HAARP and the Tesla Connection
From Truther
H.A.A.R.P. – The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).Its purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance purposes. The HAARP program operates a major Arctic facility, known as the HAARP Research Station, on an Air Force owned site near Gakona, Alaska.
The most prominent instrument at the HAARP Station is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high power radio frequency transmitter facility operating in the high frequency (HF) band. The IRI is used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere. Other instruments, such as a VHF and a UHF radar, a fluxgate magnetometer, a digisonde and an induction magnetometer, are used to study the physical processes that occur in the excited region. Work on the HAARP Station began in 1993. The current working IRI was completed in 2007 and its prime contractor was BAE Systems Advanced Technologies. As of 2008, HAARP had incurred around $250 million in tax-funded construction and operating costs.
Some of the main scientific findings from HAARP include:
Generation of very low frequency radio waves by modulated heating of the auroral electrojet, useful because generating VLF waves ordinarily requires gigantic antennas
Production of weak luminous glow (below what can be seen with the naked eye, but measurable) from absorption of HAARP’s signal
Production of extremely low frequency waves in the 0.1 Hz range. These are next to impossible to produce any other way, because the length of a transmit antenna is dictated by the wavelength of the signal it is designed to produce.
Generation of whistler-mode VLF signals which enter the magnetosphere, and propagate to the other hemisphere, interacting with Van Allen radiation belt particles along the way
VLF remote sensing of the heated ionosphere
Tesla therefore believed that, were enough electrical energy pumped into the earth’s atmosphere – which stretches from the ground to the ionosphere, an electrically conducting set of layers 30 miles, and higher, above it – and oscillated at specific frequencies, a growing number of harmonic waves would be set in motion within it. Propagated around the globe, they could then be used, thought Tesla, not only for radio transmission but for wireless broadcast of electricity into homes and industrial plants, as well as to ships at sea and aircraft, if all were equipped with suitable receivers.
“Impossible as it seemed, this planet, despite its vast extent, behaves like a conductor of limited dimensions. The tremendous significance of this fact in the transmission of energy in my system had already become quite clear to me. Not only was it possible to telegraphic messages to any distance without wires, as I recognized long ago, but also to impress on the entire globe the faint modulation of the human voice. Far more significant is the ability to transmit power in unlimited amounts to almost any terrestrial distance and without loss.”
More importantly, Tesla’s research led him to the conclusion that the electrical properties of the negatively charged earth and its positively charged upper atmosphere could be used to supply an almost unlimited quantity of electricity.
To test his ideas, Tesla built a mammoth 75-million-watt “magnifying transmitter” able to light a bank of two hundred 50-watt light bulbs, of his own design, for a total of 10,000 watts of energy, at a distance of 26 miles. (The California Institute of Technology has only recently achieved an optimal figure of 43% in the transmission of microwaves over a maximum distance of 1 mile.) No wires of any kind were utilized. The energy passed right through the ground. And Tesla claimed that only 5% of it was wasted.
Tesla’s “World System of Wireless Transmission” as summarized in his article “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy through the Use of the Sun’s Energy” (Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, June 1900):
“The World System has resulted from a combination of several original discoveries made by the inventor in the course of long-continued research and experimentation. It makes possible not only the instaneous and precise wireless transmission of any kind of signals, messages, or characters, to all parts of the world, but also the interconnection of the existing telegraph, telephone, and other signal stations without any change in their present equipment. By its means, for instance, a telephone subscriber here may call up and talk to any other subscriber on the globe. An inexpensive receiver, no bigger than a watch, will enable him to listen anywhere, on land or sea, to a speech delivered or music played in some other place, however distant.
“The World System is based on the application of certain important inventions and discoveries, including:
1. The Tesla Transformer. This apparatus is in the production of electrical vibrations as revolutionary as gunpowder in warfare.
2. The Magnifying Transmitter. This is Tesla’s best invention – peculiar transformer specially adapted to excite the Earth, which is in the transmission of electrical energy what the telescope is in astronomical observation.
3. The Wireless System. This system comprises a number of improvements and is the only means known for transmitting economically electrical energy to a distance without wires. The first World System power plant can be put in operation in nine months. With this power plant it will be practicable to attain electrical activities up to 10 million horsepower (25 billion watts), and it is designed to serve for as many technical achievements as are possible without undue expense.”
Tesla was quoted in the New York Times (Dec. 8, 1915) as saying:
Ionospheric super heating
Plasma line observations
Stimulated electron emission observations
Gyro frequency heating research
Spread F observations
High velocity trace runs
Airglow observations
Heating induced scintillation observations
Radio observations of meteors
Polar mesospheric summer echoes: PMSE have been studied using the IRI as powerful radar, as well as with the 28 MHz radar, and the two VHF radars at 49 MHz and 139 MHz. The presence of multiple radars spanning both HF and VHF bands allows scientists to make comparative measurements that may someday lead to an understanding of the processes that form these elusive phenomena.
Research extraterrestrial HF radar echoes: the Lunar Echo experiment (2008).
Testing of Spread Spectrum Transmitters (2009)
Meteor shower impacts on the ionosphere
Response and recovery of the ionosphere from solar flares and geomagnetic storms
The effect of ionospheric disturbances on GPS satellite signal quality
Lysanias continues, “Due to the fact that the Earth’s magnetic poles shifted to Canada, and, consequently, Alaska, the location of the [HAARP] emitters is ideal – right under the dome of the magnetosphere. Their range completely covers the northern hemisphere… However, it seems not to be enough for them. Soon, near the town of Tromso in Norway, they will build a second high-frequency transducer under this program.
For more specific information about Tesla, watch the following video at this link: