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Al Unit Threatens Bill Gates !!

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----- Original Message -----
From: NF
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 7:45 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 This is not a question. It is something on the article about a little known company the Bill Gates may be scared of.


 A central AI unit will give a whole new meaning to the concpet of All knowing. Six Sense technology using the same technology as the military where both man and machine will have telepathic capability, will not only allow that computer base access to all knowledge on a global scale, but also every persons mind plugged into it.


 That in reality is actually happening today. There is no such thing as National Security by any Nation. This should be a two way street. What ever the AI unit knows that knowledge should be available to the general public.


 True telepathic capability means that there are no secrets. This is the same technology used by the military to control aircraft with the power of thought.


 If a human can transmit that thought into a machine, the machine would be able to do the same. Is our future going to be one of free will, or is it going to be one of control?


 There are even toys out on the market using this technology right now.


 Thank you for your time.