High Voltage Colloidal Silver and Gold
Bruce McBurney
my information that I believe will change all and be the answer to yours and all ours prayers.
100 MPG fuel systems suppressed how they really worked
Properley made high voltage colloidal silver and gold
my info follows, Please read thru and share where ever you can
time to end suppression before it causes the end of us all
Bruce McBurney
HIMAC Research
6665 McLeod Road
Niagara Falls Ont.L2G 3G3
905 358-8541 fax aux 905 358-9439
E mail bruce@himacresearch.com
We share the truth and the right to know
about SUPER Carburetors/F.I.
The solution to air pollution
PLEASE help share this knowledge! There is an amazing amount can
be read for FREE on the Internet. If you are not online then the following books
explaining ways to get drastically better fuel mileage up to 5 times and cut pollution
90%. These books are available now. Please read below, Your help in sharing this
helps many ways to get the truth out out that our world needs now.
HIMAC Research Publishing -- Book List --
Our Latest publication the "Clair Max" is still in development and had some issues
that will need further developments. But I felt it should get out as it is, for many
reasons. One is, it does answer many of the problems that others have encountered
with trying to maintain fuel vaporization and further cracking of the gasoline in a
reasonably safe and economical way. This is for experimenters and people that wish
to take the technology further. I believe this basic concept will be incorporated
into all future vehicles if we are going to have a future on this planet. The
inventor claimed he got 100 mpg in 4 cylinder Ford Courier PU truck. $ 39.95
This was to much for a paper book so it is on a CD . Himac will be doing more CDs
on this information "The APOD Fuel system" By Anthony P. O' Donnel from Australia.
This is a CD jammed packed with his development of a device to triple your fuel mileage
it comes with interactive Auto cad 2000 drawings and complete collection of notes
testimonials pictures and text to help you build your own system. Also he has an article
from1927 with an fellow Australian inventor getting 85 -92 M.P.G. with a 1926 Chysler
over 500 pages $39.95
"Secret Super Mileage Report" by Bruce McBurney, Pub. 1996. -- The facts on special
carburetors and how they produced natural gas and methanol for greatly increased gas
mileage--up to five times, and how they drastically cut pollution. If you care about
clean air and a healthy planet for your children, you need to know and share this
information. This book explains how any of the pioneers in this movement set the
stage for the new developments in this field. However, they didn't understand that
the chemistry of the reaction or how the additives in gas prevented the systems from
working. This book comes with a money back guarantee if you are not convinced.Over
2500 copies sold (with only 2 refunds). A must read for any that care about life,
researcher, environmentalist, or skeptic. -- 68 pages. $19.95 partial text on web
site www,himacresearch.com
"The Hydro- Boost Manual" by Lee Brewer and Bruce McBurney, Pub.1999. -- A "How-to"
manual on hydrogen-from-water power supplement and other ideas to increase mileage
and cut pollution . Devices simple and easy to build and install; all parts are
cheap, found in plumbing and local stores. No welding or machining required, just
glue, drilling, and simple wiring. Increases vary 10 - 100%; but there is always
less pollution. -- 52 pages. $29.95
"Secrets of The 200 Mile Per Gallon Carburetor" by Allan Wallace. --This
1997-revised version has patents, drawings, and instructions for the early vapor
carburetors. It is 3 Books in 1. Book 1 is the above title. Book 2 is"Super Mileage
Carburetors, How They Worked and How to Build Them" and book 3 is"200 MPG
Carburetors Fact or Fraud" Around 3,500,000 copies have been sold. This is an
excellent reference book, but doesn't explain the full chemical reactions taking
place and the effect of additives. -- 116 pages. 29.95
"100 Miles per Gallon Seminar" by Donald E. Novak, physicist, Pub.1979.
-- Explains the vapor carburetor theories, but not the Thermal Catalytic Cracking.
His patents include the Pogue and Fish as well as others. He also gets into furnace
technology. This former Kansas University teacher presents interesting evidence on
the suppression of this idea. -- 89 pages. $29.95
"The Elusive High Mileage Carburetor" by Larry Wagner, Pub. 1984. --
This book explains the cracking of the fuel. His extensive study
accumulated evidence in his research. He showed what he did to get 85 MPG in 455
C.I. Buick; however fuel additives killed his invention. -- 94 pages. $15.00
"The Secrets of the 100 mpg Carburetor" by Thomas O'Brien, Pub. 1981. --
There is research and information on the supercarburetors and several reprints of
the Pogue newspaper information. He explains catalytic cracking and air ratios as
well as the suppression of these inventions. --
112 pages. $15.00
"The Oil Crisis Answers" by J.E. Jackson, Pub. 1977. -- Explains various
aspects of energy efficiency from Super Carburetors to oil filters and alternative
engines like the turbine. This information explains profits as the priority, not
conservation. An interesting read. Part text on web. -- 143 pages. $15.00
" The Water Fuel Cell" by Stanley Meyer. Pub 1991. -- It has been said he ran a VW
dune buggy on water only. He tried for years to get financial help; but when he
finally got it, he died mysteriously while celebrating the deal. A newspaper stated
"His car and information were seized with no one explaining how he did it." This is
his original information and articles on his system, -- 2 books over 180 pages.
The Himac PCV Box is a device that uses catalytic reaction to break down engine oil
vapors, that normally foul an engine, into useable fuel. It will only increase
mileage by 5 to 25%; but it will decrease pollution by up to 75%. When you see what
has collected in the container, you will be happy it did not go into your engine and
into our air. The gasoline version is $159.00 USD for fuel injection or carburetor.
Installs in less than an hour. The Diesel unit solves a major engine blow-by problem
by trapping the unrefined oil in the container. This will reduce maintenance costs,
air pollution and road oil pollution. The unit costs $400.00 USD-- plus installation.
The Condenstator has gone off the market after the inventor passed on he
was 88. We have had it reproduced and back on the market calling it the
Compensator available now ! 150.00 This will help solve air pollution and give
better fuel mileage.
A clean environment is important to us all!
Please help by sharing this information!!
To order books or products, or for further information contact:
Bruce McBurney
HIMAC Research
6665 McLeod Road
Niagara Falls Ont. L2G 3G3
905 358-8541 fax aux 905 358-9439
We share the TRUTH and YOU have the RIGHT to know about SUPER-EFI! This
is the "Air Pollution Solution". Our future depends on it. GET INVOLVED NOW!
The Answer to Cancer is The Air Pollution Solution
The Super-Electronic Fuel Conversion System is the answer to many
problems. Also known as a "Supercarburetor"
Early cancer research proved that less oxygen causes cancer. Everything that causes
cancer falls into two categories: an oxidizer (something uses the oxygen) or
something that prevents the transfer of oxygen into our system. Examples are tars,
asbestos and silica. When the body has less oxygen it goes into an acidic state, and
cancer only grows in acids. High oxygen changes the body to alkaline may put cancer
into remission. Alternate cancer treatments are : Hyperbolic oxygen chamber, Ozone
treatments, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and many other minerals and herbs that help
Oxygen transfer
In 1850, cancer was 1 in 50 people, in 1900 1 in 35, now it's 1 in 3, forecasts are
75% will get cancer by the end of this century
Some internal combustion engines can use hundreds of times more oxygen than a person
breathes. Furthermore, the person only uses a portion of the oxygen and expels most
back into the air.
Everyone talks about high levels of carbon dioxides, carbon monoxides, nitrogen
oxides and ozone. These are all compounds of OXYGEN. When is the last time anyone
said anything about low oxygen levels in our air? If all these pollution levels are
up, and all are oxides, the oxygen has to be down, right? OXYGEN is what we can not
live 8 minutes without, and lower levels affect our health and energy. This "life
giving gas" will be too low for survival, far before the planet's oil supply runs
out. All these problems could have been prevented if we only had the technology
available from it's beginnings in the 1920 s. In the early 1900's it was extremely
rare for someone to die of a heart attack; apparently there were less than a handful
a year, even though almost all food was preserved using
salt. They had no refrigeration. Nowadays, what does the doctor tell a person not to
consume if they have a heart condition? SALT! So why were people not dying by the
thousands like now? They had no oxygen in bottles, no defibulators, resuscitators,
IV Drip or all the latest heart
drugs. They didn't even have aspirins in the early 1900's. But there was a higher
percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere!
It would not be an exaggeration to say that the suppression of one
technology, has had the most dramatic impact on the world compared to anything
before. In the long term, probably more people die or
suffer poorer lives because of this suppression than any other
short-term catastrophe or War before. Consider this: most wars have been fought over
POLLUTION is tied to most of the problems facing mankind: global
warming--no, wait, call it "global wildening", and city air
pollution, stress, asthma, bronchitis and allergies. Ever wonder
why more people in cites suffer with allergies than people in the
country (where the pollen count is much higher)?
But humans aren't the only ones suffering. The entire food chain is
being affected in one way or another. We are a society that cannot give up
transportation--and why would we? Our daily life is
interconnected to fuels and energy that happen to affect our air,
water and lands. Most foods and goods are reflected in energy and
transportation costs.
Super-EFI technology is possibly the only chance our polluted world
has for recovery. It will open the doors to many other new, suppressed inventions
that would never be able to surface in this controlled
Think of it! Not just cars and trucks getting 5 times the mileage
with practically no pollution but aircraft, marine applications,
generators and all other combustion engines could be retrofitted.
Right now there are many researchers and inventors trying to get this
technology on the market. If we can all work together through the
Internet, through sharing information, we WILL make this technology available for
Since 1996, the website www.himacresearch.com has become an exposure
and contact point for many. Many more inventors and researchers have surfaced than
ever before, making an overwhelming body of evidence that the claims are chemically
and mechanically possible. But it is not profitable enough for those with political
power, if vehicles are only using 1/5th of the fuel they do normally...is it?
Would YOU want to shoot your grand children? That is precisely the
same affect the suppression of Super-EFI Technology has, What we ask is that you
share this info with those you know so the suppression may someday end. If we all do
our small part to get this information out, success will be assured! The technology
WILL be exposed and properly developed! This is politically complex technology,
where successful inventors are coerced into "selling out" or hiding for fear of
disappearance. There are THOUSANDS of patents that have been filed, but no product
on the market.
I did not start this--I just pursued it to the point where it has
cost me my marriage and put me in debt. But what good is anything, knowing the
future of all life is in jeopardy because of stupid
greed? Ask yourself that question
also see www.fuelvapors.com this CD rom is in our package deal
www.byronwine.com wwww.rexresearch.com
search on you tube for movie called Gashole and what Tom Ogle did
I have 7 newspaper articles about his 100 MPG run in 1977 in my book.
Here is my information on silver and gold, more regarding it and swine flu following
TO see more information on building units to make this water my videos go to
youtube.com and search for
Himacmovieman one word no spaces
Please reply that you received it by sending it back
Feel free to share this with any that can be helped.
The more that know the better, end suppression before it ends us all. Bruce Mcburney
Himac Research - Colloidal Silver and Gold
In my researching, some times other things come up related, only
because it has been misunderstood or suppressed. I rediscovered
Colloidal silver almost 12 years ago and learned there was much
disinformation that scared people away from a safe solution to
many more health problems than I can list here. Not being a
doctor, I can not tell you medical advice. What I can do is
explain the principles I have learned and help you to know what is best for you and
yours. .
The basic concept is from the statement that colloidal silver
is effective when it is, a singular silver molecule that can
penetrate the cell membrane and disable the enzymes that help the
bacteria breathe. The singular silver molecule destroys the
bacteria and many infections. It is however not detrimental to
human tissue, in any way, when it is a singular molecule. This
will be effective to work with your immune system but will not
accumulate in the body. True colloids do not store but they
enable and dissipate in our bodies.
. I have found that many of
the colloidal silver generators use low voltage and because of the lower voltage,
the distilled water did not conduct the voltage.
The recommendation was to put in a grain or two of salt to act as
an electrolyte and aid in the process of making to colloid.
However, if you use salt then you do not make a colloid but you
make a silver chloride that is a compound molecule that can not
penetrate the cell membrane because it is joined to the salt
molecule. Also, because if its size, the body can not pass this
molecule on and it gets deposited into your skin causing argyria
disease, a graying or bluing of the skin. With a properly made
colloid there is not any skin build up at all and if all you ever
use is a true colloid it will not show up in heavy metals testing.
With an inferior product it will read in testing years later.
. Some products advertise the concentration is high above 20 PPM to 200 PPM
(parts per million). From my research and reading,
I found that anything above 15 PPM would tend to coagulate the
silver molecules. Now you would have two molecules joined
together. This would not be effective because two molecules
cannot penetrate the cell membranes where the singular molecule
can. It was stated that with this in mind, the very best would be at 10 PPM. At 10
PPM colloidal silver becomes a fungicide.
. A common problem with
the simple set ups is that they use D C (direct current)
electricity and there is a positive charge on one electrode and
negative on the other. This causes oxygen’s to build up on the one electrode and
corrode it, turning it yellow then black. Not only
does this have to be cleaned all the time but it ends up
depositing this yellow silver oxide into your solution. Silver
oxide is two molecules and does not penetrate. Colloids should not be yellow but
mostly clear . Only a very small hint of yellow is acceptable.
Also if the
water is charged too long and it gets
too hot, it will be an oxide with more yellowing. Yellow, like
tarnished silverware, is not what you want.
. With all this knowledge in mind and with help form
some knowledgeable friends; we developed a simple method using
very high voltage AC (alternating Current) to make a high quality
colloidal product that has been a blessing to many. We make no
health claims other than this is some of the most effective
product that you will ever encounter. Our machine uses the
constant flow-over method to ensure the molecules’ singularity and the high voltage
(2000 volts) has demonstrated an exceptional
shelf life for a colloid. The silver electrodes do not discolor
and can produce thousands of gallons of water with the supplied
silver bars. Our machines are ready for resale. We refined our
improvements that will make an easily produced colloidal water
. . Now, we offer our water at a bargain price compared to others. I believe
over pricing can effectively suppress a product.
Also, when doctors and pharmacists have never heard of this
amazing product, the drug companies and the schools have done
their jobs well.
. We bottle ours at 11 PPM which means 10% better than
the best at 10% of the cost of the best in silvers. 250ml with
spray top $18.00 500ml $30.00 1L $48.00 Colloidal Copper same price Colloidal
Gold twice the price. ---Dosage: ¼ to ½ ounce -
three times daily - to restore health. The same amount once a day will usually help
maintain health. It is just a mineral that is
deficient in most all mineral supplements. Wonder Why?
Bruce McBurney Himac Research and
Publishing -
6665 McLeod Road Niagara Falls ON L2G 3G3
www.himacresearch.com 905 358 8541 fax 905 358 9439
following a collecting of related artticles
From: Dr Carley Updates
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2009 17:33:56 -0400
To: rong@bellnet.ca
While our corrupt FDA tries to take it off the market.......
*Colloidal silver can be best defense against swine flu*
Front page
/ Science
/ Health
*Source:* Pravda.Ru
by Babu G. Ranganathan
The best defense against swine flu, or any flu, is the age old
remedy of colloidal silver. The metal silve r in its colloidal state can be safely
consumed and used in the body. Bacteria and viruses
cannot develop resistance to colloidal silver. Silver disables a vital enzyme and
mechanism in all bacteria and pathogens so that they cannot survive. It is good to
take a few teas poons of colloidal silver daily to maintain health. More coll oidal
silver should be taken if
experiencing illness.
Colloidal silver can be best defense against swine flu
Sunken Soviet submarine found at Baltic Sea
Colloidal silver was used by the medical profession well into the
1930's. However, it was expensive to produce and afford, especially at that time,
and pharmaceutical companies invented alternatives (i.e. anti-biotics) to colloidal
silver which were cheaper to make and sell. However, now many germs have developed
immunity and resistance to
There is, at present, no sure vaccine for swine flu and the fact
that the swine flu strain is a hybrid of strains from various species complicates
the matter considerably.
If you do take colloidal silver make sure you also consume yogurt on
a regular basis because the colloidal silver will also destroy the good bacteria in
the intestines.
There are various companies making colloidal silver and the quality
of the colloidal silver may differ from company to company.
I do not have a business
interest or connection with any company making colloidal silver, but
I am personally using colloidal silver from Utopia Silver. Their
website may be accessed here
The best article I have read on the subject of colloidal silver may
be accessed at this website . This site
is very informative about colloidal silver and how and when to take it.
The author, Babu G. Ranganathan, has his B.A. with concentrations in
theology and biology and has been recognized for his writings on
religion and science in the 24th edition of Marquis "Who's Who In The East". The
author's Internet articles may be accessed at: Babu G.
Ranganathan's Articles on Religion and Science./
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1976 Swine Flu Cover Up and Implications in 2009
I read Medical Mafia a long time ago and its impact remains with me to this day. Dr.
Ghislaine Lanctot is a brilliant physician who had the courage to tell the truth of
what she was seeing happening in medicine. It cost her her career as an M.D. in
Canada, but she was more than willing to pay the price. What she is saying below may
sound pretty far-fetched and out of the box for you; nevertheless, I trust that the
main message -- not to take any vaccines that might come out for the "pandemic" --
is definitely worth listening to. Also, it is definitely worth watching the video
mentioned in her article.
Hi: Please read this carefully, watch the video and share it widely...... and stay
away from vaccinations. The new "Swine Flu Vaccine" must be more deadly than the
'1976' version.
--- On Mon, 7/13/09, unlimited@rogers.com wrote:
Swine Flu Pandemic: 1976, 2009 Same O, Same O...
Just to remind ourselves of how dangerous, off target and benighted the authorities
who are pushing this dangerous vaccine on us can be, take 16 minutes to watch the
famous 60 Minutes episode on the horrific 1976 Swine Flu fiasco that left thousands
of people dead and many thousands more crippled for the same non-event "danger" of
"deadly" Swine Flu "pandemic" - http://loveforlife.com.au/node/6636
Video : CBS 60 Minutes -1976 Swine Flu Vaccine
Here is the link for the soon-to-be-famous 1979 CBS 60 Minutes episode concerning
the 1976 swine flu pandemic in USA and the massive vaccination that followed. Note
that this episode was banned after its first showing on television. It is now being
released publicly on the internet for the first time, after 20 years!!!
I am the author of the book The Medical Mafia
(description :
Among the many topics mentioned in this volume, I was revealing the ineffectiveness
and dangers of vaccination. At that time, I was a practicing physician in Quebec ,
Canada , under the name of Ghislaine Lanctôt, and the owner of numerous medical
clinics. Because of my professional status, my words weighed significantly in the
public eye. The Medical Board’s reaction was immediate and strong. Its leaders
demanded that I resign as a physician. I answered that I would do so as long as they
could prove that what I had written was false. The Medical Board replied with a call
for my expulsion.
An 11 day trial followed (1995), where I appeared without any lawyer. The arguments
rested mainly on vaccination. As I witnessed the disproportionate reaction of the
Medical Board, I realized that, for the health establishment, the subject of
vaccination was taboo. Unknowingly, I had opened a Pandora’s box. I discovered that,
despite official claims, vaccines have nothing to do with public health. Underneath
the governmental stamp of approval, there are deep military, political and
industrial interests.
Throughout the trial, the Medical Board brought many physicians as public health
During the cross-examination of one of these, Dr. Richard Massé, I used an episode
from the March 11th, 1979, 60 Minutes TV show from CBS, which was given to me
privately by a supporter. This episode talked about the tragic and massive
vaccination in USA during the 1976 swine flu outbreak (see link at the top).
Attached below, I am including the answer made by the court president (judge) after
viewing this episode. It is found on page 70 of the book The Trial of the Medical
Mafia (description :
http://www.personocratia.com/panda/modules/Boutique/doc_upload/c4trialco...). None
of the physicians who were present during the trial took this information seriously.
Since this trial, these same physicians have continued their career in public
health, and now hold honourable positions. They are the very ones who are pushing
the public toward a new world-wide epidemic. This A(H1N1) pandemic is concocted and
orchestrated by the WHO (World Health Organization), and serves the same military,
political and industrial interests as those of 1976. Have these physicians lost
their memory, or were they serving those interests right from the
I am emerging from a long silence on the subject of vaccination, because I feel
that, this time, the stakes involved are huge. The consequences may spread much
further than anticipated.
Here are the most important ones:
- Compulsory inoculation of vaccines containing a deadly virus;
- Massive and targeted reduction of the world population;
- Through vaccines, possible introduction of tiny microchips for mind control;
- Establishment of martial law and police state;
- Activation of the concentration camps built to accommodate the
- Transfer of power from all nations to a single United Nations
- Fulfilment of the NWO ( New World Order).
Take the time to look at the 1979 60 Minutes episode (see above). It includes the
governmental TV propaganda that was used in USA at the time to push the massive
vaccination that followed.
Then, ask yourself : “Should I continue to trust physicians, politicians, and the
World Health Organization (WHO)?”
Aspirin and the 1918 Flu
In 1918, a virulent, never seen before, form of influenza seemed to suddenly appear.
It seemed to kill within hours, and spread around the world within days. It seemed
to appear simultaneously all around the world. Its spread was faster than any then
known means of human travel.
In 2004, the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization warned of
repeats of such a rapid and deadly pandemic, through such variants of influenza as
and Bird Flu. But without knowing what caused the 1918 pandemic or how it spread,
how can the CDC or WHO make such a claim, unless they already know something they
are not telling?
As yet no one has been able to identify the actual medical cause of the 1918 Flu,
with only a few samples of a "bird-like" virus taken from only several cadaver
tissue samples. But no sample is complete. And those are only one or two samples
from among the estimated 20 to 40 million people who seemed to die mysteriously
almost overnight. The 1918 Flu spread faster and was more deadly, killing more
people than even the Plague and Black Death of the middle ages. Why does no one talk
about it?
And even if the viral cause were identified, no one can explain the lightning fast
spread of the disease. Maybe it wasn't a disease after all. Many
researchers have
even looked at some world-wide phenomena, such as extra-terrestrial biology
filtering into the atmosphere from outer space. Or maybe, the jet stream spreading
disease-laden dust from Asia all around the world in a matter of days. In an area of
investigation where there seems to be no real facts and less logic, any "fringe
theory" or "outer logic" is just as valid as any other. Maybe something about the
1918 Flu is being covered up. Something that we are not supposed to know.
Actually, there is another rather simple mundane solution to the medical mystery.
There did exist in 1918 a then new technical invention by which the "disease" was
spread almost at the speed of light. The "1918 Flu" was spread around the world
almost instantaneously by telephone. Of course, that claim needs an explanation, and
proof. In the 1890's an American chemist made an improvement on an old home folk
remedy called Willow or Aspen Tea. It seemed to relieve the pains of old-age gout,
arthritis and other assorted pains. But the evil-tasting tea, containing
acetylsalicylic acid, was so strong that it caused many people to have nausea and
vomiting, along with the pain relief---if they could tolerate drinking the tea. This
potion was later neutralized, synthesized and buffered, and then sold to the German
Bayer company as a pain reliever.
I have researched the source and history of the name "Aspirin" and found no
reasonable explanation. I have found, instead, that the German Bayer company, in
order to sell to both the American and European markets, used a name familiar in
both markets. In America the common folk remedy form was called "Aspen Tea" made
from boiling willow bark from the Aspen tree family. In Europe, the same home remedy
was called "Spirain Tea" made from boiling the leaves of the common European shrub
Both preparations were found to contain large amounts of natural
acetylsalicylic acid, but unbuffered. Combining the common home-remedy folklore
names Aspen and Spirain comes up with the Euro- American brand name Aspirin. My
research is the sole source for the information about that unique
derivation of the
brand name.
The reason for the deep confusion and lack of any clear history about the trade name
is that for almost a decade from 1905 to about 1915, the use of the trade name, and
the source of the name Aspirin, was tied up in international courts. In the late
1890's when Aspirin became available as an easy to use "pop a pill" replacement to
the sour tasting Aspen or Spirain Teas, many people used it to relieve the pain of
joint arthritis. Many users also discovered, quite by accident, a unique side
effect. If you had a fever when you took the Aspirin, it also made the fever
suddenly go away. What a discovery! It appeared to be a cure for the common cold and
By 1905 many other drug companies were making acetylsalicylic acid preparations and
calling it Aspirin, but they were selling it as a common cold remedy. Bayer took
these other companies to court and sued over illegal use of their
trademark. Many
people believe that Bayer lost the decision and lost control of the name Aspirin.
Most believe that Aspirin is now a generic name such as Kleenex, Scotch Tape or
Xerox. Not so. It was an odd court decision and a confusing compromise. By 1915 it
was decided in court that Bayer had the exclusive use of the trade name Aspirin, if
it were sold as a pain- relieving analgesic.
The court also
found that the other companies could also use the name Aspirin, if in
their ads and packaging, they claimed that their product was an
anti-fibril agent or a fever reducer. This odd court decision is still in use today.
You can still buy Bayer aspirin to relieve pain, and on the store shelf right next
to it is Nyquil, Aleve, Tylenol, Motrin, Bufferin, Anacin and a whole long list of
others, all containing aspirin or
aspirin-like compounds and claiming to be treatments for Colds, Flu and Fever.
Reducing fever was not in Bayer's original patent claim. Bayer didn't know in 1895
of the use of aspirin as a fever reducer and had not put that in their original
trademark application.
And how does that strange court decision fit into the rapid spread of the 1918 Flu?
The primary defense which the human body has, to stop the spread of viral infections
is to produce a fever. The fever is not a symptom of disease, but is actually the
body's primary anti-viral immune system. The fever stops the telomeres on the ends
of viral RNA from making copies of itself.
The telomeres are like a zipper which unzips and separates the new RNA copy within
milliseconds, but the telomeres are temperature sensitive and won't unzip at
temperatures above 101F. Thus the high temperature of the fever stops the flu virus
from dividing and spreading. It is an immune system response which only mammals have
developed to prevent the spread of viral flu infections, which mostly 99% come from
the more ancient
dinosaur-like earth life forms called birds. Almost all influenza is a form of
"Avian Flu." A few influenza forms come from other dinosaur-like life forms, the
modern reptiles, but these are usually classified as very rare tropical diseases,
since that is where most reptiles live.
The doctors in the early 1900's didn't know about that, and even today few if any
doctors are aware that fever is not a symptom of disease, but is the primary and
only way for the human body to stop viral infections. If you stop or reduce the
fever, viruses are allowed to divide and spread uncontrolled throughout the body. I
have already described this process in detail in my articles posted in the Brother
Jonathan Gazette in 2003, so I won't go into detail here. Do a search on "SARS" on
the Gazette and you'll find the articles.
Normally the progress of a flu is that a virus enters the mucous membrane lining of
the lungs, enters cells, then makes many copies of itself, which causes the cell to
expand to such a degree that it bursts open. The new viruses then cloak themselves
with a coating taken from the old damaged cell wall, thus hiding
themselves from the
human body's own T-cell antibody immune defense system. To the body's immune system
the new viruses simply appear to be pieces of the body's own lung tissue.
By creating a fever, the viral infection is slowed down sufficiently so that the
body's T cells can find the swollen infected lung cells, surround them and
metabolize (literally eat) the damaged cell with strong acids which also breaks down
the RNA viruses into basic amino acids. This effectively "kills" the viruses so that
they can't reproduce. But viruses are not living things, and you can't kill
something that's not alive. All the body can do is destroy or dissolve the RNA amino
acid chain which makes up the virus.
Not knowing this, most doctors treat the flu with aspirin or fever reducers, as a
palliative treatment to ease the aches, pains, and delirium fever effects. The
result is that within hours, the fever goes down and the patient feels much better.
What neither the patient nor the doctor knows is that with only a normal 98.6F body
temperature, the viruses are allowed to reproduce unchecked. Within 72 hours, the
viruses have grown from one or two virus bodies to millions or billions. The body is
now completely overwhelmed. But while taking aspirin or cold medications, there are
no symptoms or warnings of what is yet to come.
As a last resort the body tries to quickly flush the infection of billions of
viruses from the lungs with massive amounts of T- cells, and fluid in the lungs to
"cough out" the virus. This is called viral pneumonia. Soon within hours the patient
is in the hospital. The doctors try to treat the now 105 degree fever with more
anti-febril aspirins, or related
medications to "treat the fever." Then within another 24 hours the patient,
suffocating and gasping for breath, is dead.
You should note that the original infection did cause a mild fever, aches and pains,
which the patient "self-medicated" with over- the-counter products. For the
> next several days, the patient seemed to have no symptoms, but was
actually growing billions of copies of influenza virus in his lungs. Then days
later, the patient and doctor seem to see a sudden rapid case of viral flu infection
that is now overwhelming the body. Is that what really happened?
What caused the patient's death? Was it the original flu virus, or was it the use of
Aspirin to lower the flu fever which then shutdown the
patient's own immune system response? Obviously, the latter. So how did this cause
thmassive rapid spread of the 1918 Flu?
The Bayer court case had just been settled, and many companies other than Bayer,
could now legally market aspirin to treat colds and fever. But then "The Great War
to End all War" was on, and most aspirin products were going directly to the front
lines in France to treat the soldiers in the diseased hell-hole trenches of WWI.
The World War I medics knew that aspirin could quickly reduce a fever. If a soldier
had a fever, the docs gave aspirin. Magically the fever went down, the soldier felt
better and quickly went back to the fighting. Then three days later, the same
soldier was back, now with severe pneumonia and died almost overnight.
No doctors then made the connection between aspirin and pneumonia death, since the
trenches were filled with many other seemingly related diseases such as diphtheria
or tuberculosis. Death and dying on the front line was common, so no investigation
was done. Aspirin seemed to be a god-send since it allowed sick soldiers to swiftly
get right back into the
After the Armistice of November 11, 1918 the fighting stopped and the soldiers went
home. The soldiers around the world announced the good news to their families back
home. Most of the low-ranked doughboys had to wait till they got back to their home
base in Kansas, or wherever, to call home. They couldn't afford the costly trans-
Atlantic deep sea cable phone rates. But when the troops arrived in Kansas, the call
from Sergeant Tom was something like: "Hey mom, I'm coming home. I'll see you and
dad next Tuesday in Chattanooga. How's everybody? Oh, Aunt Esther has a fever? Hey
tell her to take some aspirin. Yeah, that stuff in the medicine cabinet for treatin'
the aches and pains. Tell Esther, we used it in France. Works right away and the
fever is gone. OK, see you Tuesday...."So what does Esther do? She tries the
aspirin, but the old Bayer label only says it’s for "aches and pains" and says
nothing about fevers. She takes it and magically the fever is gone, and she feels
much better, almost cured. She's so much better, she gets out the horse and buggy to
go see her sister, Lucy in Mt Carmel, where Lucy and the kids are down with the
fever. Mt. Carmel has no telephones and even no roads, only the buggy path to reach
the outside world. But within hours of sergeant Tom's phone call home, by word of
mouth, everybody in rural Mt. Carmel is now taking aspirin to treat fevers. Since
the new information came from a soldier, from the US Army and the
government, it
must be true!
Within a week of the 1918 Armistice, by newfangled telephone,
trans-oceanic telephone cables, and even the experimental ship-to- shore shortwave
radios using Morse code, the message was flashed around the world -- "Have a fever?
Take Aspirin. It worked in France, it'll work for you." That message spread at
nearly the speed of light over millions of telephone lines all around the world. The
news of the "miracle cure" even spread by word of mouth within a day or so, even to
places with no phones or roads. Mysteriously, a week later, doctors round the world
now had hundreds of sick and dying patients. Nobody could figure out why. The
patients themselves never reported that just the week before they did have a mild
fever. But it was so mild that when they took some aspirin, it simply went away.
Nobody made the connection. The doctors only saw, by November 24, 1918 thousands of
very sick patients with high fevers, lungs filled with fluid, and swift overnight
The medical profession had never seen anything like it before, nor since. It seemed
to occur simultaneously all around the world and even reaching into such out of the
way places like Mt. Carmel with no telephones or roads. How could such a massive
fast-spreading killer disease exist? It didn't. It wasn't a disease. It was a new
use for an old home folk remedy which everybody already had in their medicine
cabinet, Bayer Aspirin to reduce fever.
The medical profession, at a complete loss to explain it, simply called it the
"Spanish Flu" or the "1918 Flu" or many similar names. It was a mystery with no
known source, so it was assigned many place names. So far, nobody has been able to
prove any single pathogen was responsible. And even if they did, they still can't
explain how it seemed to spread world-wide at almost the speed of light, clear
around the world within a week. To this day there is no explanation. But, now you
know. The
"disease" was not a single pathogen, but many of the hundreds of similar types of
flu which always exist at any time around the world. What was different in November
1918 was the many hundreds of thousands of almost simultaneous phone calls from the
millions of returning sergeant Toms saying, "...tell Aunt Esther to take the
aspirin. It worked in France. It'll work for her..." Nobody traced the spread of the
1918 Flu to sergeant Tom. Nobody made the connection.
That very same source of disease still exists today. What is different today is that
cold and flu products are sold and used all year long. This results in an estimated
one million deaths from mysterious viral pneumonia reported every year, but also all
around the year. In 1918, the new use of aspirin for treating colds and flu all
started at the same time in November, thus creating the false impression of a sudden
massive onset of a new disease. Even today SARS is not a disease. It is the improper
use of a brand new high-tech flu fighter called Tamiflu. The FDA approved the use of
Tamiflu several years ago. In 2003 it began to be used world-wide. But how is it
Many millions of people around the world still self-treat their own colds and flu
with over-the-counter meds containing aspirin. Those are the most commonly sold
medications in the world. The patient's mild fever quickly goes away. They forget
about ever having felt sick. Then several days later the patient sees the doctor and
now has a high fever, bad cough and fluid-filled lungs. The doctor, using the new
CDC and WHO guidelines, treats the hospitalized "flu" patient with the new high-tech
Tamiflu. But how often and at what dosage?
The doctors do what they've always done for the past 100 years. Tell the nurse to
stick a thermometer in the patient's mouth, increase the Tamiflu dosage by 10cc's
every hour until the fever starts to drop. Then maintain that dosage level until the
patient dies. Then blame the death on some new highly contagious lethal virus.
Nothing new here. It's the same old story, since 1918.
The only thing different is that they give it a new name like SARS, or Bird Flu or
whatever sounds nifty and high-tech. Even today, each year about one million people
world-wide die from the very same "disease" which first appeared in the fall of
1918. Has medicine, in the last 100 years, turned this "contagion" from Pandemic by
Phone, into Illness by Internet? Is it the rapid and continuous spread of
misinformation that is still killing millions?
So now, I have given you enough information that you are ready for Part Two. Coming
next is a review of the curious scientific evidence, medical records and the
biochemistry proof behind the Case of Murder in the Medicine Cabinet.
Marshall Smith,
Editor, Bro. Jonathan Gazette
Now let me show you some of the “Dots” as they exist today. You do the connecting.
You paint the picture that comes to your mind. I think after you do, you will see
why it is so urgently important that we create the Push Back needed to protect our
health, our rights and our freedom at this time.
1. An “informal” [e.g., illegal] clinical trial of the Avian Flu vaccine on about
200 Polish vagrants resulted in 11 immediate deaths and an additional set of 20
later deaths (approximately 15% of the test population). The doctors and nurses
involved were charged with murder. (Fact. 2008)
2. Approximately 3500 Chinese children died in an Avian Flu vaccine experiment.
(Rumor, 2008)
3. The Philippine High Court convicted WHO (The World Health Organization) of
involuntarily sterilizing over 3 million Philippina women through the use of
vaccines. (Fact)
4. The WHO in 1985 documented that one of its’ primary goals for the use of a
sterility vaccine disguised as a smallpox vaccine was to “eliminate 150 million
excess Sub Saharan Africans”. (Fact, 1985-ongoing)
5. The WHO 5-shot vaccine programs for tetanus in third world countries in South and
Central America caused the involuntary sterilization of millions of women. (Fact,
6. Monsanto’s MON 810 corn causes sterility according to studies published by the
Austrian Government. (Fact, 2009)
7. Monsanto’s MON 810 corn contains the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus which, when
ingested, lowers the bodies CD 4 cells to a point which, on immune tests, indicate
that a person has HIV/AIDS. The lowered CD 4 cells results from eating GMO corn, the
staple of the diet in many parts of Black Africa. MON 810 is grown in Europe for
animal feed and in many places, including the US, around the world for human food.
(Fact, ongoing)
8. Merck’s Gardasil vaccine causes death, collapse and chronic illness in young
woman and girls, including a new, never-before described “disease” called Juvenile
ALS, a fatal condition in which the nervous system is slowly destroyed while
consciousness remains unimpaired. This vaccine increases cervical cancer by 44.7% in
women and girls who already have Human Papilloma Virus. Cervical Cancer is easily
detected and cured in early stages and is not a major killer of women. Gardasil
contains substances which may cause sterility in women receiving it and any
protection lasts only a few years, so 9 year olds will probably not be sexually
active by the time this protection has worn off. (Fact, ongoing)
9. Baxter International Inc. was in the process of applying for a contract to
provide Avian Flu vaccines to European countries in the event of an Avian Flu
epidemic. Its Austrian laboratory shipped Seasonal Flu vaccines to 18 countries in
Europe. A laboratory technician tested the Baxter Seasonal Flu vaccines sent to the
Czech Republic and discovered that they were contaminated with a highly pathogenic
version of the Avian Flu, 72 Kilograms of it, although Level 3 precautions were in
place and such contamination “could not have happened accidentally” according to
experts in the field. No documentation of the destruction of this highly infective
material has been provided although the Austrian Health Ministry insists that the
deadly viral material was destroyed. (Fact, 2008, 2009)
10. A WHO investigation into the Baxter contaminated vaccine issue resulted in NO
findings and in NO disciplinary actions. An Austrian investigation into the same
events yielded the same results. (Fact, 2009)
11. Baxter has been rewarded with a lead role in developing, producing and
disseminating the Swine Flu vaccine for the upcoming pandemic. (Fact, 2009)
12. Swine Flu was first identified to the public as a serious problem in April/May
2009 when 168 persons in Mexico were confirmed by CDC and WHO to have died from the
Swine Flu. This number was later revised downward to only 16 deaths. (Fact, 2009)
13. It normally takes a minimum of 12 to 18 months to create a vaccine after a
specific virus has been identified. (Fact)
14. The US Government has spent more than a billion dollars to develop and to make
available the Swine flu vaccine for a disease which poses no significant health
threat. (Fact, 2009)
15. The “Seed Culture” for the Swine Flu virus was provided to vaccine companies in
May, 2009. Baxter International Inc. announced in June, 2009 that they would have
their vaccine ready in July, 2009 . (Fact, 2009)
16. A WHO container of Swine Flu virus from Mexico City exploded on a passenger
train in Luzon, Switzerland. All of the current Swiss cases of Swine Flu are from
the area where the explosion took place. It is illegal to ship pathogenic viruses in
this way. (Fact, 2009)
17. A significant number of virologists and other scientists are on record stating
that the Swine Flu was created in a laboratory and could not evolve naturally.
(Fact, 2009)
1. Canada, Sweden, Norway, France and other countries have announced intentions to
vaccinate every man, woman and child. To do so, they are ordering 2 shots per person
of untested, unsafe and unnecessary Swine Flu Vaccines from a variety of
manufacturers. The US Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services
both stated in early 2009 that they would do so “beginning with those who want it”.
(Fact, 2009)
2. President Obama announced to the public shortly after his inauguration that every
man, woman and child should receive the Avian Flu vaccine this fall along with
seasonal flu shots this coming Fall. President Obama is on record saying that he
believes that vaccinations should be mandatory. (Fact, 2009)
3. The United States has spent $714 Million GPS mapping every front door of every
house and apartment in the country and listing who lives in each house or apartment
under the direction of the White House. (Fact, 2009)
4. Many people have reported that they have received calls at home or at work from
agencies of the US Government inquiring about the “number of unvaccinated children
in the household”. (Fact, 2009)
5. The United States, Norway, Sweden, Austria and other countries have announced
that in case of a Swine Flu pandemic all health and security authority shall revert
to teams and command centers run by the WHO. (Fact, 2009)
6. Every recent major event like 9/11, the Madrid bombings or the London bombings
has been accompanied by a materially identical “training exercise” simulating the
actual event involving, confusing and distracting the legitimate
responders. (Fact,
7. A major set of FEMA training exercises is scheduled for 27 July, 2009. (Fact, 2009)
Draw your own conclusions about what is afoot. And if you, like the officers and
trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation, are deeply concerned by what you see,
intuit and conclude from these facts, you WILL take action by clicking on the two
Action Steps that follow. And you WILL enlist everyone you know and can reach to do
the same and activate their contacts and circles of influence.
Click HERE to tell your legislators and your Governor that you demand your right to
Self-Shield, instead of taking the dangerous vaccine OR being
http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=272 75
Click HERE to urge your national and state legislators to protect food and farming
(you’ll find more information below):
http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/t/1128/campaign.jsp?campaign_ KEY=26714
Yours in health and freedom,
Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III
(US Army, Ret.)
Natural Solutions Foundation
another site
Data Summary
The following table contains a summary of the above results in terms of the effects
of the inventive silver composition on a wide variety of microbes and human
diseases. In some cases, the data presented in the table is not repeated above.
However, the results were obtained using the procedures explained above so that one
of ordinary skill in the art can readily replicated the results.
Human Diseases Cured By and Pathogens Killed by the Inventive Silver Composition:
TABLE-US-00021 Disease Pathogen Effective Concentration Boils
Staphylococcus aureus
Killed @ 5 ppm Osteomyelitis Staphylococcus aureus Killed @ 5 ppm
Dysentery Shigella boydii Killed @ 2.5 ppm Burn Infections Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Killed @ 5 ppm Dental Plaque Streptococcus mutans Killed @ 5 ppm Diarrhea (Bloody)
Shigella boydii Killed @ 2.5 ppm Diarrhea Escherichia coli Killed @ 2.5 ppm Ear
Infection Haemophilus influenzae Killed @ 1.25 ppm Ear Infection
pneumonie Killed @ 2.5 ppm Enteric Fever Salmonella tyhimurium Killed @ 2.5 ppm
Epiglottitis (In children) Haemophilus influenzae Killed @ 1.25 ppm Eye Infections
Staphylococcus aureus Killed @ 5 ppm Corneal Ulcers-Keratitis Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Killed @ 5 ppm Food Poisoning Salmonella arizona Killed @ 5 ppm Food Poisoning
Salmonella tyhimurium Killed @ 2.5 ppm Food Poisoning Escherichia coli Killed @ 2.5
ppm Endocarditis Streptococcus faecalis Killed @ 2.5 ppm Endocarditis Streptococcus
gordonii Killed @ 5 ppm Meningitis Haemophilus influenzae Killed @ 1.25 ppm
Meningitis Enterobacter aerogenes Killed @ 2.5 ppm Meningitis Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Killed @ 5 ppm Meningitis Streptococcus pneumonie Killed @ 2.5 ppm Nosocomial
Infections Klebsiella pneumoniae Killed @ 2.5 ppm Nosocomial Infections Pseudomonas
aeruginosa Killed @ 5 ppm Nosocomial Infections (From Streptococcus pyogenes Killed
@ 1.25 ppm hospitals) Pneumonia Staphylococcus aureus Killed @ 5 ppm Pneumonia
Haemophilus influenzae Killed @ 1.25 ppm Pneumonia Pseudomonas aeruginosa Killed @ 5
ppm Pneumonia Streptococcus pneumonie Killed @ 2.5 ppm Respiratory Tract Infections
Streptococcus pyogenes Killed @ 1.25 ppm Respiratory Tract Infections E. coli Killed
@ 2.5 ppm,, Respiratory Tract Infections Klebsiella pneumoniae Killed @ 2.5 ppm
Scarlet Fever Streptococcus pyogenes Killed @ 1.25 ppm Septicemia
aerpyogenes Killed @ 2.5 ppm Sinus Infections Haemophilus influenzae Killed @ 1.25
ppm Sinusitis Streptococcus pneumonie Killed @ 2.5 ppm Impetigo
aureus Killed @ 1.25 ppm Skin Infections Staphylococcus aureus Killed @ 5 ppm Skin
Infections Streptococcus pyogenes Killed @ 1.25 ppm Strep Throat
pyogenes Killed @ 1.25 ppm Suppurative Arthritis Haemophilus influenzae Killed @
1.25 ppm Throat Infections Haemophilus influenzae Killed @ 1.25 ppm Tooth Decay
Streptococcus mutans Killed @ 5 ppm Urethritis (Men) Trichomonas vaginalis Killed @
10 ppm Urinary Tract Infections E. coli Killed @ 2.5 ppm Urinary Tract Infections
Klebsiella pneumoniae Killed @ 2.5 ppm Urinary Tract Infections
aeruginosa Killed @ 5 ppm Urinary Tract Infections Streptococcus faecalis Killed @
2.5 ppm Urinary Tract Infections Enterobacter aerpyogenes Killed @ 2.5 ppm Vaginitis
(Women) Trichomonas vaginalis Killed @ 10 ppm Wound Infections Escherichia coli
Killed @ 2.5 ppm Wound Infections Enterobacter aerpyogenes Killed @ 2.5 ppm Wound
Infections Klebsiella pneumoniae Killed @ 2.5 ppm Wound Infections Pseudomonas
aeruginosa Killed @ 5 ppm Wound Infections Streptococcus faecalis Killed @ 2.5 ppm
Yeast Infections Candida albicans Killed @ 10 ppm
The following claims are thus to be understood to include what is
illustrated and described above, what is conceptually equivalent, what can be
obviously substituted and also what essentially incorporates the essential idea of
the invention. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that various adaptations and
modifications of the just-described preferred embodiment can be configured without
departing from the scope of the invention. The illustrated embodiment has been set
forth only for the purposes of example and that should not be taken as limiting the
invention. Therefore, it is to be understood that, within the scope of the appended
claims, the invention may be practiced other than as specifically
described herein.
Gold And Its Relationship To Neurological/Glandular Conditions
Douglas G. Richards, Ph.D., David L. McMillin, M.A.,
Eric A. Mein, M.D., Carl D. Nelson, D.C.
Meridian Institute
International Journal of Neuroscience
2002, Volume 112, pages 31-53
[Click here to view this document in Adobe Acrobat format (2.34 MB).]
Despite increasing sales of gold supplements, and claims of benefits for
neurological and glandular conditions, gold has received little attention in modern
medical literature except as a drug for rheumatoid arthritis. Historically, however,
gold had a reputation as a "nervine," a therapy for nervous disorders. A review of
the historical literature shows gold in use during the 19th century for conditions
including depression, epilepsy, migraine, and glandular problems including
amenorrhea and impotence. The most notable use of gold was in a treatment for
alcoholism developed by Leslie E. Keeley, M.D. In the modern medical literature,
gold-containing medicines for rheumatoid arthritis are known to have occasional
neurotoxic adverse effects. There are also a few studies suggesting a role for gold
as a naturally occurring trace element in the reproductive glands. One small recent
study demonstrated a possible positive effect of gold on cognitive ability. There is
a need for more experimental and clinical research into the neuropharmacology and
neurochemistry of gold, and exploration of gold's possible role as a trace element.
Gold and its Relationship to Neurological/Glandular Conditions
The modern use of gold-containing medicines focuses primarily on rheumatoid
arthritis, with some recent attention to other anti-inflammatory uses of gold, and
to new anticancer and antimicrobial gold drugs (Fricker, 1998). Otherwise, in
mainstream medicine, gold has been seen as a metal with little biological relevance.
In contrast, the benefits suggested for gold-containing supplements, widely
available in health food stores and over the Internet, address a variety of
conditions including alcoholism, depression, and gland function (e.g.,
http://www.colloidalgold.com, 2001; http://www.topsilver.com, 2001). Is there any
support for a neuropharmacologic effect of gold?
Although there is very little modern research on these applications for gold,
historically one notable use of gold was as a "nervine," a substance that could
revitalize people suffering from nervous conditions, what today we would call
neurological and psychiatric disorders such as epilepsy and depression. This paper
will review the historical use of gold as a healing agent for the nervous and
glandular systems, and then look at recent literature pointing to a biological role
in these systems for gold.
Goodwin and Goodwin (1984) in the Journal of the American Medical Association, have
addressed what they term the "tomato effect," rejection of highly efficacious
therapies. The analogy is with the long-held belief that tomatoes were poisonous,
despite evidence to the contrary. The tomato effect contrasts with the placebo
effect, where a positive (but spurious) response causes therapies to be accepted
which are later shown to be useless or harmful. The Goodwins use gold as an example
of the tomato effect. The original rationale behind the use of gold for rheumatoid
arthritis was its effectiveness as an antibiotic for tuberculosis (with the
assumption that rheumatoid arthritis was a related infectious disease). When, by
1945, the infectious theory of rheumatoid arthritis was discarded, gold therapy fell
into disfavor, despite its proven effectiveness. "Gold started to regain its former
popularity only when the medical community accepted both the evidence of gold's
efficacy and medicine's ignorance of gold's mechanism of action. The fact that gold
now has an unknown mechanism of action - is a truly idiopathic medicine - is no
longer an impediment to its use, because rheumatoid arthritis has become an
idiopathic disease" (p. 2389).
The intent of this paper is to explore a similar situation for gold and
neurological/glandular disorders. Neither the causes of the disorders nor the
mechanism of gold are known, yet there are reports pointing to a possible
involvement of naturally-occurring gold in the nervous and glandular systems, and
evidence from historical sources of a possible efficacy of gold in therapy for
neurological disorders.
Historical Review of Gold as a Nervine
Gold has a therapeutic history in both Eastern and Western traditions. Mahdihassan
(1985) has explored the historical use of gold in Eastern traditions. The Chinese
were the first to prepare and use red colloidal gold as the alchemical drug of
longevity. The word alchemy derives from two Chinese words: Kim (gold) and Yeh
(juice). Kimyeh (gold juice) entered the Arabic language as kimiya, and with the
definite article, al, the arabic word for the red colloidal gold was alkimiya, which
in the Western world, gave the word alchemy. The procedure for the preparation of
red colloidal gold is still in use today in India, prescribed by Ayurvedic
physicians for rejuvenation and revitalization in old age under the name of Swarna
Bhasma (red gold).
There is modern scientific support for at least one effect of Eastern gold
preparations on the nervous system. Bajaj and Vohora (1998) studied the analgesic
activity of gold preparations used in Ayurveda and Unani-Tibb, two Indian medical
traditions. Two calcined gold preparations were compared to the modern antiarthritis
gold drug auranofin in rats, using four types of noxious stimuli. Both the Indian
drugs and auranofin exhibited analgesic activity. The analgesic effects of the two
Indian drugs could be partly blocked by pretreatment with naloxone (an opiate
antagonist), but not the effects of the auranofin. The authors feel that this
suggests involvement of an opioidergic mechanism for the Indian drugs.
The use of gold in Western medicine as a nervine has a long history as well. The
medieval alchemists, like their Eastern counterparts, and probably drawing on the
traditions of Eastern alchemy, sought a form of gold that could be internally
consumed, "potable gold," as the elixir of life. Paracelsus, in the 16th century,
recommended preparations of gold in his therapy for epilepsy (Temkin, 1971). By the
beginning of the 17th century, alchemists were clearly able to produce the soluble
salt gold trichloride (Higby, 1982). By the mid 17th century, gold was in use as a
"A gold cordial could be found in the new pharmacopoeias of the 17th century and was
advocated by Nicholas Culpepper for the treatment of ailments caused by a decrease
in the vital spirits, such as melancholy, fainting, fevers, and falling sickness
[epilepsy]" (Fricker, 1996). This is notable because it includes a grouping of what
today would be called neurological/psychiatric disorders (e.g., depression,
By the beginning of the 19th century, gold had become a recognized (although
probably not very effective) treatment for syphilis, a disease causing dementia
among other serious symptoms. In 1821 the Frenchman J. A. Chrestien published
"Researches and observations on the effects of preparations of gold in the treatment
of many diseases and notably in syphilitic maladies" (Niel & Chrestien, 1821).
Chrestien was a notable physician of the time, with a degree from the University of
Montpelier, and memberships in the Royal Academy of Paris, the Royal Academy of
Medicine of Madrid, and many other learned societies. His interest in gold came from
the observation that it had milder side effects than mercury (the common treatment
for syphilis at the time). He was also apparently the first to notice that in
occasional cases treatment with gold produced an increase in vitality and
intellectual faculties, and had a stimulating effect on the glands and sexual
functioning. Chrestien and those who followed him used gold trichloride as their
form of gold.
In 1879, James Compton Burnett published a lengthy treatise on the use of gold in
medicine. Burnett was a medical doctor, a homeopath, and a prolific author (27 books
listed in the National Library of Medicine catalog). Burnett traced the modern use
of gold back to Chrestien's first book in 1811, but gave credit to earlier figures
as well. He noted that the ingestion of gold is mentioned in the Bible (Exodus
32:20), and that the Chinese were using it in 2500 BC, according to Wiegleb's
History of Alchemy in 1777. He traced its use in a diversity of disorders, including
neurological and glandular problems such as epilepsy, sterility, and diseases of the
uterus, to the publication of De Auri Tinctura sive Auro Potabili Vero, etc. by
Glauber in Amsterdam in 1651. He also noted that, "Hahnemann [Samuel Hahnemann, the
originator of homeopathy] mentions nearly thirty authors (1698-1730) who praise Gold
as a valuable remedy in various diseases such as melancholia." (p. 91).
According to Burnett, Chrestien's use of gold was at first opposed by the medical
profession, which had abandoned the use of gold in medicine. However, after
Chrestien's publication, gold regained its popularity. Burnett cites Legrand's
(1828) account, the Medicinal Properties of Gold, in which he lists 80 medical men
of the time, who became known as "auralists," who were exploring the use of gold.
Burnett says, "Gold is an excitant.The patients feel an indescribable sense of
well-being, they feel themselves lighten (as they express it), so that we may say
that Gold possesses hilariant properties. The intellectual faculties are more
active. It has been known to produce frequent erotic salacity going on to painful
priapism. M Legrand, however, states that he has not used it as an aphrodisiac, but
it has been used as such with success" (p. 49). Burnett also says, "Some are of the
opinion that Gold belongs to that class of noble metals, such as silver and copper,
which exert a powerful influence on the nervous system. Of this opinion is Vogt
(Pharmaco-dynamik)" (p. 57).
Burnett was also well aware of the toxic effects of high doses of gold. He
identifies himself as a homeopath, but had a different philosophy than many
homeopaths. In traditional homeopathy, the remedy is an extremely high dilution of a
substance, so high that not even a single molecule remains. It was Hahnemann's
alternative to "heroic" medicine, which involved high doses that were frequently
toxic. Burnett took a middle course, resembling the approach of 20th century
medicine. He preferred low dilutions, as opposed to high ones. Thus his recommended
dosage of gold is 3/100 or 9/100 of a grain. Since a grain is 65 milligrams, this
would range from 1.95 mg to 5.85 mg. This is very close to the range of daily dose
of modern antiarthritic drugs, e.g., the 6 mg per day (1.74 mg of gold, at 29% gold)
standard dose of auranofin. It seems possible, then, that Burnett did find an
effective dose of gold with relatively low toxicity.
By the end of the 19th century, and in the first half of the 20th century, gold is
listed as a treatment for nervous disorders in sources ranging from medical texts to
the first Merck manual.
In discussing the treatment of asthma, for example, Eichhorst (1886) in his Handbook
of Practical Medicine says, "In nervous individuals, resort should be had to the
nervines: bromide of potassium, valerian, arsenic, auronatrium chloratum [gold
sodium chloride], zinc, copper, and silver preparations, etc." (p. 236) Bromide of
potassium and valerian are still used for treatment of nervous disorders, and
arsenic came into use in the early 1900s as a treatment for syphilis, which has
neurological manifestations.
Potter (1894), in his Materia Medica, based on the U.S. Pharmacopoeia of 1890,
describes the effects of small doses of gold: "The Salts of Gold promote appetite
and digestion, stimulate the cerebral functions, and produce a marked mental
exhilaration, a sense of well-being. Continued, they induce aphrodisiac effects in
both sexes, and in women an increase of the menstrual discharge..Amenorrhea and
Impotence, of the functional kind, - may be cured by it." He is also well aware of
the toxic effects of too large a dose, resembling those of mercury, and including
"nausea and vomiting, glandular irritation.violent gastroenteritis, mental
disturbance, convulsions, priapism, trembling, paralysis." This recognition of both
kinds of effects is significant, since later in this paper the adverse effects of
gold will be discussed as a possible indicator of areas particularly sensitive to
the therapeutic effects of lower doses of gold.
The 1899 Merck's Manual lists gold under "aphrodisiacs" (p. 187). Gold bromide is an
"anti-epileptic, anodyne, nervine," used for, "epilepsy, migraine, etc.; said to
act, in small doses, quickly and continuously, without bromism" (p. 38). Bromides,
particularly potassium bromide, were first used as nervines in the mid-19th century,
to treat epilepsy, insomnia, nervous excitement and irritability (Leake, 1975). They
were the first effective anti-seizure medicine. It is not clear exactly when gold
bromide began to be used, but it appears that it was found to be effective in a
smaller dose than potassium bromide used alone. For example, the standard dose of
gold bromide was given in Merck's Manual as 1/10 to 1/5 grain, 2 to 3 times daily.
This can be contrasted with a standard dose of potassium bromide, of 5 to 60 grains
(Garber, 1942), or of sodium bromide (10-60 grains, Garber, 1942; 5-30 grains,
Dorland, 1908). Ryan and Baumann (1999) give modern guidelines for bromide dosage in
epilepsy- might gold bromide allow a lower dose to be effective?
Hare (1912) in his Text Book of Practical Therapeutics , notes "it [gold sodium
chloride] is said to act as a powerful sexual stimulant and to be of service in
impotence dependent upon inability to obtain an erection or when there is deficient
glandular action" (p. 274). Page 900 in Hare lists a standard dose of "gold and
sodium chloride" as 1/20 - 1/10 grain (3 - 6 mg), and "gold bromide" as 1/8-1/2
grain (8 - 30 mg).
Fomon (1920) in his book Medicine and the Allied Sciences, in the section on Materia
Medica and Therapeutics: Agents Producing Changes, says gold (as chloride of gold
sodium) "stimulates the nervous system," "stimulates the sexual organs," and is
employed in therapeutics as an aphrodisiac, an alterative in chronic diseases, and
in the Keeley cure for alcoholism and opiumism.
Even as late as 1942, Stedman's Practical Medical Dictionary (Garber, 1942) lists
gold bromide as employed in epilepsy, headache, and as a nerve sedative. Double
chloride of gold and sodium is listed as an alterative (a medicine that produces a
favorable change in the processes of nutrition and repair, Dorland, 1908) and tonic.
Finally, Stedman's notes the Keeley cure or gold cure, "a secret method of treatment
of alcoholism, said to be by the administration of strychnine and gold chloride."
Actually, based on Keeley's own writings (Keeley, 1897), strychnine is unlikely to
be a component of Keeley's cure.
The most interesting use of gold in treatment is the gold cure of Leslie E. Keeley,
M.D. (1832-1900). Keeley's great discovery was that the chloride of gold and sodium
(prepared by mixing gold chloride and sodium chloride) was an effective treatment
for addictions, including morphine/opium and cocaine addiction as well as
alcoholism. In the 19th century, a variety of medications were used in an effort to
ease withdrawal symptoms and cure addictions. Most, such as atropine and strychnine,
were so toxic that they were of little use. Even gold chloride was too caustic for
internal consumption. Keeley found that he had to carefully monitor patients for
toxic effects. Then, however, he discovered that mixing gold chloride with sodium
chloride and a substance which he kept secret produced a cure for addiction that
"accomplishes this quietly and mildly, without any shock or reactive effects"
(Keeley, 1897, p. 82).
Keeley was well aware of the history of gold in medicine, citing numerous
researchers who had worked with gold in the treatment of diseases including syphilis
and tuberculosis, but noting the problems with gold toxicity (that his discovery had
solved). Keeley had excellent powers of observation. For example, in the course of
treating addictions, he noted: "In opium patients whose bodies are covered with
nodulations, sores, pimples, blotches, tumors, and ulcers, resulting from the poison
of the "drug," remarkable effects have been produced by the use of gold. The sores
rapidly heal up and pass away, even without the use of any liniment or local
application whatever" (p. 84). Gold medications are now a recognized replacement for
steroids in treating serious skin conditions (Thomas, 1987).
Included in Keeley's book is a copy of an editorial from the Chicago Tribune,
February 13, 1894. The editorial discusses Keeley's remarkable record, citing a
recent summary of 1000 cases, of which over 90% seemed to have achieved a long-term
cure of their addictions. Other evidence of the efficacy of Keeley's gold therapy
includes the testimonial of Clark (1893), who wrote a detailed description of his
own experiences in Keeley's program, and a historical discussion of the Keeley
League by Barclay (1964).
Higby (1982) cites an estimate as high as 100,000 patients treated with gold by
Keeley, and notes that by the mid-1890s, over 30,000 former Keeley patients joined
clubs, "dedicated to the twin goals of mutual support and spreading the gospel of
Dr. Keeley's marvelous gold treatment" (p. 138). Unfortunately, Keeley's exact
formula was kept a closely guarded secret, and the use of gold in treatment of
alcoholism at Keeley Institutes ceased with Keeley's death. Higby calls for more
historical research on the Keeley gold cure, since Keeley probably administered more
medicinal gold than anyone before or since. Despite the absence of formal scientific
study, Keeley's success in treating addictions such as alcohol and morphine is
impressive historical evidence of the potential of gold as a nervine, given that
these problems are still very difficult to treat.
The use of gold as a therapy not only for alcoholism, but for a variety of
neurological and glandular disorders, continued into the 1940s in the work of Edgar
Cayce. Callan (1979) in the first editorial addressing holistic medicine in the
Journal of the American Medical Association, credits Cayce with the origin of
holistic medicine in America. Cayce followed the philosophy evident in Barnett: very
small doses ( < 1 mg) of gold chloride taken orally. The gold was buffered with
either sodium bicarbonate or sodium bromide, presumably to reduce toxicity. Although
there were testimonials to the efficacy of Cayce's treatments (Cayce, 1993), no
controlled studies of the use of gold were conducted in his time.
Nineteenth century microscopists also discovered an application for gold in
exploration of the nervous system. Gold salts have been employed in neurological
staining for light microscopy since Cohnheim in 1866 (Clark, 1983). Ramon y Cajal
(1995) notes that Gerlach in 1871 stained with gold chloride and was able to enhance
the distinction between white and gray matter in sections, and to obtain an
unprecedented degree of contrast. Gurr (1962) lists several stains in modern use
containing gold chloride, for neuroglia fibers, astrocytes, nerve fibers, sheaths
and cells, and even for nerve fibers of planarians.
The affinity of gold for the nervous system and the implications of this for the
treatment of nervous disorders was remarked on by Keeley (1897): "The use of gold by
the histologist to develop microscopical nerves may, perhaps, be said to indicate
that nerve fibre has a peculiar affinity for that metal. The application of it in
solution brings out nerves which otherwise would be invisible. When the fact is
recognized that absorption by lifeless fibre is quite unlike assimilation or
reconstruction of that which is vitalized, then the development of lifeless
microscopic nerves by a solution of gold may be in part owing to some of the
recondite forces which cause the gold, taken into circulation, to reconstruct living
ones" (p. 82).
A similar approach to drug discovery was held by Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915).
"Ehrlich's earliest observations dealt with the staining of tissues for microscopic
examination, and so with the processes by which particular dyestuffs combined with
and were fixed to specific components of the tissues. Ehrlich supposed that the
action of drugs in bodily organs was likely to involve similar fixation. As an early
test of this thesis, he treated a small number of malarial patients with the dye
methylene blue, which was known to stain (that is, be fixed by) the malaria
parasite, and he showed that it had a modest therapeutic effect" (Weatherall, 1993,
p. 925).
Taylor (1985), in a review of therapeutic uses of trace elements in
neurological/psychiatric disorders, notes that while metal compounds have been
administered for several centuries, the scientific basis for treatment with trace
elements began with the use of gold compounds, initially in patients with
tuberculosis and later those with rheumatoid arthritis. He points out the other
important uses of trace elements, including "the central nervous system where the
use of lithium has provided spectacular results in the treatment of affective and
other disorders." Lithium carbonate is a simple metal salt with major effects; the
same may be possible for gold salts. It is interesting that the first use of lithium
in medicine was lithium bromide in the 19th century (Scott, 1992); gold bromide was
also used, for epilepsy.
To summarize the relevance of the historical uses of gold, it is clear that there is
a long tradition of gold as a nervine. But there were no multicenter clinical
trials; that is a modern phenomenon. There were only observations and reports of
individual cases. Keeley's work stands out in this regard, but there is no other
scientific support for his claims; as with most of 19th century medicine, there are
only testimonials. Yet this work can be seen as a source of hypotheses for testing
with present day methods.
As 20th century medicine developed, gold disappeared from the pharmacopoeias, except
in the case of rheumatoid arthritis. Forestier (1935) demonstrated its effectiveness
in arthritis, although the popularity of gold and belief in its effectiveness has
waxed and waned (Goodwin & Goodwin, 1984). Yet there appears to be no early 20th
century literature on the efficacy of gold for neurological and glandular
conditions, either pro or con. And the possible biological role of gold as a
naturally-occurring trace element was not explored at all until recently.
The Biological Role of Naturally Occurring Gold
There is a continuum of effects with increasing concentration in the biological
activity of elements, from beneficial physiological effects as trace elements, to
pharmacological effects, to toxic effects at high doses (Mertz, 1998). As described
above, the pharmacological and toxic effects of gold were well known historically,
although the pharmacological application is more limited today. But very few studies
of trace elements in the body have included gold. However, those few studies have
shown that naturally occurring gold is found concentrated in glandular and
reproductive tissues, and, in the female, its concentration cycles with the
reproductive cycle.
Alexiou, Grimanis, Grimani, Papaevangelou, Koumantakis, and Papadatos (1977)
measured trace elements, including gold, in human placenta and newborn liver at
birth. They found gold in significantly higher concentrations (3-fold higher) in
placenta than liver tissue. Because some essential trace elements (Zinc, Cobalt and
Selenium) were found in higher concentrations in the liver tissue, Alexiou et al.
conclude that gold is a non-essential trace element. An alternative may be that gold
is specifically involved in reproductive glandular activity, as discussed below.
Hagenfeldt, Landgren, Plantin, and Diczfaluzy (1977) measured trace elements,
including gold, in the human endometrium and decidua, looking for cyclic variations,
including those during pregnancy. It had been previously established that there are
significant cyclic variations in major elements with known importance, such as
sodium, potassium, and copper. Using uteri from women undergoing hysterectomy, they
found that the levels of gold were similar in the endometrium and the decidua. There
were cyclic variations in gold (as well as a number of other elements), which were
significant at the plower around midcycle than at other stages of the cycle, but the physiological
significance of these changes is unknown.
In the male reproductive system, Skandhan and Abraham (1984) measured gold in semen,
and noted that, "this is the richest source of gold reported in biological
materials" (p. 587). They also speculated that, since gold was not seen in one
pathological sample with asthenozoospermia, that may be an indication that reduction
of this trace element led to this pathology.
Kauf, Wiesner, Niese, and Plenert (1984) measured the amounts of a number of trace
elements in the hair of newborn infants. They noted, "The investigation of trace
elements in the hair of babies resulted in the remarkable observation that in the
first three months of life zinc, copper and gold contents shows a considerable
increase to multiple levels of the birth values, followed by a decrease.It must be
emphasized that gold, although classified as a non-essential trace element, behaves
in the hair of infants just like the physiologically important essential trace
elements zinc and copper" (p. 299).
One major source on trace elements in neurological disease is the work of Gooddy,
Williams, and Nicholas (1974). The 1974 study, which summarizes the results of
several studies by previous researchers, does not give values for gold. They do,
however, point out the importance of many trace elements in enzyme systems. The
discovery of the biological activity of these elements has largely depended on
development of technology for measuring them at very low levels. They point out the
great metabolic importance of copper, and note that the vertical neighbors of copper
(in the periodic table of elements indicating some similar properties), silver and
gold, "are known medically almost as curiosities, with some rare therapeutic and
toxic properties" (p. 330). Given this observation, it is not clear why they failed
to measure these elements in their study.
El-Yazigi, Al-Saleh, and Al-Mefty (1984) looked at both silver and gold, as well as
a variety of other trace elements, in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with
cerebral neoplasms (brain tumors). The concentration of silver was markedly
increased in patients with malignant tumors; the malignant tumor/control patient
concentration ratio was 2.31. They state that the biochemical mechanism of this
increased concentration is unknown. Interestingly, though there was no consistent
relationship between gold and tumor vs. control subjects, for the single patient
with pinealblastoma the concentration of gold was about twice the concentration for
the controls or other tumor types.
El-Yazigi, Kanaan, Martin, and Siquiera (1990) also looked at other trace elements
in the CSF, in particular platinum. They note that there are no previous values in
the literature for platinum in the CSF. They found that platinum, in the opposite
direction from silver, is depleted in patients with tumors. Platinum is known to
react with DNA, and has treatment uses in cancer, as well as mutagenic properties.
Platinum is also adjacent to gold in the periodic table of elements (the highly
neurotoxic mercury is on the other side of gold, and toxic lead is close by). The
platinum concentrations in the control group were 11.4 (SD 1.7) micrograms/liter.
This is about 1/3 of the concentration of gold from the other study. In patients
with tumors, the platinum concentration is about half this level.
Are there dietary sources of this gold? This can be an important issue, since
dietary factors may be responsible for many of the reported inconsistent and
divergent findings in trace element research (Nielsen, 1985). Warren (1989) looked
at potential sources of gold in the diet. He noted that in 1981 gold was found in
honey bee pollen in amounts as high as 0.9 ppm (dry weight). He found two plants (in
British Columbia, Canada) that conceivably could provide gold in the diet, either to
honeybees or perhaps directly - Phacelia sericea and Dryas drummondi - which carry
25-50 times as much gold as any other plants with which they are associated. Mahler,
Scott, Walsh, and Haynie (1970), in a study of trace metals, including gold, in
fingernails and hair, note the importance of differences in environmental sources of
gold in different areas. Anderson, Brooks, Stewart, and Simcock (1998) have shown
that "hyperaccumulator" plants, such as Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) can uptake
and store large amounts of gold, up to 100 times that found in most plants. Any
study of naturally occurring gold needs to address dietary sources.
These few reports show that naturally occurring gold is found in nervous and
glandular tissue, behaves in some cases like an essential trace element, and may
change in concentration in correlation with certain diseases.
Therapeutic Gold and the Nervous/Glandular Systems
Adverse effects of drugs can be an indicator of related therapeutic effects at lower
dosages. The therapeutic and adverse effects of gold in living organisms are varied
and paradoxical. Several different gold salts are currently in use: gold sodium
thiomalate and gold thioglucose, both administered by injection, and auranofin, a
complex organic gold salt taken orally. The primary therapeutic use of gold is in
the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (Kean, Forestier, Buchanan, & Rooney, 1985),
but there are many other less common uses, e.g., as a steroid replacement in asthma
and skin disorders, and as an anti-cancer substance (Fricker, 1996). The primary
adverse effects include skin and gastrointestinal reactions (Locke & Smith, 1985).
Yet gold-containing drugs have numerous rarer side effects, and can cause or
exacerbate the same disorders for which they are effective in therapy.
Gold-containing drugs have been used in place of steroids in therapy for asthma
(Bernstein, Bernstein, Dubb, Faiferman, & Wallin, 1996; Nierop, Gijzel, Bel,
Zwinderman, & Dijkman, 1992), but in other cases have been responsible for
respiratory disorders and even death (Blackwell & Gossage, 1995; Blancas, Morena,
Martin, de la Casa, Onoro, & Gomez, 1998). Similarly, gold is used in dermatological
therapy (e.g., for pemphigus) (Thomas, 1987), yet skin disorders are a common side
effect of gold medicines, and gold has also been found to cause pemphigus (Usuba,
Aiba, Hashimoto, Tanita, & Sakai, 1989). As another example, gold may be useful in
treating lupus erythematosus (Weisman, Albert, Mueller, Zvaifler, Hesketh, & Shragg,
1983; Dalziel, Going, Cartwright, Marks, Beveridge, & Rowell, 1986), yet gold may
also induce lupus (Korholz, Nuenberger, Gobel, & Wahn, 1988). The mechanism of
action for these effects is not known (Liebfarth & Persellin, 1981).
Neurological adverse effects of gold-containing drugs are rare, but diverse.
They include both peripheral and central nervous system effects. At first one might
think that toxic side effects are evidence against the utility of gold as a nervine.
However, there is a therapeutic-toxic continuum with all drugs; this was clearly
recognized in the 19th century by such gold therapists as Burnett (1879) and Keeley
(1897). The effects may be related to specific gold compounds, dosage, mode of
administration (oral, parenteral), and individual idiosyncratic responses. Toxicity
can often be a pointer to a therapeutic use at a lower dose.
Three forms of gold-induced neurological side effects have been recognized: (1)
painful neuropathy, sometimes accompanied by insomnia and anxiety, (2) peripheral
motor neuropathy, and (3) encephalopathy with symptoms including depression,
delirium, and exogenous psychoses (Schlumpf, Meyer, Ulrich, & Friede, 1983). Some of
the case studies are mentioned below; they contain references to many other cases.
The variety of peripheral neuropathies includes various forms of
polyradiculoneuropathy, a general term referring to peripheral disorders involving
multiple nerve roots. These can include both sensory and motor symptoms, with both
overactivity and paralysis. They include Morvan's fibrillary chorea, a form of
spontaneous muscular activity (e.g., Vernay, Dubost, Thevenet, Sauvezie, & Rampon,
1986), and a Guillain-Barre-like syndrome with weakness and paralysis (e.g.,
Schlumpf et al., 1983). Some of the reports of adverse effects of gold are simply
reported as peripheral neuropathy. Weiss, Thompson, & Lazaro (1982) report a case
which was characterized by weakness and numbness of the hands and feet in
association with hyperalgesia of the palmar surface of the hands. With cessation of
gold therapy (aurothioglucose), recovery was slow but complete. In general, patients
typically recover, but slowly, from gold-induced neuropathy.
Microscopic descriptions of peripheral neuropathy include marked loss of myelinated
nerve fibers. In one patient, a nerve biopsy revealed, "a chronic polyneuropathy
with predominant features of regeneration. Such features are clustering of
myelinated fibers and the onion bulb-like arrangement of Schwann cells around and
within such clusters" (Schlumpf et al., 1983). This observation is especially
interesting, since one of the claims for gold as a nervine is for the regeneration
of nerves.
Encephalopathy is the general term used for damage to the brain, as opposed to the
peripheral nerves. Gulliford, Archard, & van't Hoff (1985) report a case of
gold-induced encephalopathy, as do McAuley, Lecky, & Earl (1977) and Perry and
Jacobsen (1984). Fam, Gordon, Sarkosi, Blair, Cooper, Harth, & Lewis (1984) describe
a case of gold-induced encephalopathy with cerebral and cerebellar white matter
lesions, reversible on withdrawal of gold therapy. Erhardt, Fischer, Fischer, & Kern
(1978) report a case of cerebro-organic syndrome related to gold therapy, consisting
of delirium, dementia, and amnestic and cognitive disorders.
Schlumpf et al. (1983) note that it is not surprising that neurologic complications
can be caused by gold because experimental work in animals has shown that gold
localizes in nervous system tissue. Gold thioglucose, the medicine Solganol used for
rheumatoid arthritis, is a well-known neurotoxin in rodents, used in studies of
obesity to destroy the ventromedial hypothalamus, the part responsible for control
of eating behavior and metabolism. In addition to obesity, it appears to become
concentrated in other glandular tissue such as the pancreas (Blech, Bierwolf, Weiss,
& Ziegler, 1986), and the thymus and adrenals (Atkins, Lambrecht, Wolf, Ansari, &
Guillaume, 1975). It can also cause generalized hypothalamic lesions in the chicken
and duck (Hopper & Satterlee, 1984). In humans it is interesting that people who
develop neurological adverse effects from gold sodium thiomalate can be successfully
changed to gold thioglucose for rheumatoid arthritis therapy (Hill, Pile, Henderson,
& Kirkham, 1995). Clearly there are species differences in response to gold
compounds, as well as pronounced individual differences and dose-related effects.
The question of whether gold affects glandular function in humans is still an open
one. Chipman, boyar, & Fink (1982) tested the hypothesis that gold therapy enhances
endogenous cortisol secretion, using juvenile rheumatoid arthritis patients. Their
preliminary data suggested stimulation of cortisol secretion. But the results of the
more complete study were ambiguous. Cortisol secretion was significantly greater in
gold treated patients than in similar patients not receiving gold. However, when
untreated patients were restudied after initiation of gold therapy, there was no
significant change in cortisol secretion. Gold therapy also did not significantly
alter secretion of the peptide hormones or DHEA-S. Their conclusion is that gold
does not appear to influence endogenous adrenal hormone secretion.
In summary, there are diverse neurological and glandular side effects occasionally
observed in response to gold-containing medications. These effects are further
evidence suggesting that gold may play a role in these systems.
How Much Gold is Necessary for a Pharmacological Effect?
Conventional gold therapy uses rather large doses, typically more than 1 mg per day.
But there is some evidence that very low doses of gold can have pharmacological
The gold drugs used in rheumatoid arthritis are typically administered in very large
doses. Yet the relationship between dosage and response is not simple. Speight and
Holford (1997) say, "Dosages as low as 10 mg/week appear to be no different from 50
mg/week, which in turn is as effective as 150 mg/week" (p. 1129). Given that
toxicity is often seen at high doses, how little gold can still produce a
therapeutic effect?
Effects have occasionally been seen with very low doses of gold. Mulherin,
Struthers, & Situnayake (1997) examined the hypothesis that gold rings might protect
against erosion of the finger joints in rheumatoid arthritis. They found that there
is less articular erosion at the left hand ring finger joints, and perhaps adjacent
joints. Their hypothesis is that gold could pass from a gold ring through the skin
and local lymphatics to nearby joints in sufficient quantities to delay articular
erosion. Since metallic gold has been seen as virtually inert in biological systems,
especially when present only at the skin surface, a therapeutic effect is
surprising. But there is some historical support for this notion. In 14th century
England, "cramp rings" were used to relieve muscular pains or spasms, and
particularly epilepsy. Gold coins were placed by the king on a church altar,
removed, and made into rings (Bloch, 1961). We have no reliable information
concerning their effectiveness.
Belt and Kaarela (1998) and Bolosiu (1998) have expressed skepticism of the low-dose
gold hypothesis. But gold has been measured in significantly greater concentrations
in fingernails nearer gold rings by Kanabrocki, Case, Graham, Fields, Oester, &
Kaplan (1968), a fact apparently unknown either to Mulherin et al., or to Bolosiu
and Belt and Kaarela. Kanabrocki et al. noted, "Only speculation can be made on the
mode of transport of gold from wedding bands to the fingernail," a situation that is
still the case.
Klinkhoff and Teufel (1995), in an article entitled, "How low can you go?" explored
the minimum effective dose of gold for rheumatoid arthritis. They identified a group
of patients with sensitivity to both the beneficial effects and the side effects of
gold. They found that doses as low as 2 mg every 4 weeks could result in major
improvement, and concluded that the minimum effective dose is not known. (This
contrasts with the standard daily dose of 10 to 50 mg/week for parenteral gold, and
of 6 mg/day for oral gold (Goodman, Rall, Nies, & Taylor, 1990)). This is still far
more than the dose of gold available from a gold ring, but is further evidence that
physiological effects do not require large doses of gold. Interestingly, it is
similar to the amount of gold in prescriptions for neurological and other disorders
by Cayce in the early-20th century (Cayce, 1993).
The Modern Use of Colloidal Gold as a Nervine in Alternative Medicine
Although gold is not in use as a nervine at present in mainstream medicine, its use
has recently been explored in alternative medicine. Instead of the modern
gold-containing drugs, or the gold chloride used historically, colloidal gold has
become popular. Colloidal gold is very fine particles of metallic gold (from 2 nm to
150 nm), suspended in water. As discussed earlier in the historical section,
colloidal gold may have been the first form used as a nervine, as far back as the
ancient Chinese and Indian alchemists (Mahdihassan, 1985). According to Abraham
(1996) it is not toxic, but little is known about its physiological effects. In
mainstream medicine, colloidal gold is generally thought to be biologically inert,
and is used in electron microscopy studies for that reason. By attaching it to
macromolecules such as antibodies, these molecules can be tracked to the locations
where they are active without affecting their functions (Polak & Varndell, 1984)
note, "Fortunately, upon adsorption, full biological activity of the macromolecules
is preserved." Yet Abraham reports that colloidal gold can have significant
biological effects.
Abraham and Himmel (1997) used colloidal gold to treat rheumatoid arthritis. They
studied 10 severe cases, orally administering 30 mg of colloidal gold per day. There
was no clinical evidence or laboratory evidence of toxicity in any of the patients.
The effects of the gold on the tenderness and swelling of joints were rapid and
dramatic. Evaluated individually, nine of the 10 patients improved markedly after 24
weeks of colloidal gold.
Abraham, McReynolds, and Dill (1998) explored the potential of colloidal gold as a
nervine. Encouraged by pilot work suggesting improved cognition and well-being
(Abraham, 1996), they conducted a study to see if gold could improve cognitive
functioning. They tested cognitive ability using the Wechsler Intelligence Scales
(WAIS-R) before and after four weeks on colloidal gold at 30 mg/day. After four
weeks on colloidal gold, there was a 20% increase in IQ scores. The effect of the
colloidal gold persisted in three subjects after one to two months off gold, whereas
in two subjects who took the test three months after stopping the gold, IQ scores
were down to baseline levels. While a study of this small size is very preliminary,
it is encouraging evidence of the potential of gold as a nervine, and as a
demonstration of a non-toxic preparation.
Directions for Future Research
Future research could focus on two aspects of gold: exploring the effects of gold
supplementation on neurological conditions, and establishing whether naturally
occurring gold is an essential trace element.
Two approaches might be taken in exploring the effects of gold supplementation. The
first consists of attending to the side effects of gold medications in cases where
there is co-morbidity of rheumatoid arthritis and a neurological, psychiatric, or
glandular disorder. For example, one could ask, do patients with epilepsy,
depression, or adrenal insufficiency who may be receiving gold for arthritis show
any improvement in neurological/glandular symptoms? Although neurological adverse
effects are rare, beneficial side effects might be found.
The second approach is to administer gold with the intention of affecting a
neurological or glandular condition. This is more challenging, since little is known
about effective or toxic doses. The bioavailability of different gold compounds is
an important consideration in exploring the effects of gold supplementation. There
are substantial differences in the efficacy and side effects of the organic gold
salts used for rheumatoid arthritis, and individual idiosyncrasies in response. As
noted previously, it has been difficult to establish a dose-response relationship
for gold (Speight & Holford, 1997). Gold chloride, a favorite in the 19th century,
is now used primarily as a test for allergic skin reactions, not internally, so
nothing is known about its metabolism. And colloidal gold, as noted above, should
have very little physiological interaction at all, although Abraham and Himmel
(1997) present evidence to the contrary. An advantage to using colloidal gold is
that is has no known adverse effects. Animal studies with gold chloride as well as
the current gold medications might also be productive.
Establishing gold as an essential trace element is another challenging task. The few
studies cited here are encouraging. A systematic exploration of the concentrations
of gold in cerebrospinal fluid, blood, and neurological and glandular tissue could
be performed. The results would be interesting in neurological disorders and tumors
(e.g., El-Yazigi et al., 1984), glandular disorders (e.g., Skandhan & Abraham, 1984)
and developing infants (e.g., Kauf et al., 1984). But much further research will be
needed to confirm these observations and determine gold's biological role. There are
thousands of studies on such elements as chromium and boron, which have only
recently been suggested as essential nutrients (Nielsen, 1990). It takes on the
average about 30-40 years for the general acceptance and application of the
discovery of a new essential trace element (Mertz, 1998). Studies in both animals
and humans will need to address specific physiological roles, effects from
deficiencies, and interactions with metabolic stressors.
This research has the potential for re-establishing gold as a significant
therapeutic agent in a much wider range of disorders than those for which it is
currently used. And it could help in sorting out valid from invalid claims of
benefits from supplementation.
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