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Bogus Claim on Plagiarized Work -- AKA: FreePowerBluePrint

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Magniwork puts for a set of plans for a free energy device they claim could be scaled to power an entire house. However, it turns out that the first device they called for in their plans prior to June 2, 2009 is nothing more than the Bedini SG circuit, featured here at PESWiki and first replicated (according to those plans) by Sterling Allan and later advanced by Rick Friedrich. While interesting science, which some researchers claim to have achieved some measure of overunity; to our knowledge, it has never been embodied in a self-looped system with energy left over for practical use. They then replaced it with information about Hans Coler's technology (not working either).

Most of the 50+ page manual contains energy conservation tips that are based on well-established principles, so the "guarantee" of electricity savings upon following the booklet's tips is safe, but not ethically accurate, inasmuch as the expectation is that the "free energy" device is the reason for the savings on the electrical bill to the utility company.

The video they feature in the opening of their site is of Lutec's technology, who tends to evade credible validation attempts.

We offer the Bedini SG plans for free on this site, where they were originated, with permission from John Bedini.

On June 2, we received an email from the Magniwork webmaster saying "Igor seemed to have messed up this one. I had a chat with him, and we decided we're going to remove any Bedini plans diagrams or instructions. I didn't know that Igor had put copyrighted material in the ebook. If I knew that, I would've never published the product. Igor is going to put the plans for another working free energy machine instead. I don't know exactly which one, you can e-mail him ... if you want to know more about it."

Then later on June 2, we received an email from Igor saying, in part:

"I sent Mr.Bedini email earlier explaining and apologizing myself about my mistake placing the Bedini device as being able to output a power of such proportions. The Bedini motor is currently completely removed from the Magniwork guide."

He said the new Magniwork guide would feature the work of Hans Coler (not yet embodied into a practical, working device), along with some more conventional DIY info for solar panels, wind turbines, solar water heating. He expects that this update will take a month or two to fully complete, but that they will update the manual as subsections are completed.

As of June 28, 2009, the wording on their site still gives the reader the idea that the plans will result in a working free energy device (besides traditional wind and solar); but that is not the case. Such representation is fraud.

One of the "testimonials" on their site by "Curtis Holloway - Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin" is a bogus name. One of the Holloways contacted in Chippewa Falls said she knows all of the Holloways there, and there is not a Curtis. Apparently Magniworks is even making up the testimonials. I have contacted Clickbank regarding this fraud, suggesting that Magniwork should not have an account there. It might help if others complained as well. -- Sterling D. Allan

What's your experience? Take our new poll posted Aug. 16, 2009.



Official Website

If you're curiosity drives you to purchase the plans, use the following url: http://pesnetwork.magniwork.hop.clickbank . net (remove the spaces surrounding the last dot). It will be the same price for you, but PES will get a commission.

Affiliate Sites

Here's a list of some of the affiliate sites. This might come in handy for you if you want to block these ads from appearing in the Google ads on your site. I've reported this to Google and they are investigating (as of Aug. 12, 2009) -- Sterling


  • Featured / Polls: Electromagnetic > Magniwork >

    Poll regarding the Magniwork power generator - We've been calling it a scam, but is it? What's your experience? Haven't bought the plans. • Won't get plans; a scam. • Got the plans; looks bogus. • Got the plans; haven't tried building. • Plans not clear enough. • Built it; doesn't tap free energy. • It's powering stuff, but not house. • It's powering my house completely. (PES Network; Aug. 16, 2009)

Site Claims

Pre-June 2, 2009 through at least June 28, 2009

"A Zero point magnetic power generator is basically a Free Energy Generator. It uses magnets, and magnetic force to induce ... motion. It runs by itself, indefinitely without stopping, thus creating completely free electrical energy, which can fully power your home for free."

Claims / Rebuttal

Pre-June 2, 2009 through at least June 28, 2009.

The following are some claims made, along with some rebuttals/comments in [brackets]

  • Works in every home. [doesn't work at all as a practical primary energy source]
  • Works in all conditions, can work in extreme hot or cold without any problem [there would be limits to this as magnets degrade in heat].
  • The material needed to build the magniwork generator is cheap and easily accessible anywhere in the world. [v1: true; v2: ?]
  • The steps are easy to follow, even a complete novice would be able to follow them. [v1: true; v2: not at all]
  • It is safe to use and operate. It doesn't produce any harmful byproducts or gases, and there isn't any hazard concerning the generator itself. Even if you have little children, they may freely walk in the close vicinity of the generator. The generator itself isn't flammable or combustible, so it's completely safe.
  • It is also a very eco-friendly solution, it doesn't pollute the environment. [Not entirely true. The rotating component will need to be kept from children, and can injure adults as well. The batteries contain chemicals that are toxic to the environment.]
  • Hundreds of successful magniwork generators have been built around the world. [v1: True. I was the first to replicate this according to the plans we posted from John Bedini at Directory:Bedini SG; and there have been hundreds of replications subsequent to that. However, we don't know of any practical embodiments of the system. -- Sterling D. Allan (May 31, 2009); v2: no known replications]


"The magniwork generator DIY guide is on sale today, and all the raw materials needed cost less than $100. The materials needed are very common, and can be easily found at your local hardware store." --

If you really must get the plans from Magniwork, you can credit PES with the sale by using the following url (remove the spaces): http://pesnetwork.magniwork.hop.clickbank . net

In the News

Featured: Electromagnetic > Bedini SG >

Magniwork free energy plans = bogus claim; say they'll remedy that - Magniwork has been selling a set of plans for a free energy device they say could be scaled to power an entire house. However, it turns out that the device is nothing more than the Bedini SG circuit, which, though interesting, has never been embodied in a self-looped system with energy left over for practical use. They've apologized and removed the Bedini stuff. (PESWiki; June 2, 2009)