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The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla by Tim Swartz (excerpt)

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When Tesla died on January 7, 1943 at the age of 86, representatives of the Office of Alien Property, at the request of the FBI, went to the Hotel New Yorker and seized all of Tesla's belongings. Two truckloads of papers, furniture and artifacts were sent under seal to the Manhattan Storage and Warehouse Company. 
    This load was added to the almost thirty barrels and bundles that had been in storage since the 1930's, and the entire collection was sealed under orders from the OAP. Strange behavior, considering that Tesla was a legal American citizen. 
    After Tesla's death, there was a scramble by the United States government to find all of his papers, notes and research before other foreign powers could find them. Tesla's nephew, Sava Kosanovic, reported that before the OAP had arrived, someone else had obviously gone through Tesla's belongings and took an unknown amount of personal notes and papers. 
    It was known by the FBI that German intelligence had already spirited away a sizable amount of Tesla's research several years before his death. This stolen material, it is thought, would eventually result in the development of the Nazi flying saucer. The United States was going to make sure that this would not 
happen again. 
    In an article, Man's Greatest Achievement, Tesla outlined his Dynamic Theory of Gravity by saying that the luminiferous ether fills all space. The ether is acted upon by the life-giving creative force and is thrown into "infinitesimal whirls" ("micro helices") at near the speed of light, becoming ponderable matter. When the force subsides and motion ceases, matter reverts to the ether (a form of 
"atomic decay"). 
    Man can harness these processes to: Precipitate matter from the ether. Create whatever he wants with the matter and energy derived. Alter the earth's size. Control earth's seasons (weather control). Guide earth's path through the Universe, like a spaceship. Cause the collisions of planets to produce new suns 
and stars, heat, and light. Originate and develop life in infinite forms. 
    "Since action and reaction are coexistent, it follows that the supposed curvature of space is entirely impossible - However, even if it existed it would not explain the motions of the bodies as observed. Only the existence of a field of force can account for them and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion." 
    It is a great pity that Tesla never published his dynamic theory of gravity. Modern thinking about gravity suggests that when a heavy object moves it emits gravitational waves that radiate at the speed of light. These gravity waves behave in similar ways to many other types of waves. Tesla's greatest inventions were all based on the study of waves. He always considered sound, light, heat, X-rays and radio waves to be related phenomena that could be studied using the same sort of maths. His differences with Einstein suggest that he had extended this thinking to gravity. 
   Tesla laid the groundwork in the late 19th century which was then continued by such notables as Thomas Townsend Brown, who discovered in 1923 what was later called the Biefeld -Brown Effect. 
    Thomas Townsend Brown, was a physics student of Dr. Paul Alfred Biefeld at the California Institute for Advanced Studies. Brown noticed that when he had two plates carrying high voltages of direct current separated by a dielectric, the negative electrode moved by itself in the direction of the positive plate. In other words, Townsend Brown discovered that it is possible to create an artificial gravity field by charging an electrical capacitor to a high-voltage. He built a special capacitor which utilized a heavy, high charge-accumulating (high K-factor) dielectric material between its plates and found that when charges with between 70,000 to 300,000 volts, it would move in the direction of its positive pole. When oriented with its positive side up, it would proceed to lose about one percent of it's weight. 
    He attributed this motion to an electrostatically-induced gravity field acting between the capacitor's oppositely charged plates.  By 1958, he had succeeded in developing a 15 inch diameter model saucer that could lift over 110% of its weight. Brown's experiments had launched a new field of investigation which came to be known as Electrogravitics, the technology of controlling gravity through the use of high-voltage electric charge. 
    As early as 1952, an Air Force major general witnessed a demonstration in which Brown flew a pair of 18 inch disc airfoils suspended from opposite ends of a rotatable arm. When electrified with 50,000 volts, they circuited at a speed of 12 miles per hour. 
    About a year later, he flew a set of 3 foot diameter saucers for some Air Force officials and representatives from a number of major aircraft companies. When energized with 150,000 volts, the discs sped around the 50 foot diameter course so fast that the subject was immediately classified.... 
    "The saucers made by Brown have no propellers, no jets, no moving parts at all. They create a modification of the gravitational field around themselves, which is analogous to putting them on the incline of a hill. They act like a surfboard on a wave. . . the electrogravitational saucer creates its own hill, which is a local distortion of the gravitational field, then it takes this hill with it in any chosen 
direction and at any rate. 
    "The occupants of one of [Brown's] saucers would feel no stress at all no matter how sharp the turn or how great the acceleration. This is because the ship and its occupants and the load are all responding equally to the wave-like distortion of the local gravitation field." 
    Early in 1952 Brown had put together a proposal, code named Project Winterhaven, which suggested that the military developed an antigravity combat saucer with Mach-3 capability. The 1956 intelligence study entitled Electrogravitics Systems: An Explanation of Electrostatic Motion, Dynamic Counterbary and Barycentric Control, prepared by the private aviation intelligence firm, Aviation Studies International Ltd., indicates that as early as November 1954 the Air Force had begun plans to fund research that would 
accomplish Project Winterhaven's objectives. 
    The study, originally classified Confidential, mentions the name of more than ten major aircraft companies which were actively involved in the electrogravitics research in an attempt to duplicate or extend Brown's seminal work. Additional information is to be found in another aviation intelligence report entitled: The Gravitics Situation. Unfortunately, due to the militaries TOP SECRET classification, Townsend Brown's work has not appeared in any physics or science publications that can be accessed. 
    There are rumors that Brown has developed a real antigravity machine. There are many firms working on the problems of antigravity - the Glenn L.Martin Co., Bell Aircraft, General Electric, Sperry-Rand Corp. and others. 
    Several important things have been discovered with regard to gravity propulsion. For one, the propulsive force doesn't act on only one part of the ship it is pushing; it acts on all parts within the 
gravity field created by the gravitic drive. It probably is not limited to the speed of light. 
    Gravity-powered vehicles have apparently changed direction, accelerated rapidly at very high g's and stopped abruptly without any heavy stresses being experienced by the measuring devices aboard the vehicle and within the gravity-propulsion field. This control is done by changing the direction, intensity and polarity of the charge on the condenser plates of the drive unit, a fairly simple task for scientists. 
     Recently an article appeared in Jane's Aviation Weekly that stated the B-2 Stealth Nuclear-Strike Bomber is in fact, currently using an electrogravitic propulsion system. Paul A. LaViolette has done considerable study on the use of electrogravitic technology by the U.S. Air Force, which has conducted secret Black Project research on the matter since late 1954. 
    LaViolette contends that electrogravitics may have been put to practical use in the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber to provide an exotic auxiliary mode of propulsion. This conclusion is based on the recent disclosure that the B-2 charges both its wing leading edge and jet exhaust stream to a high voltage. 
    On March 9, 1992, Aviation Week And Space Technology magazine made a surprising disclosure that the B-2 electrostatically charges its exhaust stream and the leading edges of its wing-like body. Aviation Week obtained their information about the B-2 from a small group of renegade west coast scientists and engineers who were formerly associated with black research projects. 
    Two of these individuals said that their civil rights had been blatantly abused (in the name of security) either to keep them quiet or to prevent them from leaving the tightly controlled black research and development community.
    It must be also considered that the B-2 is now no longer the only aircraft to use such technologies. Since that time an entire generation of black budget secret aircraft may have been developed with electrogravitic systems. 
    In the 1950's several researchers in Europe claimed that Tesla and Marconi had secretly built 
and tested operational antigravity aircraft. Using electrogravitic drives, these experimental aircraft were eventually based out of a secret location in South America. 
    Allegedly, Nazi Germany got a hold of this technology and produced several antigravity flying saucers of their own. Fortunately, by the time Hitler decided to dedicate more time and funds to the Nazi flying saucer project, the war was almost over for the Germans.
    In 1996, late night radio host Art Bell received a package containing bits of metal that the sender claimed was taken from the crashed UFO found near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Could these unassuming pieces of metal be the evidence that proved the reality of UFOs and their use of electrogravitic technology? The pieces of metal seemed almost too good to be true and Bell was at first skeptical because of similar past hoaxes involving alleged parts from UFOs. Bell sent a few samples to Linda Moulton Howe, who promptly had the metal analyzed. Using Wave Dispersive Spectroscopy, It was discovered that the metal was made up of a magnesium zinc alloy with pure bismuth layers. There was a 
range from 97 to about 97 - 1/2 % magnesium and 3% to 2 - 1/2 % zinc in each of those 100 to 200micron layers of the magnesium zinc, so the metal was almost entirely magnesium with about 3% zinc. 
    The pure bismuth layers were one to four microns thick in a slightly wavy pattern and nothing else but bismuth was found. No oxygen was found, no zirconium, no other elements -just these three. High energy experiments conducted on the unusual metal indicated a tendency for lateral movement. Unfortunately, this research has not resulted in any solid conclusions at this time. 
    After this information was broadcast on Art's show, Howe received a fax from a listener named Dan who indicated he had professional knowledge that would relate the material to antigravity. He had worked from 1973 to 1980 for an organization called Aeronautical Systems Division at Edwards Air Force Base in California with some assignments at Wright Patterson in Ohio. 
    Dan told Howe that he had been involved in aeronautical engineering and evaluations when he first saw metal similar to what was sent to Art bell. The metal supposedly was used in a electrogravitic capacity. In the case of bismuth, its basically a diamagnetic material which means it tends to repel a magnetic field. 
   Howe wanted to know what was the most dramatic thing that would happen as the positive flow was increased into bismuth. Dan's answer was that basically there would be a mass reduction to the point where it could come to zero and actually rise into the air, creating a lifting body. 
    To Tesla, so-called atomic energy was in fact the result of environmental energy emanating from the cosmos, and made known to us via radioactive matter. This matter, Tesla said, had the peculiar property of resonating and reacting with ubiquitous cosmic radiation. 
The cosmic radiation of which Tesla spoke was of much higher frequency than what we call radioactive emanations. Tesla believed that these were the result of a step-down process, in which certain peculiar matter reacts to and converts ubiquitous, omnidirectional cosmic radiation. 
    Today, we call this zero point radiation (ZPR), from higher frequencies, to lower, more useful and appropriate frequencies, such as gamma, x-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared radiation, as well as magnetism and even electrical current. These step-down frequencies are much easier to detect and measure than the ZPR. 
    The existence of the ZPR was well known to Tesla in the 1890s, but it was not until recently that it became scientifically accepted as a proven fact. This radiation is of such high frequency that it normally passes through space, the earth, and our bodies without harm or incident, in constant equilibrium, because its short wavelengths do not normally react or resonate with the atoms of most matter. 
       ... even in his 80s, Tesla was involved in secret research at several undisclosed laboratories, on technology which even today remains highly classified. Technology that is only now being fully understood and secretly utilized. 
    The hull is best made double, of thin, machinable, slightly flexible ceramic. This becomes a good electrical insulator, has no fire danger, resists any damaging effects of severe heat and cold, and has the hardness of armor, besides being easy for magnetic fields to pass through. The inner hull is covered on it's outside by wedge shaped thin metal sheets of copper or aluminum, bonded to the ceramic. Each sheet is three to four feet wide at the horizontal rim of the hull and tapers to a few inches wide at the 
top of the hull for the top set of metal sheets, or at the bottom for the bottom set of sheets. Each sheet is separated on either side from the next sheet by 1 or 2 inches of uncovered ceramic hull. 
    The top set of sheets and bottom set of sheets are separated by about 6 inches of uncovered ceramic hull around the horizontal rim of the hull. The outer hull protects these sheets from being short-circuited by wind blown metal foil (Air Force radar confusing chaff), heavy rain or concentrations of gasoline or kerosene fumes. 
    If unshielded, fuel fumes could be electrostatically attracted to the hull sheets, burn and form carbon deposits across the insulating gaps between the sheets, causing a short-circuit. The space, the outer hull with a slight negative charge, would absorb hits from micro-meteorites and cosmic rays (protons moving at near the speed of light). 
    Any danger of this type that doesn't already have a negative electric charge would get a negative charge in hitting the outer hull, and be repelled by the metal sheets before it could hit the inner hull. The hull can be made in a variety of shapes; sphere, football, disc, or streamlined rectangle or triangle, as long as these metal sheets, "are of considerable area and arranged along ideal enveloping surfaces of very large radii of curvature," p. 85. My Inventions, by Nikola Tesla. 
    The power plant for this machine can be a nuclear fission or fusion reactor for long range and long-term use to run a steam engine which turns the generators. A short range machine can use a hydrogen oxygen fuel cell to run a low-voltage motor to turn the generators, occasionally recharging by hovering 
next to high voltage power lines and using antennas mounted on the outer hull to take in the electricity. The short-range machine can also have electricity beamed to it from a generating plant on a long-range aircraft/spacecraft or on the ground. 
    One standard for the generators is to have the same number of magnets as field coils. Tesla's preferred design was a thin disc holding 480 magnets with 480 field coils wired in series surrounding it in close tolerance. At 50 revolutions per minute, it produces 19,400 cycles per second.
    The craft circuits would tend to override lower voltage electric circuits within and near their electromagnetic fields. One source briefly mentioned a 1941 incident, where a shortwave radio was used to override automobile ignition systems, up to three miles away. How many UFO encounters have been 
reported in which automobile ignition systems have suddenly stopped? 
    In the early 1930's, the University of Chicago investigated the possibility of invisibility through the use of electricity. This project was later moved to Princeton's Institute of Advanced Studies where it was named Project Rainbow (project invisibility), and was founded in 1936. 
    Nicola Tesla was named Director of the project. Tesla was given anything that was required by him for the testing of the project. Tesla required and was given a navy battle ship on which the experiments were to be tested. The first test of invisibility occurred in 1940 and was slated as a full success when a navy ship with no crew on board vanished from this plane of existence. 
     The basic design, had two large Tesla coils (electromagnets) placed on each hull of the ship. The coils are turned on in a special sequence and their magnetic force is so powerful that they warp gravity itself. 
    "Tesla had a press announcement in 1923 where he stated he was talking with ET's off planet. Now after he retired from RCA he maintained a laboratory in his living quarters at the Hotel New Yorker. Unknown to most people he had a second laboratory which apparently was his main one on top of the Waldorf Astoria on the top floor and both penthouse towers. 
    "He maintained a transmitter setup on the Waldorf; and his receiving setup, his receiving antennas and receivers which had been built by RCA under his direction, were on the New Yorker. And I know two people who said they were working with Tesla, during that period, that he was using that equipment, he was talking with somebody, virtually every day, and one of them was emphatic: it was someone off planet. In plain language, he was communicating with ET's."
    He said in numerous occasions that he was in contact with extraterrestrials and that the ET's had 
confirmed that there would be a problem with the experiment. Tesla wanted to clarify the problem before any farther experiments would begin. However the Navy said no, they were fighting a war and wanted immediate results. On the second experiment, Tesla, fearing that there would be people hurt 
or killed in the experiment, decided to sabotage the 1942 test. He de-tuned the equipment so nothing would work and the test failed. Tesla resigned in March 1942 and left the project. ...
    Free energy inventions are devices which can tap a seemingly unlimited supply of energy from the universe, without burning any kind of fuel, creating the perfect solution to the worldwide energy crisis and its associated pollution, degradation, and depletion of the environment. Most free energy devices probably do not create energy, but rather tap into existing natural energy sources by various forms of 
     In The Brooklyn Eagle newspaper, Tesla announced, on July 10th, 1931, that: "I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device." Later on in the same article he said that: "More than 25 years ago I began my efforts to harness the cosmic rays and I can now state that I have succeeded." 
    Other U.S. patents have been filed: (#3,811,058, #3,879,622, and #4,151,4310), for example, for motors that run exclusively on permanent energy, seemingly tapping into energy circulating through the earth's magnetic field. The first two require a feedback network in order to be self-running. 
    Years later, in 1933, he was more pointed in his remarks about the introduction of his fuel-less generator. In the Philadelphia Public Ledger of November 2, is an interview with Tesla under the headline: Tesla 'Harnesses' Cosmic Energy. In it he was asked whether the sudden introduction of his principle would upset the present economic system, Dr. Tesla replied, "It is badly upset already." He 
added: "Now as never before was the time ripe for the development of new resources." At a press conference to celebrate his 76th birthday, Tesla announced that he had invented a cosmic-ray motor.     
    Unfortunately, this invention, like so many others that Tesla claimed near the end of his life, allegedly never was developed. At least it was never developed publicly. When he died, there were in all, the approximate equivalent of a railroad boxcar load of Tesla materials confiscated by the government, from around four different storage locations. 
    A huge volume of documents and models were retained by the Custodian of Alien Properties in an unclassified state, because the government's experts had declared that none of it was worth classifying. 
From 1943 until 1945, when, following the arrival of the Nazi scientists and the secret war files of Nazi Germany, acquired under Operation Paperclip, officials from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base hurried up to the warehouses of the Custodian of Alien Properties, and took possession of all the documents and other materials, all which were classified at the highest level. 
    The remainder of Tesla's papers in government hands are still classified. There are literally tons of notes, documents, drawings, and plans, as well as the over twenty boxes of still missing Tesla material.
    Two historical events are worth including here regarding possible suppression and inability to commercialize free energy devices. These are the Over-Unity Device of T. Henry Moray, and the Hindershot Motor. Both of these devices were publicly demonstrated to the US press in the 1930s, and carefully conducted tests were made to assess these devices. 
    From the newspaper reports and clippings, it appears that both devices passed all tests, only to fall into oblivion. What exactly happened to the devices, their inventors, and the technology is not known. It also appears that the secrets of the devices died with their inventors. 
    Moray was able to produce a free energy device weighing sixty pounds and producing 50,000 watts of electricity for several hours. Ironically, although he demonstrated his device repeatedly to scientists and engineers, Moray was unable to obtain funding to develop the device further into a useable power station 
that would furnish electrical power on a mass scale. Like Tesla, Moray had run afoul of those who had an "energy monopoly" and were not willing to share.
    Moray's patent application (never granted) was filed on July 13, 1931, long before the advent of the Bell Laboratories' transistor. Moray successfully demonstrated his radiant energy device to electrical engineering professors, congressmen, dignitaries, and a host of other visitors to his laboratory. Moray 
even moved his device several miles out in the country, away from all power lines, to prove that he was not simply tuning in to energy being clandestinely radiated from some other part of his laboratory.
    According to writer Tom Bearden, one of Moray's efforts to develop the machine involved an association with the Rural Electrification Agency for a short time before World War II. At that time, the R.E.A. was apparently infiltrated at the highest levels by Communist sympathizers. These officials continually urged Moray to turn over all details of his device to the Soviet Union, and even arranged the visit of high level Soviet scientists to the Moray laboratory to see the device in operation. 
    It is thought that because of Moray's dealings with the R.E.A. - much of his important work was obtained clandestinely by the Soviet Union. Bearden speculates that Moray's work inspired the Soviets to develop the hyperspace amplifiers later used in their psychotronic weapons.
    In an article by Arthur Abrom for the Dallas Morning News, it was pointed out that electric powered automobiles were one of the earliest considerations and this mode of propulsion enjoyed a brief but short reign. In the early days of automobile development, electric propulsion was considered and used. 
     It is not difficult to understand why these vehicles were so very popular around the turn of the 
century and until around 1915. The big disadvantage to these cars then, and even today, was their range and need for recharging every night. All of these electric vehicles used a series of batteries and a D.C. motor. The batteries require constant recharging and the range of travel was restricted to about 100 miles. 
    Electric vehicles could not reach speeds of 45 or 50 m.p.h. for this would have destroyed the batteries in moments. Bursts of speeds of 25 to 35 m.p.h. could be maintained for a moment or so. Normal driving speed, depending upon traffic conditions, was 15 to 20 m.p.h. by 1900 to 1910 standards, this was an acceptable speed limit to obtain from your electric vehicle. As well, the electric automobile could not be adapted to accommodate and utilize Tesla's polyphase A.C. motor. So, somewhere around 
1915 or so, the electric automobile became just a memory. 
    In 1931, under the financing of Pierce-Arrow and George Westinghouse, a 1931 Pierce-Arrow was selected to be tested at the factory grounds in Buffalo, N.Y. The standard internal combustion engine was removed and an 80-H.P. 1800 r.p.m electric motor installed to the clutch and transmission. The A.C. motor measured 40 inches long and 30 inches in diameter and the power leads were left standing in the air - no external power source. 
    At the appointed time, Nikola Tesla arrived from New York City and inspected the Pierce-Arrow automobile. He then went to a local radio store and purchased a handful of tubes, wires and assorted resistors. A box measuring 24 inches long, 12 inches wide and 6 inches high was assembled housing the 
    The box was then placed on the front seat and had its wires connected to the air cooled, brushless motor. Two rods 1 /4" in diameter stuck out of the box about 3" in length. Mr. Tesla got into the driver's seat, pushed the two rods in and stated, "We now have power." He put the car into gear and it moved forward. This vehicle, powered by an A.C. motor, was driven to speeds of 90 m.p.h. and performed better than any internal combustion engine of its day. One week was spent testing the vehicle. Several newspapers in Buffalo reported this test. When asked where the power came from, Tesla replied, "From the ethers all around us."...
    In the 1970's, an inventor used an Ev-Gray generator, which intensified battery current, the voltage being induced to the field coils by a very simple programmer (sequencer). By allowing the motor to charge separate batteries as the device ran, phenomenally tiny currents were needed. 
    The device was tested at the Crosby Research Institute of Beverly Hills, Ca., a 10- horsepower EMA motor ran for over a week (9 days) on four standard automobile batteries. The inventors estimated that a 50-horsepower electric motor could traverse 300 miles at 50 m.p.h. before needing a re-charge. 
    Dr. Keith E. Kenyon, the inventor from Van Nuys, California discovered a discrepancy in the normal and long accepted laws relating to electric motor magnets. Dr. Kenyon demonstrated his invention for many scientists and engineers in 1976 but their reaction was astounding. Although admitting Dr. 
Kenyon's device worked, they saw little or no practical application for it. 
    The ultimate source for a successful electrically powered automobile would be to have an electric motor that required no outside source of power. Sounds impossible because it violates all current scientific thought. Nevertheless, it has been invented and H.R. Johnson has been issued a patent No. 4,151,431 on April 24, 1979 on such a device. 
    This new design although originally suggested by Tesla in 1905, is a permanent magnet motor. Mr. Johnson has arranged a series of permanent magnets on the rotor and a corresponding series - with different spacing - on the stator. One simply has to move the stator into position and rotation of the rotor begins immediately. 
   Engineers of Hitachi Magnetics Corp. of California have stated that a motor run solely by magnets is feasible and logical but the politics of the matter make it impossible for them to pursue developing a magnet motor or any device that would compete with the energy cartels.
    The late UFO investigator Leonard Stringfield states in Timothy Good's The UFO Report: "Star Wars, ostensibly conceived as a defensive system against Russian missile attacks, may have had from its beginning a 'defensive' UFO connection." 
     Documentary evidence of such an agenda appears to have been inadvertently provided by NASA when the astronauts of the Shuttle Discovery transmitted to Earth, video camera footage of UFOs traversing just above Earth atmosphere. One UFO suddenly makes a 90-degree turn to the right and accelerates off into deeper space, just a second before a burst of shaped pulse high energy streaks up from Earth towards the spot where the UFO would have been if it had not radically changed course. Other UFOs are shown being shot at by visibly energized EM weapon bursts. 
    It has been reported that the clandestine moon bases are operated by joint teams comprising mostly scientists and technicians from the United States and Russia. There are also teams from Great Britain, Canada, France and Australia. The men who operate these secret bases are also well aware that they aren't the only ones on the moon. There are also bases apparently maintained by extraterrestrials that 
appear and disappear so frequently that there is no way to investigate them. These structures are located almost entirely on the opposite side of the moon. ...
    After this initial success though, further surveys of Mars ran into mysterious problems that could not be attributed to mechanical failure. The same problems were also being experienced by NASA and the Soviets who were unaware of the Alternative 3 efforts underway at the same time. 
    What is still not clearly understood is why some Mars missions, like the Vikings I and II landings on Mars were successful, while others ended in disaster. The first manned landing on Mars was scheduled for 1978, but it was halted when the ship being constructed in orbit around the moon was mysteriously destroyed. Due to these unexplained failures, the Mars colonization project, which had a deadline of 1980 for its first phase, was pushed back to 1985 and finally to 1990. The entire colonization mission to Mars was finally abandoned in 1992....
    Nikola Tesla said, in June, 1900, "The time is very near when we shall have the precipitation of the moisture of the atmosphere under complete control..." 
    On the Fourth of July, 1976, the former Soviet Union began broadcasting huge, pulsed electromagnetic fields from three gigantic 40-million watt transmitters which beamed those signals halfway around the world to the U.S. This electronic assault disrupted and jammed radio and television broadcast signals, enraged the FCC, and irritated ham radio operators, who quickly dubbed the signals "The Russian Woodpecker," because of their pulsed cadence. Originally designed to bring more rain to certain areas of Siberia, the Soviets were surprised to find that the signals also disrupted weather over North America. 
    The Russians completed nearly 30 of the huge transmitters which emit signals primarily in the very dangerous 10-Hertz range, otherwise known as Extreme Low Frequency (ELF). The technology was rumored to be based on the work of Tesla. These Tesla transmitters create massive "standing" ELF waves that form major high pressure blocking systems that change the normal high altitude jet stream pattern, force it to the north, and actually retard the normal flow patterns of incoming weather systems. 
    Exactly one year after the start of the Russian Woodpecker, July 4, 1978, the U.S. Government conducted its own ELF weather experiment which created an enormous downpour of rain over six counties of northern Wisconsin. This ELF-generated storm generated winds of 157 mph and caused $50 million in damage, leveling Phillips, Wisconsin, and destroying several thousand acres of forest.
    Spurned on by the success of the Russian Woodpecker signal, the United States secretly activated the High Active Auroral Research Project, or HAARP. Located in Gakon, Alaska, this Tesla-based U.S. Navy and Air Force ionospheric heater has been projecting tightly-focused beams of intense radio-frequency energy into the atmosphere for the past several years. 
    The patents described below were the package of ideas which were originally controlled by ARCO Power Technologies Incorporated (APTI), a subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield Company. APTI was the contractor that built the HAARP facility. ARCO sold this subsidiary, the patents and the second phase construction contract to E-Systems in June 1994. E-Systems is one of the biggest intelligence contractors in the world - doing work for the CIA, defense intelligence organizations and others. $1.8 billion of 
their annual sales are to these organizations, with $800 million for Black Projects. E-Systems was bought out by Raytheon, which is one of the largest defense contractors in the world. In 1994 Raytheon was listed as number forty-two on the Fortune 500 list of companies. Raytheon has thousands of patents, some of which will be valuable in the HAARP project. 
    Eastlund also notes NATO interest in modifying the weather for military advantage. In May, 1990 a NATO paper: Modification of Tropospheric Propagation Conditions, detailed how the atmosphere could be modified to absorb electromagnetic radiation by spraying polymers behind high-flying aircraft. 
    Absorbing microwaves transmitted by HAARP and other atmospheric heaters linked from Puerto Rico, Germany and Russia, these artificial mirrors could heat the air, inducing changes in the weather. U.S. Patent # 4253190 describes how a mirror made of "polyester resin" could be held aloft by the pressure exerted by electromagnetic radiation from a transmitter like HAARP. 
    Active duty military personnel, police officers, pilots and defense specialists - as well as hundreds of everyday Americans quite used to seeing aircraft contrails and normal flight operations near cities, airports or over long-established routes, independently confirm the presence of multiple "lines in the sky" being purposefully laid by large jet tankers (usually white in color and always without 
identifying markings) over cities and rural areas. 
     As many as 20, 30 or more "contrails" are woven over hours into lattice-like grid patterns. "Tic-tac-toe in the sky" or "furrowing a farm field" are expressions commonly used to describe these multiple-aircraft maneuvers, in which white contrail-like emissions linger for hours, gradually spreading into a hazy overcast that completely obscures clear blue skies. 
    Normal contrails form when ice-crystals are disturbed by the passage of an airplane at high (cold) altitudes. Streaming from engines and wingtips, pencil-thin contrails almost always disappear within 45 seconds, fading quickly like the wake behind a boat. 
    There has also been increased incidents of acute respiratory illness - including bronchitis, pneumonia and first-time asthma attacks in what doctors are calling epidemic levels across the USA and Great Britain. Fatalities, mostly among the elderly and immune-compromised, have exceeded 8,100 dead in England in the last week of December and first two weeks of January, 1999 according to the BBC. 
    Other observers report spraying from black, unmarked helicopters and twin-turboprop aircraft flying at rooftop level, often but not always at night. Incidents of chemicals being dumped from unmarked helicopters into municipal reservoirs have also been reported. 
    Navy ships were dispatched to steam along the coast of southern California, where, utilizing an 
early-morning mist as cover, sailors opened pressurized tanks filled with influenza virus. The contagion drifted ashore where other military men kept close tabs on both the speed and direction of infection. 
Hospitals were monitored as far inland as 250 miles. More than 200 persons died in this flu outbreak, but the U. S. military got the information they wanted. Luckily the war ended before Japan could use their high-flying balloons to deliver deadly toxins to America. But U.S. government-led testing on its own civilian population continued well into the 1950s. 
    There could be two things that are going on with the chemtrials: Weather modification involving dangerous chemicals, and biowarfare experiments involving lab-produced pathogens. 
    Part of the substances in the chemtrails have been identified: a cocktail of JP8+100 jet fuel, laced with Ethylene Dibromide (EDB). This chemical pesticide was banned in 1983 by the EPA as a definite carcinogen and chemical toxin. Exposure to this type spraying can include these symptoms: respiratory tract problems, severe infections to the throat and sinuses, swelling of the lymph glands, coughing fits, shortness of breath, sinus headaches, general respiratory failure, damage to the heart and liver, exposure to EDB makes people more susceptible to other biological agents due to severe lung irritation. 
    Numerous red and white blood cells, and unidentified cell types have been found within the sub-micron fiber sample previously presented and submitted by Carol M. Browner, Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The cells appear to be of a freeze-dried or desiccated nature in their original form within the microscopic fibers. 
     It has also been reported that spraying samples have been analyzed and have revealed that many deadly and toxic pathogens have been found including Mycoplasma Fermetens Incognitus. This is the same bioengineered pathogen that Dr. Garth Nicholson discovered in about 45% of the veterans who came down with Gulf War Illness. 
    Tommy Farmer, a former engineering technician with Raytheon Missile Systems, has been tracking patterns of jet contrails phenomena for more than a year. Farmer has "positively identified" two of the aircraft most often involved in the aerial spraying incidents as a Boeing KC-135 and Boeing KC-10. Both big jets are used by the US Air Force for air to air refueling. 
    Farmer reports that all aircraft are painted either solid white or solid black with the exception of 
two KC-135s which are in training colors - orange and white. No identifying markings are visible. 
    Farmer has collected samples of what he calls "angel hair" sprayed by the mystery aircraft on six occasions since February, 1998. Four samples have been taken since November, 1998. Farmer says that globular filaments resembling ordinary spider webs, "usually fall in clumps or wads ranging from pencil eraser size to the size of a balled up fist." 
    Winds often whip the cobweb-like material into filaments as long as 50 feet. Farmer says that the sticky substance "melts in your hands" and adheres to whatever it touches. He also urges caution to collectors after becoming ill after his first contact with the angel hair. Farmer's ensuing sore throat and sinus infection lasted several months. 
  Project Cloverleaf 
     Chemtrail researcher C.E. Carnicom received a letter in May, 2000 from an airline manager who said that he had information concerning the chemtrails. The manager stated that he works for an undisclosed airline in upper management. 
    "Airline companies in America have been participating in something called Project Cloverleaf for a few years now. The earliest date anyone remembers being briefed on it is 1998. I was briefed on it in 1999. 
    "The few airline employees who were briefed on Project Cloverleaf were all made to undergo background checks, and before we were briefed on it we were made to sign non-disclosure agreements, which basically state that if we tell anyone what we know we could be imprisoned. 
    "About twenty employees in our office were briefed along with me by two officials from some government agency. They didn't tell us which one. They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with others, to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft. 
     "When asked what the chemicals were and why we were going to spray them, they told us that information was given on a need-to-know basis and we weren't cleared for it. 
    "The government reps then stated that if the general public knew that the aircraft they were flying on was releasing chemicals into the air, environmentalist groups would raise hell and demand the spraying stop. Someone asked one of the G-men then if the chemicals are harmless, why not tell the public what the chemicals are and why we are spraying them? 
     "He seemed perturbed at this question and told us in a tone of authority that the public doesn't need to know what's going on, but that this program is in their best interests. He also stated that we should not tell anyone, nor ask any more questions about it. With that, the briefing was over. 
     From inside information gathered in the years following his death, it was ascertained that officials from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (also the home for many years of Project Blue Book, headquarters of the government's UFO cover-up attempt) hurried to the warehouses of the Custodian of Alien Properties and took possession of all of Tesla's documents and other materials, all of which were classified at the highest level. To this day, a great deal of Tesla's papers remain in government hands and are still highly classified...