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2004 Dodge Pickup Runs on 100% Water

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lso say the truck recently completed a road trip of more than 3000 miles, running on this set-up.

These guys crack me up. Their personality, excited about their development, is contagious and funny. I could see this video going viral just for those reasons.


Chava Energy ( ) was present on April 21 to validate the technology. However, it turned out that the claimed technology was not in a condition to be tested during the visit and the Inventor Fred Wells was not present either, only his business partner. Therefore, none of the claims could be validated and Chava Energy generously offered to conduct a test in the future once the system is running reliably.


V8 Truck runs on just Water: Big Oil has Denied, Intimidated and Worse for Years to Stop This
There is a great breakout happening - many engineers and inventors around the planet have got hold of freely available plans as to how to create fuel from plain old water, and developed them into working systems. I first saw such a car running 20 years ago (with technology designed by Professor Yull Brown, a 'water genius' who I have spent several days with). But in reality, such vehicles have existed for far longer. For a history of this technology, and much more good information, see
The problem is a) Oil is a way to control us, a huge tax on all energy that, by now, should be free, i.e., with a little technology we can use plain water - and we could have been doing so for many years. But b) our governments are bought and paid for by the oil lobby - they earn so much tax from Big Oil's control mechanism (read illuminasti) that working for the good of the population is simply not an option in their minds. Just another major enslavement technique...
The biggest oil companies (who used to be called the seven sisters) have for decades had a ring of interlinked law departments, whose focus has been to intimidate inventors into not releasing any invention that challenged the supremacy of oil. Inventors were terrorised, bought off, on occasions even murdered (though probably not by the lawyers...)
But now, several technological cats are out of the bag, fuel from water being one of them. And they are not going back! Xavier Hermes
Inventor Frederick W. Wood, and his associate, David Seigler, from Future Energy Concepts, Inc., give a video tour of the pickup truck that they claim to have converted to run on nothing but hydroxy gas, electrolyzed on-board, and on-demand, via a super-efficient electrolysis (from water) method they have developed. Their system allegedly produces 55 liters per minute on 55 amps. They also say the truck recently completed a road trip of more than 3000 miles, running on this set-up.
These guys crack me up. Their personality, excited about their development, is contagious and funny. I could see this video going viral just for those reasons.
FOLLOW-UPChava Energy ( ) was present on April 21 to validate the technology. However, it turned out that the claimed technology was not in a condition to be tested during the visit and the Inventor Fred Wells was not present either, only his business partner. Therefore, none of the claims could be validated and Chava Energy generously offered to conduct a test in the future once the system is running reliably.
See our coverage of this at
We've launched an open source project page here:
Their official website is:
This video is a copy of one the company

August, 2010