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Hazel Hills Farm

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er 128 varieties of hard nuts are here including 19 varieties of walnut, 20 varieties of hickorys, 18 varieties of hick-cons, hazel-berts, pecans, and chestnut. Endangered trees being preserved are the American Chestnut and butternut and hearth-nut. The breeding stock on this 140 acre farm is incredible.

Dan Carlson C.E.O. of Dan Carlson Scientific Enterprises Inc. bought the farm in 1989 and started using Sonic Bloom on the tree farm.

Sonic Bloom makes any seed or cutting more viable than its parent. When the farm was purchased, the nuts were the size of a quarter, a few on the trees. Now after eleven year of Sonic Bloom, the nuts are now the size of a tennis balls, growing up to five at a time. The larger the nut, the better and faster growing the seedlings are.

Also, when Dan started using Sonic Bloom on the farm, the leaves were the size of his pointer finger. Now the seedling leaves are the size of the palm of his hand. The larger the leaves the larger the fruit and the faster the tree grows.

These trees and seedling are growing 500% faster than normal. Dan's Sonic Bloom has now been reaching overseas, helping impoverished areas produce greater food crops. For example, in the village of Bangak, Indonesia, this sonic bloom treatment has been tried out on one hectare of rice field, and the result was that farmers could harvest 10.04 ton, whereas on the same area, rice with non-sonic bloom treatment could only produce 4.7 ton.

Read more about Sonic Bloom in the Windstar Vision, May-June 1993, and the Northwind, April 2000



By Jean Pierce

A real-life excerpt from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland can be found on a farm in River Falls, Wisconsin, where Minnesota Connection members felt they had shrunk in size amid lush, oversized vegetation. Corn, for instance, shoots 16-feet high, young evergreens grow 3-4 feet annually, one African violet plant flaunts 300 blooms of various colors, and huge strawberries, some weighing one quarter of a pound, grow from April to October.

This particular place emerges not from the pages of a fairy tale but from Dan Carlson’s vision to provide food for the world’s hungry people. As a soldier in Korea, Carlson saw a desperate mother cripple her oldest child so she could beg for food to feed the rest of her starving family. After his duty in the armed forces, Carlson attended the University of Minnesota where he experimented and developed a system to stimulate plant growth.

Sonic Bloom is what he calls his completely organic technique that enhances plant development through natural nutrients and musical frequencies that stimulate plant cell absorption. The system has been approved by the International Organic Growers and Buyers Association (OGBA).

The process involves two parts: First, an organic spray is applied to plants once a week between 5:30 – 9:00 a.m. The spray is comprised of 55 trace minerals, amino acids and seaweed. During the early morning, pores or stomata on plant leaves are particularly dilated to receive nutrients. Secondly, a cassette tape of pulsating tracks of sound frequencies, ranging between 3000 to 5000 Khz, is played to the plants. Such sounds resemble cricket or bird chirps, which naturally provoke the stomata to open. The plant soundtrack stimulates the stomata to open even wider and for a longer period of time, thereby promoting the maximum absorption and translocation (distribution) of nutrients throughout the plant.

One of Carlson’s first experiments with the Sonic Bloom system in 1979 was performed on a purple passion plant. During the first three months of treatment, the vine, which usually doesn’t exceed a length of 24 inches, grew to 150 feet!

Since then, Carlson’s Sonic Bloom system continues to prove itself as an effective application to promote plant growth, especially in adverse growing conditions. For example, one Florida orange grower is harvesting prime-quality fruit in an area where, previous to Sonic Bloom, the orchard was so pesticide-laden that birds stopped frequenting the area. With Sonic Bloom, the growers’ total orange production increased by 66 percent. Not only did the orchard flourish, but its fruit, tested at the Garvey Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning, in Wichita, Kansas, contained 121 percent more natural vitamin C than oranges not treated with Sonic Bloom.

Sonic Bloom plants in general contain more nutrients simply because they absorb and translocate more nutrients. Carlson says, "Sonic Bloom helps plants realize their genetic potential." Because of the high nutrient content, most fruits and vegetables have a doubled or tripled shelf life.

Sonic Bloom could also have tremendous global implications in preserving endangered plant species. In Israel, scientists are using Sonic Bloom to keep 450 rare or endangered African trees from becoming extinct. To date, Carlson’s system has worked better than any other fertilization program tried so far.

In 1991, Carlson was asked by the Philippine Department of Plant Industry to work with Philippine farmers whose land and crops had been devastated by toxic ash spewed from Mt. Pinatubo’s eruption. Presently, farmers there are awaiting registration of the product for large-scale commercial use.

More recently, Carlson is still spreading the word about Sonic Bloom to potential growers in Mongolia and the Ukraine. Dr. Hou Tian Zhen, from Mongolia’s Zinjiang Academy of Forestry studied with Carlson for a year. Taking Sonic Bloom back to Mongolia, Hou has realized a 30-90 percent increase in yield of the tested food crops, such as watermelons and potatoes.

Sugar beet farmers in the Ukraine are experimenting with Sonic Bloom and evaluating its potential to feed people in a shorter time, with larger, longer, lasting, more nutritious products. Carlson plans to meet with Ukranian government officials this spring to discuss plans to manufacture the product.

Minnesota Connection members were turned on to Carlson’s endeavors when he presented a speech about Sonic Bloom at one of their meetings. Since then, members have toured Carlson’s farm and helped weed and clean the facility. During an autumn weekend last year, they harvested endangered American chestnuts and butternuts. This spring they again plan to visit the farm.

If you would like more information about Sonic Bloom, a 90-minute explanatory video is available. Write to Dan Carlson, Scientific Enterprises, Inc., Hazel Hills Farm, RR 1, P.O. Box 277, River Falls, Wisconsin 54022 or 715-425-1407.

-- Windstar Vision, May-June 1993


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