New Smart Windows Reduce Air-Conditioning And Heating Costs
Such windows already exist on the market, but they have many drawbacks, including rapid deterioration in performance, they are composed of toxic substances and have a high cost. These are the reasons why Ho Sun Lim, Jeong Ho Cho, Jooyong Kim and Chang Hwan Lee have decided to develop a new smart window that overcomes these drawbacks.
To have unprecedented performances, the new windows have in their composition polymers, counterions and solvents such as methanol. Another advantage of these “smart windows” is that they could be extremely tunable, having the possibility to switch from 100% opaque to almost completely clear in few seconds.
“To our knowledge, such extreme optical switching behavior is unprecedented among established smart windows. This type of light control system may provide a new option for saving on heating, cooling and lighting costs through managing the light transmitted into the interior of a house,” the authors state.