But the chance discovery of useful materials might not carry on for much longer. Scientists are now turning to computers to design materials and work out their properties before going anywhere near a laboratory or workshop. Some of the newest materials that are getting scientists fired up exist only in theory. The goal now is to make them a reality.
The materials here are so new that their ultimate applications are still tentative – or not even being guessed at. But each has the potential to be transformative. If the history of materials is any guide, how we eventually use them will, in part, be discovered accidentally, too.
The Friday evening antics that led to the invention of graphene have become the stuff of scientific legend. Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov at Manchester University were playing around with Scotch tape and a lump of graphite when they found they could make sheets of carbon one atom thick. That was in 2004. They have since shared the Nobel prize, become Sirs and been rewarded with a £61m National Graphene Institute.
And all for good reason. Graphene is an extraordinary material. Apart from its many other properties, it’s immensely strong, flexible, transparent and conductive. This makes it perfect for the next generation of electronic devices, the sort that might be sewn into our clothing, slapped on drinks bottles and cans of food or rolled up and tucked in our pockets. Last week, Zhaohui Zhong at the University of Michigan described how graphene might be used to make night-vision contact lenses.
“Graphene has huge potential,” says Andrea Ferrari, director of the Cambridge Graphene Centre. “You don’t usually find a material that has applications in so many different areas.”