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Enlightened Technology Newsletter

Tim Martin

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I really appreciate the service you\'ve performed at Fourwinds10 over the years, as it seems there are so few places these days to find real news.  I\'m sure you\'ve had a hand in waking up many, many souls to the reality of our world.  Great job and keep at it!

If acceptable, I wanted to pass on to you and your readers information about an ongoing endeavor of mine.  My quest for the last decade has been to help bring new energy technology awareness and eventually real hardware into the public mind. At last it seems we\'re very close to achieving both these goals. 

Similar to how people must grow new paradigms when they realize their world is not what they thought, new quantum energy machines are waiting in the wings for public acceptance.  In contrast to what is most often written about \"free energy\" technology; practical fuel-less hardware is proven, working and ready to be developed for mass production.  The public simply needs to learn and accept this.

Please review our Enlightened Technology website, and if possible, relay the information to your readers.  I\'ve included below a copy of our very first newsletter we recently sent to subscribers.  I encourage you to sign up so future updates can be sent automatically.

Thanks again for all your work!


- Tim Martin


Issue #1

**Enlightened Technology Newsletter**

The Time for Quantum Energy is Now!

March 26, 2010

We are excited to finally send out our very first newsletter!

First and foremost, I want to personally thank you for registering to

receive this message since I recognize most of us have a busy life and

would prefer not to wade through more spam in our inbox. I\'ll keep

this short and on point.


New Quantum Energy Web Presentation




We have added a new presentation visitors can access from the

homepage. Its purpose is to give a quick introduction to new quantum

energy technology as a sustainable solution to the world\'s energy

problems. Quantum technology is possibly one of the only viable long

term solutions available, so we must attempt to educate our friends

and neighbors about this important topic. Pass this along to anyone

you think might be interested!


New Video - Hemisphere Generator




A remarkable dome shaped device is demonstrated in 1993 on video by

our partners at WITTS. Very few have seen an advanced generator such

as this. The prototype machine utilizes quantum engineering to deliver

considerable electric power from a small compact package. This is

similar to early devices demonstrated by Henry Moray which also

contained a small hemisphere in its construction.

WITTS spokesman, Timothy Thrapp, explains some of the basic

principles involved in how electric power can be derived from energy

available throughout space. As always: No wind. No Sun. No fuel is

required! Don\'t miss viewing this rare footage!


100 Watt Portable Demonstration Box




As part of our ongoing mission of seeing these new quantum

technologies become available to the public, we recently announced a

very important first step. Our partner, World Improvement Through the

Spirit Ministries, has agreed to work with us to fabricate a portable

quantum energy demonstration box. This device is projected to have a

useful output of 100 watts in addition to powering itself.

Once construction and testing is finished, we\'ll take to the road and

start the Quantum Energy Tour. YouTube videos and updates on the

website will document the presentations and people will be invited to

come take a look for themselves.

To kick things off we\'ve set a target goal of $12,000 to build the

device. We urge you to become involved and contribute what you can


 to make this happen. Thanks to some recent contributors, we\'ve

already started ordering parts to begin work!

We don\'t know of anyone offering to demonstrate fuel-less electric

generators in public. This will surely help us gain ample funding for

mass production! This is your chance to help change the world in a

meaningful way. Please consider making a contribution of $5000 or $5.

Together we can make this happen!


Frequently Asked Questions



If you have a question regarding Enlightened Technology, its purpose

and goals, please visit our FAQ


 or send us email <>

. We\'ll make every effort to answer your questions in a timely manner

and add common inquiries to the FAQ. Also, if you have suggestions

that will help further our goals, please let us know




Spread the News



Lastly, we really want to encourage everyone to spread information

about new quantum energy technology to others who might be interested.

It\'s important for people to know there are new options besides the

more widely talked about choices for alternative energy. This energy

source is clean, abundant, and inexpensive. You may freely forward

this to your contacts or post it where relevant.

Again thank you for your support and interest!


-Tim Martin

From: "T Martin" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 3:59 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10