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Global Wifi Spysat Crisis In National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

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ry Architecture Program, the only one that satisfies Congressional Mission Requirements is the patented brainchild of a lone aerospace engineer, William H. Grisham. Bill Grisham´s patented MIRIAH satellite constellation, as it turns out, is 100,000 times more cost effective than that of any of the projects proposed by the “big boys”. Apart from the fact Grisham´s system is a thousand times cheaper and a thousand times more powerful it is also the only technologically “risk free” proposal registered in this otherwise elite competition.

MIRIAH, instead of increasing sophistication to systems engineering, revolutionizes systems architecture, creating a physics clad platform from which to easily, cheaply and reliably do much more with much less. In the most recent past, NRO went so far as to prefer funding a multi $Billion Boeing proposal that involved impossible technical risk, which ultimately failed, over Grisham´s $500 million proposal with practically no technical risk at all. MIRIAH is the only known solution anyone in industry has offered so far to completely satisfy mission requirements without technical risk.

Grisham´s MIRIAH patent is an updated spin-off from his 1961 ROSÆ invention, the first ever patented satellite constellation. ROSÆ has been systematically ignored ever since its invention. However, MIRIAH (Microwave Interferometry Radiating Incrementally Accumulating Holography, Patent #6,452,532 - Sept. 17, 2002) is indeed turning heads at the Pentagon, NRO, NASA and in Industry. Some turning heads have even gone so far as to say it won’t be long before heads start rolling.

The problem is Grisham won’t sell out to anybody, especially not to the Pentagon. After 45 years of holding out for the opportunity to “check-mate” the entire aerospace industry Grisham continues to only offer non-exclusive licenses to business and industry collaborators as well as governmental.

As founder and President of ROSÆ Inc., Grisham assures, “MIRIAH/ROSÆ are God’s gift to the Devil’s world. It is the light which will illuminate the truth on earth and set us free from the Spying elite”. According to Grisham it is the most powerful satellite architecture in the world.

In January this year, Dr. John Eagan, the DoD's Chief Scientist at NRO, and his staff, completed a very rigorous and comprehensive evaluation of the patented architecture. Both NGA and NRO concluded MIRIAH´s Math Models and other technical memos proved the feasibility and practicability for all of the startling claimsmade in the MIRIAH "White Paper". They consider the architecture a breakthrough and recognize its capabilities are critically needed by DoD for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I).

Dr. John Eagan and his staff at the NRO have encouraged Grisham’s firm ROSÆ Inc. to respond to NRO's 2007 DII (Director's Innovation Initiative) for systems level R&D and T&E. ROSÆ Inc. is too small to undertake this proposal without teaming with various members of the Aerospace community specialized in systems level engineering. ROSÆ, inc. then found mutually agreeable grounds for collaboration with MicroSat Systems Inc. and they have successfully registered an official NRO proposal now pending approval for a phase 2 funding. According to Grisham, “The time has come for NRO to go back 45 years to the future.”

According to Grisham, “MIRIAH is everybody´s Spy in the Sky. It´s like a Google Globe but in 3D and in real time. It´s like Internet, but with universal wireless remote wifi access without webservers. Anyone anywhere, will be able to virtually walk around anything or anyone, anywhere. Users will swoop down and walk around objects on the other side of the world. In the future when the Pentagon says there are WMDs somewhere anyone will be able to personally confirm whether or not that is true. There will always be spies on Earth and all that we can ever do about that is for all of us to spy on the spies. In the near future, the biggest secret governments will have to keep will be, How to hide from MIRIAH users? It’s Espionage4Everyone and Everyone2Everybody”.

In the official proposal MIRIAH is described as: an Interferometer satellite sensor which uses convergent illumination for a 2nd Power-Aperture to lower costs for the best characteristics of SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) and Optical Satellites. It provides day or night, all weather, penetrating imaging with extremely fine spatial resolution (half a wavelength), and extremely fine spectral resolution in its 1st Power-Aperture, for automatic GIS capable hyper-spectral imaging. It offers 10 samples/day, with 10 channels, to form square matrix Eigenvector “signatures” to instantly isolate critical tactical targets. SAR captures digitized “virtual” images needing extensive, time consuming processing, while MIRIAH captures “real” images, needing only digitization for delivered images, allowing for faster delivery of finished intelligence. This throughput time also varies with the satellite population: from 12 hours for 3 satellites down to 30 minutes for 12 satellites. Its architecture is 3-D symmetric, so piggybacked launching cuts expensive boosters in half, while balanced moments reduce precession to enable simpler cost effective satellites, adding powerful and secure communication and navigation capabilities.

Since Intelligence fails when it is too little and too late the military mission must be countered in a timely manner in keeping with the short lived usefulness of reliable tactical intelligence as it is highly perishable. It is imperative that tactical intelligence be acquired in near real time (e.g., 30 to 60 minutes), and accessed globally in real time. MIRIAH enables this. It is critical for intelligence analysts to have sorting systems which rapidly and reliably cut through “mountains” of Intelligence data to isolate targets of interest, which are the greatest threat. MIRIAH is designed with this in mind for both military and commercial applications.

It is a new satellite imaging sensor, capable of day and night observation, which can “see” through weather, smoke, sand storms, forest canopies, most buildings and underground tunnels, with extremely fine spatial and spectral resolution. MIRIAH is hyper-spectral, and is a breakthrough in 2-D coherent energy density gain leading to marked increases in cost-effectiveness and its architecture lends itself to simpler satellite injection, station keeping, attitude control and smaller satellites. Its unique use of two Power-Apertures enables these features, plus automatic GIS for small, mobile, tactical terminals.

Automatic GIS is the key to rapid sorting of high priority targets - noting that MIRIAH’s specie signatures have the highest specie discrimination of any satellite sensor, due to its extremely fine spectral resolution, hyper-spectral capability, and its very high data refresh rate (10 per day).

The existing state-of-the-art in microwave imaging is SAR which has a serious weakness in its very low signal-to-noise ratio, due to SAR’s high noise burden from its huge bandwidth, resulting in huge and expensive satellites - confined to LEO (low earth) orbits. SAR’s cost is about 1,000 times more than MIRIAH’s, while its spatial resolution is about 1% of MIRIAH’s. None of this class of R/D sensors can employ a 2nd Power-Aperture (PA) like MIRIAH can, since SAR’s architecture would result in a negative Gain if a 2nd PA were attempted.

The new requirements for Intelligence programs call for practical economics. MIRIAH has a “supply sided” design. Unlike SAR with its narrow swaths, which greatly foreshorten supply, MIRIAH’s swaths are thousands of KM wide. Great demand is to be expected by users since it enables fine spatial and spectral resolution, numerous hyper-spectral channels, high sample rate, weather immunity, day and night continuity and deep penetration. With its much smaller cost, due to its 1st and 2nd PA, MIRIAH’s services will generate a huge economic windfall for the space industry.

The MIRIAH patent includes two system data flows: 1) MIRIAH images stationary targets in near real time, while 2) DIFMIRIAH tracks moving targets in real time. MIRIAH’s distributed resolved cells (pixels) will clearly and reliably identify the target, while DIFMIRIAH’s courser resolution will identify its location in time but has too few resolved pixels to identify the target. It will hand-off from one mode to the other as the target goes from rest to high speed motion. Since this detection proceeds from within a huge database of the entire surface of the earth, and subsurface if desired, there is no need to manuver its satellites to hover over a particular terrain in order to identify and track multiple targets in real time.

The MIRIAH patent in its entirety can be seen at:

Consult Bill Grisham´s web page:

Grisham’s son Greg also posts information at: