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Chukanov Quantum Energy

By Dr. Kiril B. Chukanov, Founder

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ay ask? An average accelerator will be no larger than a midsize van, and approximate weight of 3-4,000 lbs, in contrast to current limited accelerators that take up to 5 miles of areal diameter, and cost over billion dollars to build. The advantages of such accelerators are:

· Low cost of production

· High availability and accessibility

· Low energy consumption

· Affordability

· Ease of implementation

The advantages are limitless. The semiconductor industry is at a stall right now. The technology is in need of a boost, and because of limited availability of electron accelerators, fabrication of new semiconductors is unattainable.

For the next two years, Chukanov Quantum Energy will dedicate its resources towards manufacture and commercial implementation of compact high-energy electron accelerators. The patent for design, theory, and technology has already been filed. Patent-pending information will not be disclosed until the patent is issued.

At the same time, we will be developing the industrial version of our previous quantum energy generator, rated at approximately 100KWATT. A generous portion of time and resources will be invested in this project, which will take approximately 4-5 years to complete as further research, testing, and development is required. The goal is, of course, to simplify the design, size, and implementation, as well as to perfect compatibility in current consumer environment. This separate branch of Chukanov Quantum Energy, LLC., will be primarily targeted towards business and industry, with prospect of household use in the near future, as the technology becomes more popular. These advantages of future quantum energy generators will be:

· Unlimited energy

· Dramatically lower cost of energy

· Safe and pollution-free

· Scalability and effective implementation

· Relatively quick commercialization

This technology has alse been patented. All prospective investors are invited to review our investor relations section. For contact information click HERE. If you choose to contact us directly, please call at either San Antonio, TX or Salt Lake City, UT office locations.


Dr. Kiril B. Chukanov, the founder of Chukanov Quantum Energy, LLC, has completed his newest patent, and after enormous time spent, the patent has been filed with the United States Patent and Trademark office.

We are currently comprising blueprints for building first two commercial quantum energy generators of 100KWATT minimum power output. While undergoing initial preparations in building business plan starting March 2002, we are looking for potential investors to aid us in developing quantum energy foundation. If you find yourself interested, follow the INVESTORS link for more details.


Over the period of nearly ten years, Dr. Kiril Chukanov was researching a mysterious phenomenon commonly known as "Ball Lightning." The significance of the knowledge gathered is truly profound. It finally led us past the boundaries of current science, and opened a gateway to the world of unlimited energy. Such an outcome will not only advance the future of energy, but will affect the way of life as we know it.

The result of the elaborate study is the evolution of a "New Science", General Quantum Mechanics, proposed and formulated by Dr. Chukanov. One of the many applications of the new science is the creation of a 'new form of matter'; one that has no third dimension. This form of matter, therefore, is given a name: 'two-dimensional quantum macro object'. His research explains the theory behind it, and solves the problem of energy production from this object. The law of conservation of energy, on this basis, is obviously invalid, because excludes the possibility of production of unlimited amount of energy, in contrast to conventional methods of energy derived from chemical reactions, fuel consumption, and nuclear reactions, accompanied by hazardous radioactive byproducts. If the results of this research are not taken seriously, the whole world will ultimately suffer from a severe energy crisis, ecological catastrophes caused by acid rain and hazardous byproducts, and all accompanied consequences, such as erosion of the Earth's flora and the ozone layer.

Armed conflicts, such as the ones occurring in the Middle East, are likely to escalate in the future, as the world remains to be dependant on the decreasing supplies of petroleum and natural gas for energy. The discovery of the new source of energy can serve as a basis for creation of weapons of mass destruction; ones that will exceed destructive power of nuclear weapons million-times-fold. With the development of Quantum Photonic Bombs, terrorist countries will endanger United States and other countries with complete annihilation of their populations. The future of the entire world, industrialized and developing, hinges on our taking advantage of this enormous discovery, simply because it is our obligation to ensure the preservation of our civilization.

Due to the pending patents, we are unable to go into further detail. However, we welcome mass media in our laboratory for a brief presentation of our 'Two-Dimensional Quantum Macro Object", a small terrestrial copy of our sun.


Doctor Kiril B. Chukanov, Founder
