Zero Energy Home helps say goodbye to energy bills forever
Denver-based New Town Builders have created a net zero energy house that has been designed to save a lot of energy and help preserve precious resource. The Zero Energy Home will leave eco lovers in a state of complete amazement as it takes energy efficiency to an all new scale.
The builders kept in mind a few things while coming up with this environmentally friendly home. The basic frame of each home will be swapped into an insulating envelop. The roof will come wedged with photovoltaic electricity generating system, which will power the house. This makes sure that the outside cold is completely blocked, and the inside remains comfortable for dwellers. The water heaters, furnaces and air conditioners are highly efficient, which adds to its clean and green status. The construction style makes sure that seven percent or less cooled/heated air gets lost, thanks to the heating and air conditioning ducts used that will be tightened from time to time.
The Zero Energy Home will easily produce the amount of energy it utilizes in a year’s span, which can be measured with the help of HERS rating or Home Energy Rating System. The Zero Energy Home will have a zero HERS rating, which is worth applauding. The home will be as comfortable and attention grabbing as an everyday home and will simultaneously be cost effective as well. It won’t burden owners with unusual or complex systems that require regular maintenance and monitoring. The outside wall of the eco coated home will be well sealed and insulated so that no energy escapes. This will be achieved by spraying foam having a thickness of 1 inch.
The windows will have a decreased U value because of which they will become all the more energy efficient. The house will have energy star appliances, keeping up its efficiency. It will feature a 16 SEER or improved air conditioning system, furnace, tank less water heaters, a fresh air ventilator and an energy recovery exhaust fan. The house will sparkle with the presence of 100% LED and CFL lights, which will further save energy. Additional kilowatts of energy will be generated by the presence of extra photovoltaic panels. So, save energy and live a guilt free life while cutting down on your electricity and gas bills.