Lots of good information in here regarding treatment and recognition of types of Alzheimer's, decontamination of radiation, water and land, and setting up your own peace island at home........and, of course, much more.
I take heart from the following statement found on p 34 of the workshop notes:
National scientists and researchers come with the idea they are on their own and we support you. This way we establish one of the biggest research centers now connecting Ghana Atomic which is KFGhana and Tokyo University. In the next few days we will announce the establishment of a joint venture, a spin off between KF, _______ Holding and Tokyo University collaboration between the government institutes and KF. Even though we are already researching there the results are so heavy that we have gone into shareholding between the government of Japan and KF research and development. We join the two—Ghana and Tokyo, KF as part of the university and development to collaborate and the first joint venture has already taken place. This is how we are developing this. The next step is China and then another African nation and we are going to the United States and Canada in the next six weeks. We see an opportunity of peace with the new presidential election in the United States and we explore opening up as collaborators.
/resources/uploads/files/146th Knowledge Seekers Workshop 1117-2016(1).pdf