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Graphene and Energy!

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Oct. 15, 2014

O graphene! How do we love thee? 
Let us count the ways. 

You are the most conductive 
substance yet discovered, even in 
the most infintesimal of amounts - 

Electrical cars will soon be able to 
be charged with amazing speed, due 
to your mind-boggling conductivity.

You perform all of the tasks of Indium, 
the increasingly-expensive, rare-earth 
element, which is currently used in 
smartphone touch screens, but which 
is also brittle and highly-degradable, yet -

You are hardy and flexible and are about 
to completely revolutionize the 
manufacture of smart technologies, as 
well as technologies, in fields we haven't 
even thought of, yet! 

All this - AND you are the sixth most 
plentiful substance in the universe!

As a lubricant in many temperature 
ranges, you ability to deposit single 
hexagonal sheets of yourself are 
evident, when we watch a pencil gliding 
across a piece of paper during the acts 
of writing or sketching, leaving layers of 
yourself behind.

Some fringey-type geophysicists fret 
that it is exactly your slipperiness, as 
you are found in great abundance 
throughout the Earth's mantle, which 
could lend credence to the once-accepted 
and now refuted Theory of Earth Crust 
Displacement, which ruled the thinking 
of geologists and geophysicists until it 
was recently (from a geological 
perspective) replaced by the much 
less-catastrophic and gradualist 
Theory of Plate Tectonics, during the 

Where the entire lithosphere, of which 
the Earth's continents are the bits that 
stick out and which was once thought to 
have the ability to become "unstuck" 
from the underlying, graphene-rich 
asthenosphere of the upper mantle, as 
an explanation for a number of things, 
such as the current locations of the Earth's 
poles formerly having been located in the 
tropics and vice versa. 

These massive changes in the locations 
of continents, upon the ever-rotating 
Earth were once thought to be due to 
mass slippage of the Earth's crust, 
triggered by theorized "fly-bys" of large 
celestial bodies, which "unstuck" the 
lithosphere and sent it slipping across the 
astheosphere by the gravitational pull of 
a passing body.

Like the Theory of Earth Crust 
Displacement, many once-catastrophic 
theories in many scientific disciplines have 
since been replaced by more gradualist and 
stately counterparts.

Because, after all - there's nothing to see 
here, move along! 

Video Total: (under 5 mins) 

Graphene is About to Change Everything! 

Kathy Greene Fucetola
LifeSpirit Center