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Internationally accredited heavy metals testing services just launched by the Health Ranger's food science laboratory (CWC Labs)

Mike Adams

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June 14, 2016

(NaturalNews) At long last, we are now officially announcing the availability of heavy metals analysis and nutritive minerals analysis services at my laboratory, CWC Labs. This announcement is for commercial clients and health care professionals who have five or more samples to analyze, but we will be launching testing services for individuals in just a few weeks.

After two years of intense compliance effort, my laboratory was recently awarded ISO 17025 accreditation -- the highest international standard of laboratory excellence. Now, we're ready to test your products for heavy metals and nutritive minerals, using state-of-the-art analytical instrumentation (ICP-MS) capable of sub-ppb (parts per billion) sensitivity for most elements.

Right now, we can test your:

• Finished food products

• Beverages

• Raw materials

• Dietary supplements

• Fertilizers

• Protein powders

• Personal care products

• Cosmetics

• Compost

• Environmental samples

• Water samples

Each test measures your sample for parts per billion concentrations of all the following metals, minerals and elements:




















Gold (on demand, special procedures)

NOTE: We can also test for other elements on demand, using other methodologies. For those who need it, we can also do isotopic ratio analysis of various elements, including elements with radioactive isotopes.


Privacy-protected testing means we don't know what your product is

To test your products or raw materials, we don't need to know your product name or brand name. When you send samples for testing, you label them with unique numbers, and we use that same ID to report the results back to you.

Our testing prices are very competitive, especially given our extreme accuracy and expanded list of elements (analytes). Contact us via this contact form at, and we'll send you our services and pricing PDFs.

We offer 5-day and 10-day turnaround testing. If you have a serious testing emergency, we can actually test your product in just one day, but it's very expensive for rush turnaround (for all sorts of reasons involving lab workflow, instrument calibrations and so on).

Well water testing services coming soon

We've already had a huge number of people interested in personal well water testing. That service isn't available yet, but it will be in a few weeks (and I'll announce it here on Natural News).

Also, in case you're wondering, no we can't test your urine or blood for heavy metals. However, in the future we may expand our offerings to accept urine and hair samples from naturopaths, chiropractors or clinical detox centers. (It's important to have a health professional who can interpret your results and help you design a dietary strategy that reduces your exposure to toxic elements.)

Pesticide testing coming soon, too...

Later this summer, we will also be announcing comprehensive pesticide testing services, covering a large number of chemical pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.

This service, based on LC/MS-TOF instrumentation, can be used to detect a vast array of pesticide chemicals in food, water, beverages and environmental samples. It can also test for pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, recreational drugs, phytochemicals, veterinary drugs and a lot more.

Where to learn more:

To learn more about CWC Labs and to get pricing for our services, visit

Read about some of our laboratory test results published in the Natural Science Journal at

See my book "Food Forensics" which publishes ICP-MS analysis data for over 800 foods, spices, dietary supplements and pet treats at