, and your physicists have yet to discover this. But when they do, they will understand that it is only in the physical universe that the uncertainty exists.

And if they understand that this uncertainty is the product of the shape of the template, but understand that the template is in and of itself complete to begin with, then knowing that completeness in a non-physical universe will let them know that everything can be, in the non physical universe, certain. Whereas in the physical universe only a portion of the template at any one time is represented, and thus things can be uncertain.

Q: Yes.

B: Then you have the idea of randomness that exists within your physical reality, so that you can create and have free will. Therefore, just as by analogy the idea of your atoms have individual randomness which cannot be predicted, but the total mass of the atoms have a certain predictability chemically, so your overall society as a mass consciousness has a certain overall sense of energy momentum that usually does not divert, or is very unlikely to divert from what could be an overall generally sensed prediction. But the individuals within it, all in their own random way -- even though you cannot predict their action -- go into making the total mass that is more predictable. You follow me?

Q: Yes. Where are these studies being conducted where they're getting close to this understanding of the template?

B: Oh, many, many of your physics institutions.

Q: Stanford?

B: Yes.


B: Yes.

Q: Cal Tech?

B: Yes.

(Inaudible question)

B: Some. And also in other places other than your own country.

Q: So is this -- the two pyramids together -- is that just a model to help us understand?

B: Yes.

Q: ... or does this actually exist in some...?

B: It is a physiological representation in volumetric form of the equation which defines the non physical template universe.

Q2: I need to ask a question.

B: One moment.

Q2: Sorry.

B: Do not be sorry. Are you finished?

Q: I just had one other question. In physical science there's the notion of the scientific method in which you can predict a certain outcome by certain laws. How, in the non-physical universe, is there such a scientific method, or is it all...?

B: Not really. And understand that your quantum physics is beginning to understand that what they have long defined as the classical scientific approach does not really exist in the empirical way that you think it does. For they have discovered that you get the result that you design the experiment for, and nothing else. And that if you change the design of the experiment, you get a different result.

Both are real. The contradiction and the paradox is your first indication that you contain the totality of All That Is, and within the higher self nothing is a contradiction... Yes?

Q: Thank you. I got it.

B: Thank you.
