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Development of Vanasaver cutting edge battery technology blocked in Japan

Alcuin Bramerton

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Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation tells Ryukyu Electric Power Company: \"You are an anti-government company and no matter what bank you go to you will not get a loan.�

In Japanese double-speak, \"anti-government company\" means a company which is committed to working outside the strictures of the fossil fuel fixated US energy cartel which controls the Japanese government.

The Ryukyu Electric Power Company has developed a battery which can store large amounts of solar energy or wind energy-sourced electricity with close to 100% efficiency. The company has been flooded with orders. All they need is working capital to ramp up production.

Ryukyu\'s Vanasaver Redox Flow Battery utilises the special oxidation and reduction properties of the element Vanadium. A pure water based Vanadium ion solution is used to store electricity by taking advantage of changes in the atomic value of the electrolyte.

The Vanasaver battery employs homogenous electrolytes in both anode and cathode chambers. The stored energy volume depends on the quantity of the electrolyte. The battery charges and discharges electrical energy by circulating vanadium-based solutions from both anode and cathode tanks to an ion-exchange membrane in the cell. Once the electricity is stored in the aqueous vanadium solution, it can be kept there for many years.

The batteries can be manufactured in various sizes, and can take the form of very large underground installations beneath the buildings they serve. The Vanadium electrolyte is safe and stable. There is no risk of combustion or burn injuries.

The Vanasaver Redox Flow Battery can be combined with small solar power plants, large-scale solar power stations, or wind power farms.

Feb. 10, 2010