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Wow, if we get this out there, and trillions of people know about it, and the governments of the world ignore it then we know we are deliberately being destroyed...
There is a Dr in Australia (Dr Holt) who cured many thousands of patients with Radiowave Therapy.  
Dr Holt and patients pleaded with the government to at least look at it and even went on TV in the hopes of causing the government to see it and investigate.   Yet despite the many thousands of people cured of cancer from Dr. Holts treatment the NHMRC Report contained a number of findings including the conclusion that there was not enough research into radiowave therapy to ascertain the effectiveness of the treatment.    This is another compelling reason for a continuum of the projects researching the therapy in more detail. 
NOW what better research do you need to prove a cure than many thousands of people having been cured???.

Many claim to be alive as a result of Dr Holt’s treatments, yet the Australian Minister for Health (at the time Mr Tony Abbott) was influenced to commission the NHMRC to investigate Dr Holt’s treatments. This report was released in September 2005.   I find this rather strange for a right winged government as they are normally willing to be progressive..

New doctors took over the practice and continued Dr Holt's procedures. They are now keeping additional records in the hope that one day the government will acknowledge it as treatment. (you would think 40 years of evidence would be enough for any government) Meanwhile, Australians spread the word themselves. Australian Medicare does cover most of the cost (in fact total treatment is 3 weeks and cost less than a set of dentures)
Have you ever noticed how many appeals there are for cancer research,  yet after more than four decades, there is no cure?

Ever noticed how every cancer cure ultimately gets swept under the carpet?  WHY??

It couldn't possibly be because Cancer is a multi-billion dollar global industry that will not recognize any cure that cannot be manufactured as a patentable drug could it????.


Dr Holt MB ChB MRCS LRCP DMRT FRCR FRACR, one of the most qualified specialists in this country, began treating cancer patients with chemotherapy as early as 1952. As a qualified radiotherapist, he gained enormous, wide-ranging experience over the ensuing years in all forms of cancer treatments.

Dr Holt retired from practicing medicine and treating people with his unique cancer therapies, in 2004. However, the legacies he leaves the community are significant. Dr Holt is a very modest cancer treatment innovator. He spent his life saving peoples lives and his inquisitive and inventive mind led him on a journey into very forward thinking theories about causes of cancer and ways to treat it.

Dr Holt treated thousands of persons with Radiowave Therapy, and when he retired at 80 years of age, he passed his treatment methods, systems and processes to the Radiowave Therapy Clinic and to the Radiowave Therapy Research Institute. More >

Radiowave Therapy – The Debate

This web site is sponsored by former patients of Dr Holt. Along with the aims stated on this page, this site remains dedicated to ensuring that those with cancer remain informed about radiowave therapy, including the progress of research and results thereof.

An enormous amount of information about cancer and how to cure it is accessible through the web. One factor with this is that it is hard to know what and who to rely on. This can lead to anxiety and confusion for some, especially if they are having a treatment and it does not appear to be delivering the expected results. It is not so much a matter of trust in what you read or what your medical advisor tells you, it is more that we are inherently nervous about exactly what is best.

So what is best for you? Sadly there is no perfect treatment for cancer. There are plenty of web sites criticising conventional treatments, but the reality for many types of cancer is that conventional treatments have known statistical results, and therefore can be exactly the right option. For some however, conventional treatments can be a journey of ever diminishing returns with a pretty confronting future.

So perhaps the answer to the question of ‘what is best’ is more likely to be found in making sure that one has the knowledge necessary to participate in their treatment decisions. At least this would limit confusion and anxiety and bring to a person a sense of control over their future. More >