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Night Light: A sustainable pavilion designed to harvest and transmit sunlight

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Jan. 6, 2012

Designed by Npsag. the Night Light is a conceptual pavilion that harvests solar energy and transmits it back as an event light after dark. The concept is actually a collection of solar powered painted cells which glow in the dark. The concept structure features a diagrid which supports the interior.


The concept has been designed in a fashion, which allows it to provide night time illumination using just four hours of daylight. As the afterglow reduces with the continuous night shows, we can conclude that the stock of stored solar energy is getting used up gradually. The amazing fact about Night Light is that the pillowed matrix emits different extents of afterglow at every different location.

Night light has been designed for both interior and exterior installations. The multi-purpose sustainable structure can provide support lighting to several activities ranging from an important conversation to a small jazz band. However, the designer states that the primary function of the pavilion is to act as a sustainable spectacle.
