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Some Thoughts on the Simplest Explanation of Bessler's Wheel - Bessler's Wheel Uncovered by Another Interpretation of Bessler's Little Book - A Delayed Gift to the World - Turning the Turner -

Alden E. Park

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Thoughtfully conserve energy. Reduce horizontal rotational friction to conserve energy and to capture more energy from two-part gravitons. Study Bessler principle for energy saving tips. AEP - 11 Jul, 31 Oct 2008 - EnergySavingTips.txt

Expedite the Bessler Wheel. So that modern day versions of the Bessler wheel may more expediently go forth again in these last days with little friction or physical contention (as it has hitherto experienced in the last three hundred years), I am suggesting a two-part strategy: (1) repeatedly demonstrate "low friction" for horizontal axis rotation after the manner of the McKinley demonstration (circa 1968) {using a horizontal axis bearing of a very low temperature superconductor excluding magnetic fields}and (2) then (after the Bessler principle has been quietly-repeatedly demonstrated to enough people in part 1 with eyes to see and ears to hear) begin to more actively consider how one would actually develop strong-load-bearing energy-efficient Orffyrean roller bearings (so that we can practically solve many of our energy problems today, make many electromagnetic over-unity engines practical, fight against global warming, clean up our environment, cause the deserts to blossom, reduce poverty, etc.). There may be too many magnetic fields trapped within high temperature superconductors for such to have low enough friction to make a viable demonstration. AEP - 12 - 20 Apr, 31 Oct 2007

A friend said (on 3 Jun 2008) that a ball or cylinder rotating about a horizontal axis of symmetry in a column of upward blowing air would be pulled off to the side because of simple aerodynamics principles. Someone with access to such a column of upward flowing air should be able to easily verify or refute that idea. Due to instabilities, it would appear that an air bearing would be a difficult way to test out the Bessler principle. Also since I could not construct one, I suggest that it is not a practical route for testing the Bessler principle. Building stable very low friction bearings using excluded magnetic fields by the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect would be simpler and more effective. That is what was apparently done in the circa 1968 McKinley low friction demonstration. AEP - 7 Jun 2008

Reestablish the Bessler Principle. If "scientists" (myself included, as I have observed and considered but not succeeded, as I don't have proper equipment) don't do our part in verifying/studying the Bessler principle (see the statement of it in the short section marked "Bessler's Principle"), then it may be up to others who are interested (and able) to initially verify/study the Bessler principle. The Bessler principle has been suppressed in four major parts of this earth (Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas). The ancient Chinese have apparently forgotten their own history regarding the Bessler principle even though they should have had enough relics of the past to remind them (the ancient yin-yang symbol with its hot spots, the two dragons tradition, and evidences of past massive wheels and/or axles rotating about horizontal axes). Ignoring heating near the central bearings, I suppose we can regenerate the yin-yang symbol nowadays using IR cameras viewing the sides of two compartment cylindrical containers of water with power externally supplied for rotation of the containers about horizontal axes. I suspect that the notion of the two dragons either referred to the two hot spots on the yin-yang symbol or roughly corresponded to the two E fields in the graviton. The ancient Egyptians have also forgotten their own history regarding the Bessler principle, even though the pyramids should have served as sufficient reminders in this regard. The Germans / Europeans had almost completely forgotten about the Bessler wheel, had it not been for John Collins beginning to remind them. There is much forgotten ancient archeological evidence for the Bessler principle on the Americas, if one considers such. In modern times, the (US) Americans had not figured out how the versions of Coral Castle were built in Florida. We had not even figured out correctly how the sun and similarly the solar corona produces power. At least there is now a bright spot strongly hinting of the Bessler principle with the railroads advertising over the radio and on the Internet that they can move a ton of freight 423 miles using a gallon of fuel. That is quite impressive even though it is not yet purely "over-unity". Though there are thousands of experiments regarding the Bessler principle that need to be done, a basic sort of experiment should easily be done (if one has access to proper supplies, such as small powerful modern magnets and low temperature superconducting materials) so that such Bessler principle related experimentation may become a standard part of any truly modern physics/mechanics laboratory. I suggest that one might try to attach a strong round magnet at each end of a small axle. Supply the superconducting materials (which repel all magnetic fields) below each axle end so that the axle is constrained to rotate with low friction about a horizontal axis. The experimenter should be careful in doing such experiments, in that not supplying sufficient friction (such as not supplying enough air baffles or not being ready to use pliers to stop the rotation, if the axle begins to rotate increasingly too quickly) could be dangerous. Also, even a small amount of liquid gas can be dangerous, if not dealt with in a safe manner. The experimenter can supply the initial conditions and observe the results. Hopefully the results should help reestablish the Bessler principle. The results should also begin to silence scientists touting the so called general theory of relativity (or the so called theory of gravity) unless they can explain such results. Such silence would be in conformity with Einstein apparently writing before he died that his theories of continuous structures might be castles in the sky (but his words were ignored by many scientists). I figure one should not need to rely on any fictitious general theory of relativity to explain the correct precession of the perihelion of Mercury (because of the Bessler principle) or gravitation redshift of light or deflection of starlight by gravity (since light propagating across the Dirac sea is associated with opposite charges coming and going which are pulled slightly down by gravitons). Still, if people really want to believe in incorrect theories, they are free to choose so (though not free to choose the consequences). Bessler's writings suggest that one can not fully reinvent the Bessler wheel until one understands what the wheel really is in the first place (and in particular how the wheel interacts with gravity as the wheel turns). AEP - 24 - 30 May, 31 Oct 2008

McKinley Demonstration Email. Except possibly for tabs, spaces and the first two address lines, I should be showing the note that I emailed to Infinite Energy on 17 Feb 2007 containing my eye witness account of the McKinley demonstration circa 1968 which exemplifies the physical parable of the turner (given without any words spoken). I didn't have eyes to see and ears to hear (nor could I feel the wind coming off the wheel, as I was too far away) when I first saw, heard, and considered the McKinley demonstration, as I walked away from the low friction demonstration merely considering that they certainly demonstrated low friction (though I marvel that I didn't understand or then appreciate that there was obviously so much more to the demonstration). For starters, they were demonstrating precisely what would happen if we did have low friction (in essence partially unmasking or unveiling the phenomena). Here begins my IE email until the "*****". AEP - 12 - 20 Apr 2007

Date: 17 Feb 2007, Saturday

Subject: Repeat McKinley Low Friction Demonstration

Email to the Managing Editor of Infinite Energy, The Magazine of New Energy Science and Technology,,

Many years ago I witnessed a relatively simple demonstration of low friction. The demonstrators at McKinley Junior High School in Albuquerque, NM (circa 1968) showed to hundreds of students what would actually happen if a wheel were allowed to freely rotate with low friction about a horizontal axis. The wheel's axis was aligned with the true north-south direction. The large black wheel had radial colors and radial ridges between the colors. It was stationary until a liquified gas was added to its center. Apparently this created a superconductor that excluded magnetic fields by the Meissner-Ochsenfeld (1933) effect and thus created a very low friction horizontal axis bearing. There was an initial damped wobble of the wheel, as the very low friction bearing was created. The wheel began to pick up angular speed until it acquired a maximum angular speed that was in my estimation between 20 and 50 cycles per minute. The wheel appeared to be made of a hard black plastic (presumably with magnets near its center). It had a diameter of about six feet. Neither the demonstrators nor the students said a single word, to my hearing and memory, during the entire demonstration. At maximum angular speed, the wheel made a constant fluttering noise, apparently due to the ridges interacting with the air. Based on reactions of students and the movement of their clothing and hair, the students sitting on the floor near the cordoned-off base of the wheel felt continuous air currents produced by the wheel. The low friction wheel remained turning at the same constant maximum rate for as long as students desired to watch it. I estimate that I watched the wheel turning at its maximum speed for at least 15 minutes, and the flutter frequency did not decrease. I think effectively that this was a demonstration of a modern day Bessler-like wheel, even though it was not labeled as such.

Experiments related to the McKinley demonstration may provide a basis for probing or helping to explain various physical anomalies, including the Bessler wheel (IE #21, pp. 53-55) and the solar corona (IE #53, p. 7). Designing a wheel with less air friction, will decrease the friction of the wheel. A two-part electromagnetic graviton would tend to provide a nonzero net torque of (R)(F)(sin(A1) - sin(A2)) about the center of two equal but opposite charges embedded in neutral matter. This would tend to increase their angular speed because of the slight time delay between the application of the two equal downward forces (assuming the lower charge is pulled down with force F slightly before the upper charge is pulled down with the same force F). Relative to the center between the two charges, the two charges rotate at opposite ends of an approximate circle of radius R. The charges would be located at the ends of diameters of the circle. The values A1 and A2 represent the angles with respect to vertical that the diameters of the circle make at the two times when the two downward forces, F and F, are applied by the graviton. Thus, with a greater initial angular speed of the opposite charges, there will tend to be greater net torque to increase their angular speed. Bessler's most massive wheels apparently used special low friction mechanical roller bearings that could bear up massive wheels. The ground state nuclei at the outer edges of the sun's atmosphere are generally allowed to rotate freely with very little friction about horizontal axes, without interference from neighboring nuclei, so they may acquire very large angular speeds. This assumes that the nuclei are not subjected to near vertical magnetic fields. For the McKinley demonstration, the north-south axis alignment may have been chosen so that the wheel would begin rotating spontaneously according to the initial angular speed of approximately one revolution per day. Alternatively, such a small angular speed may have been negligible compared to slight angular speeds incidentally imparted to the wheel during the creation of the low friction bearing. The latter may be more likely, as I recall the wheel rotated in the opposite direction from the earth's rotation. The final direction would not be repeatable, unless the slight initial conditions of the unstable equilibrium can be controlled. This might occur if a portion of the superconductor repeatedly becomes a superconductor before another portion. Experimenters are warned that though low friction may allow power to be extracted from gravity by a horizontal-axis-rotating wheel, a very-low-friction horizontal-axis-rotating wheel could generate a dangerously large amount of power from gravity, as power produced from gravity increases with wheel angular speed.

There is a need to either demonstrate qualitative repeatability or qualitative non-repeatability of the McKinley results. I imagine that the experiments would be relatively straight forward, simple, and highly repeatable. Higher strength magnets and higher temperature superconductors are now available. A low cost replication of the McKinley demonstration might also be possible using an air bearing for horizontal axial rotation. I don't know if an air bearing would require a slight initial push in one angular direction to get it started. I suspect that no initial push would be necessary, unless a particular direction of the final angular velocity is desired.

Alden Park

Ridgecrest, California


Now Versus 1968. A major difference between a new demonstration and the circa 1968 McKinley demonstration is that hopefully many more people are now aware of the Bessler wheel thanks to John Collins and others, so there now may be more of a "climate" of quality thinking about what is really going on in such demonstrations and this should help create intelligent discussions about what is really going on in these hopefully highly repeatable types of physical experiments. AEP - 14 - 20 Apr 2007

Air Bearings on Earth. On the earth, students for example doing science fair projects might be able to make observations of balls held up with columns of air which create air bearings. If they are not able to build/buy their own air columns, maybe they can go to where there are air columns and get permission to use specially marked balls with their experiments and make videos of their observations for analysis. Marks need to be made on the balls so that the rotations about horizontal axes can be observed on the videos. An example of such a ball held up by a column of air used to be at the corporate headquarters at the company Floating Point Systems Inc. in Beaverton Oregon. Such an air bearing was there years ago when I took a course there. Another example was at the [children's] science museum in Albuquerque, New Mexico when it was located in the downtown area. My wife noticed it years ago when we went there with our children. In those examples, the balls needed to have special markings on them so that one could in principle measure the angular speed about horizontal axes. I might suggest that the science fair student draw an equilateral spherical triangle using three colored curved sides so that the triangle covers an eighth of the sphere's surface, with each curved side being a quarter of a great circle. One could extend each colored curve by another quarter of a great circle so that each curve of one color is one half of a great circle. The extensions could (for example) be all in the directions that are emanating in clockwise direction with respect to the center of the triangle. The endpoints of each half of a great circle of a separate color form lines that go through the center of the sphere and are perpendicular to the lines formed by the endpoints of other colors. AEP - 11-25 Jan 2008

On 3 June 2008, a friend of mine (TB) said that a ball rolling about a horizontal axis in an upward air stream would not be held in the air stream but would be pulled off to one side. Both balls and cylinders would be pulled off to the side. People with access to such an upward air stream should be able to verify this. Maybe we need to avoid the air bearing approach and just use the approach shown by the circa 1968 McKinley low friction demonstration. AEP - 4 Jun 2008

Student Power. If the scientists (myself included) do not do the important experiments to advance science, then maybe students or specifically science fair students will need to take up the banner for the search for truth without the truth being suppressed (as information concerning the Bessler wheel has been suppressed for about three centuries). Better than balls might be cylinders with same radius hemispheres on each end, so that they might maintain a nearly constant horizontal axis, but that might require much air being sent upwards (say through rectangular holes with half circles on each end). The students could start out using spheres in their studies. AEP - 11-2 Feb 2008

Experimenters including air bearing experimenters might want to record the date, the local time of day, the location, the ambient temperature, the mass or weight of the "wheel", the size of the wheel, the type/composition/density of wheel, the experimental setup, and the angular velocity vectors (directions and magnitudes) before and during the experiments. They possibly should also record the magnetic declination and the phase of the moon. Videos would be helpful for showing the angular velocities of the wheel, but even better might be infrared videos that could allow estimations of the temperatures at the surfaces of the wheel during the experiments. AEP - Feb 2008 - 7 March 2008

My Air Bearing Attempts. In Dec 2007, I tried to build an air bearing for rotation of a wheel about a horizontal axis but I was unsuccessful in part due to not being able to have enough steady air pressure relative to the weight of my wheel (1.7 ounces for a 2.5 inch long PVC pipe with about 1 9/16 inch inside diameter). With about 5 air holes with each hole being 1/16 inch in diameter I figured I needed about 7 pounds/(inch*inch) but my tire air pump couldn't produce that much continuous pressure while those holes were simultaneously letting air out, so it didn't work. If I had been successful, I would have needed to test for both rotational directions because of the possibility of air bearing asymmetries. AEP - 11-25 Jan 2008

On 31 Jan 2008, I tried again to create an air bearing but failed again. I took a cardboard box and set it up on its end. The cardboard box was open on its new side with flaps taped together to surround a fan (having a standard wire grill for purposes of safety). I had previously cut a hole in the now top of the box where I attached the top cut-off portion of a gallon plastic jug (with its cap removed). I put a ping pong ball on top of the opening where the cap had been. Even on high fan speed, the fan wouldn't produce enough air going through the top of the jug to suspend the ping pong ball in a column of rising air. The ping pong ball was roughly .1 ounces but it was still too heavy. I think that I lost a lot of air flow coming back out under the fan and there was not gentle funneling of horizontal air velocity to vertical upward air velocity. The angle change was a somewhat abrupt 90 degree turn. Much of the air may have just bounced back off the flat new-back-side of the box. AEP - 2 Feb 2008

Massive Enough Wheel. I don't know numerically what the wheel or ball being "massive" enough means. Experimentation may initially be required to determine what it means for a wheel to be massive enough. The surroundings of a rotating wheel by their proximity can cause the rotating nuclear ground states in wheels being tested to be rotationally "cooled" off. Air bearings put many rotationally cool nuclei/molecules in the air into close proximity to wheels/balls being tested. Note that we "blow on soup to cool it" (p. 1-6 of Vol I of The Feynman Lectures on Physics) by carrying away more of the faster or higher speed molecules but there may be a more subtle yet important portion of such cooling of the hot soup, by exposing the rotating nuclear ground states in the hot soup to many of the less rotating nuclear ground states coming out in our breath. AEP - 11-25 Jan 2008

Astronaut Power or Study Bessler Principle in Space. There can be experiments that could be done in the free fall of "outer space" to test out the Bessler principle. In as much as it is possible, one can take a solid, massive cylinder with smooth boundaries and observe it as it floats, with very little friction with its symmetry axis horizontal. One could give it a slight initial angular speed about its horizontal cylindrical axis of symmetry and observe whether or not it acquires greater angular speed. The term "horizontal" is taken to mean perpendicular to the lines to the centers of the most gravitationally influential heavenly bodies. Experimental conditions could be selected so as to minimize ambiguity with respect to the term "horizontal". For example, if one is in a spaceship located on a plane formed by the centers of the earth, the sun, and the moon, then "horizontal" would locally mean the lines perpendicular to that plane. Videos of the observations should be worth study. The results should change traditional ideas of gravity. I would expect to see results similar to the Bessler wheel results, that is with the cylinder acquiring more angular speed with time. For safety reasons, one must be prepared to stop the rotations of any cylinder that begins to spin too fast. If a large cylinder is not within space mission constraints, maybe an ordinary coin would do. Bessler did not need to be overly concerned with the location of the heavenly bodies as his very low friction mechanical Orffyrean roller bearings allowed constrained motion. Still, he should have gotten improved performance from his wheel if his wheel axes were more horizontal with respect to other large mass bodies than just with respect to the earth. The definition of the term "horizontal" was also not a big problem in the McKinley low friction demonstration as the bearing constrained the rotations. AEP - 11 Jan - 9 Feb 2008

Sun's Power. A great many physicists have fallen for the widely propagated false tradition/preaching/assumption that the sun is powered by hot fusion. They have done this despite the persistent evidence that there are not enough solar neutrinos to account for the sun producing power by hot fusion. Consequently many research projects to harness power as produced by the sun have been inappropriately labeled "controlled hot fusion". This has caused them to greatly error by trying to increase power output according to the hot fusion paradigm of (a) having large enough densities and (b) large enough thermal translation velocities, (c) for long enough time to produce hot fusion or joining of the lightest nuclei. If they really wanted power as produced on the sun, they should (A) have low enough densities and (B) have low enough translation velocities, (C) for long enough time for the internal nuclear-ground-state rotations to increase/accumulate so that (D) in the presence of any stable guiding horizontal magnetic fields there would not be enough conflicting interference between the nuclei, so that power may be increasingly picked up from gravitons by enhancing the internal rotations (about nearly horizontal axes) of nuclear-ground-states as occurs on the sun. At least for the magnetic confinement fusion approach, the physicists (by trial and error) happened to get the horizontal magnetic field part basically correct with respect to the graviton paridigm (as vertical magnetic fields would tend to suppress a nuclear-ground-state from rotating about the horizontal axis going through its center). From the McKinley demonstration and observation of the sun's photosphere near sunspots, we see that "D" is a "soft" component requirement on the magnetic fields. I suggest that those wishing for success to switch (at least unofficially) to a more appropriate label like "graviton power" and use the more appropriate or fruitful criteria for producing results. With the horizontal magnetic fields, they have accidently begun the paradigm switch (because the results were better using horizontal magnetic fields). Graviton power would not be limited to using just the lightest nuclei as controlled fusion power is. Neither graviton power nor controlled fusion power explicitly require the atoms to be ionized, though of course for fusion power the confinement criteria create plasmas with the atoms ionized. Graviton power would produce much more power and be much more environmentally friendly (as it does not involve reactions of nuclei) than the slippery snake of controlled fusion power, assuming we can ever pragmatically produce it. AEP - 17 - 25 Apr 2007

Missing Solar Neutrinos and Other Solar Anomalies. On 17 May 2007, a physics and astronomy department chairman pointed out to me that the problem of the missing solar neutrinos during hot fusion had been solved. He said something like it was due to low level oscillations. I was not quick thinking enough to have mentioned that if the sun does not produce its radiant energy from hot fusion, then there is no missing solar neutrino problem to be solved in the first place. I also didn't think to ask him if the low level oscillations might actually be rapidly rotating nuclear ground states picking up energy from gravitons (and so also simultaneously solving other problems such as sunspot and solar corona problems). If one physical deviating solution solves many problem, why come up with separate physical deviations to explain each problem? Also, I am aware of no other physical deviation that solves the solar corona problem. AEP - 22 Jan 2008

BEC Shows How Not to Produce High Temperatures. If nothing else, the physicists should notice that for very cold Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC), the experimenters (as far as I can figure out) apparently used magnetic trapping with vertical magnetic fields. Thus any ground-state-rotations were about vertical axes (and so not picking up energy from gravitons), whereas if we want highly rotating nuclear ground states (with large internal temperatures to produce power like on the sun) we should go to the other extremes (1) to enhance high (non-translation) temperature meaning highly rotating internal-rotations of nuclear-ground-states (where the nuclei themselves have small velocities with respect to translation) about (2) horizontal axes, using horizontal magnetic fields instead of vertical magnetic fields. Some of the BEC experimenters might want to turn their equipment on its side and go after the high temperature extreme using translationally somewhat cold nuclei (but not BEC). The BEC experimenters should not be able to do BEC with the equipment on its side with horizontal magnetic fields (because of power acquired from gravitons) nor should that be their goal. AEP - 17 - 25 Apr 2007

BEC Email. Here I have put an internal link to a text copy of the email I sent off on 8 May 2007 to a number of BEC experimenters along with some prior professors, associates, friends, etc. BECemail20070508sansBCCadd.txt (After opening the text file, one might need to right click to View Source, if the text comes up and the lines are not properly wrapped to make viewing of them easier.) I removed the BCC email addresses of those to whom I sent BCC versions. The shown email addresses were available either in the public domain or on the Internet. I suspect that my BEC email may be of interest to various other people. AEP - 22 Jan 2008

Non-BEC Study Anomalous Power Production like in Solar Corona. Turning the equipment on its side would obviously not allow the BEC experimenters to use gravity as part of the gravity trapping but again I should emphasize that BEC should not be the goal upon turning the equipment on its side. The experiments should use a subset from the BEC experiments (such as keep the laser cooling portion to slow down the translation kinetic speed of the atoms to somewhat keep them from bumping into one another) to provide insight into the problem of providing power somewhat after the fashion that power is produced in the solar corona. They should observe an anomalous source of power coming from somewhere else during their experiments (which would make the cold Bose-Einstein condensation completely impossible). With safety in mind (so as not to produce too much power, too suddenly to be dangerous), the real goal should be trying to maximize or rather begin to maximize the production of the curious anomalous power. If possible they might monitor the amount of radiation coming from the vapor say using infrared/visible/ultraviolet cameras (that might begin to show formations of some bright spots/areas when using horizontal magnetic fields and diminishing as the magnetic fields are switched to the vertical direction) or at least to use thermistors to record temperatures where possible. Rather than physically turning the BEC experiments on their side, it might be simpler just to introduce a horizontal magnetic field and only go back to using the vertical magnetic field to be safe. AEP - 7-8 Mar 2008

Safety Regarding Correct Paradigm. The physicists should stop wasting time with the controlled fusion paradigm and work according to the correct fruitful paradigm if they actually want success (after all these years of limited success). Caution: doing it right could be dangerous if not properly controlled. If too much power is being produced and it is growing much too rapidly, the process could be quenched by either a low cost blast of normal temperature, normal high density gas/liquid (similar to blowing out a candle or quenching a fire with water) or the imposition of a strong high-cost vertical magnetic field (not recommended). AEP - 17 - 25 Apr 2007

Other Email or Communications. Here I plan to put internal links to some of my other email or communications related to the Bessler principle. AEP - 8-19 Feb 2008

Here is an internal link to the email to Glenn Beck GBeckEmail20080218.txt regarding the subject, "Suppressed Bessler wheel related phenomena (or turning the suppressed turner)".

Here is an internal link ProminentEmail20080304.txt to the full text of the 4 Mar 2008 email (with appropriate salutations) that I sent to prominent people (including to USA President Bush) for the subject, "Energy sources (using Bessler principle) from mechanical turning of wheels about horizontal axes". Many of the prominent recipients' email systems/services did not allow me to send my full text message so I had to cut off those messages accordingly. The message system for Massachusetts Governor Romney would not accept any message from me, apparently because of the state that I listed as my residence (California). Everyone else listed should have received at least a partial message. AEP - 7 Mar 2008

E=mcc mcc_comments20080223.txt

Other Notes. Here I am putting internal link(s) to other notes. AddComments.rtf , EnergySavingTips.txt , OilProduction.txt , PartialTruths.txt , Railroads.txt , RememberHistory.txt , Tornados.txt

Truth is uncovered by the experimental method. See Matthew 7:7 JST. AEP - 9 Dec 2006

The turner is turned by turning. The bearing is born in bearing. AEP - 9 Oct - 9 Dec 2006

Power From Gravity. Many people believe that the energy from the sun mainly came from hot fusion. If that is your belief, you should carefully study this Internet site. You may want to reconsider your belief after you study this Internet site. Bessler figured out about three centuries ago that gravity was locally not conservative. He built wheels that extracted power from gravity. Its about time we figure out what he learned so long ago. He said that he had gotten help from God. AEP - 15 Dec 2006

The Bessler wheel extracted rotational kinetic energy from gravitons. The phenomena was observable because of special low friction Orffyrean roller bearings. Orffyrean technology was revealed from Bessler's chiastic little book parable. All wheels and matter rotating about horizontal axes obtain rotational kinetic energy from gravitons, but the phenomena was observable in Bessler's wheels primarily because of the special low friction properties of those wheels. If people really want to see the Bessler-like wheel working in modern times, someone will need to build a pair of Bessler's special very low friction Orffyrean roller bearings. There will also need to be large enough mass in the wheel and low enough air friction. Initialization or initial transient "cosmetic" behavior will depend on specific material or mechanical arrangements within the wheel, but the important thing is having enough mass and low enough friction. The two-part gravitons will do the rest, assuming the wheel has some initial angular velocity about a horizontal axis (or some initial potential energy from the wheel's interior is converted to rotational kinetic energy to begin further energy acquisition from gravitons). One could ponder upon the often-time slightly temporally offset two downward blows that each electromagnetic graviton strikes opposite ends (one blow on each end with opposite charges on the ends) of a smaller than nuclear-size "anvil" which is "constrained" to rotate with very little friction about a horizontal axis through its center of mass. AEP - 8 Sep 2006, 23 Sep 2006

What was inside Bessler's wheel? Matter. Why did it work? Because of a basic property (which one could call Bessler's principle) of matter rotating about a horizontal axis made observable with low enough friction. Bessler's principle is related to the Ranque principle referred to by Renzo Boscoli. AEP - 4 Oct 2006

I think that an important distinction between the two principles is that the Ranque principle has axially low temperatures whereas the Bessler principle can contribute to higher temperatures, if the rotational axis is horizontal. These things can be experimentally tested out. I will attempt a statement of the principle that I think Bessler well understood. AEP - 4, 15 Dec 2006

Bessler's Principle. A wheel rotating about a horizontal axis obtains energy from gravity so as to increase its angular speed. AEP - 4 Dec 2006

Bessler Principle Notes. If there are frictional forces to remove the energy, then the produced energy may not appear as increased rotational kinetic energy but in other forms according to the friction type. Bessler's principle should apply to all sizes of wheels or portions thereof from large to sub-nuclear sizes. The energy picked up should be approximately proportional to the wheel's total mass (assuming sub-wheel rotations are nearly constant otherwise). The energy picked up increases with the wheel's angular speed about the horizontal axis. See my later rough calculations. Bessler's principle does not concern itself directly with any frictional forces that remove energy from the system but pragmatically for the phenomena to be observed the frictional forces need to be kept as small as possible. The energy picked up should be improved in the presence of a magnetic field parallel to the wheel rotational axis as it tends to allow the rotating nuclear ground states to rotate about parallel axes and the photon exchanges to enhance the rotations. AEP - 4 - 15 Dec 2006

Ranque Principle Notes. With a Ranque tube the larger translational velocity gas particles tend to be sent to the outer edges of the tube. The lowest translational velocity gas particles tend to be left in the axial center. But if the axis of the tube is horizontal, particles can have rotating nuclear ground states (and especially in the presence of a parallel axis horizontal magnetic field) obtain energy from gravity. This energy can be communicated to the surrounding particles using photons. This should result in more energy coming out of a horizontal axis Ranque tube than a vertical one because of Bessler's principle. AEP - 5, 15 Dec 2006

Ranque Principle. On p. 15 of my 2001 paper (which quote came from issue 27 of Infinite Energy) Renzo Boscoli considered promoting the Ranque phenomenon to the level of a Principle stating "whenever any mass of gas, whatever its initial density and temperature, is caused to rotate axially, via exogenous and/or endogenous effects, it will gradually cool in the area near the axis of rotation and will warm in the external areas." AEP - 15 Dec 2006

Bessler Wheel Liquid Example. The Ranque principle wouldn't directly apply to a liquid filled wheel. A horizontal axis Bessler wheel filled with liquid (especially in the presence of a parallel axis magnetic field) would tend to have higher temperatures near the axial center because the liquid particles are not as free to travel outward as gas particles and local rotating nuclear ground states can build up and reinforce one another near the axial center of the liquid filled Bessler wheel. To avoid axial hot spots near the axle (or central axis of rotation) I suspect the ancient orientals had basically two compartments of the fluid so that there would be two hot spots away from the axis as so basically giving rise to Collins' speculative ancient yin-yang device (in conformity with the ancient yin-yang symbol). See p. 223 of his 1997 book. Allowing curves in the edges of the two compartment would allow better rotation of fluid within each compartment and should generate more heat/rotation. Again that would contribute to much conformity with the ancient yin-yang symbol. The lessor and greater efficiency yin-yang devices could have their compartment boundaries and hot spots marked on the faces of the containers and presumably would look like variants of the ancient yin-yang symbols. AEP - 5, 15 Dec 2006

View Yin-Yang Symbol with IR Camera Now. Even without the invention of the Orffyrean roller bearing, one can now build a two part fluid compartment (like the ancient yin-yang symbol), supplement its angular speed with an external source of power (to account for power lost by the wheel to friction) to keep it turning at a constant angular speed, and view its side with an infrared camera as it rotates about a horizontal axle at constant angular speed. My guess is that one would see something like the ancient yin-yang symbol with two hot spot regions. I think that we would be able to see manifestations of the two dragons spoken of anciently. AEP - 8 Mar 2008

Solar Corona Example. Some scientists have not understood where the energy comes from for the million degree Kelvin temperatures in the outer reaches of the solar atmosphere, when the photosphere of the sun is only about 6000 degrees Kelvin. It is as if the energy comes out of nowhere. It does not come out of nowhere. The two downward pulls from each graviton tend to favor isolated nuclear ground states rotating about a horizontal axis to increase their angular speed about the axis according to Bessler's principle. Photons encountering highly rotating nuclear ground states can have their energies greatly increased. AEP - 15 Dec 2006

Power for Solar Photosphere. An explanation using Bessler's principle may also be used to understand where the energy for the light from the solar photosphere comes from, without there being enough solar neutrinos being observed to account for the energy coming from hot fusion. The sun is not turned off in its current power production as some would have us believe. It gets its energy from the two part gravitons but the nuclear ground states in the solar photosphere are close enough to each other so that they interact. They are not allowed to become isolated nuclear-ground-states with large angular speeds about horizontal axes (which is fortunate for us, as temperatures with a solar photosphere of the order of a million degrees Kelvin would have a devastating effect on life on our planet). Also if large solar storms come along from the poles with vertical or non-horizontal magnetic fields, this would tend to inhibit the rotations about horizontal axes and consequently suppress rotations of nuclear-ground-states about nearly horizontal axes. Such solar storms would be called sunspots. If such storms were windows or magnetic holes in the photosphere, they would show cooler matter just below the surface of the photosphere which surprisingly enough is what is observed. Sunspots appear to be cooler (in part because of the Ranque principle) but also because not much energy is being extracted there from the gravitons. If large amounts of power were being produced or had been produced in the interior of the sun long ago by hot fusion, we would tend to expect any sort of a window in the photosphere to show higher temperatures below but that is not observed. Sunspots show a cooler or darker region below. I don't think that the Ranque principle is the full explanation for this coldness. AEP - 15 Dec 2006

More Examples. My new Bessler wheel paper (when it is finished) should discuss more examples and give another interpretation of Bessler's Little Book. AEP - 15 - 23 Dec 2006

Simple Two-Part Electromagnetic Graviton. I think people have a choice whether they want to believe in a multitude of unexplained riddles or they want to believe that many of those riddles can be simply explained by gravitons which are simply composed of two electromagnetic parts traveling together. The two electromagnetic parts are the parallel and anti-parallel electric E fields originating and traveling outward at the speed of light from opposite charges which can together penetrate through anything until eventually they attractively pull downward with two separate downward pulls (F and F) as the E fields are absorbed by the opposite charges with respect to the charges from whence they originated. Standard (simple yet ignored) electromagnetic theory (which includes the usual superposition of electromagnetic fields) basically explains the riddle of the graviton, without needing to introduce Einstein's general theory of relativity to "explain" things. (For example the bending of starlight by electomagnetic gravity may be explained by gravitons pulling downward on the opposite charges produced by light, as the light disturbs charges in the Dirac sea.) Because there are two downward pulls from each graviton, opposite charges in neutral matter rotating about a horizontal axis will tend to have their angular speed increased, reasonably assuming that the charge encountered first is pulled downward slightly before the higher up (or charge encountered slightly later). AEP - 16 Nov - 23 Dec 2006

Simple Analysis for Two-Part Graviton. Here is a simple analysis of the Bessler principle with respect to the two-part electromagnetic graviton. Torque = T = (L1)(F1)sin(A1) - (L2)(F2)sin(A2). If the axis of rotational concern is directly between the charges, then L1 = L2 = L or they have the same distance between the charge "points" at which the downward "electrostatic" forces, F = qE, F = F1 = F2, if charges are the same magnitude q = q1 = q2 and the same magnitude of electric fields E1 = E2 = E. Thus, the contributing torque is T = (L)(F)(sin(A1) - sin(A2)). If there is rotation about that axis, there is often a slight time delay between the separate pull down forces (F and F) and there would be slightly different angles A1 not equal to A2 and thus at this local level generating a non-zero or rather a non-conservative torque. That torque causes the opposite charge pair to increase in their angular speed. The non-zero torque resolves many riddles. (We could also view this non-conservative net torque as arising from the two non-conservative gauge transformations based on the absorptions of the two E field "photons" that constitute the graviton. See Bearden's paper.) As I view the situation, people can accept this idea about the graviton (quickly solving riddles using a common explanation) or reject the common underlying explanation in favor of a large number of unexplained or inadequately explained riddles or come up with their own explanation(s). For a picture of the analysis, one could draw a circle with a line through its center and think of the two intersection points (with the circle) being charges rotating on the circle. Because of the time delay between the separate but equal strength directly-downward pulls, the higher up charge travels slightly further along the circle before it is then pulled directly downward and the two directly-downward pulls together tend to cause the charge pair to increase in their angular speed. You might want to try drawing some examples of it, with a pencil and some paper. AEP - 16 Nov - 23 Dec 2006


This URL Custom Title: Bessler's Wheel Powered by Two-part Electromagnetic Gravitons - 4 September 2006 - Alden E. Park

URL Keywords: Bessler wheel, two-part electromagnetic graviton, Orffyrean roller bearing, horizontal-rotating-nuclear-ground-states, wheel-properties. 6 September 2006 - Alden E. Park

URL Abstract: Two-part electromagnetic gravitons supply additional rotational kinetic energy to wheels and nuclei that are rotating about horizontal axes, because of two often temporally-slightly-separate downward pulls. Energy production increases according to mass and prior angular speed. The Bessler wheel picked up energy from gravity because of low rotational friction, allowed primarily by the special lubrication-less metal-to-metal rolling-without-slipping Orffyrean roller bearing. Miniature strong Orffyrean roller bearings are incrementally constructed of steel in place during bearing, using gunpowder and mercury. The bearing is born in bearing. The turner is turned by turning. 9 October 2006 - Alden E. Park

    URLs. This Internet URL site, either or its mirror site (which mirror site I have not been able to get it working properly might be or ?) (the site might go away and the site has already gone away), was updated on 1 Nov 2008. This site currently contains Alden Park's first Bessler wheel paper,


    "Some Thoughts on a Simple Explanation of Bessler's Wheel" 24 July 2001 - Alden E. Park (Copyright owner) - Complete copies of my first Bessler wheel paper along with its associated front figure may be made for incidental or noncommercial use.


I plan to publish a new Bessler wheel paper, but the new paper is far from finished. 1 Dec 2006 - AEP

    "The Wheel is Rediscovered with Some Thoughts on the Simplest Explanation of Bessler's Wheel: The Turner is Turned by Turning - The Bearing is Born in Bearing" 2007? 2008? - AEP


    Caution - This Internet site takes an unusual position of sometimes talking about both science and religion at the same time. If doing such goes against your religion or your science, then caution is advised here. 2001 - 2002 - Alden E. Park (AEP)

    Warning. Various things referred to in this Internet site are potentially quite dangerous. For a fixed size and mass, every variant of a Bessler wheel, with reduced friction, acquires more energy from gravity and should thus be considered inherently more dangerous. There are many untested safety issues regarding increasing mass of tires/axles to possibly increase miles per gallon of fuel for high-speed constant-velocity vehicles. Using gunpowder and mercury in the construction of Bessler's small Orffyrean roller bearings could be quite hazardous so special safety precautions would be needed. AEP - 1 December 2006


    Site Overview. Though scientifically speculative (in the tradition of theory) until confirmed or denied by experimentation (I have received enough evidence in many areas for myself), this Internet site deals with various new energy/material technologies, diverse research areas, and some possible relationships. These include: cold fusion, electromagnetic over-unity engines, and energy from gravity by means of say Bessler's wheel. This site addresses various other related topics such as: the high-loading low-friction-yet-lubrication-less Orffyrean-roller-bearing (in part using large numbers of small concave and slightly smaller convex hemispherical balls or orbs in special cylindrical arrangements so as to cooperatively take turns sharing the burdens), construction of Orffyrean roller bearings, bearings within the Liahona, mechanical Orffyrean technology being merged with electromagnetic over-unity engine technology to increase power output, Bessler's wheel being an example of an "all-mechanical" version of an electromagnetic over-unity engine with a vast number of naturally-asymmetric self-regaugings per wheel rotation, the simplified Bessler pendulum (using a pair of Orffyrean roller bearings for the torque governor wheel and another pair of Orffyrean roller bearings for the pendulum, not having a large wheel, not having a small wheel, and not having a chain around them) being used as a rotational quenching analysis tool, Minto wheel, most precious steel sword of Laban, Nephi's fine steel bow, the Marinov motor, the superiority of the Hertz field equations to the standard Maxwell equations, relativity (both Einstein's special and general theories needing revision), energy flow in "static" electric fields, energy flow in "static" gravitational fields, the two-part graviton (probably having a soliton electromagnetic basis), opposite charges being pulled downward by a graviton, light with local opposite charge disturbances in space being pulled downward by gravity, the Ranque effect or principle spoken by Renzo Boscoli, the Bessler principle or the possibility of the graviton asymmetrically imparting additional angular momentum to an entity rotating about a horizontal axis (providing opposite unequal increments of angular momentum to entities with angular velocities), increasing the mass of wheels (such as putting water and antifreeze within bicycle tubes and car tires, though mass closer to axles would be better) to increase energy production from gravity for constant angular velocity situations, unsprung weight on vehicles, building freeways straight and smooth, conservation of lanes during freeway design, suggestions about how Coral Castle was built, vertical axis stone bearings, horizontal axis stone bearings, pyramid building, snowflake formation, "missing" solar neutrinos, the actual power source for the sun, depressed temperature of sunspots with respect to the sun's photosphere, elevated temperature of the solar corona with respect to the photosphere, Kae-e-vanrash, Kli-flos-is-es, Hah-ko-kau-beam, John Collins' suggested yin-yang device, ancient oriental yin-yang device possibly connected with ancient use of gunpowder through bearing formation, history being lost, efficiency of railroads, formation of tornados, rotating nuclear ground-states, the possibility of cold fusion being assisted by nuclear ground-states rotating about horizontal axes in the presence of horizontal magnetic fields, the redefinition of "perpetual motion", digital angular patterns in the Hindu-Arabic numerals, persecution of some of the greatest truths by the devil, partial truths from the devil, God supplying all real power, Hebraic poetry, symbols of God in nature, chiastic world history centered about the atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ, birth of the bearing during bearing, turning the turner by turning, spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, perfecting the Saints, redeeming the dead, and family history. The arguments against the so called conservative gravitational field delivering sustained power break down at the level of the graviton (thus allowing for the possibility for a "purely" mechanical device as the low friction Bessler wheel to help bridge the angular momentum gap between the subatomic and the macroscopic). 2001- 6 December 2002 - 8 February 2003, 6 September 2006, 7 October 2006, 1 Dec 2006 - Alden Park

Turn the Turner applies to all. AEP - 9 Jul 2008

Turn the Turner - Perfect the Saints - Jer. 31:18-19, Hosea 12:6, Joel 2:12-14 JST, Luke 1:16, Mosiah 4:16, Mosiah 7:33, Alma 39:13, 3 Ne. 20:26, D&C 78:10, D&C 98:47, Abr. 1:5-7 - AEP - 9-11 Jul 2008



Orffyrean Roller Bearing. Though I currently (7 Oct 2006) suppose that Bessler didn't use the following approach in forming his miniature Orffyrean roller bearings, it is conceptually useful to consider these ideas as we think of mental models or conceptual prototypes of Bessler's Orffyrean roller bearings. Bessler would have needed to have done vertical character counting/planning (as with a conceptual prototype) in the actual production of his Orffyrean roller bearings so that the lobe and lobe holes could be constructively formed without destructive interference. To make his conceptual prototype Orffyrean roller bearings, Bessler might have used miniature mental versions of printing cylinders with two types of Orffyrean characters on all opposing surfaces. These two Orffyrean characters were hemispherical-end lobes and slightly-larger-radius-hemispherical-end lobe holes. I think, they occurred on all the cylinder surfaces (for example they could be in a checkerboard pattern, see the text file link here, BesslerTXT.txt, or see the same link located below within the symbolic "lower roller" portion of this file, index.htm, which lower roller portion is also surrounded by the marking "^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v-Small-Radius-Roller-Surface") as the part of the file we are currently in. This file, index.htm, is being used to represent a simplified conceptual prototype of Bessler's Orffyrean roller bearing. The part we are currently in is within the upper roller portion of this file. The part above the upper roller portion is the exterior containing wall of the Orffyrean roller bearing. I suspect that there were at least six smaller Orffyrean cylinders rotating around the central cylinder axle, as suggested by my 2001 paper and front figure. More cylinders than six (an even total number) could have been included to provide more structural support if needed and if they could fit, without danger of them interfering with each other. I think that each small cylinder would usually have had 12 characters per column, see the front figure (FrontFigurePDF.pdf) of my 2001 paper (BesslerWheelPaperHTM.htm) and again see the text file link (BesslerTXT.txt) to the checkerboard pattern with 12 rows within the "lower or bottom small roller" below. I don't know the number of columns. The part of the file below the lower roller portion also represents the exterior containing wall of the Orffyrean roller bearing. From a different perspective, see the final figure in Bessler's Apologia, shown on p. 189 of Collins' 1997 book. AEP - 1 - 23 Dec 2006

My son, Christopher, asked me a question (about June 2006) regarding Bessler's final figure specifications in Apologia, about what happens during the approximately three degree gap (360/12 - 27 = 3) of non-contact. I have since considered that it is like Bessler's translated words referring to the bow twanging and the runner running. Each lobe springs away like a bow and then the small roller (like a runner) flies through the air for about three degrees of its rotation relative to its opposing Orffyrean surface and then adjacent forward lobes come down suddenly like the runner landing on the other leg in the corresponding lobe hole and rotating rolling without slipping (with no lubrication being applied) or landing like the tracking cat teeth suddenly pouncing and biting upon or sinking quickly-deeply into the tracked mice (with "teeth" lobes from above and below). There is essentially no gentle rubbing/slipping of one metallic surface with respect to another and so there is essentially no such associated heating/frictional loss. This kept the small bearings cool and able to withstand the heavy (possibly 900 pounds, p. 202 of Collins' 1997 book) Kassel-wheel extended-continuous-testing (for 54 days at 26 revolutions per minute, p. 16 of Collins' 1997 book) with no cooling or lubrication being supplied externally to the bearings. There would be some tiny loss of energy through sound/vibration, but that is a lower energy loss effect (power drain loss than the power gain from the gravitons for properly built bearings with low enough friction). Though Bessler may have considered actual large movable font Orffyrean characters for the Orffyrean cylinders of his earliest conceptual prototype Orffyrean roller bearing, I think that his actual or displayed versions used miniature solid Orffyrean cylinders without movable font characters for the greatest structural stability. The visible outside wall of the containing cylinder of the Kassel wheel version (for one of his Orffyrean roller bearings) was about 3/4" in diameter. See p. 110 of Collins' 1997 book. AEP - 9 Oct - 23 Dec 2006

I was not sure where the Orffyrean roller bearings were physically located but I am now (26 Sep 2006) convinced that a pair of the very tiny Orffyrean roller bearings were located or housed outside each wheel (one on each side supporting each axle end) usually in plain sight. That would have given the Bessler wheel maximum rotational stability, with the axles rotating with the wheel and contributing to the mass of the wheel. See for example these pages of Collins' 1997 book: Gera 15 ("pair of supports, cordoned off"), Draschwitz 32 (axle bolts), Merseburg 67 ("bearing or journal on the end"), 72 (iron journals and bearings), 133 (thin journal), Kassel 20 (pair of bearings), 91 (bearings and journals), 108 (two small bearings), 110 (about 3/4" diameter iron bearings on both ends), 162 (two bearings 3/4" diameter), 198-199 (bearings and journals), 203 (bearings uncovered). The separate bearings would explain why he focused all his public attention on the wheel (withholding looks inside, smashing the wheel, etc.), so as to try to completely divert attention from his bearings, the real invention behind his wheels. The small Orffyrean roller bearings were technological miniature marvels, but Bessler may have referred to them as merely "bearings" or "iron bearings". Could one see in at an end of one of them? I am guessing that Bessler would have closed off both ends (as much as possible) the viewing of the interior to the inner workings of the bearings so as to protect his real invention. He could have said that he was trying to keep dust out of the bearings. Even if one end of the bearings were open to view (which I doubt), I imagine that ends of ordinary cylinders would only be visible to the inspector. If that were the case, had anyone thought to ask Bessler what kept the cylinders from running into each other? I think that Bessler didn't want to give anyone any reason to ask him any questions about his "ordinary" iron bearings (which were actually in no way "ordinary"). The less said about them the better until he sold one of his wheels (complete with bearings). Anyway everyone was coming to see the wheel and everyone "knew" that Bessler's wheel contained the actual invention (or so they supposed). They could hear the weights hitting within the Kassel wheel. Within Bessler's little book, Bessler referred to a property of the wheel being without weights inside. The wheel need not have separate weights moving around inside. The rotating mass (in the wheel and axle itself) was provided energy by the two-part gravitons but the phenomena could not have been observed so readily without Bessler's invention. Bessler acknowledged his help from God in arriving at his invention, but he wouldn't directly say what his invention was. Nonetheless, he made many references to the physical properties of his invention in Apologia. AEP - 1 - 23 Dec 2006

I suspect that Bessler pulled a "fast one" on Karl. It was not with malicious intent but rather with invention protection intent. Bessler showed Karl the interior of his Kassel wheel, Karl saw the wheel clearly working, Karl saw the simple workings within the wheel, but I think that Karl didn't actually understand the real invention of Bessler's (the special Orffyrean roller bearings). The moving parts that Karl saw were enough evidence to satisfy Karl that it was a real invention without deception. It was a real invention. It is just that I think Karl never figured out where the real invention actually resided and Bessler was not about to volunteer that information so as to protect his real invention. Karl indicated that it was simple (see for example pp. 158, 208 of Collins' 1997 book). If Karl really understood the connection with the special bearings or the properties of all wheels rotating about horizontal axes, I think Karl would have made some indirect reference to one of such but I am not currently aware that Karl ever spoke anything related closely to either. I think Karl just thought that the moving weights inside the wheel were providing the extra motion but in actuality it was all the rotating mass in the wheel (including its axle) (as all were rotating) when interacting with the two-part gravitons that gave the extra rotational kinetic energy to Bessler's wheel. It would have still worked if Bessler had tied down his weights (but they were accomplishing the purpose that they were designed for, that is as an illusion to anyone actually viewing the interior of Bessler's wheel so they would not realize that it was a basic property of matter rotating about a horizontal axis in a gravitational field). (If an invention robber precisely duplicated or stole Bessler's wheel without his bearings it would not have worked but with the bearings it would have worked with or without the internal weights moving, as long as the Kassel wheel were given some initial angular velocity about its axis.) The extra rotational kinetic energy was coming from the total mass of the fops (whether stiff or moving). If Karl broke his promise and told what he saw inside Bessler's wheel, Bessler would not have directly lost his invention. Bessler also indicated that the invention was very simple and he indirectly spoke in reference to inside the wheel and to outside the wheel (though he spoke in cryptic language to get us to thinking). There are various examples that speak about both (within Apologia), as for example consider the stiff master fops (who don't want their clothes damaged by the dog's paw nails) watching from afar giving an appreciative pat on the paws to the bearing dog who has done his tricks. The stiff fops need not have been worried as the mild mannered dog never scratched. Other viewpoints will be available in my second Bessler wheel paper. Indeed by the repeated miracle of the two-part graviton (being time delayed in the two parts), it is the fops who are generally quite stationary with respect to the rotating wheel that provide extra rotational kinetic energy to the wheel. AEP - 1 Oct 2006

Potential Seizing Up Problem. If someone builds a modern day Orffyrean roller bearing, I think that people should initially hold off on putting such bearings in wheels where people's lives could be in danger or in wheels that need sudden braking, because if the lobes and lobe holes ever get out of synch, they potentially could seize up. During the 31 October 1715 examination of Bessler's wheel at Merseburg, there was "... quite a loud noise caused by the internal mechanism which lasted until the machine was brought to a forced stop. Nothing suspicious was found." see p. 72 of Collins 1997 book. The examination didn't say that the noise came from the bearings during the forced stop but rather from the internal mechanism of the wheel so this was probably not a problem at all for Bessler's Orffyrean roller bearings. The roughly three degrees of "in the air" would make a "traditional checkerboard" arrangement of lobes and lobe-holes of the Orffyrean small rollers much "easier" to install, but if one Orffyrean surface (when being used) is completely "in the air" relative to another Orffyrean surface when one surface has a large enough change in velocity, then this might cause a position or phase angle alignment problem which might result in a braking or seizing up problem. Any seizing up problem (if there is one), would need to be solved first before such an Orffyrean roller bearing were to get extensive use. AEP - 6 Oct - 23 Dec 2006

An initial conceptual solution that I can suggest to the potential seizing up problem is to use columns of checkerboard or Courier-like pattern Orffyrean surface that are offset in phase angle (relative to the next column) so that the small Orffyrean rollers are never completely "in the air" for any roughly three degrees of rotation with respect to a surface. There would always be pressure contact between a small roller and its opposing surfaces (though maybe not in all columns). Each column of Orffyrean lobe and lobe-hole characters would individually have about three degrees of "in the air" followed by about 27 degrees of stressed rolling without slipping contact (assuming 6 + 6 = 12 Orffyrean characters per column). This column angular offset would be a hybrid solution. The pattern would only be Courier-like for each column but each column could be shifted by some fixed amount of phase angle between columns. The angular shift would not be required to be constant between columns but a constant might be best as the rollers would stay balanced and there would tend to be minimal distances over which the stresses are conveyed. Assembly of such versions of the Orffyrean roller bearings would be much more difficult because of the smaller rollers always being under stress contact. One couldn't simply insert the tiny rollers, as Bessler might have done with early prototypes. There are many approaches for the assembly of a hybrid. I touched on one method in my first paper, though I didn't then realize the extent of the large stresses during inserting of Orffyrean sprocket wheels (columns) during assembly given sprocket wheels [columns] being offset in [phase] angle, say pp. 49-50. I think that method would not be practical for such miniature Orffyrean sprocket wheels, where they are all formed together as a solid Orffyrean roller. AEP - 6 Oct - 23 Dec 2006

Bearing Construction Ideas. A potential seizing up problem that I would be concerned with in practice would be if a lobe or a portion of a lobe broke off because of the metal being unreliable, then it could cause the bearing to jam. I think Bessler must have had a strong, tough, dependable, yet springy stainless steel in his lobes. The rollers would need to be solid to transfer stresses well. In part because of seemingly impossible construction or assembly procedures, I suspect that Bessler grew his Orffyrean lobes and lobe holes under bearing usage conditions or under "fire" in the "battles of affliction". I don't know if one iteration (each iteration having a large number of turns) would have been sufficient. If the scriptures are a clue to this, it might take more than one iteration for the Orffyrean roller bearing to be fully formed. See Matthew 26:36-44. It could be three terrible iterations (or more if one includes further agonies). There are hints from Bessler's chiastic little book proper that Bessler took such an in-usage under-fire approach in constructing his bearings, under load bearing conditions. AEP - 1 - 23 Dec 2006

I am just making guesses as to how it might have been done. A method could have started with regular cylinders for rollers outside a central cylindrical axle of the bearing. He might have packed in a dangerous mixture of mercury, possibly ferromagnetic tiny metal spheres, and slightly smaller radius gunpowder spheres. The gunpowder spheres may have had a protective coating and contained enough oxygen to ignite when struck. With all the mercury around, they would have also been encased in a liquid metal (mercury). He could have let the Orffyrean surfaces form by themselves during the rollings, poundings, micro-explosions, shootings of small hot metal bits, meltings, and micro grain annealings. Higher quality steel might be produced or locally formed on the spot in many layers to form the strong Orffyrean lobes. The ancient lost-art-forges for producing the rare very high quality steel swords (in part by much pounding, folding, pounding, etc. to break up the metal grains until they are very small) might be surpassed by this on the spot method of local even-higher-grade steel formation. Maybe the metal spheres (with their slightly larger radius) generally protected the gunpowder spheres from exploding until the metal spheres came directly down upon the gunpowder spheres. The striking of a slightly protruding surface onto another slightly recessed surface in the presence of gunpowder and oxygen could nibble or chew away at the surface near the gunpowder and send bits of metal into the other surface. Such a situation might tend to slowly carve out the Orffyrean lobe holes and grow the Orffyrean lobes if the gunpowder spherical grains were to tend to explode when they are on the side of the Orffyrean lobe holes while the metal spheres tend to be on the side of the Orffyrean lobes. The Orffyrean hole could be dug out a little deeper. This could send the metal sphere back onto the Orffyrean lobe surface, splattering metal onto its surface causing it to grow as the metal crystalizes but is broken into very small domains. An asymmetry could come about if very small ferromagnetic spheres tend to be attracted slightly more to magnetic outcroppings on the convex outward Orffyrean lobe hole side. The procedure might tend to break up large magnetic domains in the materials and create a special high grade steel with ultra fine magnetic grains. Also, gunpowder spheres might tend to hide out slightly more often in holes on the concave outward Orffyrean lobe hole side. These might be some hints about how there could be a strategic favoring of the formation of the Orffyrean lobes while also favoring the forming of the Orffyrean lobe holes. AEP - 1 - 23 Dec 2006

During this literally "under fire" formation process, the steel cylinders would be held in place in part by that dangerous mixture of gunpowder spheres, mercury and tiny metal spheres. Gunpowder has been known in the western Old World because of the 1242 publication by Roger Bacon (p. 424, Vol. G, The World Book Encyclopedia,1983). Less saltpeter would make it better for blasting or ignition. I mention gunpowder (composed of charcoal, sulfur and saltpeter) since Bessler specifically mentioned sulphur, salt, and mercury. He also chiastically spoke of the words [wooden] clubs, shotgun, snow [flakes], rain [drops], and anvil. See p. 225 of Collins' 1997 book. If gunpowder and mercury are used in the construction of the hybrid Orffyrean roller bearing, they should be considered dangerous and therefore should only be used with the best safety precautions available. AEP - 7 Oct - 23 Dec 2006

Because (I think) Bessler made his bearings individually "under-fire", the distance between columns and the angular offsets between columns would have varied and this would have removed the "three degree in the air problem". With many columns, the chances that all the lobes and holes would precisely line up and cause the "three degree in the air problem" would be next to nil. There would always be stress contact between the cylinders. Still, the bearings should be tested just to make sure. The Orffyrean rollers of the finished Orffyrean roller bearing would not fall out if the bearings were held on their side (axis vertical). Because of the relative regularity in the tiny engraved holes or light spots in Bessler's final figure, this suggests that Bessler may have seeded (via engraving) say tiny holes along an edge of one of the cylinders (so that lobes and lobe holes not tend to occur too close to each other) but that would not be necessary and there would be no guarantee anyway according to the nature of the formation process. Small "seed" holes could help holes (and opposing lobes) to grow as an "evil plant" or as snowflakes from tiny beginnings. Periodicity would have been present in each column according to the forming process, assuming Bessler properly chose the radii of his cylinders so as to allow such periodicity (while allowing enough room so that lobes from neighboring small cylinders not clash). Bearings would need to be cleansed of mercury and gunpowder and even the tiny balls of metal. Powders or contaminants would tend to work their way out with enough spinning of Bessler's wheel. With a very high quality tough spring lobe steel being produced within the bearings, one might instead be able to flush out the contaminants using modern mercury decontamination methods and recover/recycle the contaminants so as not to pollute the environment. AEP - 1 Dec 2006

Comments Regarding the Bearing being Born. Just enough space should be left between intermediate cylinders to allow each intermediate cylinder to grow lobes (or with enough space as a cushion so that their grown lobes not hit each other) with a goal of the proper reinforcing periodicity. The intermediate rollers need to be close enough to provide enough bearing structural support. There might even be an initially expendable piece of metal (probably a ring) on each end to roughly constrain the centers of the small intermediate cylinders so that they are held in place relative to each other, while the Orffyrean roller bearing is being self-constructed. The metal constraint on each end would eventually be worn away with time and friction. In other words, a temporary ring around Saturn (the central axle cylinder) could help hold each smaller Mars-like-intermediate roller ends roughly in place within the larger Jupiter (containing cylinder) while the bearing is being formed. Once the bearing is formed, the end rings would no longer be needed and so should be removed so that they don't cause problems later. Then, the contaminant dust should be removed by cleansing and the ends closed up as much as possible to keep dust out or dust caps can be used on the ends to somewhat keep out dust, though the caps should not interfere with the axle motion. Such temporary constraints are also slightly like Bessler's temporary constraint of a dog creeping out of his kennel just as far as his chain will stretch. AEP - 1 Dec 2006

The density of the mixture of gunpowder/oxygen, tiny metal spheres, and mercury should ideally be nearly the same as the metal cylinders so that the cylinders are buoyantly neither drawn upward nor downward by their own density (relative to the density of the mixture). I would additionally slowly rotate the outside of the Orffyrean roller bearing during bearing creation to make sure there are no other attitude dependencies in the otherwise horizontal axis constructed bearing. AEP - 9 Oct 2006

I used to go out on the desert (we called it the mesa as the heights were like a "table" above the valley) in dry washes (we called them arroyos) in almost mile high Albuquerque and collect what we called iron filings (which I think were really portions of very small black meteorites, where any exposed iron probably had rusted and gone away long ago) using a magnet. We could separate out the best from the worst. Sometimes there were rocks with only a little bit of a ferromagnetic black spot on them. Given Bessler's little book it would not surprise me if he had also somehow collected meteorites with a magnet and used them as a source of some of his nickel/cobalt/iron. Bessler would have only used the best or purest quality meteorites. Hopefully the other metals used to form the steel alloy in the Orffyrean lobes along with the micro-explosions (of the battle), scatterings, local forge pounding, flexing and annealing under these conditions would make the lobes strong and bendable like a steel bow. The surface of the lobe holes should also be strong, and the interiors of all the cylinders should have been strong to start with. Any magnetic adhesion of such small metal spheres to lobes during bearing formation would on that level explain the terms "acrobats and shadow boxers" in Bessler's little book and help explain the favoring of lobe building at the expense of the Orffyrean holes. AEP - 28 Oct 2006

The solid metal spheres would have been relatively easy with a fine repeated grinding/milling. See p. 26 of Collins' 1997 book about "whetting millstones and replacing their bearings". AEP - 15 - 16 Dec 2006

There are a lot of smart people out there in the world, so maybe others can use whatever ideas mentioned (if any) that may be useful and figure out practical Orffyrean roller bearing formation solutions that are low cost, sturdy and safe to use. Maybe my suggestions can be of use to some enterprising Orffyrean engineers or scientists. I suspect there could be more hidden clues within Apologia about Bessler's deeds and maybe how Bessler more precisely constructed his Orffyrean roller bearings. If I had time/resources I could study what I suspect was a huge chiastic structure (outside Bessler's little book parable) as likely formed on the latter side by Bessler's huge list of scriptural references according to his declaration of faith (matching up words or ideas in the scriptures with earlier portions of his book in reverse order). I don't currently (6 Oct 2006) have a full copy of Apologia and its full English translation so I am not able to do that analysis. Others with better resources should be able to study that situation. AEP - 6 Oct 2006

One More Layer in Little Book. I was surprised to find yet one more layer in the multi-layered poetic little book parable by Bessler. That more recently discovered (6 Oct 2006) layer told how Bessler constructed his Orffyrean roller bearings. I am not saying that I understand the layer perfectly but I think I understand enough to get what I think is the "main drift" of the story. The name Orffyreus was quite fitting for Bessler given that construction method but the name also previously fit in well with other prior layers. Bessler's parable really was an amazing little book but one has to open the book to read it, ponder its symbols, and ask questions (as Bessler stated) to find the stories and answers. The depths and dimensions of the stories are impressive for such a little book. It had seemed at times that I had extracted all I could major theme-wise only for me to be surprised later by what more it had to reveal. It really constitutes a huge book as the still small voice of the Spirit revealed its expansive contents. My new unfinished paper, containing another partial interpretation, will not do justice to Bessler's little book, so others will just need to actively read Bessler's little book for themselves. It is a lot like regular scripture from God in that what you get out depends in large part upon your own spiritual preparedness, and your seeking for deeper specific understanding from God. I find it hard to imagine that Bessler had not gotten help from God or else he could not have done, said, and written what he did. Bessler openly acknowledged help from God. AEP - 9 Oct 2006



   Contents - Internal Links Overview Map for This Site. The .html, .htm, and .pdf types of internal links for this Internet site are currently { index.htm, FrontFigurePDF.pdf, BesslerWheelPaperHTM.htm, and errata, typos, comments, and further references}. Following .html or .htm type of links other than these can take the viewer beyond this site and so may not conform to my thoughts and ideas. There is no current guarantee that my thoughts and ideas are perfect, though I am trying to improve. 6 December 2002 - Alden Park Errata.html

   Most Recent Main Change(s) in This Site. Errata, Typos, Comments, and Further References- 31 March 2003; index.htm, BesslerTXT.txt, - 6 Sep 2006; index.htm, including three prior index.html files, index.htm 9 Oct 2006; index.htm 23 Dec 2006; index.htm 25 Apr 2007; BECemail20070508sansBCCadd.txt, GBeckEmail20080218.txt, mcc_comments20080223.txt, ProminentEmail20080304.txt, & index.htm 20070425, 20080308, 20080613. Due to space constraints and possibly changing sub-files, I am planning to stop listing recent changes and only list dates of updates to index.htm - AEP - 1 Nov 2008

    The Chiasmus. 2001 - 2002 - AEP The chiasmus is a language pattern followed by the pattern in inverted order. By its nature the chiasmus tends to survive translation from one language into another. The chiasmus may be observed in a large number of scriptures. By looking at the words "first" and "last", an example of a chiasm may be seen from part of Ether 13:12 (similar chiasms may also be seen within the scriptures Matt. 19:30, Mark 10:31, and D&C 29:30) where indentations on the left side (like the left side of a giant Greek letter chi) help display the chiasm:

    "there are they who were first,

        who shall be last;

        and there are they who were last,

    who shall be first."


    Internal Site. FrontFigurePDF.pdf, FrontFigureWPD.wpd, BesslerWheelPaperHTM.htm, BesslerWheelPaperWPD.wpd, BesslerWheelPaperRTF.rtf, BesslerWheelPaperTXT.txt, and errata, typos, comments, and further references 2001 - 2002 - AEP Errata.html

BesslerTXT.txt, BECemail20070508sansBCCadd.txt, GBeckEmail20080218.txt, mcc_comments20080223.txt, ProminentEmail20080304.txt

AddComments.rtf , Cancer.txt , EnergySavingTips.txt , Energyuse.txt , MicrowaveOven.txt , OilProduction.txt , PartialTruths.txt , Railroads.txt , RememberHistory.txt , Tornados.txt


    Second Bessler Wheel Paper. The links to my second or last Bessler wheel paper should go here, but as I have neither finished it nor any preliminary versions of it, the reader will need to proceed to the links for my first Bessler wheel paper. I will attempt to put a review copy of my second Bessler wheel paper on this site that some may want to comment on before I produce a final copy. Even though my busy Home Teaching companion and one of my busy Home Teachers currently (1 Dec 2006) happen to be physicists, I thought I would try to get review comments on my second Bessler wheel paper from a larger group but I would need to solve my email problems first. Maybe I can produce a better paper and not concentrate the burden on just a few (many can bear the burden, as is done in the Orffyrean roller bearing). AEP - 3 Dec 2006


My Family History. Here should eventually be a current brief changing "picture" of my family history (excluding living people), including what I know about my Turner ancestors. There are likely many errors which need to be fixed. After I put it here, it may be viewed say by importing or restoring using PAF 5 software which software may be downloaded for free from . You could record some important information about your own family history using Personal Ancestral File (PAF) by filling in the blanks while that information is readily available. Trying to figure out what happened long after things happened is a much tougher job than just collecting information while one can and sharing the information so that the information is less likely to be eventually lost. My family history eventually ties in with the family histories of everyone else. That is a given but just what are the relationships? - AEP - 29 Sep 2006

"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." (Malachi 4:5-6)

My Children's Family History. I think my wife is a much better researcher than I am. I have learned many research tips from her. She is holding off on putting her extensive family history research (excluding living people) on the Internet as she considers that there are currently too many guesses. - AEP - 29 Sep 2006

My wife and I are currently in the process of putting our most important family history research out on the Internet into the restricted access, new FamilySearch area, which will allow us and others to cooperatively help one another in putting together brief family histories of our forbearers relationship-wise. It will be a long process. AEP - 26 Jan 2008

Turn the Turner - Redeem the Dead - Mal. 4:6, Luke 1:17, 3 Ne. 25:6, D&C 27:9, D&C 98:16, D&C 110:15, D&C:128:17, JS-H 1:39 - AEP - 9-11 Jul 2008

The information treasure trove of the Granite Mountain Records Vault is beginning to be unlocked. The portion of the information that may be publicly released is beginning to be made available digitally for free on the Internet through the key efforts of an army of volunteers across the world who are willing to index the records. You can be a volunteer indexer and select which projects that you would like to work on. As projects become available, you can select whatever language you would like to work in. You can do as much or as little work as you want. For the novelty of it, I switched to working on Spanish records or more specifically Mexican 1930 Census records mainly from Chiapas, before they ran out of the Chiapas records. There are lookup tools which helped me to crack many cases, for example, where the handwriting of names was poor. I am switching back to projects in English, as I figure my recognition of names in English is better and I have enough other current challenges. See for more details about the indexing. I have noticed that digital images of the indexed records are beginning to appear on the Internet at even before individual projects are completed. See the orange box labeled "Sneak Peak", "Take a look at millions of records and great new search features.", and "Go". For example, for the 1930 Mexican Census which is 14% completed (as updated on 14 May 2008), I noticed that imagery/information is now available on the Internet for the states (Estados Unidos Mexicanos) of Aguascalientes, Baja, Campeche, and Chiapas. Video gamers (in search of a new sort of real experience) can try plugging into such real history indexing, as an alternative to the usual video gaming scene. People may just want to get in on the start of what may become one of the world's largest cooperative historical projects. AEP - 11-13 Jul 2008


    First Bessler Wheel Paper. You may now follow a link below to a readable version of my 24 July 2001 paper. You should select the file formats that you might be able to view on your computer. The .wpd files are the most original versions. 2001 - 2003, 2 Sep 2006 - AEP

    Paper Short Introduction. My technical paper (along with its front figure) addresses the solution to the nearly three century problem or question "How did Bessler's wheel work?" This question was answered about three hundred years ago within Bessler's Poetica Apologia, though it was unrecognized since Bessler (or Orffyreus) apparently coded his little book answer in symbolic, hidden chiastic fashion. The solution was intended to be recognizable in hindsight from the perspective of the fully working and understood invention. 2001 - 2002 - AEP

    FrontFigurePDF.pdf requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the .pdf file after downloading it. Here is the pdf file: FrontFigurePDF.pdf

    FrontFigureJPG.jpg provides a .jpg file upon downloading. Here is the jpg file: FrontFigureJPG.jpg

    FrontFigureWPD.wpd may be viewed with Microsoft Drawing 1.01 within Corel WordPerfect 8 document after downloading the .wpd file. This is the most original version (or rather file FrontFigureWPD.wpd)

    FrontFigureWPG.wpg is a .wpg file for WordPerfect Graphics 6/7/8 (that may be viewed with say Corel Presentations 1997 ( after downloading it). Here is the wpg file: FrontFigureWPG.wpg

    FrontFigureDOC.doc is a .doc file (which might be viewed using MS Word for Windows 6.0/7.0 after downloading it). Here is the doc file: FrontFigureDOC.doc

    BesslerWheelPaperHTM.htm may be viewed by [left] mouse clicking using a browser. To return here, I suggest that you then click "Back" on your Internet browser (if you haven't saved this URL as a favorite). Note that links from within my paper have not been intended to be part of this Internet site nor have they been specifically set up as links from this site. They are just for your information only. If you actually want to make sure that you can follow such a link, you might either copy and paste the link into your browser or try the normal [left] mouse clicking. Here is the htm file: BesslerWheelPaperHTM.htm

    BesslerWheelPaperPDF is not currently available. I may be able to provide a .pdf version of the paper here (requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader for downloaded versions of it).

    BesslerWheelPaperWPD.wpd may be viewed with Corel WordPerfect 8 document after downloading. This .wpd file should be the most original version (or rather file BesslerWheelPaperWPD.wpd).

    BesslerWheelPaperRTF with its Rich Text Format (RTF) may be viewed with say Microsoft Word Viewer 97 after downloading the .rtf file, BesslerWheelPaperRTF.rtf.

    BesslerWheelPaperTXT.txt with its ASCII DOS text format may be viewed with a large capacity text editor after downloading the .txt file (BesslerWheelPaperTXT.txt).

    BesslerWheelPaperDOC.doc might be viewed using MS Word for Windows 6.0/7.0 after downloading the .doc file, BesslerWheelPaperDOC.doc.

     Internal Site Link for Updates. For errata, typos, comments, and further references regarding my Bessler wheel paper, I show such updates (by clicking on either the heading or on the following) errata, typos, comments, and further references. 31 March 2003 - AEP Here is the html file: Errata.html



    Text at Roller Surfaces. A text version of text characters may now be viewed or downloaded with this link here. BesslerTXT.txt The text characters are best displayed in a Courier-like or equal-spacing font like that might have been used by Bessler during the conceptual construction of his Orffyrean roller bearing invention. The text characters show a conceptual arrangement of the Orffyrean lobe and lobe hole characters on the surfaces of Bessler's small cylindrical rollers of his Orffyrean roller bearing. - AEP - 5 Sep 2006 - 28 Oct 2006

With a pair of Orffyrean roller bearings displaced along the axis (one in each direction) to the sides of the Bessler wheel, it is the lower smaller Orffyrean rollers (which location in this file, index.htm, that we are now currently at) within an Orffyrean roller bearing that bear the burden. AEP - 23 Sep 2006

Empower the Students. Physics is supposed to be an experimental science. I think that the students need to be better informed about the glaring deficiencies of the theories with respect to the experimental facts, then need to be given the tools to do needful experiments, and finally need to be allowed to decide for themselves what theories they want to put their greatest confidences in. If those things had been better done in the past, then I suspect that the outdated, overly complex theories would not have survived so long. Bessler was able to figure out about three centuries ago what was basically going on with gravity. Though he had help from God, it should not have taken us so long to figure it out. Supposedly the students were being protected by the discrepancies being largely withheld from them. I wonder if maybe it was more of a matter of "turf" protection and inertia of prior outdated theories with very few people being allowed to consider the shortcomings. AEP - 2 Dec 2006

Every modern physic laboratory needs certain tools to allow students to do certain experiments for themselves. If the Orffyrean roller bearing is not yet available (so Bessler type of wheels are not yet available), then I think that such labs need to make available a light low-air-friction wheel rotating about a horizontal axis using a magnetic bearing composed of magnetic levitation by the magnetic fields not being allowed to penetrate into superconducting materials say located at the axial interior surface. Such devices should be more readily available now days with the progress in both magnet strength and higher temperature superconductors (than when I saw a demonstration of what apparently was such a wheel turning long ago at McKinley Junior High School, somewhat near the time my older brother twice said to my hearing "Turn the turner."). If such a wheel is too expensive for a laboratory, then a light low-air-friction wheel rotating about a horizontal axis using air bearings should be made available. If such a wheel is too expensive for a laboratory, then at the very least there should be a Ranque tube that is allowed to have its attitude (that is angle of its rotational axis from vertical) changed. If students are not allowed access to such devices as these, I don't see how such a physics laboratory could call itself modern. A vast number of experimental ideas could be tested out with devices such as these. As long as the relatively simple devices continue to be withheld from the students, old but incorrect theories will tend to keep hanging on without experimental support. Fancier devices would later be possible such as simplified Bessler pendulums which may be used to measure the quenching times for the rotating nuclear ground states. AEP - 2 - 23 Dec 2006

I had thought that Bessler had the Orffyrean roller bearing prior to his strangely invigoration dream from God but I now realize that if he had the Orffyrean roller bearing (or a couple of them), he would have had a Bessler wheel. I can only guess that his dream allowed him to develop the Orffyrean roller bearing. AEP - 12, 15 Dec 2006

Questions for Bearing Born in Bearing. Were gunpowder spherical grains really used? Was there a coating for the gunpowder spheres? If so, was it made of metal? How large were the tiny gunpowder spheres relative to the tiny metal spheres? How was the mercury used? Many more questions could be asked (say regarding metal types, etc.). If people have potential answers, they could put them on the Bessler wheel discussion site mentioned below under for example the subject "low friction mechanical roller bearing". We may not know the real answers until a working Orffyrean roller bearing is actually constructed but until then guesses are better than nothing as they should pave the way for better guesses in the future. AEP - 16 Dec 2006

    Some of My Old Archived Words. I am including some archive links here to some of my old files or words. Some of the old files contain some hyperlinks that no longer exist. AEP - 6 Sep 2006 - 9 Sep 2006

( index20010724.html, index20030401.html, index20060906.htm, index20061009.htm, index20061223.htm )

Some old words that because of space problems were removed but in principle could come back.

(index20070425.htm, index20080308.htm, index20080613.htm, index20080621.htm)



Turn the Turner - Share/Spread/Proclaim the Gospel - Ps.22:27, Zech. 1:3, Luke 1:16-17, Acts 13:46, Acts 14:15, Acts 26:18, Morm. 9:6, D&C 45:29, D&C 66:1, D&C 90:9, D&C 98:47 - AEP - 9 Jul 2008

Help all come unto Christ. - Ex. 24:1, Ps. 65:2, Isa. 55:3, Isa. 60:3, Matt. 11:28, Matt. 16:24, Matt. 19:14, Mark 1:17, Mark 8:34, Mark 10:14, Luke 9:23, Luke 18:16, John 1:39, John 6:35, John 6:37, John 6:44 JST, John 14:6, Heb. 11:6, Rev. 22:17, 1 Ne. 6:4, 1 Ne. 13:40, 2 Ne. 2:10, 2 Ne. 9:45, 2 Ne. 9:51, 2 Ne. 26:33, 2 Ne. 28:32, Jacob 6:5, Omni 1:26, Alma 5:16, Alma 5:34-35, Alma 12:15, 3 Ne. 12:3 (compare Matt. 5:3), 3 Ne. 12:20, 3 Ne. 12:24, 3 Ne. 21:27, Morm. 9:27, Ether 12:27, Moro. 10:32, D&C 10:67, D&C 18:11, D&C 45:46 - AEP - 10-11 Jul 2008

Some Observations/Phenomena. Here are some internal text links regarding various phenomena. Railroads.txt, Tornados.txt .

    Some External Links. The URL links below should take you from this Internet site. 2001 - 2002 - AEP

    To find scriptures referred to by my paper, one may want to go to such Internet locations as (-> The Scriptures),, and [Left] mouse clicking on them using your browser should take you to them. 2001 - 2002 - 29 Sep 2006 - AEP

    The Church magazines Ensign or New Era or Friend or Liahona are currently available on line for free from the official Internet site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, -> Gospel Library -> Church Publications - HTML (Text) or Church Publications - PDF (Complete layout). AEP - 2 Dec 2006

For example, see pdf or html of p. 104 of June 2006 Ensign "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" or see just html for p. 102 of Nov 1995 Ensign "The Family: A Proclamation to the World".

    Anyone interested in learning more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints could go to the official site, - AEP - 29 Sep 2006

     To get some background information on Bessler's wheel, I suggest that you visit John Collins' Internet site I have a couple copies of John Collins' 1997 book, Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved? I can loan out a copy of John Collins' 1997 book to local people. Another Bessler wheel site that I suggest you visit is 2001 - 2002 - AEP. Many of my comments may be found there in the general discussion subjects: "Can someone explain...", "low friction mechanical roller bearing", "Simplified Bessler Pendulum", "Simplest Mechanism of the Bessler wheel is Itself with Orffyrean roller bearing", "Are Ranque tube end temperatures attitude dependent?", "rotating nuclear-ground-states", "two part "electrostatic" graviton". If any of you have ideas about Bessler's unusual manufacturing techniques regarding "the bearing is born in bearing", you might want to specify your ideas under the subject "low friction mechanical roller bearing" or specify there that you are creating a more specific subject for discussion. I am currently (2 Dec 2006) having the greatest difficulty fully understanding the asymmetry in the Orffyrean lobe building processes at the expense of carving out the Orffyrean lobe holes. I suppose that improved understanding will come when someone has fully replicated Bessler's bearing formation or at least fully analyzed Bessler's writings. AEP - 2 Dec 2006

    To get some background on cold fusion and new energy sources, I suggest that you visit the Infinite Energy site pointed to by 2001 - 2002 - AEP

    To get some background on electromagnetic over-unity engines, I suggest you study within the Tom Bearden Website, -> Proceed to Table of Contents -> Proceed to Table of Contents -> Technical Papers -> "The Master Principle of Overunity and the Japanese Overunity Engines:" Dec 31, 1995 (updated July 11, 2002) which addresses the Takahashi and Kawai electromagnetic over-unity engines. For the Gray motor/engine, see the interesting Internet site, ->What's New -> 02/25/00 EVGray Update or For the Adams motor/engine, see 2001 - 2003 - AEP

Working Orffyrean roller bearings should increase the efficiencies of Takahashi, Kawai, and Gray over-unity electromagnetic engines. In other words, if they are over-unity using normal bearings, they should by reduction of much friction become even more over-unity. I suspect that not only will the Orffyrean roller bearing set off a mechanical revolution that Bessler had intended, it should finally help the new energy revolution to fully begin. AEP - 18 Dec 2006


    More Warnings. As we enter this new energy age, I encourage people to voluntarily, generously, and wisely use some of the new power and wealth that they will receive to extend the hand of help to those in need. We need to help the needy (which definitely includes giving drink to the thirsty, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and providing for the widowed and the young orphaned). People should help the needy so the needy can help themselves and then they in turn can help others in need. Everyone is related to all those poor who are in need. I have heard of an estimate that we would only need to go back about a few thousand years ago to find the most recent common ancestor that we people currently living on this earth share (see Steve Olson reported by Matt Crenson, AP National Writer). We may be much more closely connected genealogically than we previously thought (and with increased mobility the trend is toward closer connections). If wealthy people do not extend any help, I (from my highly limited viewpoint) warn them that the unshared seemingly-large-but-finite power and wealth that they receive during mortality might be at the expense of losing infinite power, wealth and eternal life during their future immortality. But it is not for me to judge such things / people's every thought. Though sin hides the viewing, the people, God's power, and God have the viewpoints that count. Our Heavenly Father wants to give us good things, but it is up to us to ask of God, heed what we receive from God, and do what is right. We can and we should turn unto God, as God has prepared a way that we all can turn unto Him. We would be wise, whatever our state, to encourage the slightest more turning unto God. I suspect that frictional savings from the Orffyrean roller bearing could easily save millions of dollars in energy costs, and the further extra energy produced from gravity (made possible because of the low friction bearing) could easily result in billions of dollars of energy production or savings yearly. Such production or savings could create very powerful enemies to any bearing developers (so this should serve as a warning to potential developers). I am currently distancing myself from any sort of financing or actual bearing construction. Any pioneering person or group brave enough to actually develop a modern day Orffyrean roller bearing might be advised to initially safeguard their plans, production methods, and families. One should not expect fair play from modern-day counterparts of the ancient Gadianton robbers. I am brave but maybe not brave enough to do any more than to say what I figure were the plans that Bessler provided. Maybe others can think of ways to give away detailed plans and sell Orffyrean roller bearings first for demonstration purposes (and later be poised to make money), without opening themselves or their families up for attack by energy thugs. Patents, even if there is something that may be patented, may open the door to the energy thugs. Maybe patents (and open publications) could be quickly sent in just after public demonstrations by trusted associates so that it is considered undeniable in the eyes of the public that we have working wheels that are powered by gravity. AEP - 9 October 2006

Talking about plans and ideas is one thing, but actual production (or near-production) of over-unity engines is something that some of the modern-day Gadianton robbers and murders may fight against. Maybe if there are many people putting more mass in wheels rotating about horizontal axes to save energy costs for steady state rotations, then there would be much interest in producing Bessler's low friction roller bearings for much greater energy savings from these more massive wheels, and then there may be too many people for the mob to selectively strike against (and keep the energy shackles upon). If the people become better educated, they would be wise to cast off their energy shackles and not be so bound by outdated education. Energy should eventually become nearly "dirt cheap" or strictly speaking "cheaper than dirt", as one should be able to fill the interior of a Bessler wheel (having low air friction externally and a pair of Orffyrean roller bearings on its axle ends) with dirt and it will continuously produce "free" energy from gravity. After the new energy revolution has begun, many new types of electromagnetic over-unity engines should begin to appear (more types will become practical because of the Orffyrean roller bearing). AEP - 3 October 2006

Devil Waging War with God. The devil (or great deceiver or great pretender) is still waging war with the truth. Whether he uses/persuades terrorists or mobsters or misinformed people, it doesn't matter much to him as his goal is to eternally destroy the lives of as many people as possible (of all nations and races) and to destroy families. He would like to destroy America as that is where the American religion (see the forward thinking 1892 words of "Count Leo Tolstoi, the great Russian author, statesman, and philosopher," regarding the possible future of the "American religion" pp. 412-414 of A Marvelous Work and a Wonder by LeGrand Richards) has been based, as it (the restored church of Jesus Christ) spreads forth to the world "to become the greatest power the world has ever known", but may God protect America and may America put its trust in God to receive his protection. "The little stone which was cut out of the mountain without hands is rolling forth to fill the earth (see Dan. 2:31-45; D&C 65:2)." "The State of the Church" by Gordon B. Hinckley, Nov. 2003, Ensign, p. 7 (or see "The Stone Cut Out of the Mountain" Nov. 2007, Ensign, p. 83). The devil kept trying to destroy the Church (despite the law) in its infancy but couldn't though it was many times uprooted and forced to leave/flee. Joseph Smith Jr. faced much persecution since he spoke of his first vision at age 14. The Church was uprooted in turn from New York, Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois. Propagated lies about a supposed Mormon rebellion caused a large portion of the US Army to be sent to the west to put down the rebellion. If the Army attempted to occupy Salt Lake City, the Saints were prepared to burn their own city to the ground, but the army just passed through and Salt Lake City did not go up in flames. Though the US Army was slowed down by the Mormons (in self defense), amazingly no one was killed on either side of the Mormon war. As tough as the USA was on the Church of Jesus Christ, I think it was the only country with enough religious freedom/tolerance to allow it to be restored without the devil crushing it again. God will bless eternally (if not now) those people/nations who welcome and embrace the messages from the missionaries of the restored church of Jesus Christ. Unofficially, the Jews were right that the Jews, who are children of Judah, have been an ancient covenant people of God and because of the Jews, covenants of God were brought to the Gentiles with the authority of God and we have the Old World stick of Judah, meaning the Bible (both the Old and New Testaments), today thanks to the labors of the Jews; the Catholics were right in that authority from God is very important and thanks to the Catholics for preserving the surviving portions of today's Bible, during the Middle or Dark Ages, which contains covenants of God and many testimonies that the Jew Jesus (born in Bethlehem) is the Christ; the Protestants were right in that the mortal Apostles of God died and the authority of God was taken from the earth resulting in the Middle or Dark Ages and the need for a reformation (with reform based on inspiration/revelation from God and whatever scriptures from God that were able to survive up to and through the Middle or Dark Ages); the Moslems, who are children of Abraham, were right in that a prophet from God can lift or benefit an entire civilization and thanks to the followers of the prophet Mohammed we now have the Koran; and the Mormons, who are children of Jacob (Israel), were right that the authority of God needed to be restored by God to a modern day prophet (Joseph Smith Jr.) to restore the Church of Jesus Christ and thanks to the Mormons we now have the prophesied New World stick of Joseph (Jacob's son who was sold into slavery) or stick of his son Ephraim which goes along with the Old World stick of Judah, see Ezekiel 37:15-19. Those who turn away the young missionaries (or turn their backs upon them) will have blessings withheld. This site is not an official site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Please go to an official site for official information about whatever religion you would like to know more about. The hardened terrorists and modern-day Gadianton robbers and murderers need to know that they from an eternal perspective have only one real hope and that hope is centered in Jesus Christ, as the devil (or the great destroyer) will not support them at judgement day. The terrorists, robbers/murders need to switch to the correct Master (and the sooner the better for them and for others). For hundreds of years the devil has sought to hide the truth about the Bessler wheel (and similar more ancient things). It has been a part of the war that the devil has been waging with God and the truth known to God. The truth will eventually prevail in part because of modern revelation. Revelation (which includes the still small voice in answer to prayer) helped Bessler to invent his wheels and it has helped uncover the truth about the Bessler wheel. The small Orffyrean roller bearing was a technological wonder that is coming back again from God despite the efforts of the devil. This should in no way imply that the devil will not attempt to use it for evil when it does come forth again. AEP - 9 Oct 2006 - 19 Dec 2006, 26 Jan 2008, 6,12 Apr 2008

Battles of War Continue. Purely studying just the Bessler wheel alone is like studying a battle without understanding that there is a full fledged war going on. One can not understand the battles very well until one considers them in the proper context of the war against mankind still being waged by the devil. The devil may understand that he can not destroy God but he knows that he can destroy the eternal lives of some of God's children if he can ensnare their cooperation or keep them apathetically in bonds. The war began long ago before we came here to be tested. One third of God's children were cast out of heaven, into this earth, as they did not want to follow God's plan of our faith being tested under condition of being free to morally turn and choose the right way, without memory of our prior life with God. Those children or evil choosing spirits, lead by Lucifer, who is now referred to as the devil, retain their memories including technical know-how and prior memories of us, and they now continue the war here below. We good choosing children (previously choosing God's plan of sending God's only begotten son in the flesh, Jesus Christ, to alone pay the terrible price and atone for our wrong choices under condition of our repenting or freely turning to choose the right, without so being constrained to choose the right as Lucifer wanted us so constrained in his alternate plan) are now at somewhat of a disadvantage because we now, on this side of the veil, have had our memories withheld from us to independently-experimentally test if we would still turn and choose the right. As I think the bearing is born in bearing, so too I think was the atonement born in bearing, by our true loving and obedient leader, Jesus the Christ, in the unspeakable fires of affliction, building for us as he humbly-freely chose to go and in turn to do his Father's will and not his own. The central issue of moral agency or the ability to freely turn and choose the right was completely left intact in God's plan and the Lord was successful in carrying out his infinitely dreadful central-crucial part of the plan. Now it is up to us whether we will freely turn and participate in our part or not. Delay of choosing the right restricts our choices and gives advantage to the enemy. The devil launched a successful full scale attack on the Bessler wheel, the Orffyrean roller bearing and its means of production, in large part because they contained just too much symbolism for him to suppress with spread falsehoods but also for technology/resource availability reasons. AEP - 25 Oct - 22 Dec 2006

Scarce Resources. It is so much easier for prisoners of the war to be kept in bondage or slavery to sin by the devil if they are constrained to laboring hard for scarce resources needed for their very survival. The energy resources being kept artificially scarce is one way of promoting conflict and contention, by competition for scarce resources (which excessive competition under harsh conditions should not be there in a benevolent civilization). Energy scarcity spills over automatically to scarcity of many other resources. It is not that I am against working hard for our benefit (with an keen eye for doing things in God's way) but if there is confusion to start with and one adds scarcity to the mixture, many by lack of wisdom and understanding may not know where to turn in the dilemma. Many being in survival mode (eking out their very existence) do not have much of a chance of looking beyond their narrow constraints to a better informed way for eternal or perpetual benefit. Information resource constraints applies also to slaves to sin who enjoy much more prosperous circumstances. The Internet is viewed today as a major source of modern information. AEP - 22 Dec 2006

Internet Use. There are two big opposing uses of the Internet. One use tears down or makes light of sacred family relationships. The other use strengthens or helps to build perpetual or eternal families. I think that family history work generally helps to build perpetual (or eternal) families or rather assists in putting together information so that they can eventually be perpetual (family members willing) according to the covenants made possible from God. We are all related to God's Son (our relative Jesus the Christ) as I think our totally combined family history would eventually show, assuming it can somehow be eventually completed. There are vast amounts of misinformation out on the Internet (of varying degrees of correctness) related to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (whose members are often called the Mormons). The devil wants to confuse people on every aspect of the Church. Massive amounts of assorted misinformation are a strategy by an architect of destruction to confuse or help avoid amounts of correct information. Many times the truth (from God's all knowing perspective) is not popular but does that make it any less truthful? I hope that I am not contributing to the vast body of misinformation. I caution people to check out official sources, if they want official information (and not to settle for old subtle misrepresentations with their consequential misunderstandings). If you were running a business, would it be fair for your customers to learn of the qualities of your products from a representative of your leading competitor (see p. 4, December 2005 Ensign, "Joseph Smith Jr. - Prophet of God, Mighty Servant")? As I learn things, I am trying to fight against old misunderstandings regarding the wheel, Bessler's wheel and gravity but old false teachings have a way of lingering and being recast in other forms. AEP - 3 Oct 2006 - 2 Dec 2006

When I refer to power of the Church, I refer to great power without conquest. The power is maintained by such things as persuasion, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, love unfeigned, kindness and pure knowledge. See D&C 121:41-42. AEP - 3 Dec 2006

There are many partial truths being sent forth by the devil and his fallen angels to distract and divert many people from God and belief in his son, Jesus Christ (see PartialTruths.txt). The devil is trying to create much confusion between the distinguishing of good and evil.

If anyone is offended by what I have said or written, please try to forgive my many imperfections and please remember that being offended is a choice we make. No one can make us be offended by the poor thoughtless behavior or intentions of others (which behavior of others we can not control). Please don't cut yourself off from the Church because of any perceived callous behavior of mine. You would be hurting yourself and those whom you love the most. AEP - 3 Oct - 16 Dec 2006 See Nov 2006 Ensign p. 89 "And Nothing Shall Offend Them" by David A. Bednar.

    True science should be in harmony with true religion. There is just one truth though we may just perceive or have access to very limited portions of it. True religion should be in harmony with true science. 2001 - 2002 - AEP

    Copy Note. Permission is granted by the copyright owner (Alden Park) to make incidental or noncommercial copies of things from my Internet site including my 24 July 2001 paper, "Some Thoughts on a Simple Explanation of Bessler's Wheel" (which includes the front figure). Copies of my paper including the front figure should not be sold without permission of the copyright owner. Notwithstanding the forgoing, the copyright owner reserves complete discretion and right to deny, revoke, or limit use, including reproduction (electronically or otherwise) of those things governed by the copyright. 2001 - 2002 - 2-17 Sep 2006 - AEP

    If you have any comments or suggestions about this Internet site, you may send some text versions of email to . That email address would go away when my Internet site,, goes away but it has not gone away yet, as I have been unable to produce a mirror site for any length of transition time. There is unfortunately no guarantee that I will read the email. Any email you send me may just go unread because of all the problematic e-mails sent to me. Maybe you should just not send me any email currently. You could write or phone but maybe it would be better if you would just post theoretical or practical ideas with the Besslerwheel discussion forum. That way others can benefit from your ideas and I not by mistake neglect to pass on the ideas in a manner that would seem good to you. You can see some of my ideas at the Besslerwheel discussion forum. I have been trying to patch up some problems with this Internet site. Please do not contact me regarding any financing schemes of any sort. 23 Dec 2006 - AEP

The bearing is born in bearing. The turner is turned by turning. AEP - 9 Oct - 9 Dec 2006

The modern technological miracle becomes apparent when there is low enough friction. AEP - 14-25 Jan 2008

A Testimony of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. God loves us at least as much as ancient people. With some perilously difficult times and tough problems ahead of us, there is just as great a need for modern day prophets as anciently. I testify that the Church of Jesus Christ has been restored upon the earth by the Lord selecting modern day prophets and saints to restore and build up his kingdom in these last days before He comes again. The dark/middle ages are over. Still, the devil is increasing his often subtle efforts to lead/keep people astray (from the strait path toward salvation). I am thankful for the prophets of God guiding us in these modern times. Each little thought in mortality is as important with respect to the person's eternal destiny, as each tiny individual turning is important with respect to the turner being turned. I am thankful that my Lord, the Son of God, willingly and successfully filled his dreadfully important assignment of the atonement required in the plan. I am thankful for my opportunities in the plan to repent and make improvements that the Lord made possible for me because of his atonement (which only he could have done). All depend(ed) upon one, our relative the Savior. There is a non-disprovability of the existence of the spiritual world. There is a provability of the existence of God (see Moroni 10:3-5, 10:29). The proof is not limited to a certain number of significant figures of indirect "proof" but rather comes by direct knowledge by the power of the Holy Ghost. All things including the Bessler wheel, testify that there is a God. The restored gospel of Jesus Christ contains the solution to all the problems of mankind. The missionaries of the Church (which currently include Elder Park of the Georgia Macon Mission of La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias) will be more than glad to discuss the restored gospel of Jesus Christ with you, in your own language. I write the things of this testimony (that I have borne) in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, Amen. Alden E. Park - 13 Jan 2008 - 3 Feb 2008

Truth is uncovered by the experimental method. See Moroni 10: 4-5, 29-30. AEP - 9 Dec 2006

Bottom Line. The bottom line is that the only thing hampering a modern day Bessler-like wheel from coming into being is the production of his small special roller bearings, which if produced should begin a mechanical revolution, which should also initiate the new energy revolution if it has not already begun. Until we get Orffyrean roller bearings, many may want to increase the mass of wheels and/or axles rotating about horizontal axes where safe (and practical) and also students should do many greatly ignored modern physics experiments of light weight Bessler-like wheels using either say air bearings or better yet magnetic levitation bearings by means of superconductors. AEP - 23 Dec 2006