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Samsung Plans To Unveil Solar Powered Laptop

Alex Woodward

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Right now I’m propped to a tree, writing this article, at the margins of an enchanting forest, with birdies singing everywhere. My laptop’s battery is nearing its low percentage, and I’d really need some power source. I’d use Samsung’s solar powered laptop, or at least the one they’re planning to release in the not-so-distant future.

Not only is it good at times when you, as a big city inhabitant, are stranded in the middle of nowhere, but it is also good for people with no electricity access like the ones


The specs of Samsung’s solar powered laptop haven’t yet been unveiled, but it will probably feature a super-AMOLED technology for the screen, just like the one used in the newest Samsung phones, having great consumption and readability in full sunlight (I’m telling because I have a Galaxy S right now).

Actually, besides my main phone, my washing machine, an other phone and my TV are all Samsung, and they’re all good products. Already being a competitor to Apple, Samsung’s solar powered laptop could conquer a large market slice. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t want one when it comes out!

June 23, 2011