7/24/2015 — HAARP facility going back online — August 11th 2015 under new ownership to University of Alaska
After over a year of FALSE reports that the HAARP IRI antenna array in Gakona Alaska was going to be “torn down”, after two years of reports that it was going to be “closed down”, we now have word that the facility has actually (this whole time) been under management by the Air Force Research Laboratories for the past 2 years.
Now, ownership will be transferred to the University of Alaska for continued research going forward. New ownership of the HAARP IRI facility goes into effect on August 11, 2015 (8/11/15).
This new report PROVES the original reports from the amateur radio people were completely false — the amateur radio league (ARRL) claimed that HAARP was “too dirty due to diesel generators” and was going to be “demolished”.
Literally we have a case of the ARRL amateur radio league putting out full on fabricated stories about HAARP to spread disinformation — making very obvious false claims that were believed by many people due to the ARRL’s status.
Much more information on the HAARP IRI facility in Alaska here:
Video explanations here: