Japan's Robot Supermodel Hits the Runway
Japans latest female humanoid robot kicked-off Tokyos Fashion Week.
Topmodel "HRP-4C" hit the runway powered on battery motors.
[Shuji Kajita, Director, Humanoid Robot Engineering]:
"We believe this is Japan's and, perhaps, the world's first humanoid robot to walk on two feet and resemble the average body type of a young Japanese woman."
And she passed her casting test with her 43 kg weight and her 1 meter 58 centimeter build.
And though she may resemble a Japanese animation character, her agent says she needs to work more on her expressions if she really wants to become a supermodel.
[Shuji Kajita, Director, Humanoid Robot Engineering]:
"Our robot can't move elegantly like the real models that are here today. It'll take another 20 to 30 years of research to make that happen!"
But she must be doing fine since she has earned herself a $2 million contract with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology.