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Keshe Foundation claims Iran in possession of superior defense capabilities

Sterling D. Allan - PUre Energy System News

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Sept. 11, 2012

A missive by M.T. Keshe claims that thanks to his Foundation, Iran is now in possession of advanced space technology that will provide essentially an impenetrable defense of the country. He also claims that Iran is a peaceful nation. I point out contradictions.

On August 2, Mehran Keshe informed me of an article he wrote that the Keshe Foundation posted on their site regarding the likely upcoming war with Iran.

In the article, he claims that thanks to the Keshe Foundation, Iran is now in possession of advanced space technology that will provide essentially an impenetrable defense of the country so that no planes or missiles will be able to breach its borders, and the craft that deliver such sorties, whether they be planes, ships, or submarines, will be destroyed, along with all their personnel.

He also claims that Iran is a peaceful nation that hasn't invaded another country for the past 300 years. Along with that, he also says that one of the major reasons Iran is being targeted is because it has been providing medical nuclear isotopes, and the West wants that market; and as soon as the West have a reactor running which can provide those isotopes, that will be when the West will most likely launch its attack on Iran.

Supposedly, the upcoming conference in September will offer this space technology to every nation on earth, and this will make war obsolete and will bring an end to the energy crisis worldwide.

I asked Keshe to explain the apparent contradiction between what he said about Iran being a peaceful nation and Ahmadinejad's recent inflammatory statement that "The ultimate goal of world forces must be the annihilation of Israel." Coming from the President of Iran, as a voice for that nation, such a statement does not bespeak peaceful intentions. [Note: a Wikipedia entry addresses problems of translation in those inflammatory statements.]

Keshe replied:

"I speak for no government, and will not even go in that territory. One should understand the language of the culture and the audience it is intended for."