Interested?Wait till you learn that it will cruise at 100-120 Km/Hr with an unbelievable 0.99litre/100Km (258 miles/gallon) !!Impressed?Totally, after you have read all the more" /> - Delivering Truth Around the World
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The Most Economical Car in the World will be on sale next year (except in U.S.A.)

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s/love.gif" alt="" /> Interested? Wait till you learn that it will cruise at 100-120 Km/Hr with an unbelievable 0.99litre/100Km (258 miles/gallon) !! Impressed? Totally, after you have read all the details below about the hi-tech and space-age material input into this care !!! The Most Economic Car in the World will be on sale next year Better than Electric Car - 258 miles/gallon: IPO 2010 in Shanghai This is a single seated car. From conception to production: 3 years and the company is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany. Will be selling for 4000 yuan, equivalent to US$600. Gas tank capacity = 1.7 gallons Speed = 62 - 74.6 Miles/hour Fuel efficiency = 258 miles/gallon Travel distance with a full tank = 404 miles ** Not recommended for family, recommended for dispatch workers, sales persons and those who travel frequently alone. Wondering if anyone will bring in???