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Medical applications of Plasma Reactors

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Through developments of different aspects of technology, in June 2006 a new dimension was added to the concepts of the Keshe technology The new concept of the use of the  Plasma reactors for medical applications.

Initially simple single cores and then multiple cores were developed and tested.

The initial test results were encouraging in helping simple problems, like for migraine relief, energy boosting, and so on.

Following the successful trails, in January of 2007, a full scale testing was initiated and results have been more than encouraging.

Following initial enclosed patents early in the year, all knowledge in the medical field was submitted in July 2007 in a full European patent application.

This patent application is and will be supported by full real test cases and independent medical results. All tests were and are carried out on patients with full previous medical records.

Consequently a number of plasma reactors prototypes have been designed and developed for medical use.

For each type of illness specific prototype reactors were developed and made. These plasma reactors are based on the specific magnetic field property of the organ(s) to be treated using plasma concepts, like the use of inhaler shown below.

Although principles are very clear. On-going medical treatment, prescribed by the medical doctor's and hospitals were and continues with patient (i.e. taking medicines or phytolacta under control of doctors must continue). The use of plasma reactors is case-by-case limited (1) to the exposure of drinking water to plasma reactors, (2) to inhaled air treated by plasma reactors, (3) the positioning of plasma reactors in the surrounding of parts of the body, or a combination of these.

In the tests no additional medicines, phytolacta, homeopathy or similar are used or advised.

Tests are taking place with volunteers and patients in the fields of cancer, MS, Parkinson, lungs, allergies, fats, weight lose etc. in four countries in Europe.

The principles of the process is based on the phenomenon of water absorption.

Wikipedia: "Water absorption is a phenomenon in the transmission of electromagnetic radiation through a medium containing water molecules.

Water molecules are excited by radiation at certain wavelengths and tend to selectively absorb portions of the spectrum while allowing the balance of the spectrum to be transmitted with minimal effect.

Strong water vapor absorption bands occur at wavelengths around 2500, 1950 and 1450 nanometers (nm),[1][2] with weaker absorption around 1200 and 970 nm,[3] and three additional sets of water-vapor absorption lines near 930, 820, and 730 nm,[4] all in the infrared spectrum. Water has a complex absorption spectrum — the 2007 HITRAN spectroscopy database update lists more than 64,000 spectral lines corresponding to significant transitions of water vapor ranging from the microwave region to the visible spectrum."

The way we use this physical process through our plasma reactors:

(1) The plasma reactor gives additional electromagnetic frequencies to the water, where those electromagnetic fields are then transfered to the body when consumed. 

(2) Since we can compose the materials inside a plasma reactor we can "tune" or compose the electromagnetic radiation at preferred wavelengths in function of the state of a body, which itself is composed of more than 65% of water

Similar to water absorption we can add additional electromagnetic frequencies to normal air, hold in a container, where air contains a variable amount of water vapor next to other elements.


Basic understanding of the

sub-atomic Plasmatic Magnetic Fields of the Human Body

Similarly like in galaxies, solar systems and planets, which each one is made of SEPMAF's (Specific Entangled Plasmatic Magnetic Fields).

Dynamic plasma reactor in steel for the generation of power

Any living body in this technology is considered and treated as a complex dynamic SEPMAF's system. Where each organs of the body  (like stomach, kidneys, liver, lungs, brain, etc.), the circulation/vessel systems (gastro-vascular, lymph, nerve), glands, bones, muscles and all its contents (blood, single cells, DNA, RNA, Genes, etc.) are also considered and operated and treated through SEPMAF's within that body. 

Where upon the introduction of new SEPMAF's of elements like Air, water, food, new source of SEPMAF's are introduced into the old SEPMAF's, or into the body, to deliver for the Lower in the order of magnitude of SEPMAF's of the body energies through the dynamic nature of its operation to replace the losses like heat and others for it to be replaced.

By the same principle, an illness or chronicle sickness is related to unbalances in the body's SEPMAF's.

By processing the intake (beverages and food) or by bringing specific plasmatic magnetic fields (specially tuned plasma reactors) in the surrounding of specific locations of the body, it is possible to alter the energy levels of the body, activate internal processes, add, reduce or influence specific SEPMAF's, and other processes. These interactions of plasmatic magnetic field forces,  leading to change of the organs magnetic fields, and hence return of the cells to their original SEPMAF. 

These phenomenons have been tested on running test with over 20 voluntaries in four countries and results are encouraging.

Cases under observation:

prostate cancer, several MS patients, Epileptic patient, twins with total paraplegic condition, Several Parkinson patients, COPD, etc.

Prototype Air Inhaler

Test study cases

Test study cases currently are running in a number of fields on a number volunteers in four countries, some cases are stated below.

These tests are/were carried out to validate the concept and establish its limitation’s.

Next pages will describ tests related to:


     - COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

     - Fibromyaligia FMS

     - Epilepsy

     - Weight loss

     - Loss of pain and inflamation

     - Migraine

     - Parkinson's

     - Twins confined to wheelchair

     - Cancer


 COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease):

The volunteer is 70 years old woman.

She has had the disease for over 8 years.

Diagnosed by doctors: She has 32% lung capacity due to the illness at this moment in her life

Date of first contact:  30.9.2007.

Condition on the first visit: 

 The volunteer could not walk from the car to the house in one go, needed rest, in the house to walk from the door to the seat (10 m), she needed rest of about 5 minutes to recover before she could talk.

Breathing heavy between the teeth, total short of breathe even in talking, vesper voice, she complain of heavy leg.

No energy.

 She had house help for washing herself for years, and her wish was that she could wash her dishes in one go for her and her husband.

Diagnoses for processing:

Direct energy booster cell resenting, 3 configuration enforcing system.

Double water cup enforcement 40 000 configuration plasma.

Single pump supported double enforce internal hydrogen setting 68000 setting.

Date of the start of the processing:  14.10.2007

Reported results by the volunteer:

Husband not liking to do it as he does not believe in such thing that water and air can do anything.

The first week ending  21.10.2007:  Having lots of energy and warmth, being able to move more freely, talked to sister and she said how come you can talk so much suddenly in one go.

 The Second week  28.10.2007:  Have been for routine weekly physiotherapy, usually  do 10 minutes of cycling, with every 2 minutes to rest for a while before starting the next 2 minutes. This week cycled for 8 minutes in one go without the rest. Blood test was done by the physiotherapist, the oxygen level 95%. Comment from him, lots of people at your age give their lives to have such a reading

Have been shopping for the first time without being tired, by the end of the week, I can do the washing in one go, which I have not done for years.

Have walked to husband’s garage for the first time in years.

The third week 4.11.2007: Have done shopping, cooking and washing all in one day without getting tired.

At physiotherapy, have done 10 minutes cycling, all in one go without stop. Done 500 m walk on the tract without stop, where I could not walk 10 meters three weeks ago. Oxygen level 95%.

She refers that her legs as are free and like feather.

Husband’s comments on the first visit about his wife 4.11.2007:  “She has been in and out of the car walking and shopping this week unaided, not even stick, three or four times in one day, and she has not done this for nearly 6 years. I do not know what is in that water, but can you ask her to slow down. Now she has started living absolutely normal life. She has had cold hand and feet all her life, and now she is hot all the time and is pleasant, thank you for this gift of life to my wife”.

On Saturday, 10.11.2007 she has gone playing bowling with her friends for the first time.

Her changes has been so radical that a number of other COPD patients whom have seen the changes with her in the past weeks, have requested to enter into the system trial as of the coming week.

The processing is still on going.


Fibromyalgia FMS:

The volunteer is 52 years old woman.

She has had the disease for over 30 years.

Diagnosed by doctors: She has Fibromyalgia FMS.

Date of first contact:  5.7.2007.

Her personal report is attached.

Condition on the first visit: 

She was seen with her husband present, the volunteer has problem with constant pain and constant fatigue.

18 points normal test confirms the FMS condition.

Diagnoses for processing:

Direct energy booster cell resenting, 3 configuration enforcing system.

Double water cup reverse enforcement 24 000 configuration plasma.

Additional breathing water bottle.

Use of minerals and vitamins.

Date of the start of the processing:  9.7.2007

Reported results by the volunteer:

These are emails received from the husband in regards to the diary kept by the volunteer.

 A week passed by since we last met on the 18th in Eindhoven.

subject: ING.

18/7 In the morning: cold feet and/or hands, stiff, tired, sensitive muscles. Worked all day, started with the pill (oestrogen), slept well, but heavy pains through her whole body.

19/7 In the morning: cold hands/feet. Felt she had rested well. Worked all day, but not exhausted. Pain in right knee and right hip, left knee and upper thigh, shoulder and neck.

20/7 Slept well, at night pain in left upper thigh/knee, pain in right leg (calf). Daytime: no pain.

21/7 Feels as having well rested in the night. Tongue feels dry, and is "damaged" a bit. Light feeling of dizziness/queasiness, which disappears after couple of hours.

22/7  At night time some "shooting" (light) pains in the legs and hip. Have slept very well. Dry mouth and throat (in the morning burning throat). Worked all day.

23/7 Slept very well, hardly any pain, nor really tired, dry tongue and throat, a little bit dizzy (took red cup with me in bed). Feeling good. Less menopausal flushes.

24/7 At night again more pain or dizziness (in turn). Pain in left calf. Tongue feels like "ball" in my throat. Pain in the back and the hip. Today more pain and more tired.

Overall impression:

  1. Dry (damaged) tongue, throat feels like a thickening.
  2. Little taste.
  3. Excrement/defaecation has become lighter in colour.
  4. Feeling of pain at same place where the ovaries are situated (because of using pill? - womb has been removed earlier)
  5. In the morning or evening: sudden feeling of cold in hands and/or feet
  6. Energy is growing.

13.8.2007: Regarding Ingrid: she is feeling quit good at the moment.


Email received on the 2.10.2007 from the volunteer.

 Dear Mr. Keshe,

 My report:

"As long as I remember, I was suffering from pain all over my body. This pain was constantly moving around. In combination with this, I was very tired. Activities were nearly always a punishment for me; even if the event itself was a pleasant one. Since about 30 years these pains and this tiredness were gradually increasing.

The symptoms were:

-       standing up in the morning and being tired from the start;

-       after taking a rest, the tiredness remains;

-       dragging myself through the day;

-       moving pains around my whole body;

-       after an extra effort (e.g. going to town), the next day pain and tiredness increased;

-       when it was cold or moistness the pains were even worse;

-       I never felt rested.

After visiting the family doctor, the diagnosis was: Fibromyalgia.

"Curing was not possible, and I had to live with it", the doctor told me.

Through the years to come, I visited several "experts" to find a solution, or at least a certain relieve.

 In hospital: the doctor for rheumatism;

An orthomolecular doctor, who adapted my food(habits);

A homoeopath;

Foot reflex massage;

A physiotherapist, to keep to muscles in my back flexible;

Again to a orthomolecular doctor;

Again a homoeopath.

 In fact none of these treatments gave any relieve.

On the 5th of July I had my first contact with Mr. Keshe: it was an in-take of about 1 hour.

Four days later we met again: he explained the processing he had in mind. He supplied me with two cups; both to be filled with plain water, and ordered me to drink from that water every day. I also had to inhale plain air through these cups. The scientific explanation goes beyond the intention of this summary, but as I understood the "processed" water/air did not relieve the complains I had, but had the ability to restore the disfunctioning of the those parts of the body that caused my pains and tiredness.

Anyway, within weeks my energy grew, the pain was decreasing and eventually disappeared. This processing lasted for about 4 months; 4 months of drinking water and inhaling air through cups. As I understood, the body was helped and eventually has "learned" to restore itself. This means the processing is temporary: just as long as it takes to restore the body. Stopping the processing didn't mean my complains came back; this in contrast with "normal" medicines, which mostly suppress the complains, but don't restore the course of it. After more than 30 years I can live a pleasant live at last. Thank you.

Ing. “

Processing is completed and process stopped as of October 2007



The volunteer is 35 years old woman.

She has had the illness for over 30 years.

Diagnosed by doctors that she has epilepsy, of 3-5 epileptic attacks a day.

She is on about 20 tablets divided over four session per day for epilepsy, schizophrenic, parkinson's.

She has been in every mental institute in the country over these 30 years,

Date of first contact:  23.3.2007

Condition on the first visit: 

She was first seen having epileptic attack on the street her mother being with her.

Then she was meet with mother and the sister, which they were happy if the attack could be reduced or stopped or the medication of 20 tablets a day can be reduced.

There are estimates that she has been given some 150 000 tablets in her life to stop what was initially considered to be epileptic attack.

The condition of accepting this volunteer was to be free of medication and attack in 6 month

Diagnoses for processing:

Direct energy booster cell resenting, 3 configuration enforcing system.

Double tall water cup enforcement 80 000 configuration plasma.

Breathing through the cups initially

Later single 24000 lung pump was devised and used in May. The results were immediate.

Date of the start of the processing:  25.3.2007

Results reported by the volunteer's mother:

Six month daily coronial on this volunteer has been kept.

The summary is the following.

By 19.5.2007 she had only nine attack days, which the reason for each can be explained.

By this day her medication voluntarily done by the mother in random was reduced by mother half.

By the 25.7.2007 she was totally attack free and medication free.

The home doctor has had a meeting of about 2.5 hours with Mr Keshe at the home of the volunteer in presence of her mother and has no objection to what has been achieved and is satisfied for the procedure to be continued.

She is totally attack free and medication free after 30 years on 25.9.2007.

The mother has declared that what was told for her daughter through the technology to be achievable to be free of medication and attack as promised has been achieved.

On the 1.10.2007 she was seen by her specialist at a major epileptic clinic and announced attack free and medication free, totally cured and ready for rehabilitation into the society.

Now the rehabilitation program to bring the woman to reality of life after 30 years has to start.

The social worker introduced by the specialist at the clinic recognises and recommends that she needs 12 month 24 hours supervised care away from the mother for her to start a new life.

She has a problem or is addicted to tablets and this is a big problem for her, she has to take tablets and be sick for her to be good.

She was admitted at 1.30am in the morning of 7.11.2007 by doctors to hospital as she was refused by the mother to be put in rehab program as was advised by independent specialist, for her to start her normal life.

This has become apparent in the last weeks of this report. The mother needs the girl to be sick that she can claim a need for herself existence. Thus she will not let the daughter go, even if it means that she will have bad behaviour so bad that she will be taken into psychiatric processing.

The girl is free of medication and attack, and she pretend to be sick the minute she come across mother or whom mother knows like sisters and the family. Outside the house she has no such problem with others in her group.

She tries attack tricks when she come to know new people after 2 or 3 meeting to find their week point that she can use in her advantage.


Weight loss:

The volunteer is 65 years old woman.

She has been over weight all her life and weights at 180 kg.

Diagnosed by doctors she can not be helped

Date of first contact:  25.3.2007

Condition on the first visit: 

She was initial introduced because she had painful fingers, due to trapped nerves for month and had cortisone injection and all other processings through her overweight.

Diagnoses for processing:

Direct energy booster cell resenting, 3 configuration enforcing system.

Double tall water cup enforcement 80 000 configuration plasma.

Breathing through the cups initially.

Vitamins and mineral balance.

Date of the start of the processing:  28.3.2007

Reported results by the volunteer:

Six month daily coronial on this volunteer has been kept.

The summary is the following.

By 1.4.2007 the pain was released and she could drive car for the first time for a long time.

Gradual weight loss to

163 kg in 4 weeks

158 kg in 2 weeks

150 kg in 2weeks

158 kg in 3 weeks emotional problem with sister, over eating

153 kg in 2 weeks

31.10.2007 139-140 kg total loss of weight in 7 month 48 kg

She would like to continue, target is 120 kg by March 2008. It is becoming apparent that there is a need for skin removal in short while.


Loss of pain and inflamation

Early in the development of the technology it was found that the system has an inherent anti-pain and inflammation property.

This was consequently tried on three cancer patients with different cancers.

1.  Patient from pancreas cancer, this was initially resolved the pain of the cancer within 7 days.

2.  The patient with Blood cancer, the inflammation shown in the blood test was non-existence within 10 days.

3.  Pain sustained through bone cancer through prostate was diminished within 5 days by use of specially designed system.



The volunteer is 45 years old lady

This ailment was eradicated through single air system every time she was faced with this problem at the beginning of her monthly cycle.



2 volunteers have been tested.

Both male.

Reduction in spasms in the first three days, and then back to as before.

Introduction of minerals and vitamins has had limited effect.

There is possibility that the system for correction of disorder has been developed and need to be built and tested.


Multiple Sclerosis MS:

The volunteer is 60 years old woman.

She has been diagnosed with disease for past 30years.

She is confined to wheelchair 

Date of first contact:  July 2007

Condition on the first visit: 

On the wheelchair.

She has not walked for 2 years. Spasms and deformity in the both hand fingers.

Diagnoses for processing:

Direct energy booster cell resenting, 3 configuration enforcing system.

Double tall water cup enforcement 60 000 low combination configuration plasma.

Breathing through the separate system.

Spinal Back parallel system core seat.

Date of the start of the processing:  July 2007

Reported results by the volunteer:

Reduction in spasm to level of diminishing altogether during the day.

The volunteer has managed to walk 8 steps forward and back after 2 month, by help of frame according to her she has not done this for two years.

Volunteer has stopped processing till Jan 2008 , due to personal reasons in moving country of residence.


Twins confined to wheelchair:

The volunteers are twin girls of 5 years.

They are both in different levels of disability.

No 1 was born normal and became paraplegic after catching infection at 17 days of birth in the hospital.

No2 was brain damage due to lack of oxygen at birth.

Date of first contact:  September 2007

Condition on the first visit: 

No 1

On the wheelchair, cannot move any part of the body, continues spasms, totally feed and looked after by number of volunteers during the day.

Drop head and cannot control hear head, or move it voluntary up or down.

Eyes looking in two different directions when she looks at front.


She can talk in an audible manner, confined to wheelchair, feeds herself, holds her head side up, limited control of her legs. She can flip pages of book.

Diagnoses for processing:

Direct energy booster cell resenting, 3 configuration enforcing system.

Double tall water cup enforcement 60 000 low combination configuration plasma.

Breathing through the separate pump system.

Head unit.

Vitamin and mineral supplements.

Date of the start of the processing:  September 2007

Reported results by the volunteers:

Child No 1 progress:

She has started to move her head, she has control of her head movement to a limit, that she can bring the head up and look around, or when she is dropped head back, she can bring her head up right.

In the first week of the processing, she has fallen of the bed for the first time, as she could never move, as she was like a stick all her life, this was a shock to the mother, and beginning of changes after 5 years of life with no motion

She can grab food and feed herself for the first time in her life.

She follows instruction for getting chocolates as rewards.

The eyes are more centralised, she watches TV for the first time in her life.

She has started to move her legs up.

For the first time in her life she has been allowed to lie on the floor

When she is on the floor she can role from the back to the front and in reveres.

When she is on the floor she can pull herself up.

She does not yet like to stand-up.

On 10.11.2007 she was potty trained and she likes to do it. This showing the growth of the brain maturity progress and development of the brain in an ordinary manner.

Child NO 2 progress

Progress in her case is some how patchy.

Her eyes are re-aliening.

She is holding her head straight up more.

She can for the first time pull herself like commando move for up to3 meters on the floor.

She used to walk by injection of chemicals sometimes back and then it stopped.

She was operated on her legs on 13.11.2007 to extend the leg ligament, for the bones not to come off the cap at the hip joint.

According to their father in past weeks “I cannot believe what just water and air can do in such a short time, where no doctor has done in five years“.

We are videoing their progress and in due course will release the footage of their progress.



We have three cancer volunteers under observation, which they are receiving medical processings at the same time as they are using the technology's systems.

We have access to all their records, and even the doctors treating them can not define how their patients are deifying the normal trends, and non of them has decided yet to disclose their use of the system to their doctors and as matter of respect these information will be kept confidential.

All has not been plain sailing for developments, somehow we do not understand the operation of cancer within the body altogether, but be have reached to restructure or retune a number of atomic and molecular interactions in a preferred way which lead to a more harmonic body system, reducing the way illnesses effect and create unbalances in the body.